Console Monopoly in Python


I began to program the standard version of Monopoly so that it could be played only using the console. I did this to practice Object Oriented Programming and have little to no background experience designing or programming games.

The program is not complete yet but I felt that the program was good enough to share and ask for feedback at this point.

If anyone has any suggestions or any feedback on the design of my project or anything else they can think of, please drop a comment below.

from random import randint

class Dye(object):

def __init__(self):

def roll(self):
return randint(0,6)

class Tile(object):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name): = name

def trigger_event(self):
print("Triggered Default Tile Event")

class Property(Tile):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name, price, base_rent, is_utility=False,
is_rr=False): = name
self.price = price
self.base_rent = base_rent

self.is_utility = True
self.is_rr = True

def trigger_event(self):
if self.owner is None:
print("You landed on an unowned property")

while True:
print("n", "Unowned Property Menu")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Buy Property
if Game.current_player.balance >= self.price:
Game.current_player.balance -= self.price
"has successfully bought",,
"for the price of", self.price)
print("Your balance of", Game.current_player.balance,
"is insufficient to buy",, "at the price of",

elif selection == '2':
# Do Not Buy Property
print("You chose not to buy {}.".format(
print("Unknown option selected!")

def view_property(self):

class Player(object):
Class Attributes:
Data Attributes:
player_list =

def __init__(self, name):
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS:
print("Error: Cannot have more than", Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS, "players!") #DEBUG
else: = name
self.current_tile_index = 0
self.current_tile = None # sets current tile to "GO"
self.is_in_jail = False
self.num_rounds_in_jail = 0
self.owned_properties =
self.balance = 1500

print(, "has been succesfully added!") #DEBUG

def roll_and_move(self): # should a method from one class depend on a data attribute from another class?
roll_1 = Game.DYE.roll()
roll_2 = Game.DYE.roll()
total_roll = roll_1 + roll_2
print("You rolled a", roll_1) #DEBUG
print("You rolled a", roll_2) #DEBUG

# move player to new tile
if total_roll + self.current_tile_index >= len(Game.BOARD):
final_index = (self.current_tile_index + total_roll) - len(Game.BOARD)
self.current_tile_index = final_index
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]
self.balance += 200 # Pass GO
print("You passed GO!") #DEBUG
self.current_tile_index = self.current_tile_index + total_roll
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]

print("Your current tile is now", #DEBUG

# trigger_event

def display_owned_properties(self):
print("{}'s Properties: ".format(
for property in self.owned_properties:

def display_balance(self):
print("{}'s current balance is {}".format(, self.balance))

def get_out_of_jail(self):

will put this in option function:

def add_player():
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.max_num_players:
print("Error, cannot have more than",Player.max_num_players, "players")
print("You are adding a player")
name = input('Please type the name of the player: ') # TODO: error check
for player in Player.player_list: #DEBUG
print(, "successfully added!")

class Game(object):
""" Instantiate once"""

current_player = None
turn_counter = 0
DYE = Dye()
BOARD = None
setup_menu = None
player_menu = None
unowned_property_menu = None

def __init__(self):

Game.BOARD = [
Property("Mediterranean Avenue", 60, 2),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Baltic Avenue",60, 8),
Tile("Income Tax"),
Property("Reading Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Oriental Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Vermont Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Connecticut Avenue", 120, 8),
Property("St. Charles Place", 140, 10),
Property("Electric Company", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("States Avenue", 140, 10),
Property("Virginia Avenue", 160, 12),
Property("Pennsylvania Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("St. James Place", 180, 14),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Tennessee Avenue", 180, 14),
Property("New York Avenue", 200, 16),
Tile("Free Parking"),
Property("Kentucky Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Indiana Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Illinois Avenue", 240, 20),
Property("B. & O. Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Atlantic Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Ventnor Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Water Works", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("Marvin Gardens", 280, 24),
Tile("Go To Jail"),
Property("Pacific Avenue", 300, 26),
Property("North Caroliina Avenue", 300, 26),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Pennsylvania Avenue", 320, 28),
Property("Short Line", 200, 50),
Property("Park Place", 350, 35),
Tile("Luxury Tax"),
Property("Boardwalk", 400, 50)]

Game.setup_menu = {}
Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

Game.player_menu = {}
Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

print("Welcome to Console Monopoly!")
while True:
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
player_name = input("Please enter player name: ")
elif selection == '2':
if len(Player.player_list) == 0:
print("Error: Cannot start game without players")
print("Unknown option selected!")

Game.current_player = Player.player_list[0]
self.main() # Starts Main Game

def display_menu(menu: dict):
for option in menu:
print("{}. {}".format(option, menu[option]))

def start_player_turn(self):
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
did_his_time = Game.current_player.num_turns_in_jail == 3
if did_his_time:
print("Haven't coded this bit yet!")
#increment current_player.num_turns_in_jail
#display in_jail_menu
#code logic for menu selections
elif True==False: #if player is bankrupt/ has lost
while True:
print("n", "Player Menu:")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Player Rolls Dice and Moves
elif selection == '2':
print("TODO: Code diplay owned properties function")
print("Unknown option selected!")

def end_player_turn(self):

def main(self):
while True:
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
elif True == False: #TODO:make function that checks if there is a winner
pass # all other players bankrupt, end game

if __name__ == "__main__":

share|improve this question

  • 6

    It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
    – Gareth Rees
    May 19 at 18:51

  • Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
    – Mast
    May 19 at 21:29

  • Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
    – JHew
    May 21 at 17:54

  • 1

    By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
    – 13ros27
    Nov 29 at 9:31


I began to program the standard version of Monopoly so that it could be played only using the console. I did this to practice Object Oriented Programming and have little to no background experience designing or programming games.

The program is not complete yet but I felt that the program was good enough to share and ask for feedback at this point.

If anyone has any suggestions or any feedback on the design of my project or anything else they can think of, please drop a comment below.

from random import randint

class Dye(object):

def __init__(self):

def roll(self):
return randint(0,6)

class Tile(object):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name): = name

def trigger_event(self):
print("Triggered Default Tile Event")

class Property(Tile):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name, price, base_rent, is_utility=False,
is_rr=False): = name
self.price = price
self.base_rent = base_rent

self.is_utility = True
self.is_rr = True

def trigger_event(self):
if self.owner is None:
print("You landed on an unowned property")

while True:
print("n", "Unowned Property Menu")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Buy Property
if Game.current_player.balance >= self.price:
Game.current_player.balance -= self.price
"has successfully bought",,
"for the price of", self.price)
print("Your balance of", Game.current_player.balance,
"is insufficient to buy",, "at the price of",

elif selection == '2':
# Do Not Buy Property
print("You chose not to buy {}.".format(
print("Unknown option selected!")

def view_property(self):

class Player(object):
Class Attributes:
Data Attributes:
player_list =

def __init__(self, name):
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS:
print("Error: Cannot have more than", Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS, "players!") #DEBUG
else: = name
self.current_tile_index = 0
self.current_tile = None # sets current tile to "GO"
self.is_in_jail = False
self.num_rounds_in_jail = 0
self.owned_properties =
self.balance = 1500

print(, "has been succesfully added!") #DEBUG

def roll_and_move(self): # should a method from one class depend on a data attribute from another class?
roll_1 = Game.DYE.roll()
roll_2 = Game.DYE.roll()
total_roll = roll_1 + roll_2
print("You rolled a", roll_1) #DEBUG
print("You rolled a", roll_2) #DEBUG

# move player to new tile
if total_roll + self.current_tile_index >= len(Game.BOARD):
final_index = (self.current_tile_index + total_roll) - len(Game.BOARD)
self.current_tile_index = final_index
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]
self.balance += 200 # Pass GO
print("You passed GO!") #DEBUG
self.current_tile_index = self.current_tile_index + total_roll
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]

print("Your current tile is now", #DEBUG

# trigger_event

def display_owned_properties(self):
print("{}'s Properties: ".format(
for property in self.owned_properties:

def display_balance(self):
print("{}'s current balance is {}".format(, self.balance))

def get_out_of_jail(self):

will put this in option function:

def add_player():
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.max_num_players:
print("Error, cannot have more than",Player.max_num_players, "players")
print("You are adding a player")
name = input('Please type the name of the player: ') # TODO: error check
for player in Player.player_list: #DEBUG
print(, "successfully added!")

class Game(object):
""" Instantiate once"""

current_player = None
turn_counter = 0
DYE = Dye()
BOARD = None
setup_menu = None
player_menu = None
unowned_property_menu = None

def __init__(self):

Game.BOARD = [
Property("Mediterranean Avenue", 60, 2),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Baltic Avenue",60, 8),
Tile("Income Tax"),
Property("Reading Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Oriental Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Vermont Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Connecticut Avenue", 120, 8),
Property("St. Charles Place", 140, 10),
Property("Electric Company", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("States Avenue", 140, 10),
Property("Virginia Avenue", 160, 12),
Property("Pennsylvania Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("St. James Place", 180, 14),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Tennessee Avenue", 180, 14),
Property("New York Avenue", 200, 16),
Tile("Free Parking"),
Property("Kentucky Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Indiana Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Illinois Avenue", 240, 20),
Property("B. & O. Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Atlantic Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Ventnor Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Water Works", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("Marvin Gardens", 280, 24),
Tile("Go To Jail"),
Property("Pacific Avenue", 300, 26),
Property("North Caroliina Avenue", 300, 26),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Pennsylvania Avenue", 320, 28),
Property("Short Line", 200, 50),
Property("Park Place", 350, 35),
Tile("Luxury Tax"),
Property("Boardwalk", 400, 50)]

Game.setup_menu = {}
Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

Game.player_menu = {}
Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

print("Welcome to Console Monopoly!")
while True:
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
player_name = input("Please enter player name: ")
elif selection == '2':
if len(Player.player_list) == 0:
print("Error: Cannot start game without players")
print("Unknown option selected!")

Game.current_player = Player.player_list[0]
self.main() # Starts Main Game

def display_menu(menu: dict):
for option in menu:
print("{}. {}".format(option, menu[option]))

def start_player_turn(self):
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
did_his_time = Game.current_player.num_turns_in_jail == 3
if did_his_time:
print("Haven't coded this bit yet!")
#increment current_player.num_turns_in_jail
#display in_jail_menu
#code logic for menu selections
elif True==False: #if player is bankrupt/ has lost
while True:
print("n", "Player Menu:")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Player Rolls Dice and Moves
elif selection == '2':
print("TODO: Code diplay owned properties function")
print("Unknown option selected!")

def end_player_turn(self):

def main(self):
while True:
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
elif True == False: #TODO:make function that checks if there is a winner
pass # all other players bankrupt, end game

if __name__ == "__main__":

share|improve this question

  • 6

    It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
    – Gareth Rees
    May 19 at 18:51

  • Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
    – Mast
    May 19 at 21:29

  • Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
    – JHew
    May 21 at 17:54

  • 1

    By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
    – 13ros27
    Nov 29 at 9:31





I began to program the standard version of Monopoly so that it could be played only using the console. I did this to practice Object Oriented Programming and have little to no background experience designing or programming games.

The program is not complete yet but I felt that the program was good enough to share and ask for feedback at this point.

If anyone has any suggestions or any feedback on the design of my project or anything else they can think of, please drop a comment below.

from random import randint

class Dye(object):

def __init__(self):

def roll(self):
return randint(0,6)

class Tile(object):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name): = name

def trigger_event(self):
print("Triggered Default Tile Event")

class Property(Tile):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name, price, base_rent, is_utility=False,
is_rr=False): = name
self.price = price
self.base_rent = base_rent

self.is_utility = True
self.is_rr = True

def trigger_event(self):
if self.owner is None:
print("You landed on an unowned property")

while True:
print("n", "Unowned Property Menu")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Buy Property
if Game.current_player.balance >= self.price:
Game.current_player.balance -= self.price
"has successfully bought",,
"for the price of", self.price)
print("Your balance of", Game.current_player.balance,
"is insufficient to buy",, "at the price of",

elif selection == '2':
# Do Not Buy Property
print("You chose not to buy {}.".format(
print("Unknown option selected!")

def view_property(self):

class Player(object):
Class Attributes:
Data Attributes:
player_list =

def __init__(self, name):
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS:
print("Error: Cannot have more than", Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS, "players!") #DEBUG
else: = name
self.current_tile_index = 0
self.current_tile = None # sets current tile to "GO"
self.is_in_jail = False
self.num_rounds_in_jail = 0
self.owned_properties =
self.balance = 1500

print(, "has been succesfully added!") #DEBUG

def roll_and_move(self): # should a method from one class depend on a data attribute from another class?
roll_1 = Game.DYE.roll()
roll_2 = Game.DYE.roll()
total_roll = roll_1 + roll_2
print("You rolled a", roll_1) #DEBUG
print("You rolled a", roll_2) #DEBUG

# move player to new tile
if total_roll + self.current_tile_index >= len(Game.BOARD):
final_index = (self.current_tile_index + total_roll) - len(Game.BOARD)
self.current_tile_index = final_index
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]
self.balance += 200 # Pass GO
print("You passed GO!") #DEBUG
self.current_tile_index = self.current_tile_index + total_roll
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]

print("Your current tile is now", #DEBUG

# trigger_event

def display_owned_properties(self):
print("{}'s Properties: ".format(
for property in self.owned_properties:

def display_balance(self):
print("{}'s current balance is {}".format(, self.balance))

def get_out_of_jail(self):

will put this in option function:

def add_player():
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.max_num_players:
print("Error, cannot have more than",Player.max_num_players, "players")
print("You are adding a player")
name = input('Please type the name of the player: ') # TODO: error check
for player in Player.player_list: #DEBUG
print(, "successfully added!")

class Game(object):
""" Instantiate once"""

current_player = None
turn_counter = 0
DYE = Dye()
BOARD = None
setup_menu = None
player_menu = None
unowned_property_menu = None

def __init__(self):

Game.BOARD = [
Property("Mediterranean Avenue", 60, 2),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Baltic Avenue",60, 8),
Tile("Income Tax"),
Property("Reading Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Oriental Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Vermont Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Connecticut Avenue", 120, 8),
Property("St. Charles Place", 140, 10),
Property("Electric Company", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("States Avenue", 140, 10),
Property("Virginia Avenue", 160, 12),
Property("Pennsylvania Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("St. James Place", 180, 14),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Tennessee Avenue", 180, 14),
Property("New York Avenue", 200, 16),
Tile("Free Parking"),
Property("Kentucky Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Indiana Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Illinois Avenue", 240, 20),
Property("B. & O. Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Atlantic Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Ventnor Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Water Works", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("Marvin Gardens", 280, 24),
Tile("Go To Jail"),
Property("Pacific Avenue", 300, 26),
Property("North Caroliina Avenue", 300, 26),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Pennsylvania Avenue", 320, 28),
Property("Short Line", 200, 50),
Property("Park Place", 350, 35),
Tile("Luxury Tax"),
Property("Boardwalk", 400, 50)]

Game.setup_menu = {}
Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

Game.player_menu = {}
Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

print("Welcome to Console Monopoly!")
while True:
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
player_name = input("Please enter player name: ")
elif selection == '2':
if len(Player.player_list) == 0:
print("Error: Cannot start game without players")
print("Unknown option selected!")

Game.current_player = Player.player_list[0]
self.main() # Starts Main Game

def display_menu(menu: dict):
for option in menu:
print("{}. {}".format(option, menu[option]))

def start_player_turn(self):
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
did_his_time = Game.current_player.num_turns_in_jail == 3
if did_his_time:
print("Haven't coded this bit yet!")
#increment current_player.num_turns_in_jail
#display in_jail_menu
#code logic for menu selections
elif True==False: #if player is bankrupt/ has lost
while True:
print("n", "Player Menu:")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Player Rolls Dice and Moves
elif selection == '2':
print("TODO: Code diplay owned properties function")
print("Unknown option selected!")

def end_player_turn(self):

def main(self):
while True:
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
elif True == False: #TODO:make function that checks if there is a winner
pass # all other players bankrupt, end game

if __name__ == "__main__":

share|improve this question

I began to program the standard version of Monopoly so that it could be played only using the console. I did this to practice Object Oriented Programming and have little to no background experience designing or programming games.

The program is not complete yet but I felt that the program was good enough to share and ask for feedback at this point.

If anyone has any suggestions or any feedback on the design of my project or anything else they can think of, please drop a comment below.

from random import randint

class Dye(object):

def __init__(self):

def roll(self):
return randint(0,6)

class Tile(object):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name): = name

def trigger_event(self):
print("Triggered Default Tile Event")

class Property(Tile):
Data Attributes:

def __init__(self, name, price, base_rent, is_utility=False,
is_rr=False): = name
self.price = price
self.base_rent = base_rent

self.is_utility = True
self.is_rr = True

def trigger_event(self):
if self.owner is None:
print("You landed on an unowned property")

while True:
print("n", "Unowned Property Menu")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Buy Property
if Game.current_player.balance >= self.price:
Game.current_player.balance -= self.price
"has successfully bought",,
"for the price of", self.price)
print("Your balance of", Game.current_player.balance,
"is insufficient to buy",, "at the price of",

elif selection == '2':
# Do Not Buy Property
print("You chose not to buy {}.".format(
print("Unknown option selected!")

def view_property(self):

class Player(object):
Class Attributes:
Data Attributes:
player_list =

def __init__(self, name):
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS:
print("Error: Cannot have more than", Player.MAX_NUM_PLAYERS, "players!") #DEBUG
else: = name
self.current_tile_index = 0
self.current_tile = None # sets current tile to "GO"
self.is_in_jail = False
self.num_rounds_in_jail = 0
self.owned_properties =
self.balance = 1500

print(, "has been succesfully added!") #DEBUG

def roll_and_move(self): # should a method from one class depend on a data attribute from another class?
roll_1 = Game.DYE.roll()
roll_2 = Game.DYE.roll()
total_roll = roll_1 + roll_2
print("You rolled a", roll_1) #DEBUG
print("You rolled a", roll_2) #DEBUG

# move player to new tile
if total_roll + self.current_tile_index >= len(Game.BOARD):
final_index = (self.current_tile_index + total_roll) - len(Game.BOARD)
self.current_tile_index = final_index
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]
self.balance += 200 # Pass GO
print("You passed GO!") #DEBUG
self.current_tile_index = self.current_tile_index + total_roll
self.current_tile = Game.BOARD[self.current_tile_index]

print("Your current tile is now", #DEBUG

# trigger_event

def display_owned_properties(self):
print("{}'s Properties: ".format(
for property in self.owned_properties:

def display_balance(self):
print("{}'s current balance is {}".format(, self.balance))

def get_out_of_jail(self):

will put this in option function:

def add_player():
if len(Player.player_list) == Player.max_num_players:
print("Error, cannot have more than",Player.max_num_players, "players")
print("You are adding a player")
name = input('Please type the name of the player: ') # TODO: error check
for player in Player.player_list: #DEBUG
print(, "successfully added!")

class Game(object):
""" Instantiate once"""

current_player = None
turn_counter = 0
DYE = Dye()
BOARD = None
setup_menu = None
player_menu = None
unowned_property_menu = None

def __init__(self):

Game.BOARD = [
Property("Mediterranean Avenue", 60, 2),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Baltic Avenue",60, 8),
Tile("Income Tax"),
Property("Reading Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Oriental Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Vermont Avenue", 100, 6),
Property("Connecticut Avenue", 120, 8),
Property("St. Charles Place", 140, 10),
Property("Electric Company", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("States Avenue", 140, 10),
Property("Virginia Avenue", 160, 12),
Property("Pennsylvania Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("St. James Place", 180, 14),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Tennessee Avenue", 180, 14),
Property("New York Avenue", 200, 16),
Tile("Free Parking"),
Property("Kentucky Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Indiana Avenue", 220, 18),
Property("Illinois Avenue", 240, 20),
Property("B. & O. Railroad", 200, 50),
Property("Atlantic Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Ventnor Avenue", 260, 22),
Property("Water Works", 150, 0, is_utility=True),
Property("Marvin Gardens", 280, 24),
Tile("Go To Jail"),
Property("Pacific Avenue", 300, 26),
Property("North Caroliina Avenue", 300, 26),
Tile("Community Chest"),
Property("Pennsylvania Avenue", 320, 28),
Property("Short Line", 200, 50),
Property("Park Place", 350, 35),
Tile("Luxury Tax"),
Property("Boardwalk", 400, 50)]

Game.setup_menu = {}
Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

Game.player_menu = {}
Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

print("Welcome to Console Monopoly!")
while True:
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
player_name = input("Please enter player name: ")
elif selection == '2':
if len(Player.player_list) == 0:
print("Error: Cannot start game without players")
print("Unknown option selected!")

Game.current_player = Player.player_list[0]
self.main() # Starts Main Game

def display_menu(menu: dict):
for option in menu:
print("{}. {}".format(option, menu[option]))

def start_player_turn(self):
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
did_his_time = Game.current_player.num_turns_in_jail == 3
if did_his_time:
print("Haven't coded this bit yet!")
#increment current_player.num_turns_in_jail
#display in_jail_menu
#code logic for menu selections
elif True==False: #if player is bankrupt/ has lost
while True:
print("n", "Player Menu:")
selection = input("Select an option by typing a number: ")
if selection == '1':
# Player Rolls Dice and Moves
elif selection == '2':
print("TODO: Code diplay owned properties function")
print("Unknown option selected!")

def end_player_turn(self):

def main(self):
while True:
if Game.current_player.is_in_jail:
elif True == False: #TODO:make function that checks if there is a winner
pass # all other players bankrupt, end game

if __name__ == "__main__":

python object-oriented game

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edited May 21 at 18:01

asked May 19 at 18:48




  • 6

    It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
    – Gareth Rees
    May 19 at 18:51

  • Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
    – Mast
    May 19 at 21:29

  • Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
    – JHew
    May 21 at 17:54

  • 1

    By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
    – 13ros27
    Nov 29 at 9:31

  • 6

    It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
    – Gareth Rees
    May 19 at 18:51

  • Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
    – Mast
    May 19 at 21:29

  • Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
    – JHew
    May 21 at 17:54

  • 1

    By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
    – 13ros27
    Nov 29 at 9:31



It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
– Gareth Rees
May 19 at 18:51

It looks as though something has gone wrong with the indentation. Could you correct the post, please?
– Gareth Rees
May 19 at 18:51

Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
– Mast
May 19 at 21:29

Since indentation is hugely important in Python and the indentation of this code is quite off, we'll have to close this question till the indentation is fixed by the author.
– Mast
May 19 at 21:29

Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
– JHew
May 21 at 17:54

Will fix and re-upload, sorry about that.
– JHew
May 21 at 17:54



By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
– 13ros27
Nov 29 at 9:31

By the way, it is spelt Die not Dye, just a little thing I noticed
– 13ros27
Nov 29 at 9:31

1 Answer





This is a quite a bit later than this question's post date, but perhaps this review can be useful to others. Note this review relatively surface-level; it doesn't delve into a complete dissection of how the program actually functions, but it does contain useful advice about general program structure. If the code was revised to incorporate the below feedback and asked as a new question, then further substantive critiques would be easier to make.

  • Having docstrings is a nice touch, and generally a sign of a well-documented module. However, your docstrings are not very descriptive of what the classes are intended for, or what the various attributes represent. PEP 257 is recommended reading for how to write descriptive (and standardized) docstrings.

  • If you're using Python 3.x (which happens to be true, because you're using the print function without an import from __future__), classes with no superclass implicitly inherit from object, so there's never a need to have object as the superclass

  • As @13ros27 mentions in comments, Dye should be Die

  • Having an empty __init__() in Die is unnecessary because __init__() is empty by default.

  • If you're using Python 3.7 or later (which was not released at the time of this question's asking), you can utilize dataclasses for less boilerplate __init__() attribute code and descriptive object representation. If you're using Python 3.6, there's also a a backport.

  • It would be slightly easier to read the closing ] for Game.Board if it were on a separate line.

  • If you have a condition that should always be false, don't do elif True==False:; just do elif False:. Generally you should just avoid absolute conditionals and leave a TODO comment there to add remind yourself to add it in later.

Code smell: don't redefine class attributes as if they're instance attributes

It's really bad form to declare class attributes in Board's __init__ method because class attribute definitions only need to run once. There's no benefit to having such code in __init__. Sure, you might not instantiate Board multiple times now, but if you ever do later, there's no reason to have the code run twice. More importantly, it ruins the values of these attributes if you ever end up instantiating multiple Board objects in the same program.

In your case though, it seems like the attributes are intended to be instance attributes, and they should use self instead of the class's name. This antipattern is present throughout the code for Board: just don't do it! Class attributes that are reassigned should probably just be instance attributes.

The dictionaries in __init__ can also be simplified. Instead of:

        Game.setup_menu = {}
Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

Game.player_menu = {}
Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

Just do this (with the names appropriate to the context):

        setup_menu = {'1': "Add Player." , '2': "Start Game."}
player_menu = {'1': "Roll Dice.", '2': "Display Owned Properties."}
unowned_property_menu = {'1': "Buy Property", '2': "Do Not Buy Property"}

Speaking of Board's __init__ method...

Limit the amount of code in __init__

You shouldn't have code that starts a game in __init__. __init__ should contain just the bare minimum necessities to declare the object. The reason for this is separation of concerns. As it currently stands, most of the code in __init__ should be moved into a separate setup_game() and play_game() methods. At the very least, you should have to explicitly run a play_game() to start the game, not just instantiate a Board object.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    This is a quite a bit later than this question's post date, but perhaps this review can be useful to others. Note this review relatively surface-level; it doesn't delve into a complete dissection of how the program actually functions, but it does contain useful advice about general program structure. If the code was revised to incorporate the below feedback and asked as a new question, then further substantive critiques would be easier to make.

    • Having docstrings is a nice touch, and generally a sign of a well-documented module. However, your docstrings are not very descriptive of what the classes are intended for, or what the various attributes represent. PEP 257 is recommended reading for how to write descriptive (and standardized) docstrings.

    • If you're using Python 3.x (which happens to be true, because you're using the print function without an import from __future__), classes with no superclass implicitly inherit from object, so there's never a need to have object as the superclass

    • As @13ros27 mentions in comments, Dye should be Die

    • Having an empty __init__() in Die is unnecessary because __init__() is empty by default.

    • If you're using Python 3.7 or later (which was not released at the time of this question's asking), you can utilize dataclasses for less boilerplate __init__() attribute code and descriptive object representation. If you're using Python 3.6, there's also a a backport.

    • It would be slightly easier to read the closing ] for Game.Board if it were on a separate line.

    • If you have a condition that should always be false, don't do elif True==False:; just do elif False:. Generally you should just avoid absolute conditionals and leave a TODO comment there to add remind yourself to add it in later.

    Code smell: don't redefine class attributes as if they're instance attributes

    It's really bad form to declare class attributes in Board's __init__ method because class attribute definitions only need to run once. There's no benefit to having such code in __init__. Sure, you might not instantiate Board multiple times now, but if you ever do later, there's no reason to have the code run twice. More importantly, it ruins the values of these attributes if you ever end up instantiating multiple Board objects in the same program.

    In your case though, it seems like the attributes are intended to be instance attributes, and they should use self instead of the class's name. This antipattern is present throughout the code for Board: just don't do it! Class attributes that are reassigned should probably just be instance attributes.

    The dictionaries in __init__ can also be simplified. Instead of:

            Game.setup_menu = {}
    Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
    Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

    Game.player_menu = {}
    Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
    Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

    Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
    Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
    Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

    Just do this (with the names appropriate to the context):

            setup_menu = {'1': "Add Player." , '2': "Start Game."}
    player_menu = {'1': "Roll Dice.", '2': "Display Owned Properties."}
    unowned_property_menu = {'1': "Buy Property", '2': "Do Not Buy Property"}

    Speaking of Board's __init__ method...

    Limit the amount of code in __init__

    You shouldn't have code that starts a game in __init__. __init__ should contain just the bare minimum necessities to declare the object. The reason for this is separation of concerns. As it currently stands, most of the code in __init__ should be moved into a separate setup_game() and play_game() methods. At the very least, you should have to explicitly run a play_game() to start the game, not just instantiate a Board object.

    share|improve this answer


      This is a quite a bit later than this question's post date, but perhaps this review can be useful to others. Note this review relatively surface-level; it doesn't delve into a complete dissection of how the program actually functions, but it does contain useful advice about general program structure. If the code was revised to incorporate the below feedback and asked as a new question, then further substantive critiques would be easier to make.

      • Having docstrings is a nice touch, and generally a sign of a well-documented module. However, your docstrings are not very descriptive of what the classes are intended for, or what the various attributes represent. PEP 257 is recommended reading for how to write descriptive (and standardized) docstrings.

      • If you're using Python 3.x (which happens to be true, because you're using the print function without an import from __future__), classes with no superclass implicitly inherit from object, so there's never a need to have object as the superclass

      • As @13ros27 mentions in comments, Dye should be Die

      • Having an empty __init__() in Die is unnecessary because __init__() is empty by default.

      • If you're using Python 3.7 or later (which was not released at the time of this question's asking), you can utilize dataclasses for less boilerplate __init__() attribute code and descriptive object representation. If you're using Python 3.6, there's also a a backport.

      • It would be slightly easier to read the closing ] for Game.Board if it were on a separate line.

      • If you have a condition that should always be false, don't do elif True==False:; just do elif False:. Generally you should just avoid absolute conditionals and leave a TODO comment there to add remind yourself to add it in later.

      Code smell: don't redefine class attributes as if they're instance attributes

      It's really bad form to declare class attributes in Board's __init__ method because class attribute definitions only need to run once. There's no benefit to having such code in __init__. Sure, you might not instantiate Board multiple times now, but if you ever do later, there's no reason to have the code run twice. More importantly, it ruins the values of these attributes if you ever end up instantiating multiple Board objects in the same program.

      In your case though, it seems like the attributes are intended to be instance attributes, and they should use self instead of the class's name. This antipattern is present throughout the code for Board: just don't do it! Class attributes that are reassigned should probably just be instance attributes.

      The dictionaries in __init__ can also be simplified. Instead of:

              Game.setup_menu = {}
      Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
      Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

      Game.player_menu = {}
      Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
      Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

      Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
      Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
      Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

      Just do this (with the names appropriate to the context):

              setup_menu = {'1': "Add Player." , '2': "Start Game."}
      player_menu = {'1': "Roll Dice.", '2': "Display Owned Properties."}
      unowned_property_menu = {'1': "Buy Property", '2': "Do Not Buy Property"}

      Speaking of Board's __init__ method...

      Limit the amount of code in __init__

      You shouldn't have code that starts a game in __init__. __init__ should contain just the bare minimum necessities to declare the object. The reason for this is separation of concerns. As it currently stands, most of the code in __init__ should be moved into a separate setup_game() and play_game() methods. At the very least, you should have to explicitly run a play_game() to start the game, not just instantiate a Board object.

      share|improve this answer




        This is a quite a bit later than this question's post date, but perhaps this review can be useful to others. Note this review relatively surface-level; it doesn't delve into a complete dissection of how the program actually functions, but it does contain useful advice about general program structure. If the code was revised to incorporate the below feedback and asked as a new question, then further substantive critiques would be easier to make.

        • Having docstrings is a nice touch, and generally a sign of a well-documented module. However, your docstrings are not very descriptive of what the classes are intended for, or what the various attributes represent. PEP 257 is recommended reading for how to write descriptive (and standardized) docstrings.

        • If you're using Python 3.x (which happens to be true, because you're using the print function without an import from __future__), classes with no superclass implicitly inherit from object, so there's never a need to have object as the superclass

        • As @13ros27 mentions in comments, Dye should be Die

        • Having an empty __init__() in Die is unnecessary because __init__() is empty by default.

        • If you're using Python 3.7 or later (which was not released at the time of this question's asking), you can utilize dataclasses for less boilerplate __init__() attribute code and descriptive object representation. If you're using Python 3.6, there's also a a backport.

        • It would be slightly easier to read the closing ] for Game.Board if it were on a separate line.

        • If you have a condition that should always be false, don't do elif True==False:; just do elif False:. Generally you should just avoid absolute conditionals and leave a TODO comment there to add remind yourself to add it in later.

        Code smell: don't redefine class attributes as if they're instance attributes

        It's really bad form to declare class attributes in Board's __init__ method because class attribute definitions only need to run once. There's no benefit to having such code in __init__. Sure, you might not instantiate Board multiple times now, but if you ever do later, there's no reason to have the code run twice. More importantly, it ruins the values of these attributes if you ever end up instantiating multiple Board objects in the same program.

        In your case though, it seems like the attributes are intended to be instance attributes, and they should use self instead of the class's name. This antipattern is present throughout the code for Board: just don't do it! Class attributes that are reassigned should probably just be instance attributes.

        The dictionaries in __init__ can also be simplified. Instead of:

                Game.setup_menu = {}
        Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
        Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

        Game.player_menu = {}
        Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
        Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

        Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
        Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
        Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

        Just do this (with the names appropriate to the context):

                setup_menu = {'1': "Add Player." , '2': "Start Game."}
        player_menu = {'1': "Roll Dice.", '2': "Display Owned Properties."}
        unowned_property_menu = {'1': "Buy Property", '2': "Do Not Buy Property"}

        Speaking of Board's __init__ method...

        Limit the amount of code in __init__

        You shouldn't have code that starts a game in __init__. __init__ should contain just the bare minimum necessities to declare the object. The reason for this is separation of concerns. As it currently stands, most of the code in __init__ should be moved into a separate setup_game() and play_game() methods. At the very least, you should have to explicitly run a play_game() to start the game, not just instantiate a Board object.

        share|improve this answer

        This is a quite a bit later than this question's post date, but perhaps this review can be useful to others. Note this review relatively surface-level; it doesn't delve into a complete dissection of how the program actually functions, but it does contain useful advice about general program structure. If the code was revised to incorporate the below feedback and asked as a new question, then further substantive critiques would be easier to make.

        • Having docstrings is a nice touch, and generally a sign of a well-documented module. However, your docstrings are not very descriptive of what the classes are intended for, or what the various attributes represent. PEP 257 is recommended reading for how to write descriptive (and standardized) docstrings.

        • If you're using Python 3.x (which happens to be true, because you're using the print function without an import from __future__), classes with no superclass implicitly inherit from object, so there's never a need to have object as the superclass

        • As @13ros27 mentions in comments, Dye should be Die

        • Having an empty __init__() in Die is unnecessary because __init__() is empty by default.

        • If you're using Python 3.7 or later (which was not released at the time of this question's asking), you can utilize dataclasses for less boilerplate __init__() attribute code and descriptive object representation. If you're using Python 3.6, there's also a a backport.

        • It would be slightly easier to read the closing ] for Game.Board if it were on a separate line.

        • If you have a condition that should always be false, don't do elif True==False:; just do elif False:. Generally you should just avoid absolute conditionals and leave a TODO comment there to add remind yourself to add it in later.

        Code smell: don't redefine class attributes as if they're instance attributes

        It's really bad form to declare class attributes in Board's __init__ method because class attribute definitions only need to run once. There's no benefit to having such code in __init__. Sure, you might not instantiate Board multiple times now, but if you ever do later, there's no reason to have the code run twice. More importantly, it ruins the values of these attributes if you ever end up instantiating multiple Board objects in the same program.

        In your case though, it seems like the attributes are intended to be instance attributes, and they should use self instead of the class's name. This antipattern is present throughout the code for Board: just don't do it! Class attributes that are reassigned should probably just be instance attributes.

        The dictionaries in __init__ can also be simplified. Instead of:

                Game.setup_menu = {}
        Game.setup_menu['1'] = "Add Player."
        Game.setup_menu['2'] = "Start Game."

        Game.player_menu = {}
        Game.player_menu['1'] = "Roll Dice."
        Game.player_menu['2'] = "Display Owned Properties."

        Game.unowned_property_menu = {}
        Game.unowned_property_menu['1'] = "Buy Property"
        Game.unowned_property_menu['2'] = "Do Not Buy Property"

        Just do this (with the names appropriate to the context):

                setup_menu = {'1': "Add Player." , '2': "Start Game."}
        player_menu = {'1': "Roll Dice.", '2': "Display Owned Properties."}
        unowned_property_menu = {'1': "Buy Property", '2': "Do Not Buy Property"}

        Speaking of Board's __init__ method...

        Limit the amount of code in __init__

        You shouldn't have code that starts a game in __init__. __init__ should contain just the bare minimum necessities to declare the object. The reason for this is separation of concerns. As it currently stands, most of the code in __init__ should be moved into a separate setup_game() and play_game() methods. At the very least, you should have to explicitly run a play_game() to start the game, not just instantiate a Board object.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 3 hours ago




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