Python code for buffer creation and intersection
The script below uses an ArcPy package which helps to create buffer of the impact around a location where a blast occurs(user entered), intersects with building footprint which is the point of interest to figure out if the blast impact will be there on the point of interest. This I am intending to use for blast analysis and the impact it does on the point of interest.
So far the code runs fine without any issues, however, I was curious if someone could sense check the code and review it for a better way to write the same and any modifications that could help. It's a simple though a long code so I am not expecting anyone to rewrite the entire code, but any alternative style or corrections in error handling to make it more efficient will be helpful.
import arcpy
import sys,os
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
##Tool input##
Pfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)##Blast locations
idField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) ##Blast ID field - can be object id or user defined/named field
pointID = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) ##ID of blast location to be used (Amazon = Front Entrance or Loading Bay)
bFootprints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)##Building footprint
totalEx = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) ##Total building exposure
buildType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) ##Building construction type - this influences loss ratios
outGDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)##Output Location (gdb)
buffName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) ##Buffer name - this will persist for intersect name(s) too
BlastZones = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) ##Blast zones to use - DHS or Lloyds.
BlastSize = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) ##Blast size - drop down list
outCorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10) ##output coordinate system - drop down list
lossTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) ##Output loss table (to GDB)
outShape = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) ##Output to shapefile - T or F
outCSV = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13) ##Output loss table as csv - T or F
##NAD 83
NAD83 = arcpy.SpatialReference(6350)
##WGS 84 Web Mercator
WebMerc = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)
BNG = arcpy.SpatialReference(27700)
##Check if being run in ArcMap - if yes, change some variables
if 'ArcMap.exe' in os.path.basename(sys.executable):
##Alter Pfc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
Pfc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
##Alter fc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
fc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
####Processing starts here...####
##Set output coordinates
if outCorName == "NAD83":
outCor = NAD83
elif outCorName == "WebMerc":
outCor = WebMerc
elif outCorName == "BNG":
outCor = BNG
##Set csv and shapefile output location
outFolder = os.path.join(outGDB.rsplit("\",1)[0],str(buffName+"_output"))
if os.path.exists(outFolder):
##UID field - used in update cursor
BF_name = bFootprints.rsplit("\",1)[1]
####Set blast size(s) and associated loss ratios
if BlastZones == "Lloyds":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "36;65;104"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "121;213;338"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "656;1312;1640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
if BlastZones == "DHS":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "26;80;125"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "85;260;375"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "100;335;500"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck5Ton":
blastSize = "140;450;640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck6Ton":
blastSize = "175;590;980"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
##Set for area calc.
##Add new fields to building footprints - to store intersected blast radius
tmp = blastSize.rsplit(";")
Field1 = "BuildingArea"
Field2 = "AREA_GEO"
fList = [Field1,Field2]
##sList = [Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4]
TField1 = "DamageLevel"
TField2 = "ImpactZoneByFeet"
TField3 = "PropertyFootprint_Area"
TField4 = "PropertyImpacted_Area"
TField5 = "TotalExposure"
TField6 = "ImpactRatio"
TField7 = "ImpactExposure"
TField8 = "LossRatio"
TField9 = "Loss"
TablefList = [TField1,TField2,TField3,TField4,TField5,TField6,TField7,TField8,TField9]
tExp = float(totalEx)
IZ1 = tmp[0]
IZ2 = tmp[1]
IZ3 = tmp[2]
tableTemplate = r"O:LossTable"
##Building intersection function##
def buildIntersect(outInt,fields,fc):
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outInt,fields) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
bID = str(row[0])
BR = int(row[1])
intArea = row[2]
where = "OBJECTID = " + bID
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc,fList,where) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
if BR == int(tmp[0]):
row[0] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[1]):
row[1] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[2]):
row[2] = intArea
del sCursor, uCursor
##Loss Table function##
def LossTable(fc, TablefList, tableName):
bArea =
intArea =
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fList) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
del sCursor
table = os.path.join(outGDB,tableName)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table,TablefList) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
DL = row[0]
if DL == "Heavy":
row[1] = IZ1
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[0]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR1
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Moderate":
row[1] = IZ2
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[1]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR2
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Light":
row[1] = IZ3
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[2]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR3
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
del uCursor
OutTableName = str(tableName) +".csv"
if str(outCSV) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Loss calculation table created and saved in: " + outFolder)
##Output shapefile function##
def OutShapes(fcList,outFolder):
for fc in fcList:
outShp = str(fc.rsplit("\",1)[1])+".shp"
##Blast Pressures
Pres_1 = 10
Pres_2 = 2
Pres_3 = 1
####Processing starts here####
fcList =
if type(pointID) == str:
pointID = "'"+pointID+"'"
field = str(idField)
where = field +" = " + str(pointID)
memoryFeature = "in_memory" + "\" + "myMemoryFeature"
arcpy.Select_analysis(Pfc, memoryFeature, where)
baseName = buffName
buffName = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
##Add geometry in selected CRS to building footprints
arcpy.AddMessage("Geometry added")
##Add field if needed
if len(arcpy.ListFields(bFootprints,"BuildingArea"))>0:
print("Building area field exists")
arcpy.AddField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "!AREA_GEO!",expression_type="PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(memoryFeature, buffName, Distances=blastSize, Buffer_Unit="Feet", Field_Name="BlastRadius", Dissolve_Option="ALL", Outside_Polygons_Only="FULL")
arcpy.AddMessage("Buffering done")
print("Buffering done")
tableName = baseName + "_LossTable"
##Intersect buffer with building footprint
Buff = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
outInt = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName+"_BuildingIntersect"))
arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features = [Buff, bFootprints], out_feature_class=outInt, join_attributes="ALL", output_type = "INPUT")
##Update bFootprints with intersected values where building ID and blast radius match
arcpy.AddMessage("Intersecting complete")
print("Intersecting complete")
if str(lossTable) == "true":
tableName = str(baseName) + "_LossTable"
if str(outShape) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature classes copied to shapefile in the folder: " + outFolder)
except Exception, e:
import traceback, sys, os
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
arcpy.AddMessage("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
del arcpy
python python-2.x codeigniter arcpy
New contributor
add a comment |
The script below uses an ArcPy package which helps to create buffer of the impact around a location where a blast occurs(user entered), intersects with building footprint which is the point of interest to figure out if the blast impact will be there on the point of interest. This I am intending to use for blast analysis and the impact it does on the point of interest.
So far the code runs fine without any issues, however, I was curious if someone could sense check the code and review it for a better way to write the same and any modifications that could help. It's a simple though a long code so I am not expecting anyone to rewrite the entire code, but any alternative style or corrections in error handling to make it more efficient will be helpful.
import arcpy
import sys,os
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
##Tool input##
Pfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)##Blast locations
idField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) ##Blast ID field - can be object id or user defined/named field
pointID = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) ##ID of blast location to be used (Amazon = Front Entrance or Loading Bay)
bFootprints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)##Building footprint
totalEx = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) ##Total building exposure
buildType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) ##Building construction type - this influences loss ratios
outGDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)##Output Location (gdb)
buffName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) ##Buffer name - this will persist for intersect name(s) too
BlastZones = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) ##Blast zones to use - DHS or Lloyds.
BlastSize = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) ##Blast size - drop down list
outCorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10) ##output coordinate system - drop down list
lossTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) ##Output loss table (to GDB)
outShape = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) ##Output to shapefile - T or F
outCSV = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13) ##Output loss table as csv - T or F
##NAD 83
NAD83 = arcpy.SpatialReference(6350)
##WGS 84 Web Mercator
WebMerc = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)
BNG = arcpy.SpatialReference(27700)
##Check if being run in ArcMap - if yes, change some variables
if 'ArcMap.exe' in os.path.basename(sys.executable):
##Alter Pfc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
Pfc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
##Alter fc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
fc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
####Processing starts here...####
##Set output coordinates
if outCorName == "NAD83":
outCor = NAD83
elif outCorName == "WebMerc":
outCor = WebMerc
elif outCorName == "BNG":
outCor = BNG
##Set csv and shapefile output location
outFolder = os.path.join(outGDB.rsplit("\",1)[0],str(buffName+"_output"))
if os.path.exists(outFolder):
##UID field - used in update cursor
BF_name = bFootprints.rsplit("\",1)[1]
####Set blast size(s) and associated loss ratios
if BlastZones == "Lloyds":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "36;65;104"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "121;213;338"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "656;1312;1640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
if BlastZones == "DHS":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "26;80;125"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "85;260;375"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "100;335;500"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck5Ton":
blastSize = "140;450;640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck6Ton":
blastSize = "175;590;980"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
##Set for area calc.
##Add new fields to building footprints - to store intersected blast radius
tmp = blastSize.rsplit(";")
Field1 = "BuildingArea"
Field2 = "AREA_GEO"
fList = [Field1,Field2]
##sList = [Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4]
TField1 = "DamageLevel"
TField2 = "ImpactZoneByFeet"
TField3 = "PropertyFootprint_Area"
TField4 = "PropertyImpacted_Area"
TField5 = "TotalExposure"
TField6 = "ImpactRatio"
TField7 = "ImpactExposure"
TField8 = "LossRatio"
TField9 = "Loss"
TablefList = [TField1,TField2,TField3,TField4,TField5,TField6,TField7,TField8,TField9]
tExp = float(totalEx)
IZ1 = tmp[0]
IZ2 = tmp[1]
IZ3 = tmp[2]
tableTemplate = r"O:LossTable"
##Building intersection function##
def buildIntersect(outInt,fields,fc):
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outInt,fields) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
bID = str(row[0])
BR = int(row[1])
intArea = row[2]
where = "OBJECTID = " + bID
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc,fList,where) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
if BR == int(tmp[0]):
row[0] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[1]):
row[1] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[2]):
row[2] = intArea
del sCursor, uCursor
##Loss Table function##
def LossTable(fc, TablefList, tableName):
bArea =
intArea =
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fList) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
del sCursor
table = os.path.join(outGDB,tableName)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table,TablefList) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
DL = row[0]
if DL == "Heavy":
row[1] = IZ1
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[0]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR1
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Moderate":
row[1] = IZ2
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[1]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR2
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Light":
row[1] = IZ3
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[2]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR3
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
del uCursor
OutTableName = str(tableName) +".csv"
if str(outCSV) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Loss calculation table created and saved in: " + outFolder)
##Output shapefile function##
def OutShapes(fcList,outFolder):
for fc in fcList:
outShp = str(fc.rsplit("\",1)[1])+".shp"
##Blast Pressures
Pres_1 = 10
Pres_2 = 2
Pres_3 = 1
####Processing starts here####
fcList =
if type(pointID) == str:
pointID = "'"+pointID+"'"
field = str(idField)
where = field +" = " + str(pointID)
memoryFeature = "in_memory" + "\" + "myMemoryFeature"
arcpy.Select_analysis(Pfc, memoryFeature, where)
baseName = buffName
buffName = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
##Add geometry in selected CRS to building footprints
arcpy.AddMessage("Geometry added")
##Add field if needed
if len(arcpy.ListFields(bFootprints,"BuildingArea"))>0:
print("Building area field exists")
arcpy.AddField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "!AREA_GEO!",expression_type="PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(memoryFeature, buffName, Distances=blastSize, Buffer_Unit="Feet", Field_Name="BlastRadius", Dissolve_Option="ALL", Outside_Polygons_Only="FULL")
arcpy.AddMessage("Buffering done")
print("Buffering done")
tableName = baseName + "_LossTable"
##Intersect buffer with building footprint
Buff = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
outInt = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName+"_BuildingIntersect"))
arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features = [Buff, bFootprints], out_feature_class=outInt, join_attributes="ALL", output_type = "INPUT")
##Update bFootprints with intersected values where building ID and blast radius match
arcpy.AddMessage("Intersecting complete")
print("Intersecting complete")
if str(lossTable) == "true":
tableName = str(baseName) + "_LossTable"
if str(outShape) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature classes copied to shapefile in the folder: " + outFolder)
except Exception, e:
import traceback, sys, os
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
arcpy.AddMessage("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
del arcpy
python python-2.x codeigniter arcpy
New contributor
add a comment |
The script below uses an ArcPy package which helps to create buffer of the impact around a location where a blast occurs(user entered), intersects with building footprint which is the point of interest to figure out if the blast impact will be there on the point of interest. This I am intending to use for blast analysis and the impact it does on the point of interest.
So far the code runs fine without any issues, however, I was curious if someone could sense check the code and review it for a better way to write the same and any modifications that could help. It's a simple though a long code so I am not expecting anyone to rewrite the entire code, but any alternative style or corrections in error handling to make it more efficient will be helpful.
import arcpy
import sys,os
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
##Tool input##
Pfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)##Blast locations
idField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) ##Blast ID field - can be object id or user defined/named field
pointID = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) ##ID of blast location to be used (Amazon = Front Entrance or Loading Bay)
bFootprints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)##Building footprint
totalEx = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) ##Total building exposure
buildType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) ##Building construction type - this influences loss ratios
outGDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)##Output Location (gdb)
buffName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) ##Buffer name - this will persist for intersect name(s) too
BlastZones = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) ##Blast zones to use - DHS or Lloyds.
BlastSize = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) ##Blast size - drop down list
outCorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10) ##output coordinate system - drop down list
lossTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) ##Output loss table (to GDB)
outShape = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) ##Output to shapefile - T or F
outCSV = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13) ##Output loss table as csv - T or F
##NAD 83
NAD83 = arcpy.SpatialReference(6350)
##WGS 84 Web Mercator
WebMerc = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)
BNG = arcpy.SpatialReference(27700)
##Check if being run in ArcMap - if yes, change some variables
if 'ArcMap.exe' in os.path.basename(sys.executable):
##Alter Pfc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
Pfc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
##Alter fc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
fc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
####Processing starts here...####
##Set output coordinates
if outCorName == "NAD83":
outCor = NAD83
elif outCorName == "WebMerc":
outCor = WebMerc
elif outCorName == "BNG":
outCor = BNG
##Set csv and shapefile output location
outFolder = os.path.join(outGDB.rsplit("\",1)[0],str(buffName+"_output"))
if os.path.exists(outFolder):
##UID field - used in update cursor
BF_name = bFootprints.rsplit("\",1)[1]
####Set blast size(s) and associated loss ratios
if BlastZones == "Lloyds":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "36;65;104"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "121;213;338"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "656;1312;1640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
if BlastZones == "DHS":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "26;80;125"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "85;260;375"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "100;335;500"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck5Ton":
blastSize = "140;450;640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck6Ton":
blastSize = "175;590;980"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
##Set for area calc.
##Add new fields to building footprints - to store intersected blast radius
tmp = blastSize.rsplit(";")
Field1 = "BuildingArea"
Field2 = "AREA_GEO"
fList = [Field1,Field2]
##sList = [Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4]
TField1 = "DamageLevel"
TField2 = "ImpactZoneByFeet"
TField3 = "PropertyFootprint_Area"
TField4 = "PropertyImpacted_Area"
TField5 = "TotalExposure"
TField6 = "ImpactRatio"
TField7 = "ImpactExposure"
TField8 = "LossRatio"
TField9 = "Loss"
TablefList = [TField1,TField2,TField3,TField4,TField5,TField6,TField7,TField8,TField9]
tExp = float(totalEx)
IZ1 = tmp[0]
IZ2 = tmp[1]
IZ3 = tmp[2]
tableTemplate = r"O:LossTable"
##Building intersection function##
def buildIntersect(outInt,fields,fc):
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outInt,fields) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
bID = str(row[0])
BR = int(row[1])
intArea = row[2]
where = "OBJECTID = " + bID
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc,fList,where) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
if BR == int(tmp[0]):
row[0] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[1]):
row[1] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[2]):
row[2] = intArea
del sCursor, uCursor
##Loss Table function##
def LossTable(fc, TablefList, tableName):
bArea =
intArea =
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fList) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
del sCursor
table = os.path.join(outGDB,tableName)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table,TablefList) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
DL = row[0]
if DL == "Heavy":
row[1] = IZ1
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[0]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR1
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Moderate":
row[1] = IZ2
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[1]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR2
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Light":
row[1] = IZ3
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[2]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR3
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
del uCursor
OutTableName = str(tableName) +".csv"
if str(outCSV) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Loss calculation table created and saved in: " + outFolder)
##Output shapefile function##
def OutShapes(fcList,outFolder):
for fc in fcList:
outShp = str(fc.rsplit("\",1)[1])+".shp"
##Blast Pressures
Pres_1 = 10
Pres_2 = 2
Pres_3 = 1
####Processing starts here####
fcList =
if type(pointID) == str:
pointID = "'"+pointID+"'"
field = str(idField)
where = field +" = " + str(pointID)
memoryFeature = "in_memory" + "\" + "myMemoryFeature"
arcpy.Select_analysis(Pfc, memoryFeature, where)
baseName = buffName
buffName = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
##Add geometry in selected CRS to building footprints
arcpy.AddMessage("Geometry added")
##Add field if needed
if len(arcpy.ListFields(bFootprints,"BuildingArea"))>0:
print("Building area field exists")
arcpy.AddField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "!AREA_GEO!",expression_type="PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(memoryFeature, buffName, Distances=blastSize, Buffer_Unit="Feet", Field_Name="BlastRadius", Dissolve_Option="ALL", Outside_Polygons_Only="FULL")
arcpy.AddMessage("Buffering done")
print("Buffering done")
tableName = baseName + "_LossTable"
##Intersect buffer with building footprint
Buff = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
outInt = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName+"_BuildingIntersect"))
arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features = [Buff, bFootprints], out_feature_class=outInt, join_attributes="ALL", output_type = "INPUT")
##Update bFootprints with intersected values where building ID and blast radius match
arcpy.AddMessage("Intersecting complete")
print("Intersecting complete")
if str(lossTable) == "true":
tableName = str(baseName) + "_LossTable"
if str(outShape) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature classes copied to shapefile in the folder: " + outFolder)
except Exception, e:
import traceback, sys, os
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
arcpy.AddMessage("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
del arcpy
python python-2.x codeigniter arcpy
New contributor
The script below uses an ArcPy package which helps to create buffer of the impact around a location where a blast occurs(user entered), intersects with building footprint which is the point of interest to figure out if the blast impact will be there on the point of interest. This I am intending to use for blast analysis and the impact it does on the point of interest.
So far the code runs fine without any issues, however, I was curious if someone could sense check the code and review it for a better way to write the same and any modifications that could help. It's a simple though a long code so I am not expecting anyone to rewrite the entire code, but any alternative style or corrections in error handling to make it more efficient will be helpful.
import arcpy
import sys,os
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
##Tool input##
Pfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)##Blast locations
idField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) ##Blast ID field - can be object id or user defined/named field
pointID = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) ##ID of blast location to be used (Amazon = Front Entrance or Loading Bay)
bFootprints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)##Building footprint
totalEx = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) ##Total building exposure
buildType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) ##Building construction type - this influences loss ratios
outGDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)##Output Location (gdb)
buffName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) ##Buffer name - this will persist for intersect name(s) too
BlastZones = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) ##Blast zones to use - DHS or Lloyds.
BlastSize = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) ##Blast size - drop down list
outCorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10) ##output coordinate system - drop down list
lossTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) ##Output loss table (to GDB)
outShape = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) ##Output to shapefile - T or F
outCSV = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13) ##Output loss table as csv - T or F
##NAD 83
NAD83 = arcpy.SpatialReference(6350)
##WGS 84 Web Mercator
WebMerc = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)
BNG = arcpy.SpatialReference(27700)
##Check if being run in ArcMap - if yes, change some variables
if 'ArcMap.exe' in os.path.basename(sys.executable):
##Alter Pfc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
Pfc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
##Alter fc
desc = arcpy.Describe(Pfc)
fc = str(desc.path) + "\" +
####Processing starts here...####
##Set output coordinates
if outCorName == "NAD83":
outCor = NAD83
elif outCorName == "WebMerc":
outCor = WebMerc
elif outCorName == "BNG":
outCor = BNG
##Set csv and shapefile output location
outFolder = os.path.join(outGDB.rsplit("\",1)[0],str(buffName+"_output"))
if os.path.exists(outFolder):
##UID field - used in update cursor
BF_name = bFootprints.rsplit("\",1)[1]
####Set blast size(s) and associated loss ratios
if BlastZones == "Lloyds":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "36;65;104"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "121;213;338"
LR1 = 0.8
LR2 = 0.4
LR3 = 0.05
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "656;1312;1640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
if BlastZones == "DHS":
if BlastSize == "Backpack":
blastSize = "26;80;125"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck1Ton":
blastSize = "85;260;375"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck2Ton":
blastSize = "100;335;500"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck5Ton":
blastSize = "140;450;640"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
elif BlastSize == "truck6Ton":
blastSize = "175;590;980"
LR1 = 1
LR2 = 0.25
LR3 = 0.1
##Set for area calc.
##Add new fields to building footprints - to store intersected blast radius
tmp = blastSize.rsplit(";")
Field1 = "BuildingArea"
Field2 = "AREA_GEO"
fList = [Field1,Field2]
##sList = [Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4]
TField1 = "DamageLevel"
TField2 = "ImpactZoneByFeet"
TField3 = "PropertyFootprint_Area"
TField4 = "PropertyImpacted_Area"
TField5 = "TotalExposure"
TField6 = "ImpactRatio"
TField7 = "ImpactExposure"
TField8 = "LossRatio"
TField9 = "Loss"
TablefList = [TField1,TField2,TField3,TField4,TField5,TField6,TField7,TField8,TField9]
tExp = float(totalEx)
IZ1 = tmp[0]
IZ2 = tmp[1]
IZ3 = tmp[2]
tableTemplate = r"O:LossTable"
##Building intersection function##
def buildIntersect(outInt,fields,fc):
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outInt,fields) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
bID = str(row[0])
BR = int(row[1])
intArea = row[2]
where = "OBJECTID = " + bID
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc,fList,where) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
if BR == int(tmp[0]):
row[0] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[1]):
row[1] = intArea
elif BR == int(tmp[2]):
row[2] = intArea
del sCursor, uCursor
##Loss Table function##
def LossTable(fc, TablefList, tableName):
bArea =
intArea =
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fList) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
del sCursor
table = os.path.join(outGDB,tableName)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table,TablefList) as uCursor:
for row in uCursor:
DL = row[0]
if DL == "Heavy":
row[1] = IZ1
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[0]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR1
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Moderate":
row[1] = IZ2
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[1]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR2
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
elif DL == "Light":
row[1] = IZ3
row[2] = bArea[0]
row[3] = intArea[2]
row[4] = totalEx
row[5] = row[3]/row[2]
row[6] = int(row[4])*row[5]
row[7] = LR3
row[8] = row[6]*row[7]
del uCursor
OutTableName = str(tableName) +".csv"
if str(outCSV) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Loss calculation table created and saved in: " + outFolder)
##Output shapefile function##
def OutShapes(fcList,outFolder):
for fc in fcList:
outShp = str(fc.rsplit("\",1)[1])+".shp"
##Blast Pressures
Pres_1 = 10
Pres_2 = 2
Pres_3 = 1
####Processing starts here####
fcList =
if type(pointID) == str:
pointID = "'"+pointID+"'"
field = str(idField)
where = field +" = " + str(pointID)
memoryFeature = "in_memory" + "\" + "myMemoryFeature"
arcpy.Select_analysis(Pfc, memoryFeature, where)
baseName = buffName
buffName = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
##Add geometry in selected CRS to building footprints
arcpy.AddMessage("Geometry added")
##Add field if needed
if len(arcpy.ListFields(bFootprints,"BuildingArea"))>0:
print("Building area field exists")
arcpy.AddField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(bFootprints, "BuildingArea", "!AREA_GEO!",expression_type="PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(memoryFeature, buffName, Distances=blastSize, Buffer_Unit="Feet", Field_Name="BlastRadius", Dissolve_Option="ALL", Outside_Polygons_Only="FULL")
arcpy.AddMessage("Buffering done")
print("Buffering done")
tableName = baseName + "_LossTable"
##Intersect buffer with building footprint
Buff = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName + "_Buffer"))
outInt = os.path.join(outGDB,str(baseName+"_BuildingIntersect"))
arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features = [Buff, bFootprints], out_feature_class=outInt, join_attributes="ALL", output_type = "INPUT")
##Update bFootprints with intersected values where building ID and blast radius match
arcpy.AddMessage("Intersecting complete")
print("Intersecting complete")
if str(lossTable) == "true":
tableName = str(baseName) + "_LossTable"
if str(outShape) == "true":
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature classes copied to shapefile in the folder: " + outFolder)
except Exception, e:
import traceback, sys, os
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
arcpy.AddMessage("Line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
del arcpy
python python-2.x codeigniter arcpy
python python-2.x codeigniter arcpy
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New contributor
edited 36 mins ago
Stephen Rauch
New contributor
asked 47 mins ago
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