Generic Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java

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There is an implementation of Binary Search Tree. This is kind of based on Set Theory that duplicates are not allowed but an attempt to adding the same node twice will replace the older node.

BSTNode Class:

package nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class BSTNode<T>
private BSTNode<T> parent;
private BSTNode<T> leftChild;
private BSTNode<T> rightChild;
private T data;

public BSTNode(T data)
this(null, null, null, data);

public BSTNode(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> leftChild, BSTNode<T> rightChild, T data)
this.parent = parent;
this.leftChild = leftChild;
this.rightChild = rightChild; = data;

public BSTNode <T> getParent()
return parent;

public void setParent(BSTNode <T> parent)
this.parent = parent;

public BSTNode <T> getLeftChild()
return leftChild;

public void setLeftChild(BSTNode <T> leftChild)
this.leftChild = leftChild;

public BSTNode <T> getRightChild()
return rightChild;

public void setRightChild(BSTNode <T> rightChild)
this.rightChild = rightChild;

public T getData()
return data;

public void setData(T data)
{ = data;

public void removeChild(BSTNode<T> child)
if(child == null) return;
if(this.getRightChild() == child)
if(this.getLeftChild() == child)

public Iterator<BSTNode> children()
List<BSTNode> childList = new LinkedList<>();
if(this.leftChild != null) childList.add(leftChild);
if(this.rightChild != null) childList.add(rightChild);
return childList.iterator();

BST Class:

package trees.binaryTrees.bst;

import nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode.BSTNode;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

public class BST<T extends Comparable<T>>
private BSTNode<T> root;
private int size;

public BST() {}

private BSTNode<T> root()
return root;

private void addRoot(T data) throws Exception
if(root != null) throw new Exception("Root exists is the tree.");
root = new BSTNode <>(data);

public void add(T data) throws Exception
BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
if (node == null)
else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) > 0)
addLeft(node, data);
else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) < 0)
addRight(node, data);
else node.setData(data);

private void addLeft(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
BSTNode<T> left = new BSTNode <>(data);

private void addRight(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
BSTNode<T> right = new BSTNode <>(data);

public void remove(T data)
BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return;

private BSTNode<T> remove(BSTNode<T> node)
if (isLeaf(node))
BSTNode<T> parent = node.getParent();
if (parent == null) root = null;
else parent.removeChild(node);
return parent;
BSTNode<T> descendant = descendant(node);
promoteDescendant(node, descendant);
return remove(descendant);

private void promoteDescendant(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> descendant)

private BSTNode<T> descendant(BSTNode<T> parent)
BSTNode<T> child = parent.getLeftChild();
if (child != null)
while (child.getRightChild() != null) child = child.getRightChild();
return child;
child = parent.getRightChild();
if (child != null)
while (child.getLeftChild() != null) child = child.getLeftChild();
return child;
return child;

public T get(T data)
BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return null;
return node.getData();

public boolean contains(T data)
BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return false;
return true;

private BSTNode<T> find(T data)
if(root() == null) return null;
return findRecursively(root(), data);

private BSTNode<T> findRecursively(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
int comparison = data.compareTo(parent.getData());
if(comparison == 0) return parent;
else if(comparison < 0 && parent.getLeftChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getLeftChild(), data);
else if(comparison > 0 && parent.getRightChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getRightChild(), data);
return parent;

public boolean isEmpty()
return size() == 0;

public int size()
return size;

private BSTNode<T> parent(BSTNode<T> child)
return child.getParent();

private boolean isInternal(BSTNode<T> node)
return node.children().hasNext();

private boolean isLeaf(BSTNode<T> node)
return !isInternal(node);

private int depth(BSTNode<T> node)
if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;
return depth(node.getParent()) + 1;

private int height(BSTNode<T> node)
if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;

int maxHeight = 0;
Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
while (children.hasNext())
int height = height(;
if(height > maxHeight) maxHeight = height;
return maxHeight + 1;

public int height()
if(root == null) return -1;
return height(root);

public List<T> preOrder()
List<T> list = new LinkedList<>();
preOrder(root, list);
return list;

private void preOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
if(node == null) return;

Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
while (children.hasNext())
preOrder(, list);

public List<T> postOrder()
List<T> list = new LinkedList <>();
postOrder(root(), list);
return list;

private void postOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
if(node == null) return;

Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
while (children.hasNext())
postOrder(, list);

public List<T> levelOrder()
List<T> nodeList = new LinkedList <>();

if(root() == null) return nodeList;

Queue<BSTNode> nodeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <>();


while (!nodeQueue.isEmpty())
BSTNode<T> node = nodeQueue.poll();
Iterator<BSTNode> nodeItr = node.children();

while (nodeItr.hasNext())
BSTNode<T> treeNode =;
catch (Exception ex)
return nodeList;

public List<T> inOrder()
List<T> answer = new LinkedList <>();
inOrder(root(), answer);
return answer;

private void inOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
if (node == null) return;
inOrder(node.getLeftChild(), list);
inOrder(node.getRightChild(), list);

public String toString()
return inOrder().toString();

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    up vote
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    There is an implementation of Binary Search Tree. This is kind of based on Set Theory that duplicates are not allowed but an attempt to adding the same node twice will replace the older node.

    BSTNode Class:

    package nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode;

    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;

    public class BSTNode<T>
    private BSTNode<T> parent;
    private BSTNode<T> leftChild;
    private BSTNode<T> rightChild;
    private T data;

    public BSTNode(T data)
    this(null, null, null, data);

    public BSTNode(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> leftChild, BSTNode<T> rightChild, T data)
    this.parent = parent;
    this.leftChild = leftChild;
    this.rightChild = rightChild; = data;

    public BSTNode <T> getParent()
    return parent;

    public void setParent(BSTNode <T> parent)
    this.parent = parent;

    public BSTNode <T> getLeftChild()
    return leftChild;

    public void setLeftChild(BSTNode <T> leftChild)
    this.leftChild = leftChild;

    public BSTNode <T> getRightChild()
    return rightChild;

    public void setRightChild(BSTNode <T> rightChild)
    this.rightChild = rightChild;

    public T getData()
    return data;

    public void setData(T data)
    { = data;

    public void removeChild(BSTNode<T> child)
    if(child == null) return;
    if(this.getRightChild() == child)
    if(this.getLeftChild() == child)

    public Iterator<BSTNode> children()
    List<BSTNode> childList = new LinkedList<>();
    if(this.leftChild != null) childList.add(leftChild);
    if(this.rightChild != null) childList.add(rightChild);
    return childList.iterator();

    BST Class:

    package trees.binaryTrees.bst;

    import nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode.BSTNode;

    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

    public class BST<T extends Comparable<T>>
    private BSTNode<T> root;
    private int size;

    public BST() {}

    private BSTNode<T> root()
    return root;

    private void addRoot(T data) throws Exception
    if(root != null) throw new Exception("Root exists is the tree.");
    root = new BSTNode <>(data);

    public void add(T data) throws Exception
    BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
    if (node == null)
    else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) > 0)
    addLeft(node, data);
    else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) < 0)
    addRight(node, data);
    else node.setData(data);

    private void addLeft(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
    BSTNode<T> left = new BSTNode <>(data);

    private void addRight(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
    BSTNode<T> right = new BSTNode <>(data);

    public void remove(T data)
    BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
    if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return;

    private BSTNode<T> remove(BSTNode<T> node)
    if (isLeaf(node))
    BSTNode<T> parent = node.getParent();
    if (parent == null) root = null;
    else parent.removeChild(node);
    return parent;
    BSTNode<T> descendant = descendant(node);
    promoteDescendant(node, descendant);
    return remove(descendant);

    private void promoteDescendant(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> descendant)

    private BSTNode<T> descendant(BSTNode<T> parent)
    BSTNode<T> child = parent.getLeftChild();
    if (child != null)
    while (child.getRightChild() != null) child = child.getRightChild();
    return child;
    child = parent.getRightChild();
    if (child != null)
    while (child.getLeftChild() != null) child = child.getLeftChild();
    return child;
    return child;

    public T get(T data)
    BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
    if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return null;
    return node.getData();

    public boolean contains(T data)
    BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
    if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return false;
    return true;

    private BSTNode<T> find(T data)
    if(root() == null) return null;
    return findRecursively(root(), data);

    private BSTNode<T> findRecursively(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
    int comparison = data.compareTo(parent.getData());
    if(comparison == 0) return parent;
    else if(comparison < 0 && parent.getLeftChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getLeftChild(), data);
    else if(comparison > 0 && parent.getRightChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getRightChild(), data);
    return parent;

    public boolean isEmpty()
    return size() == 0;

    public int size()
    return size;

    private BSTNode<T> parent(BSTNode<T> child)
    return child.getParent();

    private boolean isInternal(BSTNode<T> node)
    return node.children().hasNext();

    private boolean isLeaf(BSTNode<T> node)
    return !isInternal(node);

    private int depth(BSTNode<T> node)
    if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;
    return depth(node.getParent()) + 1;

    private int height(BSTNode<T> node)
    if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;

    int maxHeight = 0;
    Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
    while (children.hasNext())
    int height = height(;
    if(height > maxHeight) maxHeight = height;
    return maxHeight + 1;

    public int height()
    if(root == null) return -1;
    return height(root);

    public List<T> preOrder()
    List<T> list = new LinkedList<>();
    preOrder(root, list);
    return list;

    private void preOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
    if(node == null) return;

    Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
    while (children.hasNext())
    preOrder(, list);

    public List<T> postOrder()
    List<T> list = new LinkedList <>();
    postOrder(root(), list);
    return list;

    private void postOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
    if(node == null) return;

    Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
    while (children.hasNext())
    postOrder(, list);

    public List<T> levelOrder()
    List<T> nodeList = new LinkedList <>();

    if(root() == null) return nodeList;

    Queue<BSTNode> nodeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <>();


    while (!nodeQueue.isEmpty())
    BSTNode<T> node = nodeQueue.poll();
    Iterator<BSTNode> nodeItr = node.children();

    while (nodeItr.hasNext())
    BSTNode<T> treeNode =;
    catch (Exception ex)
    return nodeList;

    public List<T> inOrder()
    List<T> answer = new LinkedList <>();
    inOrder(root(), answer);
    return answer;

    private void inOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
    if (node == null) return;
    inOrder(node.getLeftChild(), list);
    inOrder(node.getRightChild(), list);

    public String toString()
    return inOrder().toString();

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      up vote
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      up vote
      down vote


      There is an implementation of Binary Search Tree. This is kind of based on Set Theory that duplicates are not allowed but an attempt to adding the same node twice will replace the older node.

      BSTNode Class:

      package nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode;

      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.List;

      public class BSTNode<T>
      private BSTNode<T> parent;
      private BSTNode<T> leftChild;
      private BSTNode<T> rightChild;
      private T data;

      public BSTNode(T data)
      this(null, null, null, data);

      public BSTNode(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> leftChild, BSTNode<T> rightChild, T data)
      this.parent = parent;
      this.leftChild = leftChild;
      this.rightChild = rightChild; = data;

      public BSTNode <T> getParent()
      return parent;

      public void setParent(BSTNode <T> parent)
      this.parent = parent;

      public BSTNode <T> getLeftChild()
      return leftChild;

      public void setLeftChild(BSTNode <T> leftChild)
      this.leftChild = leftChild;

      public BSTNode <T> getRightChild()
      return rightChild;

      public void setRightChild(BSTNode <T> rightChild)
      this.rightChild = rightChild;

      public T getData()
      return data;

      public void setData(T data)
      { = data;

      public void removeChild(BSTNode<T> child)
      if(child == null) return;
      if(this.getRightChild() == child)
      if(this.getLeftChild() == child)

      public Iterator<BSTNode> children()
      List<BSTNode> childList = new LinkedList<>();
      if(this.leftChild != null) childList.add(leftChild);
      if(this.rightChild != null) childList.add(rightChild);
      return childList.iterator();

      BST Class:

      package trees.binaryTrees.bst;

      import nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode.BSTNode;

      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

      public class BST<T extends Comparable<T>>
      private BSTNode<T> root;
      private int size;

      public BST() {}

      private BSTNode<T> root()
      return root;

      private void addRoot(T data) throws Exception
      if(root != null) throw new Exception("Root exists is the tree.");
      root = new BSTNode <>(data);

      public void add(T data) throws Exception
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if (node == null)
      else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) > 0)
      addLeft(node, data);
      else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) < 0)
      addRight(node, data);
      else node.setData(data);

      private void addLeft(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      BSTNode<T> left = new BSTNode <>(data);

      private void addRight(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      BSTNode<T> right = new BSTNode <>(data);

      public void remove(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return;

      private BSTNode<T> remove(BSTNode<T> node)
      if (isLeaf(node))
      BSTNode<T> parent = node.getParent();
      if (parent == null) root = null;
      else parent.removeChild(node);
      return parent;
      BSTNode<T> descendant = descendant(node);
      promoteDescendant(node, descendant);
      return remove(descendant);

      private void promoteDescendant(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> descendant)

      private BSTNode<T> descendant(BSTNode<T> parent)
      BSTNode<T> child = parent.getLeftChild();
      if (child != null)
      while (child.getRightChild() != null) child = child.getRightChild();
      return child;
      child = parent.getRightChild();
      if (child != null)
      while (child.getLeftChild() != null) child = child.getLeftChild();
      return child;
      return child;

      public T get(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return null;
      return node.getData();

      public boolean contains(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return false;
      return true;

      private BSTNode<T> find(T data)
      if(root() == null) return null;
      return findRecursively(root(), data);

      private BSTNode<T> findRecursively(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      int comparison = data.compareTo(parent.getData());
      if(comparison == 0) return parent;
      else if(comparison < 0 && parent.getLeftChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getLeftChild(), data);
      else if(comparison > 0 && parent.getRightChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getRightChild(), data);
      return parent;

      public boolean isEmpty()
      return size() == 0;

      public int size()
      return size;

      private BSTNode<T> parent(BSTNode<T> child)
      return child.getParent();

      private boolean isInternal(BSTNode<T> node)
      return node.children().hasNext();

      private boolean isLeaf(BSTNode<T> node)
      return !isInternal(node);

      private int depth(BSTNode<T> node)
      if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;
      return depth(node.getParent()) + 1;

      private int height(BSTNode<T> node)
      if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;

      int maxHeight = 0;
      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      int height = height(;
      if(height > maxHeight) maxHeight = height;
      return maxHeight + 1;

      public int height()
      if(root == null) return -1;
      return height(root);

      public List<T> preOrder()
      List<T> list = new LinkedList<>();
      preOrder(root, list);
      return list;

      private void preOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if(node == null) return;

      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      preOrder(, list);

      public List<T> postOrder()
      List<T> list = new LinkedList <>();
      postOrder(root(), list);
      return list;

      private void postOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if(node == null) return;

      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      postOrder(, list);

      public List<T> levelOrder()
      List<T> nodeList = new LinkedList <>();

      if(root() == null) return nodeList;

      Queue<BSTNode> nodeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <>();


      while (!nodeQueue.isEmpty())
      BSTNode<T> node = nodeQueue.poll();
      Iterator<BSTNode> nodeItr = node.children();

      while (nodeItr.hasNext())
      BSTNode<T> treeNode =;
      catch (Exception ex)
      return nodeList;

      public List<T> inOrder()
      List<T> answer = new LinkedList <>();
      inOrder(root(), answer);
      return answer;

      private void inOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if (node == null) return;
      inOrder(node.getLeftChild(), list);
      inOrder(node.getRightChild(), list);

      public String toString()
      return inOrder().toString();

      share|improve this question

      There is an implementation of Binary Search Tree. This is kind of based on Set Theory that duplicates are not allowed but an attempt to adding the same node twice will replace the older node.

      BSTNode Class:

      package nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode;

      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.List;

      public class BSTNode<T>
      private BSTNode<T> parent;
      private BSTNode<T> leftChild;
      private BSTNode<T> rightChild;
      private T data;

      public BSTNode(T data)
      this(null, null, null, data);

      public BSTNode(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> leftChild, BSTNode<T> rightChild, T data)
      this.parent = parent;
      this.leftChild = leftChild;
      this.rightChild = rightChild; = data;

      public BSTNode <T> getParent()
      return parent;

      public void setParent(BSTNode <T> parent)
      this.parent = parent;

      public BSTNode <T> getLeftChild()
      return leftChild;

      public void setLeftChild(BSTNode <T> leftChild)
      this.leftChild = leftChild;

      public BSTNode <T> getRightChild()
      return rightChild;

      public void setRightChild(BSTNode <T> rightChild)
      this.rightChild = rightChild;

      public T getData()
      return data;

      public void setData(T data)
      { = data;

      public void removeChild(BSTNode<T> child)
      if(child == null) return;
      if(this.getRightChild() == child)
      if(this.getLeftChild() == child)

      public Iterator<BSTNode> children()
      List<BSTNode> childList = new LinkedList<>();
      if(this.leftChild != null) childList.add(leftChild);
      if(this.rightChild != null) childList.add(rightChild);
      return childList.iterator();

      BST Class:

      package trees.binaryTrees.bst;

      import nodes.treeNodes.binaryTreesNode.bstNode.BSTNode;

      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

      public class BST<T extends Comparable<T>>
      private BSTNode<T> root;
      private int size;

      public BST() {}

      private BSTNode<T> root()
      return root;

      private void addRoot(T data) throws Exception
      if(root != null) throw new Exception("Root exists is the tree.");
      root = new BSTNode <>(data);

      public void add(T data) throws Exception
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if (node == null)
      else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) > 0)
      addLeft(node, data);
      else if (node.getData().compareTo(data) < 0)
      addRight(node, data);
      else node.setData(data);

      private void addLeft(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      BSTNode<T> left = new BSTNode <>(data);

      private void addRight(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      BSTNode<T> right = new BSTNode <>(data);

      public void remove(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return;

      private BSTNode<T> remove(BSTNode<T> node)
      if (isLeaf(node))
      BSTNode<T> parent = node.getParent();
      if (parent == null) root = null;
      else parent.removeChild(node);
      return parent;
      BSTNode<T> descendant = descendant(node);
      promoteDescendant(node, descendant);
      return remove(descendant);

      private void promoteDescendant(BSTNode<T> parent, BSTNode<T> descendant)

      private BSTNode<T> descendant(BSTNode<T> parent)
      BSTNode<T> child = parent.getLeftChild();
      if (child != null)
      while (child.getRightChild() != null) child = child.getRightChild();
      return child;
      child = parent.getRightChild();
      if (child != null)
      while (child.getLeftChild() != null) child = child.getLeftChild();
      return child;
      return child;

      public T get(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return null;
      return node.getData();

      public boolean contains(T data)
      BSTNode<T> node = find(data);
      if(node == null || !node.getData().equals(data)) return false;
      return true;

      private BSTNode<T> find(T data)
      if(root() == null) return null;
      return findRecursively(root(), data);

      private BSTNode<T> findRecursively(BSTNode<T> parent, T data)
      int comparison = data.compareTo(parent.getData());
      if(comparison == 0) return parent;
      else if(comparison < 0 && parent.getLeftChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getLeftChild(), data);
      else if(comparison > 0 && parent.getRightChild() != null) return findRecursively(parent.getRightChild(), data);
      return parent;

      public boolean isEmpty()
      return size() == 0;

      public int size()
      return size;

      private BSTNode<T> parent(BSTNode<T> child)
      return child.getParent();

      private boolean isInternal(BSTNode<T> node)
      return node.children().hasNext();

      private boolean isLeaf(BSTNode<T> node)
      return !isInternal(node);

      private int depth(BSTNode<T> node)
      if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;
      return depth(node.getParent()) + 1;

      private int height(BSTNode<T> node)
      if(isLeaf(node)) return 0;

      int maxHeight = 0;
      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      int height = height(;
      if(height > maxHeight) maxHeight = height;
      return maxHeight + 1;

      public int height()
      if(root == null) return -1;
      return height(root);

      public List<T> preOrder()
      List<T> list = new LinkedList<>();
      preOrder(root, list);
      return list;

      private void preOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if(node == null) return;

      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      preOrder(, list);

      public List<T> postOrder()
      List<T> list = new LinkedList <>();
      postOrder(root(), list);
      return list;

      private void postOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if(node == null) return;

      Iterator<BSTNode> children = node.children();
      while (children.hasNext())
      postOrder(, list);

      public List<T> levelOrder()
      List<T> nodeList = new LinkedList <>();

      if(root() == null) return nodeList;

      Queue<BSTNode> nodeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <>();


      while (!nodeQueue.isEmpty())
      BSTNode<T> node = nodeQueue.poll();
      Iterator<BSTNode> nodeItr = node.children();

      while (nodeItr.hasNext())
      BSTNode<T> treeNode =;
      catch (Exception ex)
      return nodeList;

      public List<T> inOrder()
      List<T> answer = new LinkedList <>();
      inOrder(root(), answer);
      return answer;

      private void inOrder(BSTNode<T> node, List<T> list)
      if (node == null) return;
      inOrder(node.getLeftChild(), list);
      inOrder(node.getRightChild(), list);

      public String toString()
      return inOrder().toString();

      java object-oriented tree generics search

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      asked 10 mins ago

      Hamidur Rahman






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