House plan design (Head First C#)
I've been working through the book Head First C# and this is an exercise from chapter 7, which is about interfaces and abstract classes.
Note that the class design was mandated by the authors, I'm open to suggestions to improve.
I'd like a review on any and all aspects. My code ended up quite a bit different than the book's solution, because it's a few years old and I think "holds back" on newer C#/.NET features and syntax.
In a shared code base, I would include that XML documentation, but since this is just local code for learning, I didn't. Any and all feedback appreciated.
The authors' published implementation is here on GitHub. The idea is to implement a floor plan that can be explored, with room connections and doors to the outside. It's done through a WinForms application.
Here is a picture of the plan from the book. Sorry, couldn't find a screenshot.
The app looks like this:
using System;
namespace House
abstract class Location
public Location(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Location Exits;
public virtual string Description
string description = $"You're standing in the {Name}. You see exits to the following places: rn";
foreach (Location exit in Exits)
description += $"— {exit.Name}";
if (exit != Exits[Exits.Length - 1])
description += "rn";
return description;
using System;
namespace House
class Room : Location
public Room(string name, string decoration)
: base(name)
Decoration = decoration;
private string Decoration { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"You see {Decoration}. {base.Description} ";
using System;
namespace House
class Outside : Location
public Outside(string name, bool hot)
: base(name)
Hot = hot;
private bool Hot { get; }
override public string Description => Hot
? "It's very hot here. " + base.Description
: base.Description;
using System;
namespace House
interface IHasExteriorDoor
string DoorDescription { get; }
Location DoorLocation { get; }
using System;
namespace House
class OutsideWithDoor : Outside, IHasExteriorDoor
public OutsideWithDoor(string name, bool hot, string doorDescription)
: base(name, hot)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"{base.Description}rn You see {DoorDescription} to go inside.";
using System;
namespace House
class RoomWithDoor : Room, IHasExteriorDoor
public RoomWithDoor(string name, string decoration, string doorDescription)
: base(name, decoration)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
And here is the WinForms to make it work. Leaving out IDE generated code.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace House
public partial class ExploreTheHouseForm : Form
Location currentLocation;
RoomWithDoor livingRoom;
RoomWithDoor kitchen;
Room diningRoom;
OutsideWithDoor frontYard;
OutsideWithDoor backYard;
Outside garden;
public ExploreTheHouseForm()
private void CreateObjects()
// Configure the locations
livingRoom = new RoomWithDoor("living room", "an antique carpet", "an oak door with a brass knob");
kitchen = new RoomWithDoor("kitchen", "stainless steel appliances", "a screen door");
diningRoom = new Room("dining room", "a crystal chandelier");
frontYard = new OutsideWithDoor("front yard", false, livingRoom.DoorDescription);
backYard = new OutsideWithDoor("back yard", true, kitchen.DoorDescription);
garden = new Outside("garden", false);
// Configure the exits
livingRoom.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
kitchen.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
diningRoom.Exits = new Location { livingRoom, kitchen };
frontYard.Exits = new Location { backYard, garden };
backYard.Exits = new Location { frontYard, garden };
garden.Exits = new Location { frontYard, backYard };
// Configure exterior doors
livingRoom.DoorLocation = frontYard;
frontYard.DoorLocation = livingRoom;
kitchen.DoorLocation = backYard;
backYard.DoorLocation = kitchen;
private void MoveToLocation(Location location)
currentLocation = location;
foreach (Location exit in location.Exits)
ExitsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
DescriptionTextBox.Text = currentLocation.Description;
private void ShowGoThroughExteriorDoorButton(Location location)
if (location is IHasExteriorDoor)
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = true;
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = false;
private void GoHereButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GoThroughExteriorDoorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IHasExteriorDoor locationWithExteriorDoor = currentLocation as IHasExteriorDoor;
c# beginner winforms interface xaml
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I've been working through the book Head First C# and this is an exercise from chapter 7, which is about interfaces and abstract classes.
Note that the class design was mandated by the authors, I'm open to suggestions to improve.
I'd like a review on any and all aspects. My code ended up quite a bit different than the book's solution, because it's a few years old and I think "holds back" on newer C#/.NET features and syntax.
In a shared code base, I would include that XML documentation, but since this is just local code for learning, I didn't. Any and all feedback appreciated.
The authors' published implementation is here on GitHub. The idea is to implement a floor plan that can be explored, with room connections and doors to the outside. It's done through a WinForms application.
Here is a picture of the plan from the book. Sorry, couldn't find a screenshot.
The app looks like this:
using System;
namespace House
abstract class Location
public Location(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Location Exits;
public virtual string Description
string description = $"You're standing in the {Name}. You see exits to the following places: rn";
foreach (Location exit in Exits)
description += $"— {exit.Name}";
if (exit != Exits[Exits.Length - 1])
description += "rn";
return description;
using System;
namespace House
class Room : Location
public Room(string name, string decoration)
: base(name)
Decoration = decoration;
private string Decoration { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"You see {Decoration}. {base.Description} ";
using System;
namespace House
class Outside : Location
public Outside(string name, bool hot)
: base(name)
Hot = hot;
private bool Hot { get; }
override public string Description => Hot
? "It's very hot here. " + base.Description
: base.Description;
using System;
namespace House
interface IHasExteriorDoor
string DoorDescription { get; }
Location DoorLocation { get; }
using System;
namespace House
class OutsideWithDoor : Outside, IHasExteriorDoor
public OutsideWithDoor(string name, bool hot, string doorDescription)
: base(name, hot)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"{base.Description}rn You see {DoorDescription} to go inside.";
using System;
namespace House
class RoomWithDoor : Room, IHasExteriorDoor
public RoomWithDoor(string name, string decoration, string doorDescription)
: base(name, decoration)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
And here is the WinForms to make it work. Leaving out IDE generated code.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace House
public partial class ExploreTheHouseForm : Form
Location currentLocation;
RoomWithDoor livingRoom;
RoomWithDoor kitchen;
Room diningRoom;
OutsideWithDoor frontYard;
OutsideWithDoor backYard;
Outside garden;
public ExploreTheHouseForm()
private void CreateObjects()
// Configure the locations
livingRoom = new RoomWithDoor("living room", "an antique carpet", "an oak door with a brass knob");
kitchen = new RoomWithDoor("kitchen", "stainless steel appliances", "a screen door");
diningRoom = new Room("dining room", "a crystal chandelier");
frontYard = new OutsideWithDoor("front yard", false, livingRoom.DoorDescription);
backYard = new OutsideWithDoor("back yard", true, kitchen.DoorDescription);
garden = new Outside("garden", false);
// Configure the exits
livingRoom.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
kitchen.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
diningRoom.Exits = new Location { livingRoom, kitchen };
frontYard.Exits = new Location { backYard, garden };
backYard.Exits = new Location { frontYard, garden };
garden.Exits = new Location { frontYard, backYard };
// Configure exterior doors
livingRoom.DoorLocation = frontYard;
frontYard.DoorLocation = livingRoom;
kitchen.DoorLocation = backYard;
backYard.DoorLocation = kitchen;
private void MoveToLocation(Location location)
currentLocation = location;
foreach (Location exit in location.Exits)
ExitsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
DescriptionTextBox.Text = currentLocation.Description;
private void ShowGoThroughExteriorDoorButton(Location location)
if (location is IHasExteriorDoor)
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = true;
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = false;
private void GoHereButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GoThroughExteriorDoorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IHasExteriorDoor locationWithExteriorDoor = currentLocation as IHasExteriorDoor;
c# beginner winforms interface xaml
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I've been working through the book Head First C# and this is an exercise from chapter 7, which is about interfaces and abstract classes.
Note that the class design was mandated by the authors, I'm open to suggestions to improve.
I'd like a review on any and all aspects. My code ended up quite a bit different than the book's solution, because it's a few years old and I think "holds back" on newer C#/.NET features and syntax.
In a shared code base, I would include that XML documentation, but since this is just local code for learning, I didn't. Any and all feedback appreciated.
The authors' published implementation is here on GitHub. The idea is to implement a floor plan that can be explored, with room connections and doors to the outside. It's done through a WinForms application.
Here is a picture of the plan from the book. Sorry, couldn't find a screenshot.
The app looks like this:
using System;
namespace House
abstract class Location
public Location(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Location Exits;
public virtual string Description
string description = $"You're standing in the {Name}. You see exits to the following places: rn";
foreach (Location exit in Exits)
description += $"— {exit.Name}";
if (exit != Exits[Exits.Length - 1])
description += "rn";
return description;
using System;
namespace House
class Room : Location
public Room(string name, string decoration)
: base(name)
Decoration = decoration;
private string Decoration { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"You see {Decoration}. {base.Description} ";
using System;
namespace House
class Outside : Location
public Outside(string name, bool hot)
: base(name)
Hot = hot;
private bool Hot { get; }
override public string Description => Hot
? "It's very hot here. " + base.Description
: base.Description;
using System;
namespace House
interface IHasExteriorDoor
string DoorDescription { get; }
Location DoorLocation { get; }
using System;
namespace House
class OutsideWithDoor : Outside, IHasExteriorDoor
public OutsideWithDoor(string name, bool hot, string doorDescription)
: base(name, hot)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"{base.Description}rn You see {DoorDescription} to go inside.";
using System;
namespace House
class RoomWithDoor : Room, IHasExteriorDoor
public RoomWithDoor(string name, string decoration, string doorDescription)
: base(name, decoration)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
And here is the WinForms to make it work. Leaving out IDE generated code.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace House
public partial class ExploreTheHouseForm : Form
Location currentLocation;
RoomWithDoor livingRoom;
RoomWithDoor kitchen;
Room diningRoom;
OutsideWithDoor frontYard;
OutsideWithDoor backYard;
Outside garden;
public ExploreTheHouseForm()
private void CreateObjects()
// Configure the locations
livingRoom = new RoomWithDoor("living room", "an antique carpet", "an oak door with a brass knob");
kitchen = new RoomWithDoor("kitchen", "stainless steel appliances", "a screen door");
diningRoom = new Room("dining room", "a crystal chandelier");
frontYard = new OutsideWithDoor("front yard", false, livingRoom.DoorDescription);
backYard = new OutsideWithDoor("back yard", true, kitchen.DoorDescription);
garden = new Outside("garden", false);
// Configure the exits
livingRoom.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
kitchen.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
diningRoom.Exits = new Location { livingRoom, kitchen };
frontYard.Exits = new Location { backYard, garden };
backYard.Exits = new Location { frontYard, garden };
garden.Exits = new Location { frontYard, backYard };
// Configure exterior doors
livingRoom.DoorLocation = frontYard;
frontYard.DoorLocation = livingRoom;
kitchen.DoorLocation = backYard;
backYard.DoorLocation = kitchen;
private void MoveToLocation(Location location)
currentLocation = location;
foreach (Location exit in location.Exits)
ExitsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
DescriptionTextBox.Text = currentLocation.Description;
private void ShowGoThroughExteriorDoorButton(Location location)
if (location is IHasExteriorDoor)
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = true;
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = false;
private void GoHereButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GoThroughExteriorDoorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IHasExteriorDoor locationWithExteriorDoor = currentLocation as IHasExteriorDoor;
c# beginner winforms interface xaml
I've been working through the book Head First C# and this is an exercise from chapter 7, which is about interfaces and abstract classes.
Note that the class design was mandated by the authors, I'm open to suggestions to improve.
I'd like a review on any and all aspects. My code ended up quite a bit different than the book's solution, because it's a few years old and I think "holds back" on newer C#/.NET features and syntax.
In a shared code base, I would include that XML documentation, but since this is just local code for learning, I didn't. Any and all feedback appreciated.
The authors' published implementation is here on GitHub. The idea is to implement a floor plan that can be explored, with room connections and doors to the outside. It's done through a WinForms application.
Here is a picture of the plan from the book. Sorry, couldn't find a screenshot.
The app looks like this:
using System;
namespace House
abstract class Location
public Location(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Location Exits;
public virtual string Description
string description = $"You're standing in the {Name}. You see exits to the following places: rn";
foreach (Location exit in Exits)
description += $"— {exit.Name}";
if (exit != Exits[Exits.Length - 1])
description += "rn";
return description;
using System;
namespace House
class Room : Location
public Room(string name, string decoration)
: base(name)
Decoration = decoration;
private string Decoration { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"You see {Decoration}. {base.Description} ";
using System;
namespace House
class Outside : Location
public Outside(string name, bool hot)
: base(name)
Hot = hot;
private bool Hot { get; }
override public string Description => Hot
? "It's very hot here. " + base.Description
: base.Description;
using System;
namespace House
interface IHasExteriorDoor
string DoorDescription { get; }
Location DoorLocation { get; }
using System;
namespace House
class OutsideWithDoor : Outside, IHasExteriorDoor
public OutsideWithDoor(string name, bool hot, string doorDescription)
: base(name, hot)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
public override string Description => $"{base.Description}rn You see {DoorDescription} to go inside.";
using System;
namespace House
class RoomWithDoor : Room, IHasExteriorDoor
public RoomWithDoor(string name, string decoration, string doorDescription)
: base(name, decoration)
DoorDescription = doorDescription;
public string DoorDescription { get; private set; }
public Location DoorLocation { get; set; }
And here is the WinForms to make it work. Leaving out IDE generated code.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace House
public partial class ExploreTheHouseForm : Form
Location currentLocation;
RoomWithDoor livingRoom;
RoomWithDoor kitchen;
Room diningRoom;
OutsideWithDoor frontYard;
OutsideWithDoor backYard;
Outside garden;
public ExploreTheHouseForm()
private void CreateObjects()
// Configure the locations
livingRoom = new RoomWithDoor("living room", "an antique carpet", "an oak door with a brass knob");
kitchen = new RoomWithDoor("kitchen", "stainless steel appliances", "a screen door");
diningRoom = new Room("dining room", "a crystal chandelier");
frontYard = new OutsideWithDoor("front yard", false, livingRoom.DoorDescription);
backYard = new OutsideWithDoor("back yard", true, kitchen.DoorDescription);
garden = new Outside("garden", false);
// Configure the exits
livingRoom.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
kitchen.Exits = new Location { diningRoom };
diningRoom.Exits = new Location { livingRoom, kitchen };
frontYard.Exits = new Location { backYard, garden };
backYard.Exits = new Location { frontYard, garden };
garden.Exits = new Location { frontYard, backYard };
// Configure exterior doors
livingRoom.DoorLocation = frontYard;
frontYard.DoorLocation = livingRoom;
kitchen.DoorLocation = backYard;
backYard.DoorLocation = kitchen;
private void MoveToLocation(Location location)
currentLocation = location;
foreach (Location exit in location.Exits)
ExitsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
DescriptionTextBox.Text = currentLocation.Description;
private void ShowGoThroughExteriorDoorButton(Location location)
if (location is IHasExteriorDoor)
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = true;
GoThroughExteriorDoorButton.Visible = false;
private void GoHereButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GoThroughExteriorDoorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IHasExteriorDoor locationWithExteriorDoor = currentLocation as IHasExteriorDoor;
c# beginner winforms interface xaml
c# beginner winforms interface xaml
edited 8 mins ago
asked 23 mins ago

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