
Showing posts from February 15, 2019


Glinokrzemiany – grupa nieorganicznych związków chemicznych, sole, w których występują aniony złożone z glinu, krzemu i tlenu. Bardzo szeroka klasa materiałów naturalnych i syntetycznych, obejmująca powszechnie występujące w naturze zeolity, kaolin, andaluzyt, dysten, silimanit i anortyt oraz syntetyczne glinokrzemiany polimeryczne, np. geopolimery. Zobacz też | Zobacz hasło glinokrzemian w Wikisłowniku krzemiany This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Should I accept authorship on large collaborations for which I have made little contribution?

3 I have just started a post-doc. So far all of my papers have had small author lists (4-5 people). I have just been invited as a co-author on several papers with hundreds of authors. The papers are pitched as community-wide collaborations: some being white papers describing a future experiment that the community plans to engage in, others being the results from first data from such experiments. My contribution, and the contribution of 99% of the authors whose names are already there, have been negligible. What are the pros and cons of agreeing to be on such a paper? authorship collaboration mega-collaborations share | improve this question asked 8 hours ago ...