TCP Proxy server in C#


For reverse-engineering purposes I needed to make a TCP proxy server but with GUI for servers and clients management. My solution works quite fine, at least the UI is not getting blocked.

The general idea is that Game can connect to one of the IP's and to one of the ports the IP has. Thus, I need to run a server per each IP:port combination, but it comes down to a server per each possible port since all IP's are redirected to one PC.

Here is the top-form-class that starts all servers:

public class GameServer
public string Hostname;
public IPAddress IP;
public List<int> Ports = new List<int>();

public partial class ServersForm : Form
public List<GameServer> Servers { get; private set; } = new List<GameServer>(); // Populated externally
private List<IntermediateServer> _proxyServers;
private Dictionary<string, ClientForm> _clients = new Dictionary<string, ClientForm>();

public ServersForm()
StartAll(null, null);

// Will later be triggered from UI, hence the prototype
public void StartAll(object sender, EventArgs args)
_proxyServers = new List<IntermediateServer>();

foreach (var server in _resources.Servers)
foreach (var port in server.Ports)
_proxyServers.Add(new IntermediateServer(server.IP, port, OnClientConnected));

private void OnClientConnected(TcpClient client, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
var ep = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
var clientIP = ep.Address.ToString();
var clientPort = ep.Port;
var clientForm = new ClientForm(client.GetStream(), clientPort, serverIP, serverPort);
_clients.Add(clientIP, clientForm);

private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
foreach (var client in _clients)

foreach (var proxy in _proxyServers)

IntermediateServer acts as a server for the actual Game that listens on given port number and calls the OnClientConnected callback:

public class IntermediateServer
private IPAddress _serverIP;
private int _serverPort;
private TcpListener _listener; // Server for the actual game
private Thread _thread;
private bool _isRunning = false;
private Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> _clientCallback;

public IntermediateServer(IPAddress ip, int port, Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> clientCallback)
_serverIP = ip;
_serverPort = port;
_clientCallback = clientCallback;

_isRunning = true;

_listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, _serverPort);

_thread = new Thread(Listen);

public void Listen()
while (_isRunning)
var client = _listener.AcceptTcpClient();
_clientCallback(client, _serverIP, _serverPort);
catch (Exception e)

public void Stop()
_isRunning = false;

OnClientConnected callback creates new GUI form for each client. This form is responsible for initiating proxy connection and will further be used to display packets information:

public partial class ClientForm : Form
private NetworkStream _clientStream;
private NetworkStream _serverStream;

private Proxy _clientProxy;
private Proxy _serverProxy;

private TcpClient _client; // Client for the actual server

public ClientForm(NetworkStream clientStream, int clientPort, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
_client = new TcpClient();
_client.Connect(serverIP, serverPort);

_clientStream = clientStream;
_serverStream = _client.GetStream();

_clientProxy = new Proxy(_serverStream, _clientStream);
_serverProxy = new Proxy(_clientStream, _serverStream);


public void Start()

public void Stop()
// Yet unresolved issue

private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

And finally Proxy class. The idea of this class is to have two instances per client, each provided with client stream (the one from Intermediate class) and server stream (the one from ClientForm class) with the difference that one instance can read client and write to server and the other one does the opposite. This way I can inject data without issues:

public class Proxy
private NetworkStream _read;
private NetworkStream _write;

private Thread _queueThread;
private Thread _listenThread;

private ConcurrentQueue<byte> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte>();

private bool _isRunning = false;

public Proxy(NetworkStream read, NetworkStream write)
_read = read;
_write = write;

public void Start()
_isRunning = true;

_queueThread = new Thread(ProcessQueue);

_listenThread = new Thread(Listen);

private void Listen()
int length = 0;
var data = new byte[4096];
while (_isRunning)
Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
if (!_read.DataAvailable)
else if ((length = _read.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0)
var message = data.Take(length).ToArray();
catch (IOException e)
// Client disconnected
_isRunning = false;
catch (Exception e)
_isRunning = false;

private void ProcessQueue()
while (_isRunning)
if (!_queue.IsEmpty)
for (var i = 0; i < _queue.Count; i++)
byte message;
while (!_queue.TryDequeue(out message)) ;
_write.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
catch (Exception e)
_isRunning = false;

public void Stop()
_isRunning = false;

While I tried my best, I am afraid this code is not much thread-safe. What can be improved here?

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    For reverse-engineering purposes I needed to make a TCP proxy server but with GUI for servers and clients management. My solution works quite fine, at least the UI is not getting blocked.

    The general idea is that Game can connect to one of the IP's and to one of the ports the IP has. Thus, I need to run a server per each IP:port combination, but it comes down to a server per each possible port since all IP's are redirected to one PC.

    Here is the top-form-class that starts all servers:

    public class GameServer
    public string Hostname;
    public IPAddress IP;
    public List<int> Ports = new List<int>();

    public partial class ServersForm : Form
    public List<GameServer> Servers { get; private set; } = new List<GameServer>(); // Populated externally
    private List<IntermediateServer> _proxyServers;
    private Dictionary<string, ClientForm> _clients = new Dictionary<string, ClientForm>();

    public ServersForm()
    StartAll(null, null);

    // Will later be triggered from UI, hence the prototype
    public void StartAll(object sender, EventArgs args)
    _proxyServers = new List<IntermediateServer>();

    foreach (var server in _resources.Servers)
    foreach (var port in server.Ports)
    _proxyServers.Add(new IntermediateServer(server.IP, port, OnClientConnected));

    private void OnClientConnected(TcpClient client, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
    var ep = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
    var clientIP = ep.Address.ToString();
    var clientPort = ep.Port;
    var clientForm = new ClientForm(client.GetStream(), clientPort, serverIP, serverPort);
    _clients.Add(clientIP, clientForm);

    private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
    foreach (var client in _clients)

    foreach (var proxy in _proxyServers)

    IntermediateServer acts as a server for the actual Game that listens on given port number and calls the OnClientConnected callback:

    public class IntermediateServer
    private IPAddress _serverIP;
    private int _serverPort;
    private TcpListener _listener; // Server for the actual game
    private Thread _thread;
    private bool _isRunning = false;
    private Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> _clientCallback;

    public IntermediateServer(IPAddress ip, int port, Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> clientCallback)
    _serverIP = ip;
    _serverPort = port;
    _clientCallback = clientCallback;

    _isRunning = true;

    _listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, _serverPort);

    _thread = new Thread(Listen);

    public void Listen()
    while (_isRunning)
    var client = _listener.AcceptTcpClient();
    _clientCallback(client, _serverIP, _serverPort);
    catch (Exception e)
    #if DEBUG

    public void Stop()
    _isRunning = false;

    OnClientConnected callback creates new GUI form for each client. This form is responsible for initiating proxy connection and will further be used to display packets information:

    public partial class ClientForm : Form
    private NetworkStream _clientStream;
    private NetworkStream _serverStream;

    private Proxy _clientProxy;
    private Proxy _serverProxy;

    private TcpClient _client; // Client for the actual server

    public ClientForm(NetworkStream clientStream, int clientPort, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
    _client = new TcpClient();
    _client.Connect(serverIP, serverPort);

    _clientStream = clientStream;
    _serverStream = _client.GetStream();

    _clientProxy = new Proxy(_serverStream, _clientStream);
    _serverProxy = new Proxy(_clientStream, _serverStream);


    public void Start()

    public void Stop()
    // Yet unresolved issue

    private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

    And finally Proxy class. The idea of this class is to have two instances per client, each provided with client stream (the one from Intermediate class) and server stream (the one from ClientForm class) with the difference that one instance can read client and write to server and the other one does the opposite. This way I can inject data without issues:

    public class Proxy
    private NetworkStream _read;
    private NetworkStream _write;

    private Thread _queueThread;
    private Thread _listenThread;

    private ConcurrentQueue<byte> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte>();

    private bool _isRunning = false;

    public Proxy(NetworkStream read, NetworkStream write)
    _read = read;
    _write = write;

    public void Start()
    _isRunning = true;

    _queueThread = new Thread(ProcessQueue);

    _listenThread = new Thread(Listen);

    private void Listen()
    int length = 0;
    var data = new byte[4096];
    while (_isRunning)
    Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
    if (!_read.DataAvailable)
    else if ((length = _read.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0)
    var message = data.Take(length).ToArray();
    catch (IOException e)
    // Client disconnected
    _isRunning = false;
    catch (Exception e)
    _isRunning = false;

    private void ProcessQueue()
    while (_isRunning)
    if (!_queue.IsEmpty)
    for (var i = 0; i < _queue.Count; i++)
    byte message;
    while (!_queue.TryDequeue(out message)) ;
    _write.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
    catch (Exception e)
    _isRunning = false;

    public void Stop()
    _isRunning = false;

    While I tried my best, I am afraid this code is not much thread-safe. What can be improved here?

    share|improve this question




      For reverse-engineering purposes I needed to make a TCP proxy server but with GUI for servers and clients management. My solution works quite fine, at least the UI is not getting blocked.

      The general idea is that Game can connect to one of the IP's and to one of the ports the IP has. Thus, I need to run a server per each IP:port combination, but it comes down to a server per each possible port since all IP's are redirected to one PC.

      Here is the top-form-class that starts all servers:

      public class GameServer
      public string Hostname;
      public IPAddress IP;
      public List<int> Ports = new List<int>();

      public partial class ServersForm : Form
      public List<GameServer> Servers { get; private set; } = new List<GameServer>(); // Populated externally
      private List<IntermediateServer> _proxyServers;
      private Dictionary<string, ClientForm> _clients = new Dictionary<string, ClientForm>();

      public ServersForm()
      StartAll(null, null);

      // Will later be triggered from UI, hence the prototype
      public void StartAll(object sender, EventArgs args)
      _proxyServers = new List<IntermediateServer>();

      foreach (var server in _resources.Servers)
      foreach (var port in server.Ports)
      _proxyServers.Add(new IntermediateServer(server.IP, port, OnClientConnected));

      private void OnClientConnected(TcpClient client, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
      var ep = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
      var clientIP = ep.Address.ToString();
      var clientPort = ep.Port;
      var clientForm = new ClientForm(client.GetStream(), clientPort, serverIP, serverPort);
      _clients.Add(clientIP, clientForm);

      private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
      foreach (var client in _clients)

      foreach (var proxy in _proxyServers)

      IntermediateServer acts as a server for the actual Game that listens on given port number and calls the OnClientConnected callback:

      public class IntermediateServer
      private IPAddress _serverIP;
      private int _serverPort;
      private TcpListener _listener; // Server for the actual game
      private Thread _thread;
      private bool _isRunning = false;
      private Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> _clientCallback;

      public IntermediateServer(IPAddress ip, int port, Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> clientCallback)
      _serverIP = ip;
      _serverPort = port;
      _clientCallback = clientCallback;

      _isRunning = true;

      _listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, _serverPort);

      _thread = new Thread(Listen);

      public void Listen()
      while (_isRunning)
      var client = _listener.AcceptTcpClient();
      _clientCallback(client, _serverIP, _serverPort);
      catch (Exception e)
      #if DEBUG

      public void Stop()
      _isRunning = false;

      OnClientConnected callback creates new GUI form for each client. This form is responsible for initiating proxy connection and will further be used to display packets information:

      public partial class ClientForm : Form
      private NetworkStream _clientStream;
      private NetworkStream _serverStream;

      private Proxy _clientProxy;
      private Proxy _serverProxy;

      private TcpClient _client; // Client for the actual server

      public ClientForm(NetworkStream clientStream, int clientPort, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
      _client = new TcpClient();
      _client.Connect(serverIP, serverPort);

      _clientStream = clientStream;
      _serverStream = _client.GetStream();

      _clientProxy = new Proxy(_serverStream, _clientStream);
      _serverProxy = new Proxy(_clientStream, _serverStream);


      public void Start()

      public void Stop()
      // Yet unresolved issue

      private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

      And finally Proxy class. The idea of this class is to have two instances per client, each provided with client stream (the one from Intermediate class) and server stream (the one from ClientForm class) with the difference that one instance can read client and write to server and the other one does the opposite. This way I can inject data without issues:

      public class Proxy
      private NetworkStream _read;
      private NetworkStream _write;

      private Thread _queueThread;
      private Thread _listenThread;

      private ConcurrentQueue<byte> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte>();

      private bool _isRunning = false;

      public Proxy(NetworkStream read, NetworkStream write)
      _read = read;
      _write = write;

      public void Start()
      _isRunning = true;

      _queueThread = new Thread(ProcessQueue);

      _listenThread = new Thread(Listen);

      private void Listen()
      int length = 0;
      var data = new byte[4096];
      while (_isRunning)
      Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
      if (!_read.DataAvailable)
      else if ((length = _read.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0)
      var message = data.Take(length).ToArray();
      catch (IOException e)
      // Client disconnected
      _isRunning = false;
      catch (Exception e)
      _isRunning = false;

      private void ProcessQueue()
      while (_isRunning)
      if (!_queue.IsEmpty)
      for (var i = 0; i < _queue.Count; i++)
      byte message;
      while (!_queue.TryDequeue(out message)) ;
      _write.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
      catch (Exception e)
      _isRunning = false;

      public void Stop()
      _isRunning = false;

      While I tried my best, I am afraid this code is not much thread-safe. What can be improved here?

      share|improve this question

      For reverse-engineering purposes I needed to make a TCP proxy server but with GUI for servers and clients management. My solution works quite fine, at least the UI is not getting blocked.

      The general idea is that Game can connect to one of the IP's and to one of the ports the IP has. Thus, I need to run a server per each IP:port combination, but it comes down to a server per each possible port since all IP's are redirected to one PC.

      Here is the top-form-class that starts all servers:

      public class GameServer
      public string Hostname;
      public IPAddress IP;
      public List<int> Ports = new List<int>();

      public partial class ServersForm : Form
      public List<GameServer> Servers { get; private set; } = new List<GameServer>(); // Populated externally
      private List<IntermediateServer> _proxyServers;
      private Dictionary<string, ClientForm> _clients = new Dictionary<string, ClientForm>();

      public ServersForm()
      StartAll(null, null);

      // Will later be triggered from UI, hence the prototype
      public void StartAll(object sender, EventArgs args)
      _proxyServers = new List<IntermediateServer>();

      foreach (var server in _resources.Servers)
      foreach (var port in server.Ports)
      _proxyServers.Add(new IntermediateServer(server.IP, port, OnClientConnected));

      private void OnClientConnected(TcpClient client, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
      var ep = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
      var clientIP = ep.Address.ToString();
      var clientPort = ep.Port;
      var clientForm = new ClientForm(client.GetStream(), clientPort, serverIP, serverPort);
      _clients.Add(clientIP, clientForm);

      private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
      foreach (var client in _clients)

      foreach (var proxy in _proxyServers)

      IntermediateServer acts as a server for the actual Game that listens on given port number and calls the OnClientConnected callback:

      public class IntermediateServer
      private IPAddress _serverIP;
      private int _serverPort;
      private TcpListener _listener; // Server for the actual game
      private Thread _thread;
      private bool _isRunning = false;
      private Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> _clientCallback;

      public IntermediateServer(IPAddress ip, int port, Action<TcpClient, IPAddress, int> clientCallback)
      _serverIP = ip;
      _serverPort = port;
      _clientCallback = clientCallback;

      _isRunning = true;

      _listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, _serverPort);

      _thread = new Thread(Listen);

      public void Listen()
      while (_isRunning)
      var client = _listener.AcceptTcpClient();
      _clientCallback(client, _serverIP, _serverPort);
      catch (Exception e)
      #if DEBUG

      public void Stop()
      _isRunning = false;

      OnClientConnected callback creates new GUI form for each client. This form is responsible for initiating proxy connection and will further be used to display packets information:

      public partial class ClientForm : Form
      private NetworkStream _clientStream;
      private NetworkStream _serverStream;

      private Proxy _clientProxy;
      private Proxy _serverProxy;

      private TcpClient _client; // Client for the actual server

      public ClientForm(NetworkStream clientStream, int clientPort, IPAddress serverIP, int serverPort)
      _client = new TcpClient();
      _client.Connect(serverIP, serverPort);

      _clientStream = clientStream;
      _serverStream = _client.GetStream();

      _clientProxy = new Proxy(_serverStream, _clientStream);
      _serverProxy = new Proxy(_clientStream, _serverStream);


      public void Start()

      public void Stop()
      // Yet unresolved issue

      private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

      And finally Proxy class. The idea of this class is to have two instances per client, each provided with client stream (the one from Intermediate class) and server stream (the one from ClientForm class) with the difference that one instance can read client and write to server and the other one does the opposite. This way I can inject data without issues:

      public class Proxy
      private NetworkStream _read;
      private NetworkStream _write;

      private Thread _queueThread;
      private Thread _listenThread;

      private ConcurrentQueue<byte> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte>();

      private bool _isRunning = false;

      public Proxy(NetworkStream read, NetworkStream write)
      _read = read;
      _write = write;

      public void Start()
      _isRunning = true;

      _queueThread = new Thread(ProcessQueue);

      _listenThread = new Thread(Listen);

      private void Listen()
      int length = 0;
      var data = new byte[4096];
      while (_isRunning)
      Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
      if (!_read.DataAvailable)
      else if ((length = _read.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0)
      var message = data.Take(length).ToArray();
      catch (IOException e)
      // Client disconnected
      _isRunning = false;
      catch (Exception e)
      _isRunning = false;

      private void ProcessQueue()
      while (_isRunning)
      if (!_queue.IsEmpty)
      for (var i = 0; i < _queue.Count; i++)
      byte message;
      while (!_queue.TryDequeue(out message)) ;
      _write.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
      catch (Exception e)
      _isRunning = false;

      public void Stop()
      _isRunning = false;

      While I tried my best, I am afraid this code is not much thread-safe. What can be improved here?

      c# tcp proxy

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      asked 42 mins ago







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