PowerShell script to create Excel spreadsheet from HTML file

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down vote


This script is designed to create an Excel spreadsheet from each HTML table from auto-generated index.html file.

It needs to be very robust but unfortunately I don't have many example files to test it against. Any feedback on style, possible points of failure, or vulnerabilities would be very appreciated.


function Main

# find each file called "index.html" in the folders below the directory of the script
$Directory = $PSScriptRoot
$htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

# for each html file, create an excel file in the directory of the script
# called Exceptions Log <date of HTML file creation>.xlsx
ForEach($htmlFile in $htmlFiles)
$fileCreationDate = (Get-ChildItem $htmlFile).CreationTime
$fileString = $fileCreationDate.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss")
$outputFile = "$DirectoryExceptions Log $fileString.xlsx"

Write-Host "Parsing HTML file: $htmlFile"
$document = ParseHtml $htmlFile

Write-Host "Creating Excel file: $outputFile"
CreateExcelFromHtml $document $outputFile


# load local HTML file and return COM object that we can query
function ParseHtml([string]$fileIn)
$html = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
$source = Get-Content $fileIn -Raw
return $html

# create excel spreadsheet from html document
function CreateExcelFromHtml($document, [string]$excelFile)
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $false # $true
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet

Write-Host "Filling in Excel file"
$row = 1;
# iterate over tables
$tables = $document.getElementsByTagName("table")
$captions = $document.getElementsByTagName("caption")

for($t=0; $t -lt $tables.length; $t++){

# create 2 row space between tables
$row += 2

#iterate over rows
$rows = $tables[$t].getElementsByTagName("tr")
for($i=0; $i -lt $rows.length; $i++)

# iterate over cells
# every other cell is a blank cell, however cells with content are always nested in a "font" tag
$cells = $rows[$i].getElementsByTagName("font")
for($j=0; $j -lt $cells.length; $j++)
# load each cell contents into an excel cell
$sheet.Cells.Item($row + $i, $j+1) = $cells[$j].innerText.Trim()

# add corrective action column to first table
if($t -eq 0){
$j += 1 # increment table size
$sheet.Cells.Item($row, $j) = "Corrective Action";

# get table title from corresponding caption
$title = [string]$captions[$t].innerText

StyleTable $sheet $title $row $i $j

$row += $i


Write-Host "Formating Excel file"
$sheet.UsedRange.ColumnWidth = 18

Write-Host "Saving Excel file"
$workbook.SaveAs($excelFile, 51)


Function StyleTable($sheet, $tableTitle, $startRow, $numberOfRows, $endColumn){

# give the table a title and style it
$titleCell = $sheet.Cells($startRow - 1, 1)
$titleCell.Value = $tableTitle
$titleCell.Font.Name = "Cambria"
$titleCell.Font.Size = 14
$titleCell.Font.Bold = $true
$titleCell.Font.ThemeColor = 5

# give the table a border
$tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
$sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

$tableRange.Borders.Weight = 2

# make the table header bold and blue
$headerRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
$sheet.Cells($startRow, $endColumn))

$headerRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
$headerRange.Font.Bold = $true


Example index.html file


<b><font size=6>Bar</font>
<b><font size=4>Foo</font>
<font size=3>FooBar</font>

<caption><font size=3><b>Title</b></font></caption>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>A</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>B</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>C</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>D</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>E</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>F</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>G</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

<td valign=top><font size=2>1</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>2</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>3</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>4</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>5</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>6</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>7</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


<caption><font size=3><b>Title 2</b></font></caption>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FoobBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz<br>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar<br>


<caption><font size=3><b>Title 3</b></font></caption>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FizzBuzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FooBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


<b><font size=4>Something</font>

<caption><font size=3><b>Title 4</b></font></caption>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

<td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

<b><td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
</b><td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>




enter image description here

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    up vote
    down vote


    This script is designed to create an Excel spreadsheet from each HTML table from auto-generated index.html file.

    It needs to be very robust but unfortunately I don't have many example files to test it against. Any feedback on style, possible points of failure, or vulnerabilities would be very appreciated.


    function Main

    # find each file called "index.html" in the folders below the directory of the script
    $Directory = $PSScriptRoot
    $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

    # for each html file, create an excel file in the directory of the script
    # called Exceptions Log <date of HTML file creation>.xlsx
    ForEach($htmlFile in $htmlFiles)
    $fileCreationDate = (Get-ChildItem $htmlFile).CreationTime
    $fileString = $fileCreationDate.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss")
    $outputFile = "$DirectoryExceptions Log $fileString.xlsx"

    Write-Host "Parsing HTML file: $htmlFile"
    $document = ParseHtml $htmlFile

    Write-Host "Creating Excel file: $outputFile"
    CreateExcelFromHtml $document $outputFile


    # load local HTML file and return COM object that we can query
    function ParseHtml([string]$fileIn)
    $html = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
    $source = Get-Content $fileIn -Raw
    return $html

    # create excel spreadsheet from html document
    function CreateExcelFromHtml($document, [string]$excelFile)
    $excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $excel.Visible = $false # $true
    $excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
    $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
    $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet

    Write-Host "Filling in Excel file"
    $row = 1;
    # iterate over tables
    $tables = $document.getElementsByTagName("table")
    $captions = $document.getElementsByTagName("caption")

    for($t=0; $t -lt $tables.length; $t++){

    # create 2 row space between tables
    $row += 2

    #iterate over rows
    $rows = $tables[$t].getElementsByTagName("tr")
    for($i=0; $i -lt $rows.length; $i++)

    # iterate over cells
    # every other cell is a blank cell, however cells with content are always nested in a "font" tag
    $cells = $rows[$i].getElementsByTagName("font")
    for($j=0; $j -lt $cells.length; $j++)
    # load each cell contents into an excel cell
    $sheet.Cells.Item($row + $i, $j+1) = $cells[$j].innerText.Trim()

    # add corrective action column to first table
    if($t -eq 0){
    $j += 1 # increment table size
    $sheet.Cells.Item($row, $j) = "Corrective Action";

    # get table title from corresponding caption
    $title = [string]$captions[$t].innerText

    StyleTable $sheet $title $row $i $j

    $row += $i


    Write-Host "Formating Excel file"
    $sheet.UsedRange.ColumnWidth = 18

    Write-Host "Saving Excel file"
    $workbook.SaveAs($excelFile, 51)


    Function StyleTable($sheet, $tableTitle, $startRow, $numberOfRows, $endColumn){

    # give the table a title and style it
    $titleCell = $sheet.Cells($startRow - 1, 1)
    $titleCell.Value = $tableTitle
    $titleCell.Font.Name = "Cambria"
    $titleCell.Font.Size = 14
    $titleCell.Font.Bold = $true
    $titleCell.Font.ThemeColor = 5

    # give the table a border
    $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
    $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

    $tableRange.Borders.Weight = 2

    # make the table header bold and blue
    $headerRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
    $sheet.Cells($startRow, $endColumn))

    $headerRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
    $headerRange.Font.Bold = $true


    Example index.html file


    <b><font size=6>Bar</font>
    <b><font size=4>Foo</font>
    <font size=3>FooBar</font>

    <caption><font size=3><b>Title</b></font></caption>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>A</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>B</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>C</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>D</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>E</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>F</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>G</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>1</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>2</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>3</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>4</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>5</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>6</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>7</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


    <caption><font size=3><b>Title 2</b></font></caption>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FoobBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz<br>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar<br>


    <caption><font size=3><b>Title 3</b></font></caption>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FizzBuzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FooBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


    <b><font size=4>Something</font>

    <caption><font size=3><b>Title 4</b></font></caption>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

    <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

    <b><td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    </b><td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>




    enter image description here

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      This script is designed to create an Excel spreadsheet from each HTML table from auto-generated index.html file.

      It needs to be very robust but unfortunately I don't have many example files to test it against. Any feedback on style, possible points of failure, or vulnerabilities would be very appreciated.


      function Main

      # find each file called "index.html" in the folders below the directory of the script
      $Directory = $PSScriptRoot
      $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

      # for each html file, create an excel file in the directory of the script
      # called Exceptions Log <date of HTML file creation>.xlsx
      ForEach($htmlFile in $htmlFiles)
      $fileCreationDate = (Get-ChildItem $htmlFile).CreationTime
      $fileString = $fileCreationDate.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss")
      $outputFile = "$DirectoryExceptions Log $fileString.xlsx"

      Write-Host "Parsing HTML file: $htmlFile"
      $document = ParseHtml $htmlFile

      Write-Host "Creating Excel file: $outputFile"
      CreateExcelFromHtml $document $outputFile


      # load local HTML file and return COM object that we can query
      function ParseHtml([string]$fileIn)
      $html = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
      $source = Get-Content $fileIn -Raw
      return $html

      # create excel spreadsheet from html document
      function CreateExcelFromHtml($document, [string]$excelFile)
      $excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
      $excel.Visible = $false # $true
      $excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
      $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
      $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet

      Write-Host "Filling in Excel file"
      $row = 1;
      # iterate over tables
      $tables = $document.getElementsByTagName("table")
      $captions = $document.getElementsByTagName("caption")

      for($t=0; $t -lt $tables.length; $t++){

      # create 2 row space between tables
      $row += 2

      #iterate over rows
      $rows = $tables[$t].getElementsByTagName("tr")
      for($i=0; $i -lt $rows.length; $i++)

      # iterate over cells
      # every other cell is a blank cell, however cells with content are always nested in a "font" tag
      $cells = $rows[$i].getElementsByTagName("font")
      for($j=0; $j -lt $cells.length; $j++)
      # load each cell contents into an excel cell
      $sheet.Cells.Item($row + $i, $j+1) = $cells[$j].innerText.Trim()

      # add corrective action column to first table
      if($t -eq 0){
      $j += 1 # increment table size
      $sheet.Cells.Item($row, $j) = "Corrective Action";

      # get table title from corresponding caption
      $title = [string]$captions[$t].innerText

      StyleTable $sheet $title $row $i $j

      $row += $i


      Write-Host "Formating Excel file"
      $sheet.UsedRange.ColumnWidth = 18

      Write-Host "Saving Excel file"
      $workbook.SaveAs($excelFile, 51)


      Function StyleTable($sheet, $tableTitle, $startRow, $numberOfRows, $endColumn){

      # give the table a title and style it
      $titleCell = $sheet.Cells($startRow - 1, 1)
      $titleCell.Value = $tableTitle
      $titleCell.Font.Name = "Cambria"
      $titleCell.Font.Size = 14
      $titleCell.Font.Bold = $true
      $titleCell.Font.ThemeColor = 5

      # give the table a border
      $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
      $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

      $tableRange.Borders.Weight = 2

      # make the table header bold and blue
      $headerRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
      $sheet.Cells($startRow, $endColumn))

      $headerRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
      $headerRange.Font.Bold = $true


      Example index.html file


      <b><font size=6>Bar</font>
      <b><font size=4>Foo</font>
      <font size=3>FooBar</font>

      <caption><font size=3><b>Title</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>A</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>B</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>C</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>D</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>E</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>F</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>G</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>1</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>2</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>3</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>4</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>5</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>6</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>7</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 2</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FoobBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz<br>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar<br>


      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 3</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FizzBuzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FooBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


      <b><font size=4>Something</font>

      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 4</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <b><td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      </b><td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>




      enter image description here

      share|improve this question

      This script is designed to create an Excel spreadsheet from each HTML table from auto-generated index.html file.

      It needs to be very robust but unfortunately I don't have many example files to test it against. Any feedback on style, possible points of failure, or vulnerabilities would be very appreciated.


      function Main

      # find each file called "index.html" in the folders below the directory of the script
      $Directory = $PSScriptRoot
      $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

      # for each html file, create an excel file in the directory of the script
      # called Exceptions Log <date of HTML file creation>.xlsx
      ForEach($htmlFile in $htmlFiles)
      $fileCreationDate = (Get-ChildItem $htmlFile).CreationTime
      $fileString = $fileCreationDate.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss")
      $outputFile = "$DirectoryExceptions Log $fileString.xlsx"

      Write-Host "Parsing HTML file: $htmlFile"
      $document = ParseHtml $htmlFile

      Write-Host "Creating Excel file: $outputFile"
      CreateExcelFromHtml $document $outputFile


      # load local HTML file and return COM object that we can query
      function ParseHtml([string]$fileIn)
      $html = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
      $source = Get-Content $fileIn -Raw
      return $html

      # create excel spreadsheet from html document
      function CreateExcelFromHtml($document, [string]$excelFile)
      $excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
      $excel.Visible = $false # $true
      $excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
      $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
      $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet

      Write-Host "Filling in Excel file"
      $row = 1;
      # iterate over tables
      $tables = $document.getElementsByTagName("table")
      $captions = $document.getElementsByTagName("caption")

      for($t=0; $t -lt $tables.length; $t++){

      # create 2 row space between tables
      $row += 2

      #iterate over rows
      $rows = $tables[$t].getElementsByTagName("tr")
      for($i=0; $i -lt $rows.length; $i++)

      # iterate over cells
      # every other cell is a blank cell, however cells with content are always nested in a "font" tag
      $cells = $rows[$i].getElementsByTagName("font")
      for($j=0; $j -lt $cells.length; $j++)
      # load each cell contents into an excel cell
      $sheet.Cells.Item($row + $i, $j+1) = $cells[$j].innerText.Trim()

      # add corrective action column to first table
      if($t -eq 0){
      $j += 1 # increment table size
      $sheet.Cells.Item($row, $j) = "Corrective Action";

      # get table title from corresponding caption
      $title = [string]$captions[$t].innerText

      StyleTable $sheet $title $row $i $j

      $row += $i


      Write-Host "Formating Excel file"
      $sheet.UsedRange.ColumnWidth = 18

      Write-Host "Saving Excel file"
      $workbook.SaveAs($excelFile, 51)


      Function StyleTable($sheet, $tableTitle, $startRow, $numberOfRows, $endColumn){

      # give the table a title and style it
      $titleCell = $sheet.Cells($startRow - 1, 1)
      $titleCell.Value = $tableTitle
      $titleCell.Font.Name = "Cambria"
      $titleCell.Font.Size = 14
      $titleCell.Font.Bold = $true
      $titleCell.Font.ThemeColor = 5

      # give the table a border
      $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
      $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

      $tableRange.Borders.Weight = 2

      # make the table header bold and blue
      $headerRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), `
      $sheet.Cells($startRow, $endColumn))

      $headerRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
      $headerRange.Font.Bold = $true


      Example index.html file


      <b><font size=6>Bar</font>
      <b><font size=4>Foo</font>
      <font size=3>FooBar</font>

      <caption><font size=3><b>Title</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>A</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>B</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>C</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>D</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>E</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>F</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>G</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>1</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>2</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>3</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>4</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>5</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>6</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>7</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Do</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Re</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Mi</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fa</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>So</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>La</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Ti</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 2</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FoobBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz<br>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar<br>


      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 3</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FizzBuzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>FooBar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FooBar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>FizzBuzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>


      <b><font size=4>Something</font>

      <caption><font size=3><b>Title 4</b></font></caption>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Foo</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Bar</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Fizz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
      <th align=left valign=bottom><font size=2><u>Buzz</u></font></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>

      <td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

      <b><td valign=top><font size=2>Foo</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      </b><td valign=top><font size=2>Bar</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Fizz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top><font size=2>Buzz</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>




      enter image description here

      html excel powershell

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Aug 29 '16 at 14:32




      asked Aug 26 '16 at 2:23

      Charles Clayton



          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          Your code looks fine. Just some notes:


          The main weakness of your design as I see it is its reliance on the Excel application. Since you say robustness is important, Excel would be the main weak point. Microsoft says don't use Office as a server. From my own bitter experience, I think they are right to say that.

          It's not so bad in your case because you are doing the same thing over and over, so there should be no surprises, but you never know. Excel can be flakey. It can pop up dialogs that will halt processing. It's especially flakey if you are processing multiple documents simultaneously because Excel was never designed to handle that case.

          As an alternative, you could use a library to produce your Excel, such as EPPlus. I've never used that, so I can't endorse it, but it looks good. There may be others out there too. Remember that it's easy to use .Net libraries from PowerShell.


          Your HTML is very nearly XHTML. It looks like just the <br> tags would need to be fixed. If you have control over the thing that produces the HTML, then you could change it to produce XHTML instead, and then you could consume that with Import-XML. I'm guessing that's not the case, but I thought it worth mentioning.

          Error Handling

          You don't have any error handling. If you want your code to be robust you will have to think about what it should do when things go wrong.


          Write-Host "Formating Excel file"

          If you want to capture these messages in a log, then it would be better to use Write-Output.

          Line Continuation

          $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), ` 
          $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

          I don't believe you need to use the backtick character there.


          $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

          One oddity of PowerShell is that -Filter is much faster than -Include. If the number of folders and files you are searching is small, then it doesn't matter, but if you are searching through lots of them, it can make a huge difference.

          (What is the difference in functionality between the two? None, except that -Include is more general and will work in non-filesystems, but that isn't relevant here.)

          share|improve this answer

          • There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
            – Adamar
            Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

          • 1

            @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
            – Dangph
            Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

          up vote
          down vote

          There is a much simpler approach. Excel has native HTML conversion capabilities that work fine. Using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in powershell:

          function SaveAs-Excel2010{
          param([string] $infile, [string] $outfile, [string] $tabname = $null)

          $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
          $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
          $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($infile)

          if ($tabname) {
          $Sheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
          $Sheet.Name = $tabname;
          $Workbook.SaveAs($outfile, $xlFixedFormat)

          #sample call
          SaveAs-Excel2010 $htmlFile $xlsxFile $myTabName

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

            Your Answer

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            Post as a guest

            Required, but never shown

            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote


            Your code looks fine. Just some notes:


            The main weakness of your design as I see it is its reliance on the Excel application. Since you say robustness is important, Excel would be the main weak point. Microsoft says don't use Office as a server. From my own bitter experience, I think they are right to say that.

            It's not so bad in your case because you are doing the same thing over and over, so there should be no surprises, but you never know. Excel can be flakey. It can pop up dialogs that will halt processing. It's especially flakey if you are processing multiple documents simultaneously because Excel was never designed to handle that case.

            As an alternative, you could use a library to produce your Excel, such as EPPlus. I've never used that, so I can't endorse it, but it looks good. There may be others out there too. Remember that it's easy to use .Net libraries from PowerShell.


            Your HTML is very nearly XHTML. It looks like just the <br> tags would need to be fixed. If you have control over the thing that produces the HTML, then you could change it to produce XHTML instead, and then you could consume that with Import-XML. I'm guessing that's not the case, but I thought it worth mentioning.

            Error Handling

            You don't have any error handling. If you want your code to be robust you will have to think about what it should do when things go wrong.


            Write-Host "Formating Excel file"

            If you want to capture these messages in a log, then it would be better to use Write-Output.

            Line Continuation

            $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), ` 
            $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

            I don't believe you need to use the backtick character there.


            $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

            One oddity of PowerShell is that -Filter is much faster than -Include. If the number of folders and files you are searching is small, then it doesn't matter, but if you are searching through lots of them, it can make a huge difference.

            (What is the difference in functionality between the two? None, except that -Include is more general and will work in non-filesystems, but that isn't relevant here.)

            share|improve this answer

            • There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
              – Adamar
              Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

            • 1

              @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
              – Dangph
              Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            up vote
            down vote


            Your code looks fine. Just some notes:


            The main weakness of your design as I see it is its reliance on the Excel application. Since you say robustness is important, Excel would be the main weak point. Microsoft says don't use Office as a server. From my own bitter experience, I think they are right to say that.

            It's not so bad in your case because you are doing the same thing over and over, so there should be no surprises, but you never know. Excel can be flakey. It can pop up dialogs that will halt processing. It's especially flakey if you are processing multiple documents simultaneously because Excel was never designed to handle that case.

            As an alternative, you could use a library to produce your Excel, such as EPPlus. I've never used that, so I can't endorse it, but it looks good. There may be others out there too. Remember that it's easy to use .Net libraries from PowerShell.


            Your HTML is very nearly XHTML. It looks like just the <br> tags would need to be fixed. If you have control over the thing that produces the HTML, then you could change it to produce XHTML instead, and then you could consume that with Import-XML. I'm guessing that's not the case, but I thought it worth mentioning.

            Error Handling

            You don't have any error handling. If you want your code to be robust you will have to think about what it should do when things go wrong.


            Write-Host "Formating Excel file"

            If you want to capture these messages in a log, then it would be better to use Write-Output.

            Line Continuation

            $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), ` 
            $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

            I don't believe you need to use the backtick character there.


            $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

            One oddity of PowerShell is that -Filter is much faster than -Include. If the number of folders and files you are searching is small, then it doesn't matter, but if you are searching through lots of them, it can make a huge difference.

            (What is the difference in functionality between the two? None, except that -Include is more general and will work in non-filesystems, but that isn't relevant here.)

            share|improve this answer

            • There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
              – Adamar
              Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

            • 1

              @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
              – Dangph
              Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            up vote
            down vote


            up vote
            down vote



            Your code looks fine. Just some notes:


            The main weakness of your design as I see it is its reliance on the Excel application. Since you say robustness is important, Excel would be the main weak point. Microsoft says don't use Office as a server. From my own bitter experience, I think they are right to say that.

            It's not so bad in your case because you are doing the same thing over and over, so there should be no surprises, but you never know. Excel can be flakey. It can pop up dialogs that will halt processing. It's especially flakey if you are processing multiple documents simultaneously because Excel was never designed to handle that case.

            As an alternative, you could use a library to produce your Excel, such as EPPlus. I've never used that, so I can't endorse it, but it looks good. There may be others out there too. Remember that it's easy to use .Net libraries from PowerShell.


            Your HTML is very nearly XHTML. It looks like just the <br> tags would need to be fixed. If you have control over the thing that produces the HTML, then you could change it to produce XHTML instead, and then you could consume that with Import-XML. I'm guessing that's not the case, but I thought it worth mentioning.

            Error Handling

            You don't have any error handling. If you want your code to be robust you will have to think about what it should do when things go wrong.


            Write-Host "Formating Excel file"

            If you want to capture these messages in a log, then it would be better to use Write-Output.

            Line Continuation

            $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), ` 
            $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

            I don't believe you need to use the backtick character there.


            $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

            One oddity of PowerShell is that -Filter is much faster than -Include. If the number of folders and files you are searching is small, then it doesn't matter, but if you are searching through lots of them, it can make a huge difference.

            (What is the difference in functionality between the two? None, except that -Include is more general and will work in non-filesystems, but that isn't relevant here.)

            share|improve this answer

            Your code looks fine. Just some notes:


            The main weakness of your design as I see it is its reliance on the Excel application. Since you say robustness is important, Excel would be the main weak point. Microsoft says don't use Office as a server. From my own bitter experience, I think they are right to say that.

            It's not so bad in your case because you are doing the same thing over and over, so there should be no surprises, but you never know. Excel can be flakey. It can pop up dialogs that will halt processing. It's especially flakey if you are processing multiple documents simultaneously because Excel was never designed to handle that case.

            As an alternative, you could use a library to produce your Excel, such as EPPlus. I've never used that, so I can't endorse it, but it looks good. There may be others out there too. Remember that it's easy to use .Net libraries from PowerShell.


            Your HTML is very nearly XHTML. It looks like just the <br> tags would need to be fixed. If you have control over the thing that produces the HTML, then you could change it to produce XHTML instead, and then you could consume that with Import-XML. I'm guessing that's not the case, but I thought it worth mentioning.

            Error Handling

            You don't have any error handling. If you want your code to be robust you will have to think about what it should do when things go wrong.


            Write-Host "Formating Excel file"

            If you want to capture these messages in a log, then it would be better to use Write-Output.

            Line Continuation

            $tableRange = $sheet.Range($sheet.Cells($startRow, 1), ` 
            $sheet.Cells($startRow + $numberOfRows - 1, $endColumn))

            I don't believe you need to use the backtick character there.


            $htmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -Recurse -Include index.html

            One oddity of PowerShell is that -Filter is much faster than -Include. If the number of folders and files you are searching is small, then it doesn't matter, but if you are searching through lots of them, it can make a huge difference.

            (What is the difference in functionality between the two? None, except that -Include is more general and will work in non-filesystems, but that isn't relevant here.)

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Aug 27 '16 at 4:01




            • There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
              – Adamar
              Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

            • 1

              @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
              – Dangph
              Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            • There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
              – Adamar
              Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

            • 1

              @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
              – Dangph
              Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
            – Adamar
            Aug 31 '16 at 0:07

            There is no Import-Xml. The only close alternative it Import-CliXml, and that doesn't work like you'd expect. Instead you have to do something like this: [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path C:Cars.xml after which u can use it like objects. See here.
            – Adamar
            Aug 31 '16 at 0:07



            @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
            – Dangph
            Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            @Adamar, yes, sorry, that's what I meant. XML is a native datatype in PowerShell. Once you cast to an [xml] object, you can pipe that through Select-Xml and use XPath expressions to extract the data you want. My point was simply that working with XML may be more straightforward than working with HTML.
            – Dangph
            Aug 31 '16 at 12:40

            up vote
            down vote

            There is a much simpler approach. Excel has native HTML conversion capabilities that work fine. Using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in powershell:

            function SaveAs-Excel2010{
            param([string] $infile, [string] $outfile, [string] $tabname = $null)

            $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
            $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
            $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($infile)

            if ($tabname) {
            $Sheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
            $Sheet.Name = $tabname;
            $Workbook.SaveAs($outfile, $xlFixedFormat)

            #sample call
            SaveAs-Excel2010 $htmlFile $xlsxFile $myTabName

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

              up vote
              down vote

              There is a much simpler approach. Excel has native HTML conversion capabilities that work fine. Using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in powershell:

              function SaveAs-Excel2010{
              param([string] $infile, [string] $outfile, [string] $tabname = $null)

              $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
              $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
              $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($infile)

              if ($tabname) {
              $Sheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
              $Sheet.Name = $tabname;
              $Workbook.SaveAs($outfile, $xlFixedFormat)

              #sample call
              SaveAs-Excel2010 $htmlFile $xlsxFile $myTabName

              share|improve this answer

              New contributor

              Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                There is a much simpler approach. Excel has native HTML conversion capabilities that work fine. Using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in powershell:

                function SaveAs-Excel2010{
                param([string] $infile, [string] $outfile, [string] $tabname = $null)

                $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
                $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
                $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($infile)

                if ($tabname) {
                $Sheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
                $Sheet.Name = $tabname;
                $Workbook.SaveAs($outfile, $xlFixedFormat)

                #sample call
                SaveAs-Excel2010 $htmlFile $xlsxFile $myTabName

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                There is a much simpler approach. Excel has native HTML conversion capabilities that work fine. Using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in powershell:

                function SaveAs-Excel2010{
                param([string] $infile, [string] $outfile, [string] $tabname = $null)

                $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
                $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
                $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($infile)

                if ($tabname) {
                $Sheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
                $Sheet.Name = $tabname;
                $Workbook.SaveAs($outfile, $xlFixedFormat)

                #sample call
                SaveAs-Excel2010 $htmlFile $xlsxFile $myTabName

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Nov 16 at 17:49

                Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ



                New contributor

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                answered Nov 16 at 17:20

                Chris B



                New contributor

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                New contributor

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Chris B is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.


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