Map a set of types to unique IDs and runtime reinterpret back from ID and pointer in C++17


I wanted to create a relatively universal way of serialising an object, by doing a memcpy and generating a unique type ID. Stored together they can be used, for example, by another thread to restore a copy of the object for further processing.

This is used, for example, where one tread has a logging function requiring minimal overhead and converting the object to its logged state is considerably more expensive than making a raw copy.

Some other requirements / design choices:

  • IDs should be dense (no gaps)

  • IDs should fit the smallest unsigned possible

  • No RTTI allowed

  • A slight convenience overhead at the runtime restoring side is acceptable (and present in the form of the generated 'if' tree to match an ID to a type)

  • Both sides have access to the definition of the mapping

  • Handling of constructors with side-effects is left up to the user

Id'd love to hear any critiques or possible pitfalls!
Below is the header pasted into a silly example to show the idea and interface:

// This keeps a variable in the final output:
#define KEEP(x) volatile auto x __attribute__((unused))

#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>

namespace type_list {
* @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
* @tparam N Index of type to extract
* @tparam Ts Arguments
template <std::size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type {
using type = typename nth_type<N-1, Ts...>::type;

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type<0, T, Ts...> {
using type = T;

* @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
* @tparam N Index of type to extract
* @tparam Ts Arguments
template <std::size_t N, typename... Ts>
using nth_type_t = typename nth_type<N, Ts...>::type;

* @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
* @tparam IN Type to find
* @tparam T First of type list
* @tparam Ts Rest of type list
template <typename IN, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct index_of_type {
static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) != 0 || std::is_same_v<IN, T>, "No index for type found");
static constexpr const std::size_t value { 1 + index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
struct index_of_type<IN, IN, Ts...> {
static constexpr const std::size_t value { 0 };

* @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
* @tparam IN Type to find
* @tparam Ts Type list
template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
static constexpr const auto index_of_type_v { index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

namespace {
static constexpr void noop(const std::size_t = 0) {}

template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
struct map_visit_impl {
template <typename F, typename E>
static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
if (id == I - 1) {
return func(*reinterpret_cast<const nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
} else {
return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

template <typename F, typename E>
static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
if (id == I - 1) {
return func(*reinterpret_cast<nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
} else {
return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

template <typename... Ts>
struct map_visit_impl<0, Ts...> {
template <typename F, typename E>
static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const, F func, E on_error) {
// If arrived here we have a invalid id

template <typename F, typename E>
static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, void *const, F func, E on_error) {
// If arrived here we have a invalid id

* @brief Create an ID map of a set of types.
* @tparam Ts Type list
template <typename... Ts>
struct map {
* @brief Get the type with index `N`
* @tparam N Index of type to get
template <std::size_t N>
using type = type_list::nth_type_t<N, Ts...>;

* @brief The ID number (index) of a given type `T`
* @tparam T
template <typename T>
static constexpr const std::size_t id { type_list::index_of_type_v<T, Ts...> };

* @brief Number of types stored
static constexpr const std::size_t size { sizeof...(Ts) };

* @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
* it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
* @tparam F Function type
* @param id id / index of type
* @param ptr Storage location
* @param func Handler function
* @return Result of handler function
template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

* @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
* it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
* @tparam F Function type
* @param id id / index of type
* @param ptr Storage location
* @param func Handler function
* @return Result of handler function
template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

// Generate unique types
template <size_t N> struct c {};

// Demo set of types
using map = type_list::map<
uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>

// Just a quick hack to initialise some test data:
char bytes = "Test string, bla bla";

uint64_t counter = 0;

void fn(const std::size_t n, const std::size_t i) {
__asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-BEGIN type_map_overhead");
map::parse(n, &bytes[i], [&](auto& val) {
__asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-END");
// Needed because the handler needs to apply to any type in the map:
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<decltype(val)>) {
counter += val;

int main() {
KEEP(k1) = map::id<uint16_t>; // size_t => 1
KEEP(k2) = std::is_same_v<map::type<1>, uint16_t>; // bool => true

fn(0, 0);
fn(1, 1);
fn(2, 2);

KEEP(k4) = counter;



    I wanted to create a relatively universal way of serialising an object, by doing a memcpy and generating a unique type ID. Stored together they can be used, for example, by another thread to restore a copy of the object for further processing.

    This is used, for example, where one tread has a logging function requiring minimal overhead and converting the object to its logged state is considerably more expensive than making a raw copy.

    Some other requirements / design choices:

    • IDs should be dense (no gaps)

    • IDs should fit the smallest unsigned possible

    • No RTTI allowed

    • A slight convenience overhead at the runtime restoring side is acceptable (and present in the form of the generated 'if' tree to match an ID to a type)

    • Both sides have access to the definition of the mapping

    • Handling of constructors with side-effects is left up to the user

    Id'd love to hear any critiques or possible pitfalls!
    Below is the header pasted into a silly example to show the idea and interface:

    // This keeps a variable in the final output:
    #define KEEP(x) volatile auto x __attribute__((unused))

    #include <type_traits>
    #include <cstdint>
    #include <cstddef>

    namespace type_list {
    * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
    * @tparam N Index of type to extract
    * @tparam Ts Arguments
    template <std::size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
    struct nth_type {
    using type = typename nth_type<N-1, Ts...>::type;

    template <typename T, typename... Ts>
    struct nth_type<0, T, Ts...> {
    using type = T;

    * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
    * @tparam N Index of type to extract
    * @tparam Ts Arguments
    template <std::size_t N, typename... Ts>
    using nth_type_t = typename nth_type<N, Ts...>::type;

    * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
    * @tparam IN Type to find
    * @tparam T First of type list
    * @tparam Ts Rest of type list
    template <typename IN, typename T, typename... Ts>
    struct index_of_type {
    static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) != 0 || std::is_same_v<IN, T>, "No index for type found");
    static constexpr const std::size_t value { 1 + index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

    template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
    struct index_of_type<IN, IN, Ts...> {
    static constexpr const std::size_t value { 0 };

    * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
    * @tparam IN Type to find
    * @tparam Ts Type list
    template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
    static constexpr const auto index_of_type_v { index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

    namespace {
    static constexpr void noop(const std::size_t = 0) {}

    template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
    struct map_visit_impl {
    template <typename F, typename E>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
    if (id == I - 1) {
    return func(*reinterpret_cast<const nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
    } else {
    return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

    template <typename F, typename E>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
    if (id == I - 1) {
    return func(*reinterpret_cast<nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
    } else {
    return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

    template <typename... Ts>
    struct map_visit_impl<0, Ts...> {
    template <typename F, typename E>
    static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const, F func, E on_error) {
    // If arrived here we have a invalid id

    template <typename F, typename E>
    static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, void *const, F func, E on_error) {
    // If arrived here we have a invalid id

    * @brief Create an ID map of a set of types.
    * @tparam Ts Type list
    template <typename... Ts>
    struct map {
    * @brief Get the type with index `N`
    * @tparam N Index of type to get
    template <std::size_t N>
    using type = type_list::nth_type_t<N, Ts...>;

    * @brief The ID number (index) of a given type `T`
    * @tparam T
    template <typename T>
    static constexpr const std::size_t id { type_list::index_of_type_v<T, Ts...> };

    * @brief Number of types stored
    static constexpr const std::size_t size { sizeof...(Ts) };

    * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
    * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
    * @tparam F Function type
    * @param id id / index of type
    * @param ptr Storage location
    * @param func Handler function
    * @return Result of handler function
    template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
    return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

    * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
    * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
    * @tparam F Function type
    * @param id id / index of type
    * @param ptr Storage location
    * @param func Handler function
    * @return Result of handler function
    template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
    return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

    // Generate unique types
    template <size_t N> struct c {};

    // Demo set of types
    using map = type_list::map<
    uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
    c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>

    // Just a quick hack to initialise some test data:
    char bytes = "Test string, bla bla";

    uint64_t counter = 0;

    void fn(const std::size_t n, const std::size_t i) {
    __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-BEGIN type_map_overhead");
    map::parse(n, &bytes[i], [&](auto& val) {
    __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-END");
    // Needed because the handler needs to apply to any type in the map:
    if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<decltype(val)>) {
    counter += val;

    int main() {
    KEEP(k1) = map::id<uint16_t>; // size_t => 1
    KEEP(k2) = std::is_same_v<map::type<1>, uint16_t>; // bool => true

    fn(0, 0);
    fn(1, 1);
    fn(2, 2);

    KEEP(k4) = counter;





      I wanted to create a relatively universal way of serialising an object, by doing a memcpy and generating a unique type ID. Stored together they can be used, for example, by another thread to restore a copy of the object for further processing.

      This is used, for example, where one tread has a logging function requiring minimal overhead and converting the object to its logged state is considerably more expensive than making a raw copy.

      Some other requirements / design choices:

      • IDs should be dense (no gaps)

      • IDs should fit the smallest unsigned possible

      • No RTTI allowed

      • A slight convenience overhead at the runtime restoring side is acceptable (and present in the form of the generated 'if' tree to match an ID to a type)

      • Both sides have access to the definition of the mapping

      • Handling of constructors with side-effects is left up to the user

      Id'd love to hear any critiques or possible pitfalls!
      Below is the header pasted into a silly example to show the idea and interface:

      // This keeps a variable in the final output:
      #define KEEP(x) volatile auto x __attribute__((unused))

      #include <type_traits>
      #include <cstdint>
      #include <cstddef>

      namespace type_list {
      * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
      * @tparam N Index of type to extract
      * @tparam Ts Arguments
      template <std::size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct nth_type {
      using type = typename nth_type<N-1, Ts...>::type;

      template <typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct nth_type<0, T, Ts...> {
      using type = T;

      * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
      * @tparam N Index of type to extract
      * @tparam Ts Arguments
      template <std::size_t N, typename... Ts>
      using nth_type_t = typename nth_type<N, Ts...>::type;

      * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
      * @tparam IN Type to find
      * @tparam T First of type list
      * @tparam Ts Rest of type list
      template <typename IN, typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct index_of_type {
      static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) != 0 || std::is_same_v<IN, T>, "No index for type found");
      static constexpr const std::size_t value { 1 + index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

      template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
      struct index_of_type<IN, IN, Ts...> {
      static constexpr const std::size_t value { 0 };

      * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
      * @tparam IN Type to find
      * @tparam Ts Type list
      template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
      static constexpr const auto index_of_type_v { index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

      namespace {
      static constexpr void noop(const std::size_t = 0) {}

      template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
      struct map_visit_impl {
      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
      if (id == I - 1) {
      return func(*reinterpret_cast<const nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
      } else {
      return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
      if (id == I - 1) {
      return func(*reinterpret_cast<nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
      } else {
      return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      template <typename... Ts>
      struct map_visit_impl<0, Ts...> {
      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const, F func, E on_error) {
      // If arrived here we have a invalid id

      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, void *const, F func, E on_error) {
      // If arrived here we have a invalid id

      * @brief Create an ID map of a set of types.
      * @tparam Ts Type list
      template <typename... Ts>
      struct map {
      * @brief Get the type with index `N`
      * @tparam N Index of type to get
      template <std::size_t N>
      using type = type_list::nth_type_t<N, Ts...>;

      * @brief The ID number (index) of a given type `T`
      * @tparam T
      template <typename T>
      static constexpr const std::size_t id { type_list::index_of_type_v<T, Ts...> };

      * @brief Number of types stored
      static constexpr const std::size_t size { sizeof...(Ts) };

      * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
      * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
      * @tparam F Function type
      * @param id id / index of type
      * @param ptr Storage location
      * @param func Handler function
      * @return Result of handler function
      template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
      return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
      * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
      * @tparam F Function type
      * @param id id / index of type
      * @param ptr Storage location
      * @param func Handler function
      * @return Result of handler function
      template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
      return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      // Generate unique types
      template <size_t N> struct c {};

      // Demo set of types
      using map = type_list::map<
      uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>

      // Just a quick hack to initialise some test data:
      char bytes = "Test string, bla bla";

      uint64_t counter = 0;

      void fn(const std::size_t n, const std::size_t i) {
      __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-BEGIN type_map_overhead");
      map::parse(n, &bytes[i], [&](auto& val) {
      __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-END");
      // Needed because the handler needs to apply to any type in the map:
      if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<decltype(val)>) {
      counter += val;

      int main() {
      KEEP(k1) = map::id<uint16_t>; // size_t => 1
      KEEP(k2) = std::is_same_v<map::type<1>, uint16_t>; // bool => true

      fn(0, 0);
      fn(1, 1);
      fn(2, 2);

      KEEP(k4) = counter;


      I wanted to create a relatively universal way of serialising an object, by doing a memcpy and generating a unique type ID. Stored together they can be used, for example, by another thread to restore a copy of the object for further processing.

      This is used, for example, where one tread has a logging function requiring minimal overhead and converting the object to its logged state is considerably more expensive than making a raw copy.

      Some other requirements / design choices:

      • IDs should be dense (no gaps)

      • IDs should fit the smallest unsigned possible

      • No RTTI allowed

      • A slight convenience overhead at the runtime restoring side is acceptable (and present in the form of the generated 'if' tree to match an ID to a type)

      • Both sides have access to the definition of the mapping

      • Handling of constructors with side-effects is left up to the user

      Id'd love to hear any critiques or possible pitfalls!
      Below is the header pasted into a silly example to show the idea and interface:

      // This keeps a variable in the final output:
      #define KEEP(x) volatile auto x __attribute__((unused))

      #include <type_traits>
      #include <cstdint>
      #include <cstddef>

      namespace type_list {
      * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
      * @tparam N Index of type to extract
      * @tparam Ts Arguments
      template <std::size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct nth_type {
      using type = typename nth_type<N-1, Ts...>::type;

      template <typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct nth_type<0, T, Ts...> {
      using type = T;

      * @brief Extract the N-th type of a set of template arguments
      * @tparam N Index of type to extract
      * @tparam Ts Arguments
      template <std::size_t N, typename... Ts>
      using nth_type_t = typename nth_type<N, Ts...>::type;

      * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
      * @tparam IN Type to find
      * @tparam T First of type list
      * @tparam Ts Rest of type list
      template <typename IN, typename T, typename... Ts>
      struct index_of_type {
      static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) != 0 || std::is_same_v<IN, T>, "No index for type found");
      static constexpr const std::size_t value { 1 + index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

      template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
      struct index_of_type<IN, IN, Ts...> {
      static constexpr const std::size_t value { 0 };

      * @brief Find the index of the first matching type `IN` in a set of types.
      * @tparam IN Type to find
      * @tparam Ts Type list
      template <typename IN, typename... Ts>
      static constexpr const auto index_of_type_v { index_of_type<IN, Ts...>::value };

      namespace {
      static constexpr void noop(const std::size_t = 0) {}

      template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
      struct map_visit_impl {
      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
      if (id == I - 1) {
      return func(*reinterpret_cast<const nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
      } else {
      return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) visit(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error) {
      if (id == I - 1) {
      return func(*reinterpret_cast<nth_type_t<I-1, Ts...> *const>(ptr));
      } else {
      return map_visit_impl<I - 1, Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      template <typename... Ts>
      struct map_visit_impl<0, Ts...> {
      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, const void *const, F func, E on_error) {
      // If arrived here we have a invalid id

      template <typename F, typename E>
      static constexpr void visit(const std::size_t id, void *const, F func, E on_error) {
      // If arrived here we have a invalid id

      * @brief Create an ID map of a set of types.
      * @tparam Ts Type list
      template <typename... Ts>
      struct map {
      * @brief Get the type with index `N`
      * @tparam N Index of type to get
      template <std::size_t N>
      using type = type_list::nth_type_t<N, Ts...>;

      * @brief The ID number (index) of a given type `T`
      * @tparam T
      template <typename T>
      static constexpr const std::size_t id { type_list::index_of_type_v<T, Ts...> };

      * @brief Number of types stored
      static constexpr const std::size_t size { sizeof...(Ts) };

      * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
      * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
      * @tparam F Function type
      * @param id id / index of type
      * @param ptr Storage location
      * @param func Handler function
      * @return Result of handler function
      template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, const void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
      return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      * @brief Convert any given pointer to the type matching `id` and pass
      * it to a function `func` as only argument using a `reinterpret_cast`.
      * @tparam F Function type
      * @param id id / index of type
      * @param ptr Storage location
      * @param func Handler function
      * @return Result of handler function
      template <typename F, typename E = decltype(noop)>
      static constexpr decltype(auto) parse(const std::size_t id, void *const ptr, F func, E on_error = noop) {
      return map_visit_impl<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>::visit(id, ptr, func, on_error);

      // Generate unique types
      template <size_t N> struct c {};

      // Demo set of types
      using map = type_list::map<
      uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>,
      c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>, c<__COUNTER__>

      // Just a quick hack to initialise some test data:
      char bytes = "Test string, bla bla";

      uint64_t counter = 0;

      void fn(const std::size_t n, const std::size_t i) {
      __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-BEGIN type_map_overhead");
      map::parse(n, &bytes[i], [&](auto& val) {
      __asm volatile("# LLVM-MCA-END");
      // Needed because the handler needs to apply to any type in the map:
      if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<decltype(val)>) {
      counter += val;

      int main() {
      KEEP(k1) = map::id<uint16_t>; // size_t => 1
      KEEP(k2) = std::is_same_v<map::type<1>, uint16_t>; // bool => true

      fn(0, 0);
      fn(1, 1);
      fn(2, 2);

      KEEP(k4) = counter;

      c++ design-patterns template-meta-programming c++17 rtti





      asked 3 mins ago







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