Swift NMEA parser

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down vote


I'm quite new to Swift, and although I've been programming as a hobby for many years, I'm still not very confident about my code.

I'm currently rewriting an old library of mine, an NMEA parser. NMEA is a standard for GPS sentences containing position, time, satellites signal power and so on.

Basically this code receives a string and extracts values from it. For example:


Where "123519" it current time, "4807.038,N,01131.000,E" are latitude/longitude and so on. There are many, many types of NMEA sentences, reference here.

import Foundation

typealias Byte = UInt8

extension UInt8 {
var hexValue:String {
return (self < 16 ? "0":"") + String(self, radix:16, uppercase:true)

Allows to test against nil multiple variables aton once.
extension Collection where Element == Optional<Any> {
func allNotNil() -> Bool {
return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > self.count

func atleastOneNotNil() -> Bool {
return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > 0

func allNil() -> Bool {
return self.compactMap { $0 }.count == 0

func atleastOneIsNil() -> Bool {
return self.contains { $0 == nil }

class NMEASentenceParser {
static let shared = NMEASentenceParser()

private init() {}

func parse(_ nmeaSentence:String) -> Any? {
if nmeaSentence.isEmpty {
return nil

if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGGA") {
return GPGGA(nmeaSentence)
} else if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGSA") {
return GPGSA(nmeaSentence)

return nil

//Generic class
class NMEASentence {
private var sentence:String
var trimmedSentence:String

var isValid:Bool {
get {
return sentence.suffix(2) == checksum().hexValue

func checksum() -> UInt8 {
var xor:UInt8 = 0
for i in 0..<trimmedSentence.utf8.count {
xor = xor ^ Array(trimmedSentence.utf8)[i]
return xor

init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
sentence = nmeaSentence

//duplicate sentence trimmed from its "$" and checksum
let start = sentence.index(sentence.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let end = sentence.index(sentence.endIndex, offsetBy: -3)
trimmedSentence = String(sentence[start..<end])

if isValid == false {
return nil



Source: https://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm
GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.


GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
1 Fix quality:
0 = invalid
1 = GPS fix (SPS)
2 = DGPS fix
3 = PPS fix
4 = Real Time Kinematic
5 = Float RTK
6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
7 = Manual input mode
8 = Simulation mode
08 Number of satellites being tracked
0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
(empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
(empty field) DGPS station ID number
*47 the checksum data, always begins with *
class GPGGA:NMEASentence {
override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
//init will fail if

let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

utcTime = Float(splittedSentence[1])
latitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[2], splittedSentence[3])
longitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[4], splittedSentence[5])
fixQuality = FixQuality(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[6]) ?? -1)
numberOfSatellites = Int(splittedSentence[7])
horizontalDilutionOfPosition = Float(splittedSentence[8])
mslAltitude = Float(splittedSentence[9])
mslAltitudeUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])
heightOfGeoid = Float(splittedSentence[11])
heightOfGeoidUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])

if [utcTime,latitude,longitude,fixQuality,numberOfSatellites,horizontalDilutionOfPosition,mslAltitude,mslAltitudeUnit,heightOfGeoid,heightOfGeoidUnit].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
return nil
var utcTime:Float?
var latitude:Coordinate?
var longitude:Coordinate?
var fixQuality:FixQuality?
var numberOfSatellites:Int?
var horizontalDilutionOfPosition:Float?
var mslAltitude:Float?
var mslAltitudeUnit:String?
var heightOfGeoid:Float?
var heightOfGeoidUnit:String?


GSA Satellite status
A Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
3 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
2 = 2D fix
3 = 3D fix
04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
2.5 PDOP (dilution of precision)
1.3 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
2.1 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
*39 the checksum data, always begins with *
class GPGSA:NMEASentence {
override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {

let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

fixSelectionMode = FixSelectionMode(rawValue: Character(String(splittedSentence[1])))
threeDFixMode = FixMode(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[2]) ?? 0)
for i in 0..<12 {
pdop = Float(splittedSentence[15])
hdop = Float(splittedSentence[16])
vdop = Float(splittedSentence[17])

//prn can definitely contail nil values, as less than 12 GPS can be in sight
if [fixSelectionMode, threeDFixMode, hdop, vdop, pdop].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
return nil

var fixSelectionMode:FixSelectionMode?
var threeDFixMode:FixMode?
var prn = [Int?]()
var pdop:Float?
var hdop:Float?
var vdop:Float?

struct Coordinate {
var coordinate:Float?
var direction:Direction?

init?(_ coordinate:Substring, _ direction:Substring) {
self.coordinate = Float(coordinate)
guard self.coordinate != nil else {
return nil
self.direction = Direction(String(direction))
guard self.direction != nil else {
return nil

enum FixSelectionMode:Character {
case manual = "M"
case auto = "A"

enum FixMode:Int {
case nofix = 1
case twod = 2
case threed = 3

enum Direction:Character {
case north = "N"
case south = "S"
case east = "E"
case west = "W"

init?(_ direction:String) {
switch String(direction) {
case "N":
self = .north
case "S":
self = .south
case "E":
self = .east
case "W":
self = .west
return nil

enum FixQuality:Int {
case Invalid = 0
case GPSFixSPS = 1
case DGPSFix = 2
case PPSFix = 3
case RealTimeKinematic = 4
case FloatRTK = 5
case Estimated = 6
case ManualInputMode = 7
case SimulationMode = 8

Code doesn't cover full NMEA standard yet, but the most important parts are there.

How to use it:

let gpgga = NMEASentenceParser.shared.parse(correctGPGGASentence) as! NMEASentenceParser.GPGGA

Thanks in advance!

BTW: full codes lies here

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New contributor

X99 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

    up vote
    down vote


    I'm quite new to Swift, and although I've been programming as a hobby for many years, I'm still not very confident about my code.

    I'm currently rewriting an old library of mine, an NMEA parser. NMEA is a standard for GPS sentences containing position, time, satellites signal power and so on.

    Basically this code receives a string and extracts values from it. For example:


    Where "123519" it current time, "4807.038,N,01131.000,E" are latitude/longitude and so on. There are many, many types of NMEA sentences, reference here.

    import Foundation

    typealias Byte = UInt8

    extension UInt8 {
    var hexValue:String {
    return (self < 16 ? "0":"") + String(self, radix:16, uppercase:true)

    Allows to test against nil multiple variables aton once.
    extension Collection where Element == Optional<Any> {
    func allNotNil() -> Bool {
    return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > self.count

    func atleastOneNotNil() -> Bool {
    return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > 0

    func allNil() -> Bool {
    return self.compactMap { $0 }.count == 0

    func atleastOneIsNil() -> Bool {
    return self.contains { $0 == nil }

    class NMEASentenceParser {
    static let shared = NMEASentenceParser()

    private init() {}

    func parse(_ nmeaSentence:String) -> Any? {
    if nmeaSentence.isEmpty {
    return nil

    if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGGA") {
    return GPGGA(nmeaSentence)
    } else if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGSA") {
    return GPGSA(nmeaSentence)

    return nil

    //Generic class
    class NMEASentence {
    private var sentence:String
    var trimmedSentence:String

    var isValid:Bool {
    get {
    return sentence.suffix(2) == checksum().hexValue

    func checksum() -> UInt8 {
    var xor:UInt8 = 0
    for i in 0..<trimmedSentence.utf8.count {
    xor = xor ^ Array(trimmedSentence.utf8)[i]
    return xor

    init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
    sentence = nmeaSentence

    //duplicate sentence trimmed from its "$" and checksum
    let start = sentence.index(sentence.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
    let end = sentence.index(sentence.endIndex, offsetBy: -3)
    trimmedSentence = String(sentence[start..<end])

    if isValid == false {
    return nil



    Source: https://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm
    GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.


    GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
    123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
    4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
    01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
    1 Fix quality:
    0 = invalid
    1 = GPS fix (SPS)
    2 = DGPS fix
    3 = PPS fix
    4 = Real Time Kinematic
    5 = Float RTK
    6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
    7 = Manual input mode
    8 = Simulation mode
    08 Number of satellites being tracked
    0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
    545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
    46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
    (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
    (empty field) DGPS station ID number
    *47 the checksum data, always begins with *
    class GPGGA:NMEASentence {
    override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
    //init will fail if

    let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

    utcTime = Float(splittedSentence[1])
    latitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[2], splittedSentence[3])
    longitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[4], splittedSentence[5])
    fixQuality = FixQuality(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[6]) ?? -1)
    numberOfSatellites = Int(splittedSentence[7])
    horizontalDilutionOfPosition = Float(splittedSentence[8])
    mslAltitude = Float(splittedSentence[9])
    mslAltitudeUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])
    heightOfGeoid = Float(splittedSentence[11])
    heightOfGeoidUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])

    if [utcTime,latitude,longitude,fixQuality,numberOfSatellites,horizontalDilutionOfPosition,mslAltitude,mslAltitudeUnit,heightOfGeoid,heightOfGeoidUnit].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
    return nil
    var utcTime:Float?
    var latitude:Coordinate?
    var longitude:Coordinate?
    var fixQuality:FixQuality?
    var numberOfSatellites:Int?
    var horizontalDilutionOfPosition:Float?
    var mslAltitude:Float?
    var mslAltitudeUnit:String?
    var heightOfGeoid:Float?
    var heightOfGeoidUnit:String?


    GSA Satellite status
    A Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
    3 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
    2 = 2D fix
    3 = 3D fix
    04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
    2.5 PDOP (dilution of precision)
    1.3 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
    2.1 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
    *39 the checksum data, always begins with *
    class GPGSA:NMEASentence {
    override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {

    let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

    fixSelectionMode = FixSelectionMode(rawValue: Character(String(splittedSentence[1])))
    threeDFixMode = FixMode(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[2]) ?? 0)
    for i in 0..<12 {
    pdop = Float(splittedSentence[15])
    hdop = Float(splittedSentence[16])
    vdop = Float(splittedSentence[17])

    //prn can definitely contail nil values, as less than 12 GPS can be in sight
    if [fixSelectionMode, threeDFixMode, hdop, vdop, pdop].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
    return nil

    var fixSelectionMode:FixSelectionMode?
    var threeDFixMode:FixMode?
    var prn = [Int?]()
    var pdop:Float?
    var hdop:Float?
    var vdop:Float?

    struct Coordinate {
    var coordinate:Float?
    var direction:Direction?

    init?(_ coordinate:Substring, _ direction:Substring) {
    self.coordinate = Float(coordinate)
    guard self.coordinate != nil else {
    return nil
    self.direction = Direction(String(direction))
    guard self.direction != nil else {
    return nil

    enum FixSelectionMode:Character {
    case manual = "M"
    case auto = "A"

    enum FixMode:Int {
    case nofix = 1
    case twod = 2
    case threed = 3

    enum Direction:Character {
    case north = "N"
    case south = "S"
    case east = "E"
    case west = "W"

    init?(_ direction:String) {
    switch String(direction) {
    case "N":
    self = .north
    case "S":
    self = .south
    case "E":
    self = .east
    case "W":
    self = .west
    return nil

    enum FixQuality:Int {
    case Invalid = 0
    case GPSFixSPS = 1
    case DGPSFix = 2
    case PPSFix = 3
    case RealTimeKinematic = 4
    case FloatRTK = 5
    case Estimated = 6
    case ManualInputMode = 7
    case SimulationMode = 8

    Code doesn't cover full NMEA standard yet, but the most important parts are there.

    How to use it:

    let gpgga = NMEASentenceParser.shared.parse(correctGPGGASentence) as! NMEASentenceParser.GPGGA

    Thanks in advance!

    BTW: full codes lies here

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    X99 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I'm quite new to Swift, and although I've been programming as a hobby for many years, I'm still not very confident about my code.

      I'm currently rewriting an old library of mine, an NMEA parser. NMEA is a standard for GPS sentences containing position, time, satellites signal power and so on.

      Basically this code receives a string and extracts values from it. For example:


      Where "123519" it current time, "4807.038,N,01131.000,E" are latitude/longitude and so on. There are many, many types of NMEA sentences, reference here.

      import Foundation

      typealias Byte = UInt8

      extension UInt8 {
      var hexValue:String {
      return (self < 16 ? "0":"") + String(self, radix:16, uppercase:true)

      Allows to test against nil multiple variables aton once.
      extension Collection where Element == Optional<Any> {
      func allNotNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > self.count

      func atleastOneNotNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > 0

      func allNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count == 0

      func atleastOneIsNil() -> Bool {
      return self.contains { $0 == nil }

      class NMEASentenceParser {
      static let shared = NMEASentenceParser()

      private init() {}

      func parse(_ nmeaSentence:String) -> Any? {
      if nmeaSentence.isEmpty {
      return nil

      if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGGA") {
      return GPGGA(nmeaSentence)
      } else if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGSA") {
      return GPGSA(nmeaSentence)

      return nil

      //Generic class
      class NMEASentence {
      private var sentence:String
      var trimmedSentence:String

      var isValid:Bool {
      get {
      return sentence.suffix(2) == checksum().hexValue

      func checksum() -> UInt8 {
      var xor:UInt8 = 0
      for i in 0..<trimmedSentence.utf8.count {
      xor = xor ^ Array(trimmedSentence.utf8)[i]
      return xor

      init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
      sentence = nmeaSentence

      //duplicate sentence trimmed from its "$" and checksum
      let start = sentence.index(sentence.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
      let end = sentence.index(sentence.endIndex, offsetBy: -3)
      trimmedSentence = String(sentence[start..<end])

      if isValid == false {
      return nil



      Source: https://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm
      GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.


      GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
      123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
      4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
      01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
      1 Fix quality:
      0 = invalid
      1 = GPS fix (SPS)
      2 = DGPS fix
      3 = PPS fix
      4 = Real Time Kinematic
      5 = Float RTK
      6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
      7 = Manual input mode
      8 = Simulation mode
      08 Number of satellites being tracked
      0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
      545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
      46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
      (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
      (empty field) DGPS station ID number
      *47 the checksum data, always begins with *
      class GPGGA:NMEASentence {
      override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
      //init will fail if

      let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

      utcTime = Float(splittedSentence[1])
      latitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[2], splittedSentence[3])
      longitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[4], splittedSentence[5])
      fixQuality = FixQuality(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[6]) ?? -1)
      numberOfSatellites = Int(splittedSentence[7])
      horizontalDilutionOfPosition = Float(splittedSentence[8])
      mslAltitude = Float(splittedSentence[9])
      mslAltitudeUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])
      heightOfGeoid = Float(splittedSentence[11])
      heightOfGeoidUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])

      if [utcTime,latitude,longitude,fixQuality,numberOfSatellites,horizontalDilutionOfPosition,mslAltitude,mslAltitudeUnit,heightOfGeoid,heightOfGeoidUnit].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
      return nil
      var utcTime:Float?
      var latitude:Coordinate?
      var longitude:Coordinate?
      var fixQuality:FixQuality?
      var numberOfSatellites:Int?
      var horizontalDilutionOfPosition:Float?
      var mslAltitude:Float?
      var mslAltitudeUnit:String?
      var heightOfGeoid:Float?
      var heightOfGeoidUnit:String?


      GSA Satellite status
      A Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
      3 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
      2 = 2D fix
      3 = 3D fix
      04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
      2.5 PDOP (dilution of precision)
      1.3 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
      2.1 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
      *39 the checksum data, always begins with *
      class GPGSA:NMEASentence {
      override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {

      let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

      fixSelectionMode = FixSelectionMode(rawValue: Character(String(splittedSentence[1])))
      threeDFixMode = FixMode(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[2]) ?? 0)
      for i in 0..<12 {
      pdop = Float(splittedSentence[15])
      hdop = Float(splittedSentence[16])
      vdop = Float(splittedSentence[17])

      //prn can definitely contail nil values, as less than 12 GPS can be in sight
      if [fixSelectionMode, threeDFixMode, hdop, vdop, pdop].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
      return nil

      var fixSelectionMode:FixSelectionMode?
      var threeDFixMode:FixMode?
      var prn = [Int?]()
      var pdop:Float?
      var hdop:Float?
      var vdop:Float?

      struct Coordinate {
      var coordinate:Float?
      var direction:Direction?

      init?(_ coordinate:Substring, _ direction:Substring) {
      self.coordinate = Float(coordinate)
      guard self.coordinate != nil else {
      return nil
      self.direction = Direction(String(direction))
      guard self.direction != nil else {
      return nil

      enum FixSelectionMode:Character {
      case manual = "M"
      case auto = "A"

      enum FixMode:Int {
      case nofix = 1
      case twod = 2
      case threed = 3

      enum Direction:Character {
      case north = "N"
      case south = "S"
      case east = "E"
      case west = "W"

      init?(_ direction:String) {
      switch String(direction) {
      case "N":
      self = .north
      case "S":
      self = .south
      case "E":
      self = .east
      case "W":
      self = .west
      return nil

      enum FixQuality:Int {
      case Invalid = 0
      case GPSFixSPS = 1
      case DGPSFix = 2
      case PPSFix = 3
      case RealTimeKinematic = 4
      case FloatRTK = 5
      case Estimated = 6
      case ManualInputMode = 7
      case SimulationMode = 8

      Code doesn't cover full NMEA standard yet, but the most important parts are there.

      How to use it:

      let gpgga = NMEASentenceParser.shared.parse(correctGPGGASentence) as! NMEASentenceParser.GPGGA

      Thanks in advance!

      BTW: full codes lies here

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      X99 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I'm quite new to Swift, and although I've been programming as a hobby for many years, I'm still not very confident about my code.

      I'm currently rewriting an old library of mine, an NMEA parser. NMEA is a standard for GPS sentences containing position, time, satellites signal power and so on.

      Basically this code receives a string and extracts values from it. For example:


      Where "123519" it current time, "4807.038,N,01131.000,E" are latitude/longitude and so on. There are many, many types of NMEA sentences, reference here.

      import Foundation

      typealias Byte = UInt8

      extension UInt8 {
      var hexValue:String {
      return (self < 16 ? "0":"") + String(self, radix:16, uppercase:true)

      Allows to test against nil multiple variables aton once.
      extension Collection where Element == Optional<Any> {
      func allNotNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > self.count

      func atleastOneNotNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count > 0

      func allNil() -> Bool {
      return self.compactMap { $0 }.count == 0

      func atleastOneIsNil() -> Bool {
      return self.contains { $0 == nil }

      class NMEASentenceParser {
      static let shared = NMEASentenceParser()

      private init() {}

      func parse(_ nmeaSentence:String) -> Any? {
      if nmeaSentence.isEmpty {
      return nil

      if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGGA") {
      return GPGGA(nmeaSentence)
      } else if nmeaSentence.hasPrefix("$GPGSA") {
      return GPGSA(nmeaSentence)

      return nil

      //Generic class
      class NMEASentence {
      private var sentence:String
      var trimmedSentence:String

      var isValid:Bool {
      get {
      return sentence.suffix(2) == checksum().hexValue

      func checksum() -> UInt8 {
      var xor:UInt8 = 0
      for i in 0..<trimmedSentence.utf8.count {
      xor = xor ^ Array(trimmedSentence.utf8)[i]
      return xor

      init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
      sentence = nmeaSentence

      //duplicate sentence trimmed from its "$" and checksum
      let start = sentence.index(sentence.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
      let end = sentence.index(sentence.endIndex, offsetBy: -3)
      trimmedSentence = String(sentence[start..<end])

      if isValid == false {
      return nil



      Source: https://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm
      GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.


      GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
      123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
      4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
      01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
      1 Fix quality:
      0 = invalid
      1 = GPS fix (SPS)
      2 = DGPS fix
      3 = PPS fix
      4 = Real Time Kinematic
      5 = Float RTK
      6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
      7 = Manual input mode
      8 = Simulation mode
      08 Number of satellites being tracked
      0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
      545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
      46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
      (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
      (empty field) DGPS station ID number
      *47 the checksum data, always begins with *
      class GPGGA:NMEASentence {
      override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {
      //init will fail if

      let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

      utcTime = Float(splittedSentence[1])
      latitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[2], splittedSentence[3])
      longitude = Coordinate(splittedSentence[4], splittedSentence[5])
      fixQuality = FixQuality(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[6]) ?? -1)
      numberOfSatellites = Int(splittedSentence[7])
      horizontalDilutionOfPosition = Float(splittedSentence[8])
      mslAltitude = Float(splittedSentence[9])
      mslAltitudeUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])
      heightOfGeoid = Float(splittedSentence[11])
      heightOfGeoidUnit = String(splittedSentence[10])

      if [utcTime,latitude,longitude,fixQuality,numberOfSatellites,horizontalDilutionOfPosition,mslAltitude,mslAltitudeUnit,heightOfGeoid,heightOfGeoidUnit].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
      return nil
      var utcTime:Float?
      var latitude:Coordinate?
      var longitude:Coordinate?
      var fixQuality:FixQuality?
      var numberOfSatellites:Int?
      var horizontalDilutionOfPosition:Float?
      var mslAltitude:Float?
      var mslAltitudeUnit:String?
      var heightOfGeoid:Float?
      var heightOfGeoidUnit:String?


      GSA Satellite status
      A Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
      3 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
      2 = 2D fix
      3 = 3D fix
      04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
      2.5 PDOP (dilution of precision)
      1.3 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
      2.1 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
      *39 the checksum data, always begins with *
      class GPGSA:NMEASentence {
      override init?(_ nmeaSentence:String) {

      let splittedSentence = trimmedSentence.split(separator: ",", maxSplits: Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)

      fixSelectionMode = FixSelectionMode(rawValue: Character(String(splittedSentence[1])))
      threeDFixMode = FixMode(rawValue: Int(splittedSentence[2]) ?? 0)
      for i in 0..<12 {
      pdop = Float(splittedSentence[15])
      hdop = Float(splittedSentence[16])
      vdop = Float(splittedSentence[17])

      //prn can definitely contail nil values, as less than 12 GPS can be in sight
      if [fixSelectionMode, threeDFixMode, hdop, vdop, pdop].atleastOneIsNil() == true {
      return nil

      var fixSelectionMode:FixSelectionMode?
      var threeDFixMode:FixMode?
      var prn = [Int?]()
      var pdop:Float?
      var hdop:Float?
      var vdop:Float?

      struct Coordinate {
      var coordinate:Float?
      var direction:Direction?

      init?(_ coordinate:Substring, _ direction:Substring) {
      self.coordinate = Float(coordinate)
      guard self.coordinate != nil else {
      return nil
      self.direction = Direction(String(direction))
      guard self.direction != nil else {
      return nil

      enum FixSelectionMode:Character {
      case manual = "M"
      case auto = "A"

      enum FixMode:Int {
      case nofix = 1
      case twod = 2
      case threed = 3

      enum Direction:Character {
      case north = "N"
      case south = "S"
      case east = "E"
      case west = "W"

      init?(_ direction:String) {
      switch String(direction) {
      case "N":
      self = .north
      case "S":
      self = .south
      case "E":
      self = .east
      case "W":
      self = .west
      return nil

      enum FixQuality:Int {
      case Invalid = 0
      case GPSFixSPS = 1
      case DGPSFix = 2
      case PPSFix = 3
      case RealTimeKinematic = 4
      case FloatRTK = 5
      case Estimated = 6
      case ManualInputMode = 7
      case SimulationMode = 8

      Code doesn't cover full NMEA standard yet, but the most important parts are there.

      How to use it:

      let gpgga = NMEASentenceParser.shared.parse(correctGPGGASentence) as! NMEASentenceParser.GPGGA

      Thanks in advance!

      BTW: full codes lies here

      parsing swift

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      edited Nov 15 at 17:30

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      asked Nov 15 at 9:00




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