Why isn't Fluorine, or Neon, the final electron acceptor in cellular respiration?
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I'm a Chemistry student learning about periodic trends. I know that in (many organisms') cellular respiration, oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor due to its high electronegativity.
However, applying the periodic trends, fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, and the noble gas neon even more so than fluorine. Why aren't either of these the final electron acceptor? I know that in some organisms, the final electron acceptor is sulfur. But I've never heard of it being fluorine or neon. Why?
biochemistry cellular-respiration
New contributor
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I'm a Chemistry student learning about periodic trends. I know that in (many organisms') cellular respiration, oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor due to its high electronegativity.
However, applying the periodic trends, fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, and the noble gas neon even more so than fluorine. Why aren't either of these the final electron acceptor? I know that in some organisms, the final electron acceptor is sulfur. But I've never heard of it being fluorine or neon. Why?
biochemistry cellular-respiration
New contributor
Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago
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I'm a Chemistry student learning about periodic trends. I know that in (many organisms') cellular respiration, oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor due to its high electronegativity.
However, applying the periodic trends, fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, and the noble gas neon even more so than fluorine. Why aren't either of these the final electron acceptor? I know that in some organisms, the final electron acceptor is sulfur. But I've never heard of it being fluorine or neon. Why?
biochemistry cellular-respiration
New contributor
I'm a Chemistry student learning about periodic trends. I know that in (many organisms') cellular respiration, oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor due to its high electronegativity.
However, applying the periodic trends, fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, and the noble gas neon even more so than fluorine. Why aren't either of these the final electron acceptor? I know that in some organisms, the final electron acceptor is sulfur. But I've never heard of it being fluorine or neon. Why?
biochemistry cellular-respiration
biochemistry cellular-respiration
New contributor
New contributor
New contributor
asked yesterday
Thomas Dang
New contributor
New contributor
Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago
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Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago
Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago
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5 Answers
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One of the main reasons that modern(!) biology uses oxygen as an electron acceptor is availability.
Around 2.45 billion years ago, oxygen (O$_2$) started being built up in the atmosphere (which actually killed off a lot of the lifeforms/bacteria at that point). Since then, oxygen consuming lifeforms were able to establish themselves. Before that, most organisms probably used mainly (elemental) hydrogen as electron acceptors.
Apart from not really being available in the atmosphere, there are other reasons why fluorine or neon don't make for good biological electron acceptors:
- While elemental fluorine (F$_2$) is indeed extremely electronegative, this makes it so reactive that it:
a) could not be controlled by biology [the reactivity of oxygen is why it killed so many bacteria in the first place] and
b) just does not occur (or at least remain in) in the elemental state in nature (there is no measurable F$_2$ in our atmosphere). - Neon (and other noble gases) are in theory also quite electronegative, actually so much so, that they never* occur without their electrons and therefore don't react at all.
*It's somehow possible to form noble-gas compounds, but it requires very specific chemical reaction conditions, that mostly occur under controlled man-made conditions (and are not good for biological life forms).
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
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Availability and applicability.
In the beginning, there was CO2. It was abundant in the atmosphere, and later, the oceans.
Fluorine and neon weren't, and so respiration evolved around what was (and is) available.
The other point about oxygen is that it works rather beautifully both ways. Chloroplasts can easily split up CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2 with a bit of sunlight. Hemoglobin can combine both O2 and CO2 with just a little difference in partial pressure. Mitochondria can run through the citric acid cycle without getting destroyed in the process.
Once fluorine has taken hold of another atom and formed a molecule, it will be pretty hard for an organism to make it let go again, and if it does the fluorine will want to react with something, anything really, whether that's good for the organism or not.
On the other end, neon doesn't want to react with anything.
So while chemically there's a point to be made for the more energetic oxidizer, evolution / an organism is not "interested" in the energy content alone. The substance must be available, and the process must be somewhat sustainable. Oxygen ticked those boxes, fluorine and neon didn't.
Even rocket scientists, who are really looking for the most energetic compounds they can get their hands on, dropped the idea of fluorine as a propellant because it's not safe to handle in uncombined form. There's a lesson in there.
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
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The atomic radius of fluorine is just slightly larger than that of carbon. When a fluorine atom bonds to a carbon atom that is part of a carbon backbone, the fluorine atom covers up not only the C-F bond but also the adjoining C-C bonds. This makes it impossible for biological enzymes to access these bonds to break them, and is why fluorinated compounds are biologically inert.
This is the reason why we fluoridate water and toothpaste; bacteria have no enzymes that can break down enamel that is formed with fluorine! It is also why teflon (repeating units of -CF$_2$-) is not biodegraded yet saturated fatty acids (repeating units of -CH$_2$-) are easily biodegraded.
All elements that are used biologically have ecological cycles where they are reused for other purposes. Because fluorinated compounds can't be broken down, such an ecological cycle would rapidily come to a halt. Therefore, fluorine has an evolutionary disadvantage over other elements.
I agree with the other answers that neon can't be an electron acceptor because it won't form into compounds. I disagree with their "oxygen first" argument; evolution doesn't care which mechanisms evolve first. If a fluorine metabolic pathway had been more effective than oxygen's, its pathway would eventually surpass the earlier-evolved pathway. Furthermore, there are plenty of trace minerals (e.g. selenium) that are used by life.
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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Neon just does not work as an electron acceptor. It is that inert that there are currently no known Neon compounds at all.
Fluorine would work in principle, but it is rare compared to oxygen and its strong reactivity makes it a very dangerous substance in elementary form. So it seems very natural that life chooses Oxygen and not Fluorine.
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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The reason is free Fluorine does not exist in nature (and the reason is self explaining) and Neon is a noble gas, and moreover a very rare one. I would even make the assumption, that oxygen is the only free and abundant electron acceptor in our biosphere. All other ones are either bound or inaccessable.
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
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5 Answers
5 Answers
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One of the main reasons that modern(!) biology uses oxygen as an electron acceptor is availability.
Around 2.45 billion years ago, oxygen (O$_2$) started being built up in the atmosphere (which actually killed off a lot of the lifeforms/bacteria at that point). Since then, oxygen consuming lifeforms were able to establish themselves. Before that, most organisms probably used mainly (elemental) hydrogen as electron acceptors.
Apart from not really being available in the atmosphere, there are other reasons why fluorine or neon don't make for good biological electron acceptors:
- While elemental fluorine (F$_2$) is indeed extremely electronegative, this makes it so reactive that it:
a) could not be controlled by biology [the reactivity of oxygen is why it killed so many bacteria in the first place] and
b) just does not occur (or at least remain in) in the elemental state in nature (there is no measurable F$_2$ in our atmosphere). - Neon (and other noble gases) are in theory also quite electronegative, actually so much so, that they never* occur without their electrons and therefore don't react at all.
*It's somehow possible to form noble-gas compounds, but it requires very specific chemical reaction conditions, that mostly occur under controlled man-made conditions (and are not good for biological life forms).
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
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One of the main reasons that modern(!) biology uses oxygen as an electron acceptor is availability.
Around 2.45 billion years ago, oxygen (O$_2$) started being built up in the atmosphere (which actually killed off a lot of the lifeforms/bacteria at that point). Since then, oxygen consuming lifeforms were able to establish themselves. Before that, most organisms probably used mainly (elemental) hydrogen as electron acceptors.
Apart from not really being available in the atmosphere, there are other reasons why fluorine or neon don't make for good biological electron acceptors:
- While elemental fluorine (F$_2$) is indeed extremely electronegative, this makes it so reactive that it:
a) could not be controlled by biology [the reactivity of oxygen is why it killed so many bacteria in the first place] and
b) just does not occur (or at least remain in) in the elemental state in nature (there is no measurable F$_2$ in our atmosphere). - Neon (and other noble gases) are in theory also quite electronegative, actually so much so, that they never* occur without their electrons and therefore don't react at all.
*It's somehow possible to form noble-gas compounds, but it requires very specific chemical reaction conditions, that mostly occur under controlled man-made conditions (and are not good for biological life forms).
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
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One of the main reasons that modern(!) biology uses oxygen as an electron acceptor is availability.
Around 2.45 billion years ago, oxygen (O$_2$) started being built up in the atmosphere (which actually killed off a lot of the lifeforms/bacteria at that point). Since then, oxygen consuming lifeforms were able to establish themselves. Before that, most organisms probably used mainly (elemental) hydrogen as electron acceptors.
Apart from not really being available in the atmosphere, there are other reasons why fluorine or neon don't make for good biological electron acceptors:
- While elemental fluorine (F$_2$) is indeed extremely electronegative, this makes it so reactive that it:
a) could not be controlled by biology [the reactivity of oxygen is why it killed so many bacteria in the first place] and
b) just does not occur (or at least remain in) in the elemental state in nature (there is no measurable F$_2$ in our atmosphere). - Neon (and other noble gases) are in theory also quite electronegative, actually so much so, that they never* occur without their electrons and therefore don't react at all.
*It's somehow possible to form noble-gas compounds, but it requires very specific chemical reaction conditions, that mostly occur under controlled man-made conditions (and are not good for biological life forms).
One of the main reasons that modern(!) biology uses oxygen as an electron acceptor is availability.
Around 2.45 billion years ago, oxygen (O$_2$) started being built up in the atmosphere (which actually killed off a lot of the lifeforms/bacteria at that point). Since then, oxygen consuming lifeforms were able to establish themselves. Before that, most organisms probably used mainly (elemental) hydrogen as electron acceptors.
Apart from not really being available in the atmosphere, there are other reasons why fluorine or neon don't make for good biological electron acceptors:
- While elemental fluorine (F$_2$) is indeed extremely electronegative, this makes it so reactive that it:
a) could not be controlled by biology [the reactivity of oxygen is why it killed so many bacteria in the first place] and
b) just does not occur (or at least remain in) in the elemental state in nature (there is no measurable F$_2$ in our atmosphere). - Neon (and other noble gases) are in theory also quite electronegative, actually so much so, that they never* occur without their electrons and therefore don't react at all.
*It's somehow possible to form noble-gas compounds, but it requires very specific chemical reaction conditions, that mostly occur under controlled man-made conditions (and are not good for biological life forms).
edited 12 hours ago
answered yesterday
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
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I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
I suspect another reason is simple availability. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, fluorine is relatively rare (> 0.1%), and tightly bound in compounds.
– jamesqf
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
There are instances of fluorine gas found in nature (within certain minerals) but they are pretty rare. YouTube and press releases 1, 2
– uhoh
16 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Note that oxygen was available to organisms well before the GOE, merely in bound form.
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
Yeah, try breathing F2, it won't be fun.
– tox123
6 hours ago
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Availability and applicability.
In the beginning, there was CO2. It was abundant in the atmosphere, and later, the oceans.
Fluorine and neon weren't, and so respiration evolved around what was (and is) available.
The other point about oxygen is that it works rather beautifully both ways. Chloroplasts can easily split up CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2 with a bit of sunlight. Hemoglobin can combine both O2 and CO2 with just a little difference in partial pressure. Mitochondria can run through the citric acid cycle without getting destroyed in the process.
Once fluorine has taken hold of another atom and formed a molecule, it will be pretty hard for an organism to make it let go again, and if it does the fluorine will want to react with something, anything really, whether that's good for the organism or not.
On the other end, neon doesn't want to react with anything.
So while chemically there's a point to be made for the more energetic oxidizer, evolution / an organism is not "interested" in the energy content alone. The substance must be available, and the process must be somewhat sustainable. Oxygen ticked those boxes, fluorine and neon didn't.
Even rocket scientists, who are really looking for the most energetic compounds they can get their hands on, dropped the idea of fluorine as a propellant because it's not safe to handle in uncombined form. There's a lesson in there.
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
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Availability and applicability.
In the beginning, there was CO2. It was abundant in the atmosphere, and later, the oceans.
Fluorine and neon weren't, and so respiration evolved around what was (and is) available.
The other point about oxygen is that it works rather beautifully both ways. Chloroplasts can easily split up CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2 with a bit of sunlight. Hemoglobin can combine both O2 and CO2 with just a little difference in partial pressure. Mitochondria can run through the citric acid cycle without getting destroyed in the process.
Once fluorine has taken hold of another atom and formed a molecule, it will be pretty hard for an organism to make it let go again, and if it does the fluorine will want to react with something, anything really, whether that's good for the organism or not.
On the other end, neon doesn't want to react with anything.
So while chemically there's a point to be made for the more energetic oxidizer, evolution / an organism is not "interested" in the energy content alone. The substance must be available, and the process must be somewhat sustainable. Oxygen ticked those boxes, fluorine and neon didn't.
Even rocket scientists, who are really looking for the most energetic compounds they can get their hands on, dropped the idea of fluorine as a propellant because it's not safe to handle in uncombined form. There's a lesson in there.
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
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Availability and applicability.
In the beginning, there was CO2. It was abundant in the atmosphere, and later, the oceans.
Fluorine and neon weren't, and so respiration evolved around what was (and is) available.
The other point about oxygen is that it works rather beautifully both ways. Chloroplasts can easily split up CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2 with a bit of sunlight. Hemoglobin can combine both O2 and CO2 with just a little difference in partial pressure. Mitochondria can run through the citric acid cycle without getting destroyed in the process.
Once fluorine has taken hold of another atom and formed a molecule, it will be pretty hard for an organism to make it let go again, and if it does the fluorine will want to react with something, anything really, whether that's good for the organism or not.
On the other end, neon doesn't want to react with anything.
So while chemically there's a point to be made for the more energetic oxidizer, evolution / an organism is not "interested" in the energy content alone. The substance must be available, and the process must be somewhat sustainable. Oxygen ticked those boxes, fluorine and neon didn't.
Even rocket scientists, who are really looking for the most energetic compounds they can get their hands on, dropped the idea of fluorine as a propellant because it's not safe to handle in uncombined form. There's a lesson in there.
Availability and applicability.
In the beginning, there was CO2. It was abundant in the atmosphere, and later, the oceans.
Fluorine and neon weren't, and so respiration evolved around what was (and is) available.
The other point about oxygen is that it works rather beautifully both ways. Chloroplasts can easily split up CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2 with a bit of sunlight. Hemoglobin can combine both O2 and CO2 with just a little difference in partial pressure. Mitochondria can run through the citric acid cycle without getting destroyed in the process.
Once fluorine has taken hold of another atom and formed a molecule, it will be pretty hard for an organism to make it let go again, and if it does the fluorine will want to react with something, anything really, whether that's good for the organism or not.
On the other end, neon doesn't want to react with anything.
So while chemically there's a point to be made for the more energetic oxidizer, evolution / an organism is not "interested" in the energy content alone. The substance must be available, and the process must be somewhat sustainable. Oxygen ticked those boxes, fluorine and neon didn't.
Even rocket scientists, who are really looking for the most energetic compounds they can get their hands on, dropped the idea of fluorine as a propellant because it's not safe to handle in uncombined form. There's a lesson in there.
edited 9 hours ago
answered yesterday
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
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Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
Availability isn't the fundamental issue with neon. Even if half the atmosphere were neon, we wouldn't be using it in respiration.
– David Richerby
23 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
@DavidRicherby: You could say the same about fluorine. Both factors -- inavailability and chemical unsuitability -- apply. Either would be enough as an explanation on its own.
– DevSolar
15 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
+1 for the rocket example
– Pere
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
@Pere: I can think of no better way to impress the extend of malicious reactivity of fluorine and furious toxicity of many of its compounds than even rocket scientists go "nope, won't touch that". ;-)
– DevSolar
8 hours ago
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The atomic radius of fluorine is just slightly larger than that of carbon. When a fluorine atom bonds to a carbon atom that is part of a carbon backbone, the fluorine atom covers up not only the C-F bond but also the adjoining C-C bonds. This makes it impossible for biological enzymes to access these bonds to break them, and is why fluorinated compounds are biologically inert.
This is the reason why we fluoridate water and toothpaste; bacteria have no enzymes that can break down enamel that is formed with fluorine! It is also why teflon (repeating units of -CF$_2$-) is not biodegraded yet saturated fatty acids (repeating units of -CH$_2$-) are easily biodegraded.
All elements that are used biologically have ecological cycles where they are reused for other purposes. Because fluorinated compounds can't be broken down, such an ecological cycle would rapidily come to a halt. Therefore, fluorine has an evolutionary disadvantage over other elements.
I agree with the other answers that neon can't be an electron acceptor because it won't form into compounds. I disagree with their "oxygen first" argument; evolution doesn't care which mechanisms evolve first. If a fluorine metabolic pathway had been more effective than oxygen's, its pathway would eventually surpass the earlier-evolved pathway. Furthermore, there are plenty of trace minerals (e.g. selenium) that are used by life.
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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The atomic radius of fluorine is just slightly larger than that of carbon. When a fluorine atom bonds to a carbon atom that is part of a carbon backbone, the fluorine atom covers up not only the C-F bond but also the adjoining C-C bonds. This makes it impossible for biological enzymes to access these bonds to break them, and is why fluorinated compounds are biologically inert.
This is the reason why we fluoridate water and toothpaste; bacteria have no enzymes that can break down enamel that is formed with fluorine! It is also why teflon (repeating units of -CF$_2$-) is not biodegraded yet saturated fatty acids (repeating units of -CH$_2$-) are easily biodegraded.
All elements that are used biologically have ecological cycles where they are reused for other purposes. Because fluorinated compounds can't be broken down, such an ecological cycle would rapidily come to a halt. Therefore, fluorine has an evolutionary disadvantage over other elements.
I agree with the other answers that neon can't be an electron acceptor because it won't form into compounds. I disagree with their "oxygen first" argument; evolution doesn't care which mechanisms evolve first. If a fluorine metabolic pathway had been more effective than oxygen's, its pathway would eventually surpass the earlier-evolved pathway. Furthermore, there are plenty of trace minerals (e.g. selenium) that are used by life.
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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The atomic radius of fluorine is just slightly larger than that of carbon. When a fluorine atom bonds to a carbon atom that is part of a carbon backbone, the fluorine atom covers up not only the C-F bond but also the adjoining C-C bonds. This makes it impossible for biological enzymes to access these bonds to break them, and is why fluorinated compounds are biologically inert.
This is the reason why we fluoridate water and toothpaste; bacteria have no enzymes that can break down enamel that is formed with fluorine! It is also why teflon (repeating units of -CF$_2$-) is not biodegraded yet saturated fatty acids (repeating units of -CH$_2$-) are easily biodegraded.
All elements that are used biologically have ecological cycles where they are reused for other purposes. Because fluorinated compounds can't be broken down, such an ecological cycle would rapidily come to a halt. Therefore, fluorine has an evolutionary disadvantage over other elements.
I agree with the other answers that neon can't be an electron acceptor because it won't form into compounds. I disagree with their "oxygen first" argument; evolution doesn't care which mechanisms evolve first. If a fluorine metabolic pathway had been more effective than oxygen's, its pathway would eventually surpass the earlier-evolved pathway. Furthermore, there are plenty of trace minerals (e.g. selenium) that are used by life.
The atomic radius of fluorine is just slightly larger than that of carbon. When a fluorine atom bonds to a carbon atom that is part of a carbon backbone, the fluorine atom covers up not only the C-F bond but also the adjoining C-C bonds. This makes it impossible for biological enzymes to access these bonds to break them, and is why fluorinated compounds are biologically inert.
This is the reason why we fluoridate water and toothpaste; bacteria have no enzymes that can break down enamel that is formed with fluorine! It is also why teflon (repeating units of -CF$_2$-) is not biodegraded yet saturated fatty acids (repeating units of -CH$_2$-) are easily biodegraded.
All elements that are used biologically have ecological cycles where they are reused for other purposes. Because fluorinated compounds can't be broken down, such an ecological cycle would rapidily come to a halt. Therefore, fluorine has an evolutionary disadvantage over other elements.
I agree with the other answers that neon can't be an electron acceptor because it won't form into compounds. I disagree with their "oxygen first" argument; evolution doesn't care which mechanisms evolve first. If a fluorine metabolic pathway had been more effective than oxygen's, its pathway would eventually surpass the earlier-evolved pathway. Furthermore, there are plenty of trace minerals (e.g. selenium) that are used by life.
answered 23 hours ago
Dr Sheldon
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
A very nice explanation. Thanks!
– user1136
22 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
Evolution does somewhat care about which mechanism evolves first: it tends to seek a local optimum, not a global optimum. If the benefits of an oxygen pathway and a fluorine pathway are similar, and both are a major advantage over whatever came before them, evolution is likely to get "stuck" on whichever one evolves first.
– Mark
21 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
@Mark True, but then you get something like the evolution of photosynthesis, and everything gets thrown out of whack planet-wide. It's not inconceivable that the same thing could happen with something like fluorine, if it were available. The availability argument is much stronger - regardless of utility, life can't use it if there's no source for it. The proportions of elements in life are pretty close to the proportions of biologically available elements (e.g. including the "no enzymes" argument) in Earth's soils and oceans.
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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Neon just does not work as an electron acceptor. It is that inert that there are currently no known Neon compounds at all.
Fluorine would work in principle, but it is rare compared to oxygen and its strong reactivity makes it a very dangerous substance in elementary form. So it seems very natural that life chooses Oxygen and not Fluorine.
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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Neon just does not work as an electron acceptor. It is that inert that there are currently no known Neon compounds at all.
Fluorine would work in principle, but it is rare compared to oxygen and its strong reactivity makes it a very dangerous substance in elementary form. So it seems very natural that life chooses Oxygen and not Fluorine.
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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Neon just does not work as an electron acceptor. It is that inert that there are currently no known Neon compounds at all.
Fluorine would work in principle, but it is rare compared to oxygen and its strong reactivity makes it a very dangerous substance in elementary form. So it seems very natural that life chooses Oxygen and not Fluorine.
Neon just does not work as an electron acceptor. It is that inert that there are currently no known Neon compounds at all.
Fluorine would work in principle, but it is rare compared to oxygen and its strong reactivity makes it a very dangerous substance in elementary form. So it seems very natural that life chooses Oxygen and not Fluorine.
answered yesterday
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
It was good that you mentioned the dangerously high reactivity of flourine
– hello_there_andy
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Of course, oxygen is also a horribly dangerous substance - it's just that evolution created life that's able to cope with it. Even then, it's a balancing act and oxygen (and oxygen compounds) are responsible for quite a few cell deaths and cancerous growths :P The Great Oxygenation Event killed of almost all life on Earth's surface/oceans. But granted, coping with fluorine would be even worse, and perhaps impossible (under standard pressure and temperature).
– Luaan
6 hours ago
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The reason is free Fluorine does not exist in nature (and the reason is self explaining) and Neon is a noble gas, and moreover a very rare one. I would even make the assumption, that oxygen is the only free and abundant electron acceptor in our biosphere. All other ones are either bound or inaccessable.
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
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The reason is free Fluorine does not exist in nature (and the reason is self explaining) and Neon is a noble gas, and moreover a very rare one. I would even make the assumption, that oxygen is the only free and abundant electron acceptor in our biosphere. All other ones are either bound or inaccessable.
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
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The reason is free Fluorine does not exist in nature (and the reason is self explaining) and Neon is a noble gas, and moreover a very rare one. I would even make the assumption, that oxygen is the only free and abundant electron acceptor in our biosphere. All other ones are either bound or inaccessable.
The reason is free Fluorine does not exist in nature (and the reason is self explaining) and Neon is a noble gas, and moreover a very rare one. I would even make the assumption, that oxygen is the only free and abundant electron acceptor in our biosphere. All other ones are either bound or inaccessable.
answered 9 hours ago
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
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Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Free oxygen also didn't exist in nature when life first formed. It needed to be liberated through photosynthesis. The more important thing is that fluorine is very scarce even in compounds, compared to something like oxygen. While its abundance would be enough if it had a micro-nutrient role, it certainly isn't enough for something like being the final electron acceptor. And then there's the other tens of reasons why fluorine wouldn't work, like the fact that it (and its compounds) don't dissolve in water...
– Luaan
6 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
Whatever, free fluorine never existed and therefore it never was an option. It will also never be an option, because even if it would be produced by plants, it would react instantanously with something else. This means it will be never a free electron acceptor. Nowhere in the universe.
– dgrat
5 hours ago
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Stick to the chemistry, son. Read about the chemistry of neon. Find out how much fluorine is in the atmosphere and what effect it has on living organisms. Next time do that sort of thing before posting.
– David
@David Very condescending of you, David. Just recommend some reading instead, or better yet, don't comment at all.
8 hours ago
@PCARR I flagged it, but it was declined. Apparently it's not considered rude here.
7 hours ago
@PCARR but this is beyond ridiculous. What "chemistry student" doesn't know all the , errr, interesting things fluorine does?
– Carl Witthoft
7 hours ago
@David That's fair enough, actually. I completely agree that indeed sometimes you need to cut through the niceties, or dispense with them altogether. Having said that, there's nothing wrong in being tactful, especially given the whole "New Contributer. Be nice." thing. You've probably scared him away.
6 hours ago