How to extend CentOS 5 partition on VMware?

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I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine and I added 20GB more to disk size. How do I initialize and extend the available space?

I tried loading GParted as well, but the drive is locked; how do I unlock it?

enter image description here

enter image description here

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    I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine and I added 20GB more to disk size. How do I initialize and extend the available space?

    I tried loading GParted as well, but the drive is locked; how do I unlock it?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

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      up vote
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      I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine and I added 20GB more to disk size. How do I initialize and extend the available space?

      I tried loading GParted as well, but the drive is locked; how do I unlock it?

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

      share|improve this question

      I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine and I added 20GB more to disk size. How do I initialize and extend the available space?

      I tried loading GParted as well, but the drive is locked; how do I unlock it?

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

      centos partition vmware gparted

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      edited Nov 24 at 20:38

      Rui F Ribeiro



      asked Jul 12 '12 at 0:13




          10 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          You're not going to be able to use GParted because the filesystem is on LVM and GParted does not support that.

          First, TAKE A BACKUP OF THE VM. Then perform the following as "root" from a command line.

          1. It looks like you've already rebooted but just in case, ensure the kernel recognizes the larger disk

            echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan

          2. Resize the second partition with fdisk

            fdisk /dev/sda
            p # print current
            d # delete
            - 2
            n # create
            - p # primary partition
            2 # partition number
            - default first/last cylinders
            t # change partition id
            - 2
            - 8e (hex code)
            p # print the current again to verify it's expanded
            w # write changes

          3. Reboot the virtual machine

            shutdown -r now

          4. Once it's back up, resize the LVM physical volume

            pvresize /dev/sda2

          5. Now resize the LVM logical volume (NOTE: I'm unable to decipher what your logical volumes name is based on the screenshots and thus am assuming LogVol00. You can determine this by running lvdisplay.)

            lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

          6. Finally, lets resize the filesystem

            resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

          7. Verify the filesystem is larger

            df -h

          8. Done

          share|improve this answer

          • No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
            – Nils
            Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

          • 1

            Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
            – TheDude
            Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

          • sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
            – Nils
            Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

          • 1

            Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
            – Chris Haas
            Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

          • What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
            – Jeff
            Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

          up vote
          down vote

          The below steps extended my partition from 12G to 26GB on a VMWare EXSi 5.5 running Centos 6 EXT4 VPS.

          1) Identify the device name, which is by default /dev/sda, and confirm the new size by running the command:

          # fdisk -l

          2) Get list of partitions for /dev/sda device:

          # ls -al /dev/sda*

          brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda
          brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda1
          brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda2

          3) Create new primary partition

          # fdisk /dev/sda

          Then type:
          n (enter) [create new partition]
          p (enter) [primary partition]
          3 (enter) [next available number from listed /dev/sda partitions in 2)
          (enter) [start cylinder]
          (enter to use all available physical space) or specify size in +cylinders, +size{K,M,G}
          t (enter) [change partition type]
          3 (enter) [selecting /dev/sda3 partition]
          8e (enter) [this sets partition type to Linux LVM or type L then enter to see list of types]
          w (enter)

          The partition table has been altered!

          4) Reboot Centos 6.X then log back in with root privileges

          # reboot

          5) Check the new partition is ready and type '8e':

          # fdisk -l

          Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
          /dev/sda1 * 1 64 512000 83 Linux
          Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
          /dev/sda2 64 2089 16264192 8e Linux LVM
          /dev/sda3 2089 3916 14678054 8e Linux LVM

          6) Create physical volume:

          # pvcreate /dev/sda3

          Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created

          7) Find out volume group name:

          # vgdisplay

          --- Volume group ---
          VG Name vg_app1

          8) Extend the physical volume:

          # vgextend vg_app1 /dev/sda3

          Volume group "vg_app1" successfully extended

          9) Extend the existing volume group to the new physical volume (+100%FREE can be altered to desired size). Since we are extending root partition hence pointing to lv_root in vg_app1 volume group.

          # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

          Size of logical volume vg_app1/lv_root changed from 11.63 GiB (2978 extents) to 25.63 GiB (6561 extents).
          Logical volume lv_root successfully resized

          10) Resize logical root volume:

          # resize2fs /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

          resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
          Filesystem at /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
          old desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
          Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vg_app1/lv_root to 6718464 (4k) blocks.
          The filesystem on /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is now 6718464 blocks long.

          Note: Use ext2online instead of resize2fs if it is a Red Hat virtual machine.

          11) Check available space:

          # df -h

          Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
          26G 10G 14G 42% /
          tmpfs 9.8G 0 9.8G 0% /dev/shm
          /dev/sda1 477M 88M 364M 20% /boot

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            Easy. Go into your VM as root.
            Type "fdisk -l" - if you already see the new disk size - good.

            If not - try partprobe - if you still do not see the new disk size - reboot.

            Now fdisk /dev/sda

            1. Write down you starting cylinder for the second partition.

            2. "Delete" the second partiton

            3. Recreate the second partiton, same starting cylinder, last cylinder for end

            4. set the type of the recreated partition to 8e (LVM)

            5. write the changes and quit fdisk

            6. partprobe

            7. pvresize /dev/sda2

            Now your VG VolGroup00 has 20 GB more space. Do whatever you like with it. Just as you would do on a physical system (resize LVs, then resize the FS for example).

            share|improve this answer

            • echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
              – andrej
              Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

            • @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
              – Nils
              May 5 '16 at 21:24

            • Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
              – andrej
              May 21 '16 at 7:07

            up vote
            down vote

            Download the Gparted live CD ISO. Then attach the ISO to CentOS and boot from live cd (go to the virtual machine settings, select “CD/DVD” and select “Use ISO” from the right-side panel). Then select the partition you want to resize. Click on the partition menu (top menu bar) then click on “Resize”. Then select “Apply all operations” from “Edit” menu.

            share|improve this answer

            • I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
              – Andrew
              Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

            • check this…
              – Manula Waidyanatha
              Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

            • Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
              – jstuardo
              Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

            up vote
            down vote

            Here I am taking a sample partition to expand the disk from 5GB to 7GB with out losing Data. You can change according to your free space available.

            Before increasing the disk, I have taken the following details from the Linux VM:

            # df -h
            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test
            # fdisk -s /dev/sdb
            Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

            Shut the VM down now.

            Now I am going to increase the existing virtual disk (/dev/sdb) from VMware the command prompt. Note: this task should be performed only when the VM is powered off.

            Go to the location of virtual disk location.

            # vmware-vdiskmanager -x  7Gb RedHatEnterprise_Linux_4-0.vmdk

            Now it will grow the virtual disk to 7Gb

            Now you need to power on the VM. Log into the VM using PuTTY or the console as the root user.

            # df -h
            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test

            It still shows the old size. Unmount the partition which you are going to increase.

            # umount /dev/sdb1

            Run the file system repair on the disk

            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1

            Now were are goig to remove the journal from the disk to make it into an ext2 filesystem.

            # tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdb1

            Now start partitioning /dev/sdb to assign the increased space to /dev/sdb1. Note: Don’t Panic, you will not lose data here.

            I am removing the existing /dev/sdb1 and recreating along with available free space.

            # fdisk /dev/sdb
            Command (m for help): m
            Command action
            a toggle a bootable flag
            b edit bsd disklabel
            c toggle the dos compatibility flag
            d delete a partition
            l list known partition types
            m print this menu
            n add a new partition
            o create a new empty DOS partition table
            p print the partition table
            q quit without saving changes
            s create a new empty Sun disklabel
            t change a partition’s system id
            u change display/entry units
            v verify the partition table
            w write table to disk and exit
            x extra functionality (experts only)

            Command (m for help): p
            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

            Command (m for help): d
            Selected partition 1

            Command (m for help): n
            Command action
            e extended
            p primary partition (1-4)
            Partition number (1-4): 1
            First cylinder (1-913, default 1):
            Using default value 1
            Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-913, default 913):
            Using default value 913

            Command (m for help): p
            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
            /dev/sdb1 1 913 7333641 83 Linux

            Command (m for help): w
            The partition table has been altered!
            Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
            Syncing disks.

            Now restart the Linux machine to take effect of the partition (we can also use partprobe, it's strictly recommended to restart the machine).

            # shutdown now -r

            Now once again check the extended file system, if you skip this step, resize2fs command will recommend running it.

            # e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
            Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
            Pass 2: Checking directory structure
            Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
            Pass 4: Checking reference counts
            Pass 5: Checking group summary information
            /dev/sdb1: 13/655360 files (7.7% non-contiguous), 22121/1309289 blocks

            Now resize the file system.

            # resize2fs /dev/sdb1
            resize2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
            Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sdb1 to 1833410 (4k) blocks.
            The filesystem on /dev/sdb1 is now 1833410 blocks long.

            Now check the file system.

            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1
            fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
            /dev/sdb1: clean, 13/917504 files, 30538/1833410 blocks

            Now recreate the partition with the ext3 format.

            # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
            tune2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
            Creating journal inode: done
            This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
            180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

            Restart the Linux machine once to effectively use the ext3 filesystem.

            # shutdown -r now

            Once again you login to Linux box using root previleges. Now you can find the partition increased to 7 GB.

            # df -h
            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
            /dev/sdb1 6.9G 39M 6.7G 1% /mnt/test

            share|improve this answer

            • Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
              – Gilles
              Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

            up vote
            down vote

            I just did this, in VMware, with CentOS 6.4. Answer number 1 is correct, but is missing one step, that I discovered.

            In Gparted, mine also had the lock icon.

            On the row with the partition, that has the lock icon, right-click and select "de-activate". That makes the lock go away.

            Then you can right-click and change the partition size.

            Then apply the change.

            Then right-click and select "activate".

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              You can make steps 5 and 6 to be one by adding the -r switch to lvresize. That will make lvresize run resize2fs automatically with the required params:

              lvresize -r -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

              share|improve this answer

              • Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                – user26112
                Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

              up vote
              down vote

              For CentOS 6.6 on VMWare, I did the following to increase from 30 GB to 40 GB (note I was not using LVM, just regular native linux partitions (Id 83)):

              NOTE: Take a backup of your VM first in case you lose data. You should not lose data if everything goes well.

              1. VMWare gave me a GUI when I edited my VM before starting it to resize the amount available to the VM. I used this and extended it to 40 GB.

              2. I then booted up CentOS and ran 'fdisk -l' as root. I could see the new space. I then ran 'df -h' to verify that my old partition was still there.

              3. I then ran 'cfdisk /dev/sda' and got a textual GUI that showed my partitions. In my case the partition I wanted to resize was /dev/sda3 and was the last partition.

              4. I then used cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new one with all available space. I wrote my changes and quit.

              5. I then rebooted the VM (shutdown now -r).

              6. After reboot, I used 'resize2fs /dev/sda3', where /dev/sda3 is the partition I recreated. This automatically completed the resize for me.

              7. Now with 'df -h' I see the new full size.

              Info found from a combination of answers on this page and on

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                Another approach is to create a LVM spanned on a full disk instead of a partition.

                In this case you can hot add disk using following method

                blockscan --rereadpt /dev/<PV disk
                pvresize /dev/<PV disk>
                # The associated VG is now resized
                lvresize /dev/mapper/<LV> -r -l +100%FREE

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Sometimes you need to do

                  echo "- - -" >  /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan

                  It depends on whether you're creating a new disk or extending an existing one as to which type of rescan is required.

                  share|improve this answer

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                    10 Answers




                    10 Answers










                    up vote
                    down vote

                    You're not going to be able to use GParted because the filesystem is on LVM and GParted does not support that.

                    First, TAKE A BACKUP OF THE VM. Then perform the following as "root" from a command line.

                    1. It looks like you've already rebooted but just in case, ensure the kernel recognizes the larger disk

                      echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan

                    2. Resize the second partition with fdisk

                      fdisk /dev/sda
                      p # print current
                      d # delete
                      - 2
                      n # create
                      - p # primary partition
                      2 # partition number
                      - default first/last cylinders
                      t # change partition id
                      - 2
                      - 8e (hex code)
                      p # print the current again to verify it's expanded
                      w # write changes

                    3. Reboot the virtual machine

                      shutdown -r now

                    4. Once it's back up, resize the LVM physical volume

                      pvresize /dev/sda2

                    5. Now resize the LVM logical volume (NOTE: I'm unable to decipher what your logical volumes name is based on the screenshots and thus am assuming LogVol00. You can determine this by running lvdisplay.)

                      lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    6. Finally, lets resize the filesystem

                      resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    7. Verify the filesystem is larger

                      df -h

                    8. Done

                    share|improve this answer

                    • No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                      – Nils
                      Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

                    • 1

                      Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                      – TheDude
                      Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    • sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                      – Nils
                      Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

                    • 1

                      Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                      – Chris Haas
                      Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    • What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                      – Jeff
                      Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    You're not going to be able to use GParted because the filesystem is on LVM and GParted does not support that.

                    First, TAKE A BACKUP OF THE VM. Then perform the following as "root" from a command line.

                    1. It looks like you've already rebooted but just in case, ensure the kernel recognizes the larger disk

                      echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan

                    2. Resize the second partition with fdisk

                      fdisk /dev/sda
                      p # print current
                      d # delete
                      - 2
                      n # create
                      - p # primary partition
                      2 # partition number
                      - default first/last cylinders
                      t # change partition id
                      - 2
                      - 8e (hex code)
                      p # print the current again to verify it's expanded
                      w # write changes

                    3. Reboot the virtual machine

                      shutdown -r now

                    4. Once it's back up, resize the LVM physical volume

                      pvresize /dev/sda2

                    5. Now resize the LVM logical volume (NOTE: I'm unable to decipher what your logical volumes name is based on the screenshots and thus am assuming LogVol00. You can determine this by running lvdisplay.)

                      lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    6. Finally, lets resize the filesystem

                      resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    7. Verify the filesystem is larger

                      df -h

                    8. Done

                    share|improve this answer

                    • No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                      – Nils
                      Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

                    • 1

                      Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                      – TheDude
                      Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    • sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                      – Nils
                      Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

                    • 1

                      Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                      – Chris Haas
                      Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    • What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                      – Jeff
                      Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    You're not going to be able to use GParted because the filesystem is on LVM and GParted does not support that.

                    First, TAKE A BACKUP OF THE VM. Then perform the following as "root" from a command line.

                    1. It looks like you've already rebooted but just in case, ensure the kernel recognizes the larger disk

                      echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan

                    2. Resize the second partition with fdisk

                      fdisk /dev/sda
                      p # print current
                      d # delete
                      - 2
                      n # create
                      - p # primary partition
                      2 # partition number
                      - default first/last cylinders
                      t # change partition id
                      - 2
                      - 8e (hex code)
                      p # print the current again to verify it's expanded
                      w # write changes

                    3. Reboot the virtual machine

                      shutdown -r now

                    4. Once it's back up, resize the LVM physical volume

                      pvresize /dev/sda2

                    5. Now resize the LVM logical volume (NOTE: I'm unable to decipher what your logical volumes name is based on the screenshots and thus am assuming LogVol00. You can determine this by running lvdisplay.)

                      lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    6. Finally, lets resize the filesystem

                      resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    7. Verify the filesystem is larger

                      df -h

                    8. Done

                    share|improve this answer

                    You're not going to be able to use GParted because the filesystem is on LVM and GParted does not support that.

                    First, TAKE A BACKUP OF THE VM. Then perform the following as "root" from a command line.

                    1. It looks like you've already rebooted but just in case, ensure the kernel recognizes the larger disk

                      echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan

                    2. Resize the second partition with fdisk

                      fdisk /dev/sda
                      p # print current
                      d # delete
                      - 2
                      n # create
                      - p # primary partition
                      2 # partition number
                      - default first/last cylinders
                      t # change partition id
                      - 2
                      - 8e (hex code)
                      p # print the current again to verify it's expanded
                      w # write changes

                    3. Reboot the virtual machine

                      shutdown -r now

                    4. Once it's back up, resize the LVM physical volume

                      pvresize /dev/sda2

                    5. Now resize the LVM logical volume (NOTE: I'm unable to decipher what your logical volumes name is based on the screenshots and thus am assuming LogVol00. You can determine this by running lvdisplay.)

                      lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    6. Finally, lets resize the filesystem

                      resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                    7. Verify the filesystem is larger

                      df -h

                    8. Done

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Jan 9 '13 at 22:54




                    answered Jul 12 '12 at 21:43




                    • No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                      – Nils
                      Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

                    • 1

                      Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                      – TheDude
                      Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    • sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                      – Nils
                      Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

                    • 1

                      Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                      – Chris Haas
                      Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    • What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                      – Jeff
                      Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    • No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                      – Nils
                      Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

                    • 1

                      Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                      – TheDude
                      Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    • sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                      – Nils
                      Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

                    • 1

                      Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                      – Chris Haas
                      Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    • What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                      – Jeff
                      Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                    – Nils
                    Jul 13 '12 at 20:27

                    No reboot neded after fdisk. Use partprobe there. The SCSI-rescan is interesting - does it work on a disk in use?
                    – Nils
                    Jul 13 '12 at 20:27



                    Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                    – TheDude
                    Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    Late to the party :p I've had issues with partprobe not re-reading partitions that were in use so I end up rebooting in almost all cases. The SCSI rescan works just fine with disks in use. You can run dmesg to confirm the disk is seen as the new size
                    – TheDude
                    Sep 19 '12 at 18:52

                    sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                    – Nils
                    Sep 19 '12 at 20:42

                    sad that there is nothing lika a scsi-rescan for xen-pv-disks. But that`s another topic...
                    – Nils
                    Sep 19 '12 at 20:42



                    Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                    – Chris Haas
                    Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    Thank you very much, your instructions worked perfectly!
                    – Chris Haas
                    Oct 11 '12 at 14:18

                    What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                    – Jeff
                    Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    What should I be looking for after step 1 (echo&rescan)? How can I tell if the kernel recognizes the extra space or not?
                    – Jeff
                    Feb 8 '13 at 0:42

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    The below steps extended my partition from 12G to 26GB on a VMWare EXSi 5.5 running Centos 6 EXT4 VPS.

                    1) Identify the device name, which is by default /dev/sda, and confirm the new size by running the command:

                    # fdisk -l

                    2) Get list of partitions for /dev/sda device:

                    # ls -al /dev/sda*

                    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda
                    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda1
                    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda2

                    3) Create new primary partition

                    # fdisk /dev/sda

                    Then type:
                    n (enter) [create new partition]
                    p (enter) [primary partition]
                    3 (enter) [next available number from listed /dev/sda partitions in 2)
                    (enter) [start cylinder]
                    (enter to use all available physical space) or specify size in +cylinders, +size{K,M,G}
                    t (enter) [change partition type]
                    3 (enter) [selecting /dev/sda3 partition]
                    8e (enter) [this sets partition type to Linux LVM or type L then enter to see list of types]
                    w (enter)

                    The partition table has been altered!

                    4) Reboot Centos 6.X then log back in with root privileges

                    # reboot

                    5) Check the new partition is ready and type '8e':

                    # fdisk -l

                    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                    /dev/sda1 * 1 64 512000 83 Linux
                    Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
                    /dev/sda2 64 2089 16264192 8e Linux LVM
                    /dev/sda3 2089 3916 14678054 8e Linux LVM

                    6) Create physical volume:

                    # pvcreate /dev/sda3

                    Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created

                    7) Find out volume group name:

                    # vgdisplay

                    --- Volume group ---
                    VG Name vg_app1

                    8) Extend the physical volume:

                    # vgextend vg_app1 /dev/sda3

                    Volume group "vg_app1" successfully extended

                    9) Extend the existing volume group to the new physical volume (+100%FREE can be altered to desired size). Since we are extending root partition hence pointing to lv_root in vg_app1 volume group.

                    # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                    Size of logical volume vg_app1/lv_root changed from 11.63 GiB (2978 extents) to 25.63 GiB (6561 extents).
                    Logical volume lv_root successfully resized

                    10) Resize logical root volume:

                    # resize2fs /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                    resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
                    Filesystem at /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
                    old desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
                    Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vg_app1/lv_root to 6718464 (4k) blocks.
                    The filesystem on /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is now 6718464 blocks long.

                    Note: Use ext2online instead of resize2fs if it is a Red Hat virtual machine.

                    11) Check available space:

                    # df -h

                    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                    26G 10G 14G 42% /
                    tmpfs 9.8G 0 9.8G 0% /dev/shm
                    /dev/sda1 477M 88M 364M 20% /boot

                    share|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      The below steps extended my partition from 12G to 26GB on a VMWare EXSi 5.5 running Centos 6 EXT4 VPS.

                      1) Identify the device name, which is by default /dev/sda, and confirm the new size by running the command:

                      # fdisk -l

                      2) Get list of partitions for /dev/sda device:

                      # ls -al /dev/sda*

                      brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda
                      brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda1
                      brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda2

                      3) Create new primary partition

                      # fdisk /dev/sda

                      Then type:
                      n (enter) [create new partition]
                      p (enter) [primary partition]
                      3 (enter) [next available number from listed /dev/sda partitions in 2)
                      (enter) [start cylinder]
                      (enter to use all available physical space) or specify size in +cylinders, +size{K,M,G}
                      t (enter) [change partition type]
                      3 (enter) [selecting /dev/sda3 partition]
                      8e (enter) [this sets partition type to Linux LVM or type L then enter to see list of types]
                      w (enter)

                      The partition table has been altered!

                      4) Reboot Centos 6.X then log back in with root privileges

                      # reboot

                      5) Check the new partition is ready and type '8e':

                      # fdisk -l

                      Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                      /dev/sda1 * 1 64 512000 83 Linux
                      Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
                      /dev/sda2 64 2089 16264192 8e Linux LVM
                      /dev/sda3 2089 3916 14678054 8e Linux LVM

                      6) Create physical volume:

                      # pvcreate /dev/sda3

                      Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created

                      7) Find out volume group name:

                      # vgdisplay

                      --- Volume group ---
                      VG Name vg_app1

                      8) Extend the physical volume:

                      # vgextend vg_app1 /dev/sda3

                      Volume group "vg_app1" successfully extended

                      9) Extend the existing volume group to the new physical volume (+100%FREE can be altered to desired size). Since we are extending root partition hence pointing to lv_root in vg_app1 volume group.

                      # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                      Size of logical volume vg_app1/lv_root changed from 11.63 GiB (2978 extents) to 25.63 GiB (6561 extents).
                      Logical volume lv_root successfully resized

                      10) Resize logical root volume:

                      # resize2fs /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                      resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
                      Filesystem at /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
                      old desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
                      Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vg_app1/lv_root to 6718464 (4k) blocks.
                      The filesystem on /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is now 6718464 blocks long.

                      Note: Use ext2online instead of resize2fs if it is a Red Hat virtual machine.

                      11) Check available space:

                      # df -h

                      Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      26G 10G 14G 42% /
                      tmpfs 9.8G 0 9.8G 0% /dev/shm
                      /dev/sda1 477M 88M 364M 20% /boot

                      share|improve this answer

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        The below steps extended my partition from 12G to 26GB on a VMWare EXSi 5.5 running Centos 6 EXT4 VPS.

                        1) Identify the device name, which is by default /dev/sda, and confirm the new size by running the command:

                        # fdisk -l

                        2) Get list of partitions for /dev/sda device:

                        # ls -al /dev/sda*

                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda
                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda1
                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda2

                        3) Create new primary partition

                        # fdisk /dev/sda

                        Then type:
                        n (enter) [create new partition]
                        p (enter) [primary partition]
                        3 (enter) [next available number from listed /dev/sda partitions in 2)
                        (enter) [start cylinder]
                        (enter to use all available physical space) or specify size in +cylinders, +size{K,M,G}
                        t (enter) [change partition type]
                        3 (enter) [selecting /dev/sda3 partition]
                        8e (enter) [this sets partition type to Linux LVM or type L then enter to see list of types]
                        w (enter)

                        The partition table has been altered!

                        4) Reboot Centos 6.X then log back in with root privileges

                        # reboot

                        5) Check the new partition is ready and type '8e':

                        # fdisk -l

                        Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                        /dev/sda1 * 1 64 512000 83 Linux
                        Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
                        /dev/sda2 64 2089 16264192 8e Linux LVM
                        /dev/sda3 2089 3916 14678054 8e Linux LVM

                        6) Create physical volume:

                        # pvcreate /dev/sda3

                        Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created

                        7) Find out volume group name:

                        # vgdisplay

                        --- Volume group ---
                        VG Name vg_app1

                        8) Extend the physical volume:

                        # vgextend vg_app1 /dev/sda3

                        Volume group "vg_app1" successfully extended

                        9) Extend the existing volume group to the new physical volume (+100%FREE can be altered to desired size). Since we are extending root partition hence pointing to lv_root in vg_app1 volume group.

                        # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                        Size of logical volume vg_app1/lv_root changed from 11.63 GiB (2978 extents) to 25.63 GiB (6561 extents).
                        Logical volume lv_root successfully resized

                        10) Resize logical root volume:

                        # resize2fs /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                        resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
                        Filesystem at /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
                        old desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
                        Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vg_app1/lv_root to 6718464 (4k) blocks.
                        The filesystem on /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is now 6718464 blocks long.

                        Note: Use ext2online instead of resize2fs if it is a Red Hat virtual machine.

                        11) Check available space:

                        # df -h

                        Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                        26G 10G 14G 42% /
                        tmpfs 9.8G 0 9.8G 0% /dev/shm
                        /dev/sda1 477M 88M 364M 20% /boot

                        share|improve this answer

                        The below steps extended my partition from 12G to 26GB on a VMWare EXSi 5.5 running Centos 6 EXT4 VPS.

                        1) Identify the device name, which is by default /dev/sda, and confirm the new size by running the command:

                        # fdisk -l

                        2) Get list of partitions for /dev/sda device:

                        # ls -al /dev/sda*

                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda
                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda1
                        brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 29 15:32 /dev/sda2

                        3) Create new primary partition

                        # fdisk /dev/sda

                        Then type:
                        n (enter) [create new partition]
                        p (enter) [primary partition]
                        3 (enter) [next available number from listed /dev/sda partitions in 2)
                        (enter) [start cylinder]
                        (enter to use all available physical space) or specify size in +cylinders, +size{K,M,G}
                        t (enter) [change partition type]
                        3 (enter) [selecting /dev/sda3 partition]
                        8e (enter) [this sets partition type to Linux LVM or type L then enter to see list of types]
                        w (enter)

                        The partition table has been altered!

                        4) Reboot Centos 6.X then log back in with root privileges

                        # reboot

                        5) Check the new partition is ready and type '8e':

                        # fdisk -l

                        Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                        /dev/sda1 * 1 64 512000 83 Linux
                        Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
                        /dev/sda2 64 2089 16264192 8e Linux LVM
                        /dev/sda3 2089 3916 14678054 8e Linux LVM

                        6) Create physical volume:

                        # pvcreate /dev/sda3

                        Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created

                        7) Find out volume group name:

                        # vgdisplay

                        --- Volume group ---
                        VG Name vg_app1

                        8) Extend the physical volume:

                        # vgextend vg_app1 /dev/sda3

                        Volume group "vg_app1" successfully extended

                        9) Extend the existing volume group to the new physical volume (+100%FREE can be altered to desired size). Since we are extending root partition hence pointing to lv_root in vg_app1 volume group.

                        # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                        Size of logical volume vg_app1/lv_root changed from 11.63 GiB (2978 extents) to 25.63 GiB (6561 extents).
                        Logical volume lv_root successfully resized

                        10) Resize logical root volume:

                        # resize2fs /dev/vg_app1/lv_root

                        resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
                        Filesystem at /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
                        old desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
                        Performing an on-line resize of /dev/vg_app1/lv_root to 6718464 (4k) blocks.
                        The filesystem on /dev/vg_app1/lv_root is now 6718464 blocks long.

                        Note: Use ext2online instead of resize2fs if it is a Red Hat virtual machine.

                        11) Check available space:

                        # df -h

                        Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                        26G 10G 14G 42% /
                        tmpfs 9.8G 0 9.8G 0% /dev/shm
                        /dev/sda1 477M 88M 364M 20% /boot

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        answered Dec 29 '14 at 17:17




                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Easy. Go into your VM as root.
                            Type "fdisk -l" - if you already see the new disk size - good.

                            If not - try partprobe - if you still do not see the new disk size - reboot.

                            Now fdisk /dev/sda

                            1. Write down you starting cylinder for the second partition.

                            2. "Delete" the second partiton

                            3. Recreate the second partiton, same starting cylinder, last cylinder for end

                            4. set the type of the recreated partition to 8e (LVM)

                            5. write the changes and quit fdisk

                            6. partprobe

                            7. pvresize /dev/sda2

                            Now your VG VolGroup00 has 20 GB more space. Do whatever you like with it. Just as you would do on a physical system (resize LVs, then resize the FS for example).

                            share|improve this answer

                            • echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                              – andrej
                              Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            • @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                              – Nils
                              May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            • Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                              – andrej
                              May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Easy. Go into your VM as root.
                            Type "fdisk -l" - if you already see the new disk size - good.

                            If not - try partprobe - if you still do not see the new disk size - reboot.

                            Now fdisk /dev/sda

                            1. Write down you starting cylinder for the second partition.

                            2. "Delete" the second partiton

                            3. Recreate the second partiton, same starting cylinder, last cylinder for end

                            4. set the type of the recreated partition to 8e (LVM)

                            5. write the changes and quit fdisk

                            6. partprobe

                            7. pvresize /dev/sda2

                            Now your VG VolGroup00 has 20 GB more space. Do whatever you like with it. Just as you would do on a physical system (resize LVs, then resize the FS for example).

                            share|improve this answer

                            • echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                              – andrej
                              Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            • @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                              – Nils
                              May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            • Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                              – andrej
                              May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Easy. Go into your VM as root.
                            Type "fdisk -l" - if you already see the new disk size - good.

                            If not - try partprobe - if you still do not see the new disk size - reboot.

                            Now fdisk /dev/sda

                            1. Write down you starting cylinder for the second partition.

                            2. "Delete" the second partiton

                            3. Recreate the second partiton, same starting cylinder, last cylinder for end

                            4. set the type of the recreated partition to 8e (LVM)

                            5. write the changes and quit fdisk

                            6. partprobe

                            7. pvresize /dev/sda2

                            Now your VG VolGroup00 has 20 GB more space. Do whatever you like with it. Just as you would do on a physical system (resize LVs, then resize the FS for example).

                            share|improve this answer

                            Easy. Go into your VM as root.
                            Type "fdisk -l" - if you already see the new disk size - good.

                            If not - try partprobe - if you still do not see the new disk size - reboot.

                            Now fdisk /dev/sda

                            1. Write down you starting cylinder for the second partition.

                            2. "Delete" the second partiton

                            3. Recreate the second partiton, same starting cylinder, last cylinder for end

                            4. set the type of the recreated partition to 8e (LVM)

                            5. write the changes and quit fdisk

                            6. partprobe

                            7. pvresize /dev/sda2

                            Now your VG VolGroup00 has 20 GB more space. Do whatever you like with it. Just as you would do on a physical system (resize LVs, then resize the FS for example).

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Jul 13 '12 at 20:24




                            • echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                              – andrej
                              Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            • @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                              – Nils
                              May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            • Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                              – andrej
                              May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            • echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                              – andrej
                              Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            • @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                              – Nils
                              May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            • Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                              – andrej
                              May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                            – andrej
                            Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/device/rescan does the rescan magic without reboot
                            – andrej
                            Mar 13 '16 at 19:28

                            @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                            – Nils
                            May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            @andrej Even if the disk is in use?
                            – Nils
                            May 5 '16 at 21:24

                            Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                            – andrej
                            May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            Yes, it's low-level magic at the controller side, so it will work on mounted discs too. You only have to be sure that you enlarged the drive, not to subtract space from it.
                            – andrej
                            May 21 '16 at 7:07

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Download the Gparted live CD ISO. Then attach the ISO to CentOS and boot from live cd (go to the virtual machine settings, select “CD/DVD” and select “Use ISO” from the right-side panel). Then select the partition you want to resize. Click on the partition menu (top menu bar) then click on “Resize”. Then select “Apply all operations” from “Edit” menu.

                            share|improve this answer

                            • I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                              – Andrew
                              Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            • check this…
                              – Manula Waidyanatha
                              Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            • Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                              – jstuardo
                              Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Download the Gparted live CD ISO. Then attach the ISO to CentOS and boot from live cd (go to the virtual machine settings, select “CD/DVD” and select “Use ISO” from the right-side panel). Then select the partition you want to resize. Click on the partition menu (top menu bar) then click on “Resize”. Then select “Apply all operations” from “Edit” menu.

                            share|improve this answer

                            • I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                              – Andrew
                              Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            • check this…
                              – Manula Waidyanatha
                              Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            • Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                              – jstuardo
                              Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Download the Gparted live CD ISO. Then attach the ISO to CentOS and boot from live cd (go to the virtual machine settings, select “CD/DVD” and select “Use ISO” from the right-side panel). Then select the partition you want to resize. Click on the partition menu (top menu bar) then click on “Resize”. Then select “Apply all operations” from “Edit” menu.

                            share|improve this answer

                            Download the Gparted live CD ISO. Then attach the ISO to CentOS and boot from live cd (go to the virtual machine settings, select “CD/DVD” and select “Use ISO” from the right-side panel). Then select the partition you want to resize. Click on the partition menu (top menu bar) then click on “Resize”. Then select “Apply all operations” from “Edit” menu.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited Jul 18 '12 at 1:22




                            answered Jul 12 '12 at 3:01

                            Manula Waidyanatha



                            • I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                              – Andrew
                              Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            • check this…
                              – Manula Waidyanatha
                              Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            • Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                              – jstuardo
                              Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            • I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                              – Andrew
                              Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            • check this…
                              – Manula Waidyanatha
                              Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            • Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                              – jstuardo
                              Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                            – Andrew
                            Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            I loaded, but the drive has the lock icon.. I attached the image
                            – Andrew
                            Jul 12 '12 at 16:58

                            check this…
                            – Manula Waidyanatha
                            Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            check this…
                            – Manula Waidyanatha
                            Jul 13 '12 at 2:10

                            Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                            – jstuardo
                            Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            Thanks! +1 for this Particion Magic-like application suggestion.
                            – jstuardo
                            Jun 12 '15 at 14:46

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Here I am taking a sample partition to expand the disk from 5GB to 7GB with out losing Data. You can change according to your free space available.

                            Before increasing the disk, I have taken the following details from the Linux VM:

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test
                            # fdisk -s /dev/sdb
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Shut the VM down now.

                            Now I am going to increase the existing virtual disk (/dev/sdb) from VMware the command prompt. Note: this task should be performed only when the VM is powered off.

                            Go to the location of virtual disk location.

                            # vmware-vdiskmanager -x  7Gb RedHatEnterprise_Linux_4-0.vmdk

                            Now it will grow the virtual disk to 7Gb

                            Now you need to power on the VM. Log into the VM using PuTTY or the console as the root user.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            It still shows the old size. Unmount the partition which you are going to increase.

                            # umount /dev/sdb1

                            Run the file system repair on the disk

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1

                            Now were are goig to remove the journal from the disk to make it into an ext2 filesystem.

                            # tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdb1

                            Now start partitioning /dev/sdb to assign the increased space to /dev/sdb1. Note: Don’t Panic, you will not lose data here.

                            I am removing the existing /dev/sdb1 and recreating along with available free space.

                            # fdisk /dev/sdb
                            Command (m for help): m
                            Command action
                            a toggle a bootable flag
                            b edit bsd disklabel
                            c toggle the dos compatibility flag
                            d delete a partition
                            l list known partition types
                            m print this menu
                            n add a new partition
                            o create a new empty DOS partition table
                            p print the partition table
                            q quit without saving changes
                            s create a new empty Sun disklabel
                            t change a partition’s system id
                            u change display/entry units
                            v verify the partition table
                            w write table to disk and exit
                            x extra functionality (experts only)

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): d
                            Selected partition 1

                            Command (m for help): n
                            Command action
                            e extended
                            p primary partition (1-4)
                            Partition number (1-4): 1
                            First cylinder (1-913, default 1):
                            Using default value 1
                            Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-913, default 913):
                            Using default value 913

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 913 7333641 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): w
                            The partition table has been altered!
                            Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
                            Syncing disks.

                            Now restart the Linux machine to take effect of the partition (we can also use partprobe, it's strictly recommended to restart the machine).

                            # shutdown now -r

                            Now once again check the extended file system, if you skip this step, resize2fs command will recommend running it.

                            # e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
                            Pass 2: Checking directory structure
                            Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
                            Pass 4: Checking reference counts
                            Pass 5: Checking group summary information
                            /dev/sdb1: 13/655360 files (7.7% non-contiguous), 22121/1309289 blocks

                            Now resize the file system.

                            # resize2fs /dev/sdb1
                            resize2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sdb1 to 1833410 (4k) blocks.
                            The filesystem on /dev/sdb1 is now 1833410 blocks long.

                            Now check the file system.

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1
                            fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            /dev/sdb1: clean, 13/917504 files, 30538/1833410 blocks

                            Now recreate the partition with the ext3 format.

                            # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
                            tune2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Creating journal inode: done
                            This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
                            180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

                            Restart the Linux machine once to effectively use the ext3 filesystem.

                            # shutdown -r now

                            Once again you login to Linux box using root previleges. Now you can find the partition increased to 7 GB.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 6.9G 39M 6.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            share|improve this answer

                            • Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                              – Gilles
                              Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Here I am taking a sample partition to expand the disk from 5GB to 7GB with out losing Data. You can change according to your free space available.

                            Before increasing the disk, I have taken the following details from the Linux VM:

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test
                            # fdisk -s /dev/sdb
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Shut the VM down now.

                            Now I am going to increase the existing virtual disk (/dev/sdb) from VMware the command prompt. Note: this task should be performed only when the VM is powered off.

                            Go to the location of virtual disk location.

                            # vmware-vdiskmanager -x  7Gb RedHatEnterprise_Linux_4-0.vmdk

                            Now it will grow the virtual disk to 7Gb

                            Now you need to power on the VM. Log into the VM using PuTTY or the console as the root user.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            It still shows the old size. Unmount the partition which you are going to increase.

                            # umount /dev/sdb1

                            Run the file system repair on the disk

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1

                            Now were are goig to remove the journal from the disk to make it into an ext2 filesystem.

                            # tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdb1

                            Now start partitioning /dev/sdb to assign the increased space to /dev/sdb1. Note: Don’t Panic, you will not lose data here.

                            I am removing the existing /dev/sdb1 and recreating along with available free space.

                            # fdisk /dev/sdb
                            Command (m for help): m
                            Command action
                            a toggle a bootable flag
                            b edit bsd disklabel
                            c toggle the dos compatibility flag
                            d delete a partition
                            l list known partition types
                            m print this menu
                            n add a new partition
                            o create a new empty DOS partition table
                            p print the partition table
                            q quit without saving changes
                            s create a new empty Sun disklabel
                            t change a partition’s system id
                            u change display/entry units
                            v verify the partition table
                            w write table to disk and exit
                            x extra functionality (experts only)

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): d
                            Selected partition 1

                            Command (m for help): n
                            Command action
                            e extended
                            p primary partition (1-4)
                            Partition number (1-4): 1
                            First cylinder (1-913, default 1):
                            Using default value 1
                            Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-913, default 913):
                            Using default value 913

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 913 7333641 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): w
                            The partition table has been altered!
                            Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
                            Syncing disks.

                            Now restart the Linux machine to take effect of the partition (we can also use partprobe, it's strictly recommended to restart the machine).

                            # shutdown now -r

                            Now once again check the extended file system, if you skip this step, resize2fs command will recommend running it.

                            # e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
                            Pass 2: Checking directory structure
                            Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
                            Pass 4: Checking reference counts
                            Pass 5: Checking group summary information
                            /dev/sdb1: 13/655360 files (7.7% non-contiguous), 22121/1309289 blocks

                            Now resize the file system.

                            # resize2fs /dev/sdb1
                            resize2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sdb1 to 1833410 (4k) blocks.
                            The filesystem on /dev/sdb1 is now 1833410 blocks long.

                            Now check the file system.

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1
                            fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            /dev/sdb1: clean, 13/917504 files, 30538/1833410 blocks

                            Now recreate the partition with the ext3 format.

                            # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
                            tune2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Creating journal inode: done
                            This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
                            180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

                            Restart the Linux machine once to effectively use the ext3 filesystem.

                            # shutdown -r now

                            Once again you login to Linux box using root previleges. Now you can find the partition increased to 7 GB.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 6.9G 39M 6.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            share|improve this answer

                            • Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                              – Gilles
                              Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Here I am taking a sample partition to expand the disk from 5GB to 7GB with out losing Data. You can change according to your free space available.

                            Before increasing the disk, I have taken the following details from the Linux VM:

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test
                            # fdisk -s /dev/sdb
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Shut the VM down now.

                            Now I am going to increase the existing virtual disk (/dev/sdb) from VMware the command prompt. Note: this task should be performed only when the VM is powered off.

                            Go to the location of virtual disk location.

                            # vmware-vdiskmanager -x  7Gb RedHatEnterprise_Linux_4-0.vmdk

                            Now it will grow the virtual disk to 7Gb

                            Now you need to power on the VM. Log into the VM using PuTTY or the console as the root user.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            It still shows the old size. Unmount the partition which you are going to increase.

                            # umount /dev/sdb1

                            Run the file system repair on the disk

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1

                            Now were are goig to remove the journal from the disk to make it into an ext2 filesystem.

                            # tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdb1

                            Now start partitioning /dev/sdb to assign the increased space to /dev/sdb1. Note: Don’t Panic, you will not lose data here.

                            I am removing the existing /dev/sdb1 and recreating along with available free space.

                            # fdisk /dev/sdb
                            Command (m for help): m
                            Command action
                            a toggle a bootable flag
                            b edit bsd disklabel
                            c toggle the dos compatibility flag
                            d delete a partition
                            l list known partition types
                            m print this menu
                            n add a new partition
                            o create a new empty DOS partition table
                            p print the partition table
                            q quit without saving changes
                            s create a new empty Sun disklabel
                            t change a partition’s system id
                            u change display/entry units
                            v verify the partition table
                            w write table to disk and exit
                            x extra functionality (experts only)

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): d
                            Selected partition 1

                            Command (m for help): n
                            Command action
                            e extended
                            p primary partition (1-4)
                            Partition number (1-4): 1
                            First cylinder (1-913, default 1):
                            Using default value 1
                            Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-913, default 913):
                            Using default value 913

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 913 7333641 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): w
                            The partition table has been altered!
                            Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
                            Syncing disks.

                            Now restart the Linux machine to take effect of the partition (we can also use partprobe, it's strictly recommended to restart the machine).

                            # shutdown now -r

                            Now once again check the extended file system, if you skip this step, resize2fs command will recommend running it.

                            # e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
                            Pass 2: Checking directory structure
                            Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
                            Pass 4: Checking reference counts
                            Pass 5: Checking group summary information
                            /dev/sdb1: 13/655360 files (7.7% non-contiguous), 22121/1309289 blocks

                            Now resize the file system.

                            # resize2fs /dev/sdb1
                            resize2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sdb1 to 1833410 (4k) blocks.
                            The filesystem on /dev/sdb1 is now 1833410 blocks long.

                            Now check the file system.

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1
                            fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            /dev/sdb1: clean, 13/917504 files, 30538/1833410 blocks

                            Now recreate the partition with the ext3 format.

                            # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
                            tune2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Creating journal inode: done
                            This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
                            180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

                            Restart the Linux machine once to effectively use the ext3 filesystem.

                            # shutdown -r now

                            Once again you login to Linux box using root previleges. Now you can find the partition increased to 7 GB.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 6.9G 39M 6.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            share|improve this answer

                            Here I am taking a sample partition to expand the disk from 5GB to 7GB with out losing Data. You can change according to your free space available.

                            Before increasing the disk, I have taken the following details from the Linux VM:

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test
                            # fdisk -s /dev/sdb
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Shut the VM down now.

                            Now I am going to increase the existing virtual disk (/dev/sdb) from VMware the command prompt. Note: this task should be performed only when the VM is powered off.

                            Go to the location of virtual disk location.

                            # vmware-vdiskmanager -x  7Gb RedHatEnterprise_Linux_4-0.vmdk

                            Now it will grow the virtual disk to 7Gb

                            Now you need to power on the VM. Log into the VM using PuTTY or the console as the root user.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 5.0G 39M 4.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            It still shows the old size. Unmount the partition which you are going to increase.

                            # umount /dev/sdb1

                            Run the file system repair on the disk

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1

                            Now were are goig to remove the journal from the disk to make it into an ext2 filesystem.

                            # tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdb1

                            Now start partitioning /dev/sdb to assign the increased space to /dev/sdb1. Note: Don’t Panic, you will not lose data here.

                            I am removing the existing /dev/sdb1 and recreating along with available free space.

                            # fdisk /dev/sdb
                            Command (m for help): m
                            Command action
                            a toggle a bootable flag
                            b edit bsd disklabel
                            c toggle the dos compatibility flag
                            d delete a partition
                            l list known partition types
                            m print this menu
                            n add a new partition
                            o create a new empty DOS partition table
                            p print the partition table
                            q quit without saving changes
                            s create a new empty Sun disklabel
                            t change a partition’s system id
                            u change display/entry units
                            v verify the partition table
                            w write table to disk and exit
                            x extra functionality (experts only)

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 652 5237158+ 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): d
                            Selected partition 1

                            Command (m for help): n
                            Command action
                            e extended
                            p primary partition (1-4)
                            Partition number (1-4): 1
                            First cylinder (1-913, default 1):
                            Using default value 1
                            Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-913, default 913):
                            Using default value 913

                            Command (m for help): p
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes
                            255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 913 cylinders
                            Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                            Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                            /dev/sdb1 1 913 7333641 83 Linux

                            Command (m for help): w
                            The partition table has been altered!
                            Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
                            Syncing disks.

                            Now restart the Linux machine to take effect of the partition (we can also use partprobe, it's strictly recommended to restart the machine).

                            # shutdown now -r

                            Now once again check the extended file system, if you skip this step, resize2fs command will recommend running it.

                            # e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
                            Pass 2: Checking directory structure
                            Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
                            Pass 4: Checking reference counts
                            Pass 5: Checking group summary information
                            /dev/sdb1: 13/655360 files (7.7% non-contiguous), 22121/1309289 blocks

                            Now resize the file system.

                            # resize2fs /dev/sdb1
                            resize2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sdb1 to 1833410 (4k) blocks.
                            The filesystem on /dev/sdb1 is now 1833410 blocks long.

                            Now check the file system.

                            # fsck -n /dev/sdb1
                            fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            /dev/sdb1: clean, 13/917504 files, 30538/1833410 blocks

                            Now recreate the partition with the ext3 format.

                            # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
                            tune2fs 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
                            Creating journal inode: done
                            This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
                            180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

                            Restart the Linux machine once to effectively use the ext3 filesystem.

                            # shutdown -r now

                            Once again you login to Linux box using root previleges. Now you can find the partition increased to 7 GB.

                            # df -h
                            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                            /dev/sda3 6.8G 2.1G 4.5G 32% /
                            /dev/sda1 99M 12M 83M 13% /boot
                            none 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
                            /dev/sdb1 6.9G 39M 6.7G 1% /mnt/test

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited Jul 12 '12 at 21:13




                            answered Jul 12 '12 at 14:42




                            • Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                              – Gilles
                              Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            • Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                              – Gilles
                              Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                            – Gilles
                            Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            Why do you remove then reinstate the journal? This is not necessary, an ext3 filesystem can be extended just as well a an ext2 filesystem. Furthermore, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle: the partition to extend is on LVM.
                            – Gilles
                            Jul 12 '12 at 21:16

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            I just did this, in VMware, with CentOS 6.4. Answer number 1 is correct, but is missing one step, that I discovered.

                            In Gparted, mine also had the lock icon.

                            On the row with the partition, that has the lock icon, right-click and select "de-activate". That makes the lock go away.

                            Then you can right-click and change the partition size.

                            Then apply the change.

                            Then right-click and select "activate".

                            share|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              I just did this, in VMware, with CentOS 6.4. Answer number 1 is correct, but is missing one step, that I discovered.

                              In Gparted, mine also had the lock icon.

                              On the row with the partition, that has the lock icon, right-click and select "de-activate". That makes the lock go away.

                              Then you can right-click and change the partition size.

                              Then apply the change.

                              Then right-click and select "activate".

                              share|improve this answer

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                I just did this, in VMware, with CentOS 6.4. Answer number 1 is correct, but is missing one step, that I discovered.

                                In Gparted, mine also had the lock icon.

                                On the row with the partition, that has the lock icon, right-click and select "de-activate". That makes the lock go away.

                                Then you can right-click and change the partition size.

                                Then apply the change.

                                Then right-click and select "activate".

                                share|improve this answer

                                I just did this, in VMware, with CentOS 6.4. Answer number 1 is correct, but is missing one step, that I discovered.

                                In Gparted, mine also had the lock icon.

                                On the row with the partition, that has the lock icon, right-click and select "de-activate". That makes the lock go away.

                                Then you can right-click and change the partition size.

                                Then apply the change.

                                Then right-click and select "activate".

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                answered Jun 21 '13 at 18:46




                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    You can make steps 5 and 6 to be one by adding the -r switch to lvresize. That will make lvresize run resize2fs automatically with the required params:

                                    lvresize -r -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    • Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                      – user26112
                                      Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    You can make steps 5 and 6 to be one by adding the -r switch to lvresize. That will make lvresize run resize2fs automatically with the required params:

                                    lvresize -r -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    • Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                      – user26112
                                      Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    You can make steps 5 and 6 to be one by adding the -r switch to lvresize. That will make lvresize run resize2fs automatically with the required params:

                                    lvresize -r -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    You can make steps 5 and 6 to be one by adding the -r switch to lvresize. That will make lvresize run resize2fs automatically with the required params:

                                    lvresize -r -l +100%FREE /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    edited Aug 7 '13 at 20:49




                                    answered Aug 7 '13 at 20:33




                                    • Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                      – user26112
                                      Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    • Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                      – user26112
                                      Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                    – user26112
                                    Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    Welcome to the *nix StackExchange!
                                    – user26112
                                    Aug 7 '13 at 21:44

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    For CentOS 6.6 on VMWare, I did the following to increase from 30 GB to 40 GB (note I was not using LVM, just regular native linux partitions (Id 83)):

                                    NOTE: Take a backup of your VM first in case you lose data. You should not lose data if everything goes well.

                                    1. VMWare gave me a GUI when I edited my VM before starting it to resize the amount available to the VM. I used this and extended it to 40 GB.

                                    2. I then booted up CentOS and ran 'fdisk -l' as root. I could see the new space. I then ran 'df -h' to verify that my old partition was still there.

                                    3. I then ran 'cfdisk /dev/sda' and got a textual GUI that showed my partitions. In my case the partition I wanted to resize was /dev/sda3 and was the last partition.

                                    4. I then used cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new one with all available space. I wrote my changes and quit.

                                    5. I then rebooted the VM (shutdown now -r).

                                    6. After reboot, I used 'resize2fs /dev/sda3', where /dev/sda3 is the partition I recreated. This automatically completed the resize for me.

                                    7. Now with 'df -h' I see the new full size.

                                    Info found from a combination of answers on this page and on

                                    share|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      For CentOS 6.6 on VMWare, I did the following to increase from 30 GB to 40 GB (note I was not using LVM, just regular native linux partitions (Id 83)):

                                      NOTE: Take a backup of your VM first in case you lose data. You should not lose data if everything goes well.

                                      1. VMWare gave me a GUI when I edited my VM before starting it to resize the amount available to the VM. I used this and extended it to 40 GB.

                                      2. I then booted up CentOS and ran 'fdisk -l' as root. I could see the new space. I then ran 'df -h' to verify that my old partition was still there.

                                      3. I then ran 'cfdisk /dev/sda' and got a textual GUI that showed my partitions. In my case the partition I wanted to resize was /dev/sda3 and was the last partition.

                                      4. I then used cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new one with all available space. I wrote my changes and quit.

                                      5. I then rebooted the VM (shutdown now -r).

                                      6. After reboot, I used 'resize2fs /dev/sda3', where /dev/sda3 is the partition I recreated. This automatically completed the resize for me.

                                      7. Now with 'df -h' I see the new full size.

                                      Info found from a combination of answers on this page and on

                                      share|improve this answer

                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        For CentOS 6.6 on VMWare, I did the following to increase from 30 GB to 40 GB (note I was not using LVM, just regular native linux partitions (Id 83)):

                                        NOTE: Take a backup of your VM first in case you lose data. You should not lose data if everything goes well.

                                        1. VMWare gave me a GUI when I edited my VM before starting it to resize the amount available to the VM. I used this and extended it to 40 GB.

                                        2. I then booted up CentOS and ran 'fdisk -l' as root. I could see the new space. I then ran 'df -h' to verify that my old partition was still there.

                                        3. I then ran 'cfdisk /dev/sda' and got a textual GUI that showed my partitions. In my case the partition I wanted to resize was /dev/sda3 and was the last partition.

                                        4. I then used cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new one with all available space. I wrote my changes and quit.

                                        5. I then rebooted the VM (shutdown now -r).

                                        6. After reboot, I used 'resize2fs /dev/sda3', where /dev/sda3 is the partition I recreated. This automatically completed the resize for me.

                                        7. Now with 'df -h' I see the new full size.

                                        Info found from a combination of answers on this page and on

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        For CentOS 6.6 on VMWare, I did the following to increase from 30 GB to 40 GB (note I was not using LVM, just regular native linux partitions (Id 83)):

                                        NOTE: Take a backup of your VM first in case you lose data. You should not lose data if everything goes well.

                                        1. VMWare gave me a GUI when I edited my VM before starting it to resize the amount available to the VM. I used this and extended it to 40 GB.

                                        2. I then booted up CentOS and ran 'fdisk -l' as root. I could see the new space. I then ran 'df -h' to verify that my old partition was still there.

                                        3. I then ran 'cfdisk /dev/sda' and got a textual GUI that showed my partitions. In my case the partition I wanted to resize was /dev/sda3 and was the last partition.

                                        4. I then used cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new one with all available space. I wrote my changes and quit.

                                        5. I then rebooted the VM (shutdown now -r).

                                        6. After reboot, I used 'resize2fs /dev/sda3', where /dev/sda3 is the partition I recreated. This automatically completed the resize for me.

                                        7. Now with 'df -h' I see the new full size.

                                        Info found from a combination of answers on this page and on

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        edited Jun 15 '15 at 17:11

                                        answered Jun 15 '15 at 17:01




                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            Another approach is to create a LVM spanned on a full disk instead of a partition.

                                            In this case you can hot add disk using following method

                                            blockscan --rereadpt /dev/<PV disk
                                            pvresize /dev/<PV disk>
                                            # The associated VG is now resized
                                            lvresize /dev/mapper/<LV> -r -l +100%FREE

                                            share|improve this answer

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              Another approach is to create a LVM spanned on a full disk instead of a partition.

                                              In this case you can hot add disk using following method

                                              blockscan --rereadpt /dev/<PV disk
                                              pvresize /dev/<PV disk>
                                              # The associated VG is now resized
                                              lvresize /dev/mapper/<LV> -r -l +100%FREE

                                              share|improve this answer

                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                Another approach is to create a LVM spanned on a full disk instead of a partition.

                                                In this case you can hot add disk using following method

                                                blockscan --rereadpt /dev/<PV disk
                                                pvresize /dev/<PV disk>
                                                # The associated VG is now resized
                                                lvresize /dev/mapper/<LV> -r -l +100%FREE

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                Another approach is to create a LVM spanned on a full disk instead of a partition.

                                                In this case you can hot add disk using following method

                                                blockscan --rereadpt /dev/<PV disk
                                                pvresize /dev/<PV disk>
                                                # The associated VG is now resized
                                                lvresize /dev/mapper/<LV> -r -l +100%FREE

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                answered Jul 7 '15 at 8:27




                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    Sometimes you need to do

                                                    echo "- - -" >  /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan

                                                    It depends on whether you're creating a new disk or extending an existing one as to which type of rescan is required.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                      up vote
                                                      down vote

                                                      Sometimes you need to do

                                                      echo "- - -" >  /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan

                                                      It depends on whether you're creating a new disk or extending an existing one as to which type of rescan is required.

                                                      share|improve this answer

                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        Sometimes you need to do

                                                        echo "- - -" >  /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan

                                                        It depends on whether you're creating a new disk or extending an existing one as to which type of rescan is required.

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        Sometimes you need to do

                                                        echo "- - -" >  /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan

                                                        It depends on whether you're creating a new disk or extending an existing one as to which type of rescan is required.

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        answered Jul 22 '15 at 20:37

                                                        Robert B.



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