Small CPU Emulator (LC3) in Python
I wrote a small emulator for fun. Full code @ bottom of post, available on GitHub here.
Design choices:
- modeling 16 bit little endian memory — opted for
and array-like access via__getitem__
- Opcodes - convenient to access: the order of the opcodes in the enum matches the opcode's numeric value when interpreted as an integer
- Condition flags - convenient to access: named, so I can
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
where the right hand side is the enum.
Some classes:
- CPU (
class lc3
- Registers
- Memory
- CPU (
- How could I get started adding unit tests?
- Is there a better choice than using an
for the opcodes? - How might I organize the code better? In particular, I dislike having
(a diagnostic printing function), and all of my instruction implementations (egop_and_impl
) right next to each other in thelc3
class. - How else might I organize this mapping of opcodes to implementation functions?
# first attempt
if opcode == opcodes.op_add:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_and:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_not:
... truncated
# second attempt
opcode_dict = {
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
... truncated
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
- How could I address this inconsistency between accessing GPRs (general purpose registers) and PC,
ition register?
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# I instantiated the gprs as a ctypes "array" instead of a single c_uint16.
# To access:
# registers.gprs[0]
# This is convenient when I need to access a particular register, and I have the index handy from a decoded instruction.
# registers.pc.value
# The .value is annoying.
Full code
# usage: python3 ./second.obj
# This project inspired by
# There was a lot of copy-pasting lines of code for things like
# pulling pcoffset9 out of an instruction.
# ^ talks about a nice compact way to encode instructions using bitfields and
# c++'s templates.
# i am curious if you could do it with python decorators.
# update: i tried this and it was mostly just an excuse to learn decorators, but it
# isn't the right tool. i am curious how else you might do it.
from ctypes import c_uint16, c_int16
from enum import IntEnum
from struct import unpack
from sys import exit, stdin, stdout, argv
from signal import signal, SIGINT
import lc3disas # in same dir
DEBUG = False
class UnimpError(Exception):
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler)
# you're modeling sign-extend behavior in python, since python has infinite
# bit width.
def sext(value, bits):
sign_bit = 1 << (bits - 1)
return (value & (sign_bit - 1)) - (value & sign_bit)
iirc the arch is 16bit little endian.
options: ctypes or just emulate it in pure python.
chose: ctypes
class memory():
def __init__(self):
# ctypes has an array type. this is one way to create instances of it.
self.memory = (c_uint16 * 65536)()
def __getitem__(self, arg):
if (arg > 65535) or (arg < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
return self.memory[arg]
def __setitem__(self, location, thing_to_write):
if (location > 65536) or (location < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
self.memory[int(location)] = thing_to_write
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# not actually a class but an enum.
class opcodes(IntEnum):
op_br = 0
op_add = 1
op_ld = 2
op_st = 3
op_jsr = 4
op_and = 5
op_ldr = 6
op_str = 7
op_rti = 8
op_not = 9
op_ldi = 10
op_sti = 11
op_jmp = 12
op_res = 13
op_lea = 14
op_trap = 15
class condition_flags(IntEnum):
p = 0
z = 1
n = 2
class lc3():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.memory = memory()
self.registers = registers()
self.registers.pc.value = 0x3000 # default program starting location
def read_program_from_file(self,filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
_ = # skip the first two byte which specify where code should be mapped
c = # todo support arbitrary load locations
for count in range(0,len(c), 2):
self.memory[0x3000+count/2] = unpack( '>H', c[count:count+2] )[0]
def update_flags(self, reg):
if self.registers.gprs[reg] == 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
if self.registers.gprs[reg] < 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.n
if self.registers.gprs[reg] > 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.p
def dump_state(self):
print("npc: {:04x}".format(self.registers.pc.value))
print("r0: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[0]), end='')
print("r1: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[1]), end='')
print("r2: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[2]), end='')
print("r3: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[3]), end='')
print("r4: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[4]), end='')
print("r5: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[5]), end='')
print("r6: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[6]), end='')
print("r7: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[7]))
print("r0: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[0]).value), end='')
print("r1: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[1]).value), end='')
print("r2: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[2]).value), end='')
print("r3: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[3]).value), end='')
print("r4: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[4]).value), end='')
print("r5: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[5]).value), end='')
print("r6: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[6]).value), end='')
print("r7: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[7]).value))
print("cond: {}".format(condition_flags(self.registers.cond.value).name))
def op_add_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + sext(imm5, 5)
def op_and_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & sext(imm5, 5)
def op_not_impl(self, instruction):
sr = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = ~ (self.registers.gprs[sr])
def op_br_impl(self, instruction):
n = (instruction >> 11) & 1
z = (instruction >> 10) & 1
p = (instruction >> 9) & 1
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
if (n == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.n) or
(z == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.z) or
(p == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.p):
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
# also ret
def op_jmp_impl(self, instruction):
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.gprs[baser]
def op_jsr_impl(self, instruction):
# no jsrr?
if 0x0400 & instruction == 1: raise UnimpError("JSRR is not implemented.")
pc_offset_11 = instruction & 0x7ff
self.registers.gprs[7] = self.registers.pc.value
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_11, 11)
def op_ld_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_ldi_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ]
def op_ldr_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_lea_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
def op_st_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_sti_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_str_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_trap_impl(self, instruction):
trap_vector = instruction & 0xff
if trap_vector == 0x20: # getc
c =[0]
self.registers.gprs[0] = c
if trap_vector == 0x21: # out
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [(self.registers.gprs[0] & 0xff)] ) )
if trap_vector == 0x22: # puts
base_addr = self.registers.gprs[0]
index = 0
while (self.memory[base_addr + index]) != 0x00:
nextchar = self.memory[base_addr + index]
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [nextchar] ) )
index = index + 1
if trap_vector == 0x25:
raise ValueError("undefined trap vector {}".format(hex(trap_vector)))
def op_res_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def op_rti_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def start(self):
while True:
# fetch instruction
instruction = self.memory[self.registers.pc.value]
# update PC
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + 1
# decode opcode
opcode = instruction >> 12
print("instruction: {}".format(hex(instruction)))
print("disassembly: {}".format(lc3disas.single_ins(self.registers.pc.value, instruction)))
opcode_dict =
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
opcodes.op_br: self.op_br_impl,
opcodes.op_jmp: self.op_jmp_impl,
opcodes.op_jsr: self.op_jsr_impl,
opcodes.op_ld: self.op_ld_impl,
opcodes.op_ldi: self.op_ldi_impl,
opcodes.op_ldr: self.op_ldr_impl,
opcodes.op_lea: self.op_lea_impl,
opcodes.op_st: self.op_st_impl,
opcodes.op_sti: self.op_sti_impl,
opcodes.op_str: self.op_str_impl,
opcodes.op_res: self.op_res_impl,
opcodes.op_rti: self.op_rti_impl
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
if len(argv) < 2:
print ("usage: python3 code.obj")
l = lc3(argv[1])
python lc-3
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I wrote a small emulator for fun. Full code @ bottom of post, available on GitHub here.
Design choices:
- modeling 16 bit little endian memory — opted for
and array-like access via__getitem__
- Opcodes - convenient to access: the order of the opcodes in the enum matches the opcode's numeric value when interpreted as an integer
- Condition flags - convenient to access: named, so I can
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
where the right hand side is the enum.
Some classes:
- CPU (
class lc3
- Registers
- Memory
- CPU (
- How could I get started adding unit tests?
- Is there a better choice than using an
for the opcodes? - How might I organize the code better? In particular, I dislike having
(a diagnostic printing function), and all of my instruction implementations (egop_and_impl
) right next to each other in thelc3
class. - How else might I organize this mapping of opcodes to implementation functions?
# first attempt
if opcode == opcodes.op_add:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_and:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_not:
... truncated
# second attempt
opcode_dict = {
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
... truncated
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
- How could I address this inconsistency between accessing GPRs (general purpose registers) and PC,
ition register?
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# I instantiated the gprs as a ctypes "array" instead of a single c_uint16.
# To access:
# registers.gprs[0]
# This is convenient when I need to access a particular register, and I have the index handy from a decoded instruction.
# registers.pc.value
# The .value is annoying.
Full code
# usage: python3 ./second.obj
# This project inspired by
# There was a lot of copy-pasting lines of code for things like
# pulling pcoffset9 out of an instruction.
# ^ talks about a nice compact way to encode instructions using bitfields and
# c++'s templates.
# i am curious if you could do it with python decorators.
# update: i tried this and it was mostly just an excuse to learn decorators, but it
# isn't the right tool. i am curious how else you might do it.
from ctypes import c_uint16, c_int16
from enum import IntEnum
from struct import unpack
from sys import exit, stdin, stdout, argv
from signal import signal, SIGINT
import lc3disas # in same dir
DEBUG = False
class UnimpError(Exception):
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler)
# you're modeling sign-extend behavior in python, since python has infinite
# bit width.
def sext(value, bits):
sign_bit = 1 << (bits - 1)
return (value & (sign_bit - 1)) - (value & sign_bit)
iirc the arch is 16bit little endian.
options: ctypes or just emulate it in pure python.
chose: ctypes
class memory():
def __init__(self):
# ctypes has an array type. this is one way to create instances of it.
self.memory = (c_uint16 * 65536)()
def __getitem__(self, arg):
if (arg > 65535) or (arg < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
return self.memory[arg]
def __setitem__(self, location, thing_to_write):
if (location > 65536) or (location < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
self.memory[int(location)] = thing_to_write
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# not actually a class but an enum.
class opcodes(IntEnum):
op_br = 0
op_add = 1
op_ld = 2
op_st = 3
op_jsr = 4
op_and = 5
op_ldr = 6
op_str = 7
op_rti = 8
op_not = 9
op_ldi = 10
op_sti = 11
op_jmp = 12
op_res = 13
op_lea = 14
op_trap = 15
class condition_flags(IntEnum):
p = 0
z = 1
n = 2
class lc3():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.memory = memory()
self.registers = registers()
self.registers.pc.value = 0x3000 # default program starting location
def read_program_from_file(self,filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
_ = # skip the first two byte which specify where code should be mapped
c = # todo support arbitrary load locations
for count in range(0,len(c), 2):
self.memory[0x3000+count/2] = unpack( '>H', c[count:count+2] )[0]
def update_flags(self, reg):
if self.registers.gprs[reg] == 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
if self.registers.gprs[reg] < 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.n
if self.registers.gprs[reg] > 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.p
def dump_state(self):
print("npc: {:04x}".format(self.registers.pc.value))
print("r0: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[0]), end='')
print("r1: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[1]), end='')
print("r2: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[2]), end='')
print("r3: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[3]), end='')
print("r4: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[4]), end='')
print("r5: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[5]), end='')
print("r6: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[6]), end='')
print("r7: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[7]))
print("r0: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[0]).value), end='')
print("r1: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[1]).value), end='')
print("r2: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[2]).value), end='')
print("r3: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[3]).value), end='')
print("r4: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[4]).value), end='')
print("r5: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[5]).value), end='')
print("r6: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[6]).value), end='')
print("r7: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[7]).value))
print("cond: {}".format(condition_flags(self.registers.cond.value).name))
def op_add_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + sext(imm5, 5)
def op_and_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & sext(imm5, 5)
def op_not_impl(self, instruction):
sr = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = ~ (self.registers.gprs[sr])
def op_br_impl(self, instruction):
n = (instruction >> 11) & 1
z = (instruction >> 10) & 1
p = (instruction >> 9) & 1
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
if (n == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.n) or
(z == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.z) or
(p == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.p):
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
# also ret
def op_jmp_impl(self, instruction):
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.gprs[baser]
def op_jsr_impl(self, instruction):
# no jsrr?
if 0x0400 & instruction == 1: raise UnimpError("JSRR is not implemented.")
pc_offset_11 = instruction & 0x7ff
self.registers.gprs[7] = self.registers.pc.value
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_11, 11)
def op_ld_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_ldi_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ]
def op_ldr_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_lea_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
def op_st_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_sti_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_str_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_trap_impl(self, instruction):
trap_vector = instruction & 0xff
if trap_vector == 0x20: # getc
c =[0]
self.registers.gprs[0] = c
if trap_vector == 0x21: # out
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [(self.registers.gprs[0] & 0xff)] ) )
if trap_vector == 0x22: # puts
base_addr = self.registers.gprs[0]
index = 0
while (self.memory[base_addr + index]) != 0x00:
nextchar = self.memory[base_addr + index]
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [nextchar] ) )
index = index + 1
if trap_vector == 0x25:
raise ValueError("undefined trap vector {}".format(hex(trap_vector)))
def op_res_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def op_rti_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def start(self):
while True:
# fetch instruction
instruction = self.memory[self.registers.pc.value]
# update PC
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + 1
# decode opcode
opcode = instruction >> 12
print("instruction: {}".format(hex(instruction)))
print("disassembly: {}".format(lc3disas.single_ins(self.registers.pc.value, instruction)))
opcode_dict =
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
opcodes.op_br: self.op_br_impl,
opcodes.op_jmp: self.op_jmp_impl,
opcodes.op_jsr: self.op_jsr_impl,
opcodes.op_ld: self.op_ld_impl,
opcodes.op_ldi: self.op_ldi_impl,
opcodes.op_ldr: self.op_ldr_impl,
opcodes.op_lea: self.op_lea_impl,
opcodes.op_st: self.op_st_impl,
opcodes.op_sti: self.op_sti_impl,
opcodes.op_str: self.op_str_impl,
opcodes.op_res: self.op_res_impl,
opcodes.op_rti: self.op_rti_impl
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
if len(argv) < 2:
print ("usage: python3 code.obj")
l = lc3(argv[1])
python lc-3
New contributor
ian5v is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
add a comment |
I wrote a small emulator for fun. Full code @ bottom of post, available on GitHub here.
Design choices:
- modeling 16 bit little endian memory — opted for
and array-like access via__getitem__
- Opcodes - convenient to access: the order of the opcodes in the enum matches the opcode's numeric value when interpreted as an integer
- Condition flags - convenient to access: named, so I can
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
where the right hand side is the enum.
Some classes:
- CPU (
class lc3
- Registers
- Memory
- CPU (
- How could I get started adding unit tests?
- Is there a better choice than using an
for the opcodes? - How might I organize the code better? In particular, I dislike having
(a diagnostic printing function), and all of my instruction implementations (egop_and_impl
) right next to each other in thelc3
class. - How else might I organize this mapping of opcodes to implementation functions?
# first attempt
if opcode == opcodes.op_add:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_and:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_not:
... truncated
# second attempt
opcode_dict = {
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
... truncated
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
- How could I address this inconsistency between accessing GPRs (general purpose registers) and PC,
ition register?
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# I instantiated the gprs as a ctypes "array" instead of a single c_uint16.
# To access:
# registers.gprs[0]
# This is convenient when I need to access a particular register, and I have the index handy from a decoded instruction.
# registers.pc.value
# The .value is annoying.
Full code
# usage: python3 ./second.obj
# This project inspired by
# There was a lot of copy-pasting lines of code for things like
# pulling pcoffset9 out of an instruction.
# ^ talks about a nice compact way to encode instructions using bitfields and
# c++'s templates.
# i am curious if you could do it with python decorators.
# update: i tried this and it was mostly just an excuse to learn decorators, but it
# isn't the right tool. i am curious how else you might do it.
from ctypes import c_uint16, c_int16
from enum import IntEnum
from struct import unpack
from sys import exit, stdin, stdout, argv
from signal import signal, SIGINT
import lc3disas # in same dir
DEBUG = False
class UnimpError(Exception):
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler)
# you're modeling sign-extend behavior in python, since python has infinite
# bit width.
def sext(value, bits):
sign_bit = 1 << (bits - 1)
return (value & (sign_bit - 1)) - (value & sign_bit)
iirc the arch is 16bit little endian.
options: ctypes or just emulate it in pure python.
chose: ctypes
class memory():
def __init__(self):
# ctypes has an array type. this is one way to create instances of it.
self.memory = (c_uint16 * 65536)()
def __getitem__(self, arg):
if (arg > 65535) or (arg < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
return self.memory[arg]
def __setitem__(self, location, thing_to_write):
if (location > 65536) or (location < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
self.memory[int(location)] = thing_to_write
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# not actually a class but an enum.
class opcodes(IntEnum):
op_br = 0
op_add = 1
op_ld = 2
op_st = 3
op_jsr = 4
op_and = 5
op_ldr = 6
op_str = 7
op_rti = 8
op_not = 9
op_ldi = 10
op_sti = 11
op_jmp = 12
op_res = 13
op_lea = 14
op_trap = 15
class condition_flags(IntEnum):
p = 0
z = 1
n = 2
class lc3():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.memory = memory()
self.registers = registers()
self.registers.pc.value = 0x3000 # default program starting location
def read_program_from_file(self,filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
_ = # skip the first two byte which specify where code should be mapped
c = # todo support arbitrary load locations
for count in range(0,len(c), 2):
self.memory[0x3000+count/2] = unpack( '>H', c[count:count+2] )[0]
def update_flags(self, reg):
if self.registers.gprs[reg] == 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
if self.registers.gprs[reg] < 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.n
if self.registers.gprs[reg] > 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.p
def dump_state(self):
print("npc: {:04x}".format(self.registers.pc.value))
print("r0: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[0]), end='')
print("r1: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[1]), end='')
print("r2: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[2]), end='')
print("r3: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[3]), end='')
print("r4: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[4]), end='')
print("r5: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[5]), end='')
print("r6: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[6]), end='')
print("r7: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[7]))
print("r0: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[0]).value), end='')
print("r1: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[1]).value), end='')
print("r2: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[2]).value), end='')
print("r3: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[3]).value), end='')
print("r4: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[4]).value), end='')
print("r5: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[5]).value), end='')
print("r6: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[6]).value), end='')
print("r7: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[7]).value))
print("cond: {}".format(condition_flags(self.registers.cond.value).name))
def op_add_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + sext(imm5, 5)
def op_and_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & sext(imm5, 5)
def op_not_impl(self, instruction):
sr = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = ~ (self.registers.gprs[sr])
def op_br_impl(self, instruction):
n = (instruction >> 11) & 1
z = (instruction >> 10) & 1
p = (instruction >> 9) & 1
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
if (n == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.n) or
(z == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.z) or
(p == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.p):
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
# also ret
def op_jmp_impl(self, instruction):
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.gprs[baser]
def op_jsr_impl(self, instruction):
# no jsrr?
if 0x0400 & instruction == 1: raise UnimpError("JSRR is not implemented.")
pc_offset_11 = instruction & 0x7ff
self.registers.gprs[7] = self.registers.pc.value
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_11, 11)
def op_ld_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_ldi_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ]
def op_ldr_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_lea_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
def op_st_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_sti_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_str_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_trap_impl(self, instruction):
trap_vector = instruction & 0xff
if trap_vector == 0x20: # getc
c =[0]
self.registers.gprs[0] = c
if trap_vector == 0x21: # out
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [(self.registers.gprs[0] & 0xff)] ) )
if trap_vector == 0x22: # puts
base_addr = self.registers.gprs[0]
index = 0
while (self.memory[base_addr + index]) != 0x00:
nextchar = self.memory[base_addr + index]
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [nextchar] ) )
index = index + 1
if trap_vector == 0x25:
raise ValueError("undefined trap vector {}".format(hex(trap_vector)))
def op_res_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def op_rti_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def start(self):
while True:
# fetch instruction
instruction = self.memory[self.registers.pc.value]
# update PC
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + 1
# decode opcode
opcode = instruction >> 12
print("instruction: {}".format(hex(instruction)))
print("disassembly: {}".format(lc3disas.single_ins(self.registers.pc.value, instruction)))
opcode_dict =
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
opcodes.op_br: self.op_br_impl,
opcodes.op_jmp: self.op_jmp_impl,
opcodes.op_jsr: self.op_jsr_impl,
opcodes.op_ld: self.op_ld_impl,
opcodes.op_ldi: self.op_ldi_impl,
opcodes.op_ldr: self.op_ldr_impl,
opcodes.op_lea: self.op_lea_impl,
opcodes.op_st: self.op_st_impl,
opcodes.op_sti: self.op_sti_impl,
opcodes.op_str: self.op_str_impl,
opcodes.op_res: self.op_res_impl,
opcodes.op_rti: self.op_rti_impl
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
if len(argv) < 2:
print ("usage: python3 code.obj")
l = lc3(argv[1])
python lc-3
New contributor
ian5v is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
I wrote a small emulator for fun. Full code @ bottom of post, available on GitHub here.
Design choices:
- modeling 16 bit little endian memory — opted for
and array-like access via__getitem__
- Opcodes - convenient to access: the order of the opcodes in the enum matches the opcode's numeric value when interpreted as an integer
- Condition flags - convenient to access: named, so I can
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
where the right hand side is the enum.
Some classes:
- CPU (
class lc3
- Registers
- Memory
- CPU (
- How could I get started adding unit tests?
- Is there a better choice than using an
for the opcodes? - How might I organize the code better? In particular, I dislike having
(a diagnostic printing function), and all of my instruction implementations (egop_and_impl
) right next to each other in thelc3
class. - How else might I organize this mapping of opcodes to implementation functions?
# first attempt
if opcode == opcodes.op_add:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_and:
elif opcode == opcodes.op_not:
... truncated
# second attempt
opcode_dict = {
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
... truncated
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
- How could I address this inconsistency between accessing GPRs (general purpose registers) and PC,
ition register?
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# I instantiated the gprs as a ctypes "array" instead of a single c_uint16.
# To access:
# registers.gprs[0]
# This is convenient when I need to access a particular register, and I have the index handy from a decoded instruction.
# registers.pc.value
# The .value is annoying.
Full code
# usage: python3 ./second.obj
# This project inspired by
# There was a lot of copy-pasting lines of code for things like
# pulling pcoffset9 out of an instruction.
# ^ talks about a nice compact way to encode instructions using bitfields and
# c++'s templates.
# i am curious if you could do it with python decorators.
# update: i tried this and it was mostly just an excuse to learn decorators, but it
# isn't the right tool. i am curious how else you might do it.
from ctypes import c_uint16, c_int16
from enum import IntEnum
from struct import unpack
from sys import exit, stdin, stdout, argv
from signal import signal, SIGINT
import lc3disas # in same dir
DEBUG = False
class UnimpError(Exception):
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler)
# you're modeling sign-extend behavior in python, since python has infinite
# bit width.
def sext(value, bits):
sign_bit = 1 << (bits - 1)
return (value & (sign_bit - 1)) - (value & sign_bit)
iirc the arch is 16bit little endian.
options: ctypes or just emulate it in pure python.
chose: ctypes
class memory():
def __init__(self):
# ctypes has an array type. this is one way to create instances of it.
self.memory = (c_uint16 * 65536)()
def __getitem__(self, arg):
if (arg > 65535) or (arg < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
return self.memory[arg]
def __setitem__(self, location, thing_to_write):
if (location > 65536) or (location < 0):
raise MemoryError("Accessed out valid memory range.")
self.memory[int(location)] = thing_to_write
class registers():
def __init__(self):
self.gprs = (c_int16 * 8)()
self.pc = (c_uint16)()
self.cond = (c_uint16)()
# not actually a class but an enum.
class opcodes(IntEnum):
op_br = 0
op_add = 1
op_ld = 2
op_st = 3
op_jsr = 4
op_and = 5
op_ldr = 6
op_str = 7
op_rti = 8
op_not = 9
op_ldi = 10
op_sti = 11
op_jmp = 12
op_res = 13
op_lea = 14
op_trap = 15
class condition_flags(IntEnum):
p = 0
z = 1
n = 2
class lc3():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.memory = memory()
self.registers = registers()
self.registers.pc.value = 0x3000 # default program starting location
def read_program_from_file(self,filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
_ = # skip the first two byte which specify where code should be mapped
c = # todo support arbitrary load locations
for count in range(0,len(c), 2):
self.memory[0x3000+count/2] = unpack( '>H', c[count:count+2] )[0]
def update_flags(self, reg):
if self.registers.gprs[reg] == 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.z
if self.registers.gprs[reg] < 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.n
if self.registers.gprs[reg] > 0:
self.registers.cond = condition_flags.p
def dump_state(self):
print("npc: {:04x}".format(self.registers.pc.value))
print("r0: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[0]), end='')
print("r1: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[1]), end='')
print("r2: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[2]), end='')
print("r3: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[3]), end='')
print("r4: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[4]), end='')
print("r5: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[5]), end='')
print("r6: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[6]), end='')
print("r7: {:05} ".format(self.registers.gprs[7]))
print("r0: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[0]).value), end='')
print("r1: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[1]).value), end='')
print("r2: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[2]).value), end='')
print("r3: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[3]).value), end='')
print("r4: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[4]).value), end='')
print("r5: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[5]).value), end='')
print("r6: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[6]).value), end='')
print("r7: {:04x} ".format(c_uint16(self.registers.gprs[7]).value))
print("cond: {}".format(condition_flags(self.registers.cond.value).name))
def op_add_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] + sext(imm5, 5)
def op_and_impl(self, instruction):
sr1 = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
if ((instruction >> 5) & 0b1) == 0: # reg-reg
sr2 = instruction & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & self.registers.gprs[sr2]
else: # immediate
imm5 = instruction & 0b11111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.gprs[sr1] & sext(imm5, 5)
def op_not_impl(self, instruction):
sr = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
self.registers.gprs[dr] = ~ (self.registers.gprs[sr])
def op_br_impl(self, instruction):
n = (instruction >> 11) & 1
z = (instruction >> 10) & 1
p = (instruction >> 9) & 1
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
if (n == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.n) or
(z == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.z) or
(p == 1 and self.registers.cond == condition_flags.p):
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
# also ret
def op_jmp_impl(self, instruction):
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.gprs[baser]
def op_jsr_impl(self, instruction):
# no jsrr?
if 0x0400 & instruction == 1: raise UnimpError("JSRR is not implemented.")
pc_offset_11 = instruction & 0x7ff
self.registers.gprs[7] = self.registers.pc.value
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_11, 11)
def op_ld_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_ldi_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ]
def op_ldr_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.memory[addr]
def op_lea_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
self.registers.gprs[dr] = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
def op_st_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_sti_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
pc_offset_9 = instruction & 0x1ff
addr = self.registers.pc.value + sext(pc_offset_9, 9)
self.memory[ self.memory[addr] ] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_str_impl(self, instruction):
dr = (instruction >> 9) & 0b111
baser = (instruction >> 6) & 0b111
pc_offset_6 = instruction & 0x3f
addr = self.registers.gprs[baser] + sext(pc_offset_6, 6)
self.memory[addr] = self.registers.gprs[dr]
def op_trap_impl(self, instruction):
trap_vector = instruction & 0xff
if trap_vector == 0x20: # getc
c =[0]
self.registers.gprs[0] = c
if trap_vector == 0x21: # out
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [(self.registers.gprs[0] & 0xff)] ) )
if trap_vector == 0x22: # puts
base_addr = self.registers.gprs[0]
index = 0
while (self.memory[base_addr + index]) != 0x00:
nextchar = self.memory[base_addr + index]
stdout.buffer.write( bytes( [nextchar] ) )
index = index + 1
if trap_vector == 0x25:
raise ValueError("undefined trap vector {}".format(hex(trap_vector)))
def op_res_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def op_rti_impl(self, instruction):
raise UnimpError("unimplemented opcode")
def start(self):
while True:
# fetch instruction
instruction = self.memory[self.registers.pc.value]
# update PC
self.registers.pc.value = self.registers.pc.value + 1
# decode opcode
opcode = instruction >> 12
print("instruction: {}".format(hex(instruction)))
print("disassembly: {}".format(lc3disas.single_ins(self.registers.pc.value, instruction)))
opcode_dict =
opcodes.op_add: self.op_add_impl,
opcodes.op_and: self.op_and_impl,
opcodes.op_not: self.op_not_impl,
opcodes.op_br: self.op_br_impl,
opcodes.op_jmp: self.op_jmp_impl,
opcodes.op_jsr: self.op_jsr_impl,
opcodes.op_ld: self.op_ld_impl,
opcodes.op_ldi: self.op_ldi_impl,
opcodes.op_ldr: self.op_ldr_impl,
opcodes.op_lea: self.op_lea_impl,
opcodes.op_st: self.op_st_impl,
opcodes.op_sti: self.op_sti_impl,
opcodes.op_str: self.op_str_impl,
opcodes.op_res: self.op_res_impl,
opcodes.op_rti: self.op_rti_impl
except KeyError:
raise UnimpError("invalid opcode")
if len(argv) < 2:
print ("usage: python3 code.obj")
l = lc3(argv[1])
python lc-3
python lc-3
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