
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

Clamp & articulating arm suggest for overhead photography rig

2 I’m in the process of building an overhead photography rig for food photography I’ve got a single horizontal metal bar going across the long length of the table with the idea of clamping something similar to this on it with my camera hanging down. The problem I’m having is that I’m unable to find anyone who sells something similar to this Neewwer articulating arm which would take the weight/work with a ballhead, Nikon camera + lens (around 1.5kg total) Does anyone have any other suggestions or know a brand which does this? product-photography food-photography share | improve this question asked 5 hours ago Dale Grib...

My Russian Teacakes are too crumbly

5 I am making Russian Teacakes. They have been refrigerated per the recipe for approximately 4 hours. I cannot roll the Teacakes into balls as the dough is too crumbly. Help! cookies share | improve this question asked Dec 17 at 22:02 Suzanne 26 1 2 Welcome to Seasoned Advice! Could you share the recipe you're using? It will be hard for others to offer advice otherwise. ...