How to answer a negative question without ambiguity?
I faced a problem to answer a negative question, for example When someone ask you:
Don't you have any money?
It's a yes/no question but how should one answer the question without ambiguity?
When you answer "yes", does it mean "yes, I don't have any money"? or the other way "Yes, I do have money"? the questioner may think you are agreeing to the negative, that yes, you do not have any money.
I know it's better to answer with "on the contrary" but is it possible to answer yes or no?
questions negation ambiguity
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I faced a problem to answer a negative question, for example When someone ask you:
Don't you have any money?
It's a yes/no question but how should one answer the question without ambiguity?
When you answer "yes", does it mean "yes, I don't have any money"? or the other way "Yes, I do have money"? the questioner may think you are agreeing to the negative, that yes, you do not have any money.
I know it's better to answer with "on the contrary" but is it possible to answer yes or no?
questions negation ambiguity
"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31
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I faced a problem to answer a negative question, for example When someone ask you:
Don't you have any money?
It's a yes/no question but how should one answer the question without ambiguity?
When you answer "yes", does it mean "yes, I don't have any money"? or the other way "Yes, I do have money"? the questioner may think you are agreeing to the negative, that yes, you do not have any money.
I know it's better to answer with "on the contrary" but is it possible to answer yes or no?
questions negation ambiguity
I faced a problem to answer a negative question, for example When someone ask you:
Don't you have any money?
It's a yes/no question but how should one answer the question without ambiguity?
When you answer "yes", does it mean "yes, I don't have any money"? or the other way "Yes, I do have money"? the questioner may think you are agreeing to the negative, that yes, you do not have any money.
I know it's better to answer with "on the contrary" but is it possible to answer yes or no?
questions negation ambiguity
questions negation ambiguity
edited Dec 19 '12 at 14:37
asked Jun 4 '11 at 12:34
"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31
show 4 more comments
"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31
"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31
show 4 more comments
4 Answers
Use short answers:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I don’t.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, I do.
Let context guide the listener:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I gave it all to Lucy.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, but not enough for this item.
Use quantifiers, or intensifiers:
Don’t you have any money? — None or None whatsoever.
Don’t you have any money? — I have enough.
In Early Modern English, there were specific words for that.
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
add a comment |
The most unambiguous way to answer would be:
I do have money.
English used to have four affirmative and negative forms (yes, yea, no, nay) to answer negatively formed questions like this but it was itself confusing, even for literary scholars of the time.
add a comment |
You're talking about Negative Questions, Sb Sangpi.
The rule here is: there is no special rule in answering Negative Questions. How you answer Negative Questions is exactly how you answer positive ones.
Do you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
Don't you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
I understand that most non-native speakers get confused by this. Because you're reverting to how you would answer it in the local language.
Hope you got it!
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
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As said by yourself, simply answering "yes" or "no" causes ambiguity. I would suggest using:
"Some", if you have money
"None, if you don't have any.
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
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4 Answers
4 Answers
Use short answers:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I don’t.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, I do.
Let context guide the listener:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I gave it all to Lucy.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, but not enough for this item.
Use quantifiers, or intensifiers:
Don’t you have any money? — None or None whatsoever.
Don’t you have any money? — I have enough.
In Early Modern English, there were specific words for that.
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
add a comment |
Use short answers:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I don’t.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, I do.
Let context guide the listener:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I gave it all to Lucy.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, but not enough for this item.
Use quantifiers, or intensifiers:
Don’t you have any money? — None or None whatsoever.
Don’t you have any money? — I have enough.
In Early Modern English, there were specific words for that.
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
add a comment |
Use short answers:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I don’t.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, I do.
Let context guide the listener:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I gave it all to Lucy.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, but not enough for this item.
Use quantifiers, or intensifiers:
Don’t you have any money? — None or None whatsoever.
Don’t you have any money? — I have enough.
In Early Modern English, there were specific words for that.
Use short answers:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I don’t.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, I do.
Let context guide the listener:
Don’t you have any money? — No, I gave it all to Lucy.
Don’t you have any money? — Yes, but not enough for this item.
Use quantifiers, or intensifiers:
Don’t you have any money? — None or None whatsoever.
Don’t you have any money? — I have enough.
In Early Modern English, there were specific words for that.
edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:38
answered Jun 4 '11 at 12:39
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
add a comment |
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
In German, there's a word "doch" for cases like this, which makes the answer clear. Is there any equivalent term in English?
– Gigili
Jun 4 '11 at 14:09
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
@Gigili No, but there was once. See the wiki link in my answer.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 16:44
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In Russian you may answer: "yes no, maybe" That means: "no". That does not make things clearer, it is polite way to say "no", but that's interesting option to answer.
– ses
Jan 3 '14 at 16:21
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
In French like in German, you still have a specific word "si". To answer a positive question, you can use "oui" or "non", while to answer a negative question you can use "si" or "non". Still, some people make mistakes.
– user276648
Dec 18 '16 at 0:24
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
So in English it is not related to affirmativeness/negativeness of a question. It seems absolute.
– K._
Apr 22 '18 at 12:46
add a comment |
The most unambiguous way to answer would be:
I do have money.
English used to have four affirmative and negative forms (yes, yea, no, nay) to answer negatively formed questions like this but it was itself confusing, even for literary scholars of the time.
add a comment |
The most unambiguous way to answer would be:
I do have money.
English used to have four affirmative and negative forms (yes, yea, no, nay) to answer negatively formed questions like this but it was itself confusing, even for literary scholars of the time.
add a comment |
The most unambiguous way to answer would be:
I do have money.
English used to have four affirmative and negative forms (yes, yea, no, nay) to answer negatively formed questions like this but it was itself confusing, even for literary scholars of the time.
The most unambiguous way to answer would be:
I do have money.
English used to have four affirmative and negative forms (yes, yea, no, nay) to answer negatively formed questions like this but it was itself confusing, even for literary scholars of the time.
answered Jun 4 '11 at 12:39
z7sg Ѫ
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add a comment |
You're talking about Negative Questions, Sb Sangpi.
The rule here is: there is no special rule in answering Negative Questions. How you answer Negative Questions is exactly how you answer positive ones.
Do you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
Don't you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
I understand that most non-native speakers get confused by this. Because you're reverting to how you would answer it in the local language.
Hope you got it!
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
add a comment |
You're talking about Negative Questions, Sb Sangpi.
The rule here is: there is no special rule in answering Negative Questions. How you answer Negative Questions is exactly how you answer positive ones.
Do you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
Don't you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
I understand that most non-native speakers get confused by this. Because you're reverting to how you would answer it in the local language.
Hope you got it!
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
add a comment |
You're talking about Negative Questions, Sb Sangpi.
The rule here is: there is no special rule in answering Negative Questions. How you answer Negative Questions is exactly how you answer positive ones.
Do you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
Don't you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
I understand that most non-native speakers get confused by this. Because you're reverting to how you would answer it in the local language.
Hope you got it!
You're talking about Negative Questions, Sb Sangpi.
The rule here is: there is no special rule in answering Negative Questions. How you answer Negative Questions is exactly how you answer positive ones.
Do you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
Don't you have a class? = YES, I do. Or, NO, I don't.
I understand that most non-native speakers get confused by this. Because you're reverting to how you would answer it in the local language.
Hope you got it!
answered Jun 12 '12 at 4:12
Cool Elf
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
add a comment |
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
Oh WoW! The question now is WAY different from how it was originally posted. :-D
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
(Hope my answer still holds)
– Cool Elf
Jun 12 '12 at 13:36
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
This answer was originally posted on another question which has been merged with this one (see the edit history on this question). All answers on the merged question arrive here, the merge destination. And yes, it's still fine.
– Andrew Leach♦
Aug 25 '16 at 8:38
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As said by yourself, simply answering "yes" or "no" causes ambiguity. I would suggest using:
"Some", if you have money
"None, if you don't have any.
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
add a comment |
As said by yourself, simply answering "yes" or "no" causes ambiguity. I would suggest using:
"Some", if you have money
"None, if you don't have any.
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
add a comment |
As said by yourself, simply answering "yes" or "no" causes ambiguity. I would suggest using:
"Some", if you have money
"None, if you don't have any.
As said by yourself, simply answering "yes" or "no" causes ambiguity. I would suggest using:
"Some", if you have money
"None, if you don't have any.
answered Jun 4 '11 at 12:39
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
add a comment |
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" sounds like you want the person to know that you don't have much money.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:41
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
"Some" lets the person know you do have money, but still keeps the amount ambiguous.
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:46
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I mean for example, if someone says "Hey, let's go on that ride!" and you say "Hmmm." and they say "Don't you have money?" and you say "Some." they are really none the wiser.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:54
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I think F'x's short answers are the best answer here for a learner.
– z7sg Ѫ
Jun 4 '11 at 12:55
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
I agree. Mine's small fry compared to his!
– Thursagen
Jun 4 '11 at 12:57
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protected by RegDwigнt♦ May 8 '13 at 14:43
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"Yes, we have no bananas - we have no bananas todaaaaay..."
– MT_Head
Jun 4 '11 at 22:21
Have your stopped beating your wife yet?
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 8:50
@mplungjan That famous example actually demonstrates a quite different problem - it's a question that hides presuppositions, the Loaded question -fallacy. Unlike this one, it can be easily answered unambiguously.
– Ilari Kajaste
Jun 5 '11 at 12:32
I know. Then answer is MU
– mplungjan
Jun 5 '11 at 15:06
I know you are trying to agree with the asker with a "yes" response. But the truth is, when answering a polar question, a native Engligh speaker would always reply to the polarity used in the question instead of the truth-value of the situation. That means, a "yes" is always "positive" and a "no" is always "negative". So consider "Don't you have exam?" = "Do you have exam?".
– user19341
Jun 12 '12 at 4:31