Making a Zsync file archive with checksums


I'm learning go by doing it. I tried to port the Java's ZsyncMake implementation into Golang.
I also employ the Go's concurrency API with goroutine and channel.
I have some experience in Java, but never work with native language. One immediately coming problem is int in Golang isn't the same as int32 (since it depends on the platform; Java's int is 4 byte), thus I need to cast it most of the time.

Here's my code. In some comments I wrote [ASK] to indicate that I'm not sure if it's a proper way of implementation in Go

package zsync

import (

var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"

func ZsyncMake(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) {
checksum, headers, zsyncFilePath := writeToFile(path, options)
zsyncFile, err := os.Create(zsyncFilePath)
if err != nil {
defer zsyncFile.Close()

bfio := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
_, err = bfio.WriteString(headers)
if err != nil {

_, err = bfio.Write(checksum)
if err != nil {


func writeToFile(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) (byte, string, string) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()

outputFileName := file.Name() + ".zsync"

fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {

opts := calculateMissingValues(options, file)

blockSize := opts.BlockSize
fileLength := fileInfo.Size()
sequenceMatches := 0
if fileLength > int64(options.BlockSize) {
sequenceMatches = 2
} else {
sequenceMatches = 1
weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)
strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)

fileDigest := sha1.New()
blockDigest := md4.New()

checksum, fileChecksum := computeChecksum(file, blockSize, fileLength, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength, fileDigest, blockDigest)
strFileChecksum := hex.EncodeToString(fileChecksum)

// [ASK] I suspect I can improve performance here rather than appending string with +
strHeader := "zsync: " + ZSYNC_VERSION + "n" +
"Filename: " + fileInfo.Name() + "n" +
"MTime: " + fileInfo.ModTime().Format(time.RFC1123Z) + "n" +
"Blocksize: " + strconv.Itoa(blockSize) + "n" +
"Length: " + strconv.Itoa(int(fileLength)) + "n" +
"Hash-Lengths: " + strconv.Itoa(sequenceMatches) + "," + strconv.Itoa(weakChecksumLength) + "," + strconv.Itoa(strongChecksumLength) + "n" +
"URL: " + opts.Url + "n" +
"SHA-1: " + strFileChecksum + "nn"

return checksum, strHeader, outputFileName


func sha1HashFile(path string, fileChecksumChannel chan byte) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()

hasher := sha1.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, file); err != nil {

fileChecksumChannel <- hasher.Sum(nil)

func computeChecksum(f *os.File, blocksize int, fileLength int64, weakLen int, strongLen int, fileDigest hash.Hash, blockDigest hash.Hash) (byte, byte) {

checksumBytes := make(byte, 0)
block := make(byte, blocksize)

fileChecksumChannel := make(chan byte)
go sha1HashFile(f.Name(), fileChecksumChannel)

for {
read, err := f.Read(block)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {

if read < blocksize {

blockSlice := block[read:blocksize]
for i := range blockSlice {
blockSlice[i] = byte(0)


rsum := computeRsum(block)

unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, uint32(rsum))

tempUnsignedWeakByte := unsignedWeakByte[len(unsignedWeakByte)-weakLen:]
checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedWeakByte...)

strongBytes := blockDigest.Sum(nil)

tempUnsignedStrongByte := strongBytes[:strongLen]
checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedStrongByte...)


fileChecksum := <- fileChecksumChannel

checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, fileChecksum...)

return checksumBytes, fileChecksum


// [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
func strongChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
// estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize))))/math.Log(2) + 20

// reduced number of bits by sequence matches
lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

// second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

// return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

// [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
func weakChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
// estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
// Weak Checksum section of
d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

// reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

// enforce max and min values
if lrdc > 4 {
return 4
} else {
if lrdc < 2 {
return 2
} else {
return lrdc

// [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
func computeRsum(block byte) int {
var a int16
var b int16
l := len(block)
for i := 0; i < len(block); i++ {
val := int(unsign(block[i]))
a += int16(val)
b += int16(l * val)
x := int(a) << 16
y := int(b) & 0xffff
return int(x) | int(y)

func unsign(b byte) uint8 {
if b < 0 {
return b & 0xFF
} else {
return b

func calculateMissingValues(opts zsyncOptions.Options, f *os.File) zsyncOptions.Options {
if opts.BlockSize == 0 {
opts.BlockSize = calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f)
if opts.Filename == "" {
opts.Filename = f.Name()
if opts.Url == "" {
opts.Url = f.Name()
return opts

func calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f *os.File) int {
fileInfo, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
if fileInfo.Size() < 100*1<<20 {
} else {

Also, coming from Java background, I get use to modularize everything, including this Options struct onto other file. Am I suppose to modularize it?

package zsyncOptions

type Options struct {
BlockSize int
Filename string
Url string

share|improve this question


    I'm learning go by doing it. I tried to port the Java's ZsyncMake implementation into Golang.
    I also employ the Go's concurrency API with goroutine and channel.
    I have some experience in Java, but never work with native language. One immediately coming problem is int in Golang isn't the same as int32 (since it depends on the platform; Java's int is 4 byte), thus I need to cast it most of the time.

    Here's my code. In some comments I wrote [ASK] to indicate that I'm not sure if it's a proper way of implementation in Go

    package zsync

    import (

    var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
    var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
    var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

    func ZsyncMake(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) {
    checksum, headers, zsyncFilePath := writeToFile(path, options)
    zsyncFile, err := os.Create(zsyncFilePath)
    if err != nil {
    defer zsyncFile.Close()

    bfio := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
    _, err = bfio.WriteString(headers)
    if err != nil {

    _, err = bfio.Write(checksum)
    if err != nil {


    func writeToFile(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) (byte, string, string) {
    file, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()

    outputFileName := file.Name() + ".zsync"

    fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
    if err != nil {

    opts := calculateMissingValues(options, file)

    blockSize := opts.BlockSize
    fileLength := fileInfo.Size()
    sequenceMatches := 0
    if fileLength > int64(options.BlockSize) {
    sequenceMatches = 2
    } else {
    sequenceMatches = 1
    weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)
    strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)

    fileDigest := sha1.New()
    blockDigest := md4.New()

    checksum, fileChecksum := computeChecksum(file, blockSize, fileLength, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength, fileDigest, blockDigest)
    strFileChecksum := hex.EncodeToString(fileChecksum)

    // [ASK] I suspect I can improve performance here rather than appending string with +
    strHeader := "zsync: " + ZSYNC_VERSION + "n" +
    "Filename: " + fileInfo.Name() + "n" +
    "MTime: " + fileInfo.ModTime().Format(time.RFC1123Z) + "n" +
    "Blocksize: " + strconv.Itoa(blockSize) + "n" +
    "Length: " + strconv.Itoa(int(fileLength)) + "n" +
    "Hash-Lengths: " + strconv.Itoa(sequenceMatches) + "," + strconv.Itoa(weakChecksumLength) + "," + strconv.Itoa(strongChecksumLength) + "n" +
    "URL: " + opts.Url + "n" +
    "SHA-1: " + strFileChecksum + "nn"

    return checksum, strHeader, outputFileName


    func sha1HashFile(path string, fileChecksumChannel chan byte) {
    file, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()

    hasher := sha1.New()
    if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, file); err != nil {

    fileChecksumChannel <- hasher.Sum(nil)

    func computeChecksum(f *os.File, blocksize int, fileLength int64, weakLen int, strongLen int, fileDigest hash.Hash, blockDigest hash.Hash) (byte, byte) {

    checksumBytes := make(byte, 0)
    block := make(byte, blocksize)

    fileChecksumChannel := make(chan byte)
    go sha1HashFile(f.Name(), fileChecksumChannel)

    for {
    read, err := f.Read(block)
    if err != nil {
    if err == io.EOF {

    if read < blocksize {

    blockSlice := block[read:blocksize]
    for i := range blockSlice {
    blockSlice[i] = byte(0)


    rsum := computeRsum(block)

    unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, uint32(rsum))

    tempUnsignedWeakByte := unsignedWeakByte[len(unsignedWeakByte)-weakLen:]
    checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedWeakByte...)

    strongBytes := blockDigest.Sum(nil)

    tempUnsignedStrongByte := strongBytes[:strongLen]
    checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedStrongByte...)


    fileChecksum := <- fileChecksumChannel

    checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, fileChecksum...)

    return checksumBytes, fileChecksum


    // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
    func strongChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
    // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
    d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize))))/math.Log(2) + 20

    // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
    lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

    // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
    lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

    // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
    return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

    // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
    func weakChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
    // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
    // Weak Checksum section of
    d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

    // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
    rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
    lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

    // enforce max and min values
    if lrdc > 4 {
    return 4
    } else {
    if lrdc < 2 {
    return 2
    } else {
    return lrdc

    // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
    func computeRsum(block byte) int {
    var a int16
    var b int16
    l := len(block)
    for i := 0; i < len(block); i++ {
    val := int(unsign(block[i]))
    a += int16(val)
    b += int16(l * val)
    x := int(a) << 16
    y := int(b) & 0xffff
    return int(x) | int(y)

    func unsign(b byte) uint8 {
    if b < 0 {
    return b & 0xFF
    } else {
    return b

    func calculateMissingValues(opts zsyncOptions.Options, f *os.File) zsyncOptions.Options {
    if opts.BlockSize == 0 {
    opts.BlockSize = calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f)
    if opts.Filename == "" {
    opts.Filename = f.Name()
    if opts.Url == "" {
    opts.Url = f.Name()
    return opts

    func calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f *os.File) int {
    fileInfo, err := f.Stat()
    if err != nil {
    if fileInfo.Size() < 100*1<<20 {
    } else {

    Also, coming from Java background, I get use to modularize everything, including this Options struct onto other file. Am I suppose to modularize it?

    package zsyncOptions

    type Options struct {
    BlockSize int
    Filename string
    Url string

    share|improve this question




      I'm learning go by doing it. I tried to port the Java's ZsyncMake implementation into Golang.
      I also employ the Go's concurrency API with goroutine and channel.
      I have some experience in Java, but never work with native language. One immediately coming problem is int in Golang isn't the same as int32 (since it depends on the platform; Java's int is 4 byte), thus I need to cast it most of the time.

      Here's my code. In some comments I wrote [ASK] to indicate that I'm not sure if it's a proper way of implementation in Go

      package zsync

      import (

      var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
      var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
      var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

      func ZsyncMake(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) {
      checksum, headers, zsyncFilePath := writeToFile(path, options)
      zsyncFile, err := os.Create(zsyncFilePath)
      if err != nil {
      defer zsyncFile.Close()

      bfio := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
      _, err = bfio.WriteString(headers)
      if err != nil {

      _, err = bfio.Write(checksum)
      if err != nil {


      func writeToFile(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) (byte, string, string) {
      file, err := os.Open(path)
      if err != nil {
      defer file.Close()

      outputFileName := file.Name() + ".zsync"

      fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
      if err != nil {

      opts := calculateMissingValues(options, file)

      blockSize := opts.BlockSize
      fileLength := fileInfo.Size()
      sequenceMatches := 0
      if fileLength > int64(options.BlockSize) {
      sequenceMatches = 2
      } else {
      sequenceMatches = 1
      weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)
      strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)

      fileDigest := sha1.New()
      blockDigest := md4.New()

      checksum, fileChecksum := computeChecksum(file, blockSize, fileLength, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength, fileDigest, blockDigest)
      strFileChecksum := hex.EncodeToString(fileChecksum)

      // [ASK] I suspect I can improve performance here rather than appending string with +
      strHeader := "zsync: " + ZSYNC_VERSION + "n" +
      "Filename: " + fileInfo.Name() + "n" +
      "MTime: " + fileInfo.ModTime().Format(time.RFC1123Z) + "n" +
      "Blocksize: " + strconv.Itoa(blockSize) + "n" +
      "Length: " + strconv.Itoa(int(fileLength)) + "n" +
      "Hash-Lengths: " + strconv.Itoa(sequenceMatches) + "," + strconv.Itoa(weakChecksumLength) + "," + strconv.Itoa(strongChecksumLength) + "n" +
      "URL: " + opts.Url + "n" +
      "SHA-1: " + strFileChecksum + "nn"

      return checksum, strHeader, outputFileName


      func sha1HashFile(path string, fileChecksumChannel chan byte) {
      file, err := os.Open(path)
      if err != nil {
      defer file.Close()

      hasher := sha1.New()
      if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, file); err != nil {

      fileChecksumChannel <- hasher.Sum(nil)

      func computeChecksum(f *os.File, blocksize int, fileLength int64, weakLen int, strongLen int, fileDigest hash.Hash, blockDigest hash.Hash) (byte, byte) {

      checksumBytes := make(byte, 0)
      block := make(byte, blocksize)

      fileChecksumChannel := make(chan byte)
      go sha1HashFile(f.Name(), fileChecksumChannel)

      for {
      read, err := f.Read(block)
      if err != nil {
      if err == io.EOF {

      if read < blocksize {

      blockSlice := block[read:blocksize]
      for i := range blockSlice {
      blockSlice[i] = byte(0)


      rsum := computeRsum(block)

      unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)
      binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, uint32(rsum))

      tempUnsignedWeakByte := unsignedWeakByte[len(unsignedWeakByte)-weakLen:]
      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedWeakByte...)

      strongBytes := blockDigest.Sum(nil)

      tempUnsignedStrongByte := strongBytes[:strongLen]
      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedStrongByte...)


      fileChecksum := <- fileChecksumChannel

      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, fileChecksum...)

      return checksumBytes, fileChecksum


      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func strongChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
      // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
      d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize))))/math.Log(2) + 20

      // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
      lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

      // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
      lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

      // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
      return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func weakChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
      // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
      // Weak Checksum section of
      d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

      // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
      rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
      lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

      // enforce max and min values
      if lrdc > 4 {
      return 4
      } else {
      if lrdc < 2 {
      return 2
      } else {
      return lrdc

      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func computeRsum(block byte) int {
      var a int16
      var b int16
      l := len(block)
      for i := 0; i < len(block); i++ {
      val := int(unsign(block[i]))
      a += int16(val)
      b += int16(l * val)
      x := int(a) << 16
      y := int(b) & 0xffff
      return int(x) | int(y)

      func unsign(b byte) uint8 {
      if b < 0 {
      return b & 0xFF
      } else {
      return b

      func calculateMissingValues(opts zsyncOptions.Options, f *os.File) zsyncOptions.Options {
      if opts.BlockSize == 0 {
      opts.BlockSize = calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f)
      if opts.Filename == "" {
      opts.Filename = f.Name()
      if opts.Url == "" {
      opts.Url = f.Name()
      return opts

      func calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f *os.File) int {
      fileInfo, err := f.Stat()
      if err != nil {
      if fileInfo.Size() < 100*1<<20 {
      return BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL
      } else {
      return BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE

      Also, coming from Java background, I get use to modularize everything, including this Options struct onto other file. Am I suppose to modularize it?

      package zsyncOptions

      type Options struct {
      BlockSize int
      Filename string
      Url string

      share|improve this question

      I'm learning go by doing it. I tried to port the Java's ZsyncMake implementation into Golang.
      I also employ the Go's concurrency API with goroutine and channel.
      I have some experience in Java, but never work with native language. One immediately coming problem is int in Golang isn't the same as int32 (since it depends on the platform; Java's int is 4 byte), thus I need to cast it most of the time.

      Here's my code. In some comments I wrote [ASK] to indicate that I'm not sure if it's a proper way of implementation in Go

      package zsync

      import (

      var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
      var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
      var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

      func ZsyncMake(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) {
      checksum, headers, zsyncFilePath := writeToFile(path, options)
      zsyncFile, err := os.Create(zsyncFilePath)
      if err != nil {
      defer zsyncFile.Close()

      bfio := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
      _, err = bfio.WriteString(headers)
      if err != nil {

      _, err = bfio.Write(checksum)
      if err != nil {


      func writeToFile(path string, options zsyncOptions.Options) (byte, string, string) {
      file, err := os.Open(path)
      if err != nil {
      defer file.Close()

      outputFileName := file.Name() + ".zsync"

      fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
      if err != nil {

      opts := calculateMissingValues(options, file)

      blockSize := opts.BlockSize
      fileLength := fileInfo.Size()
      sequenceMatches := 0
      if fileLength > int64(options.BlockSize) {
      sequenceMatches = 2
      } else {
      sequenceMatches = 1
      weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)
      strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blockSize, sequenceMatches)

      fileDigest := sha1.New()
      blockDigest := md4.New()

      checksum, fileChecksum := computeChecksum(file, blockSize, fileLength, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength, fileDigest, blockDigest)
      strFileChecksum := hex.EncodeToString(fileChecksum)

      // [ASK] I suspect I can improve performance here rather than appending string with +
      strHeader := "zsync: " + ZSYNC_VERSION + "n" +
      "Filename: " + fileInfo.Name() + "n" +
      "MTime: " + fileInfo.ModTime().Format(time.RFC1123Z) + "n" +
      "Blocksize: " + strconv.Itoa(blockSize) + "n" +
      "Length: " + strconv.Itoa(int(fileLength)) + "n" +
      "Hash-Lengths: " + strconv.Itoa(sequenceMatches) + "," + strconv.Itoa(weakChecksumLength) + "," + strconv.Itoa(strongChecksumLength) + "n" +
      "URL: " + opts.Url + "n" +
      "SHA-1: " + strFileChecksum + "nn"

      return checksum, strHeader, outputFileName


      func sha1HashFile(path string, fileChecksumChannel chan byte) {
      file, err := os.Open(path)
      if err != nil {
      defer file.Close()

      hasher := sha1.New()
      if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, file); err != nil {

      fileChecksumChannel <- hasher.Sum(nil)

      func computeChecksum(f *os.File, blocksize int, fileLength int64, weakLen int, strongLen int, fileDigest hash.Hash, blockDigest hash.Hash) (byte, byte) {

      checksumBytes := make(byte, 0)
      block := make(byte, blocksize)

      fileChecksumChannel := make(chan byte)
      go sha1HashFile(f.Name(), fileChecksumChannel)

      for {
      read, err := f.Read(block)
      if err != nil {
      if err == io.EOF {

      if read < blocksize {

      blockSlice := block[read:blocksize]
      for i := range blockSlice {
      blockSlice[i] = byte(0)


      rsum := computeRsum(block)

      unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)
      binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, uint32(rsum))

      tempUnsignedWeakByte := unsignedWeakByte[len(unsignedWeakByte)-weakLen:]
      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedWeakByte...)

      strongBytes := blockDigest.Sum(nil)

      tempUnsignedStrongByte := strongBytes[:strongLen]
      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, tempUnsignedStrongByte...)


      fileChecksum := <- fileChecksumChannel

      checksumBytes = append(checksumBytes, fileChecksum...)

      return checksumBytes, fileChecksum


      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func strongChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
      // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
      d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize))))/math.Log(2) + 20

      // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
      lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

      // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
      lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/int64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

      // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
      return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func weakChecksumLength(fileLength int64, blocksize int, sequenceMatches int) int {
      // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
      // Weak Checksum section of
      d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

      // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
      rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
      lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

      // enforce max and min values
      if lrdc > 4 {
      return 4
      } else {
      if lrdc < 2 {
      return 2
      } else {
      return lrdc

      // [ASK] A lot of type casting happen here, not sure if it's a good practice in Go
      func computeRsum(block byte) int {
      var a int16
      var b int16
      l := len(block)
      for i := 0; i < len(block); i++ {
      val := int(unsign(block[i]))
      a += int16(val)
      b += int16(l * val)
      x := int(a) << 16
      y := int(b) & 0xffff
      return int(x) | int(y)

      func unsign(b byte) uint8 {
      if b < 0 {
      return b & 0xFF
      } else {
      return b

      func calculateMissingValues(opts zsyncOptions.Options, f *os.File) zsyncOptions.Options {
      if opts.BlockSize == 0 {
      opts.BlockSize = calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f)
      if opts.Filename == "" {
      opts.Filename = f.Name()
      if opts.Url == "" {
      opts.Url = f.Name()
      return opts

      func calculateDefaultBlockSizeForInputFile(f *os.File) int {
      fileInfo, err := f.Stat()
      if err != nil {
      if fileInfo.Size() < 100*1<<20 {
      return BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL
      } else {
      return BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE

      Also, coming from Java background, I get use to modularize everything, including this Options struct onto other file. Am I suppose to modularize it?

      package zsyncOptions

      type Options struct {
      BlockSize int
      Filename string
      Url string

      file go casting checksum

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Oct 2 at 13:57




      asked Oct 2 at 7:04




          1 Answer





          Always return errors

          Don't use log.Fatal() everywhere ! Instead, return the error with some context:

          checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
          if err != nil {
          return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

          Write to the bufio.Writer directly

          You are right, creating the header by appending strings is not the best way. We could instead write
          the header content directly to the bufio.writer:

          buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
          buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

          buf.WriteString("Filename: ")


          Read the file once

          Reading a file is expensive, it should be done only once. It is possible to read the content of a file
          in a slice of bytes with the io/ioutil package

          fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)

          you can then compute it's SHA1 checksum in one line:

          fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

          and then create a *Reader from it:

          reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)
          for {
          read, err := reader.Read(block)

          This also allow us to get the file length as an int like this:

          fileLength := len(fileByte)

          Method parameters

          Some params are unused or redundant, for example path and options.Filename, they should be removed.
          You can group params with same type for more readability:

          func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize int, weakLen int, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

          can be written like this:

          func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

          Go also allows named return for more clarity. It's usefull when a method returns two values of the same type like here. Method
          signature could be:

          func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (checksum byte, fileChecksum byte, err error) {

          Keep things simple

          There is no need for channels and goroutines in this code, it just make the code harder to read. Try to keep the code clean and simple. If you face performance issues, profile the code and optimize the hotspot.

          The computeRsum method could be simplified a bit to return an int32 directly:

          func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

          a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

          for _, v := range block {
          if v < 0 {
          v = v & 0xFF
          a += int(v)
          b += l * int(v)
          return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

          Use const block for constant

          this block

          var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
          var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
          var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

          should be rewritten like this:

          const (
          version = "0.6.2"
          blockSizeSmall = 2048
          blockSizeLarge = 4096

          const are immutable, and that's what we want here. Also note that CamelCase is preferred for naming constant in go

          final version

          package zsync

          import (

          type Options struct {
          BlockSize int
          Filename string
          Url string

          const (
          version = "0.6.2"
          blockSizeSmall = 2048
          blockSizeLarge = 4096

          func ZsyncMake(options *Options) {

          err := writeToFile(options)
          if err != nil {

          func writeToFile(options *Options) error {
          file, err := os.Open(options.Filename)
          if err != nil {
          return err

          fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
          if err != nil {
          return err

          fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)
          if err != nil {
          return err
          fileLength := len(fileByte)

          if options.Url == "" {
          options.Url = options.Filename

          if options.BlockSize == 0 {
          if fileLength < 100*1<<20 {
          options.BlockSize = blockSizeSmall
          } else {
          options.BlockSize = blockSizeLarge

          sequenceMatches := 1
          if fileLength > options.BlockSize {
          sequenceMatches = 2
          weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)
          strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)

          checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
          if err != nil {
          return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

          zsyncFile, err := os.Create(file.Name() + ".zsync")
          if err != nil {
          return err
          defer zsyncFile.Close()

          buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
          buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

          buf.WriteString("Filename: ")

          buf.WriteString("MTime: ")

          buf.WriteString("Blocksize: ")

          buf.WriteString("Length: ")

          buf.WriteString("Hash-Lengths: ")

          buf.WriteString("URL: ")

          buf.WriteString("SHA-1: ")


          return buf.Flush()

          func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

          reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)

          checksumBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
          block := make(byte, blockSize)
          unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)

          for {
          read, err := reader.Read(block)
          if err != nil {
          if err == io.EOF {
          return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to read block: %v", err)

          if read < blockSize {

          blockSlice := block[read:blockSize]
          for i := range blockSlice {
          blockSlice[i] = byte(0)

          rsum := computeRsum(block)
          binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, rsum)


          strongBytes := md5.Sum(block)

          fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

          return checksumBytes.Bytes(), fileChecksum[:], nil

          func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

          a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

          for _, v := range block {
          if v < 0 {
          v = v & 0xFF
          a += int(v)
          b += l * int(v)
          return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

          func strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
          // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
          d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20

          // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
          lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

          // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
          lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

          // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
          return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

          func weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
          // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
          // Weak Checksum section of
          d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

          // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
          rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
          lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

          // enforce max and min values
          if lrdc > 4 {
          return 4
          if lrdc < 2 {
          return 2
          return lrdc


          New code is slightly faster:

          goos: linux
          goarch: amd64
          BenchmarkWriteOld-4 10000 200830 ns/op 40815 B/op 43 allocs/op
          BenchmarkWriteNew-4 10000 164985 ns/op 29272 B/op 27 allocs/op

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

            StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function () {
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            if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled) {
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            Post as a guest

            Required, but never shown

            1 Answer




            1 Answer











            Always return errors

            Don't use log.Fatal() everywhere ! Instead, return the error with some context:

            checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
            if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

            Write to the bufio.Writer directly

            You are right, creating the header by appending strings is not the best way. We could instead write
            the header content directly to the bufio.writer:

            buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
            buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

            buf.WriteString("Filename: ")


            Read the file once

            Reading a file is expensive, it should be done only once. It is possible to read the content of a file
            in a slice of bytes with the io/ioutil package

            fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)

            you can then compute it's SHA1 checksum in one line:

            fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

            and then create a *Reader from it:

            reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)
            for {
            read, err := reader.Read(block)

            This also allow us to get the file length as an int like this:

            fileLength := len(fileByte)

            Method parameters

            Some params are unused or redundant, for example path and options.Filename, they should be removed.
            You can group params with same type for more readability:

            func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize int, weakLen int, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

            can be written like this:

            func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

            Go also allows named return for more clarity. It's usefull when a method returns two values of the same type like here. Method
            signature could be:

            func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (checksum byte, fileChecksum byte, err error) {

            Keep things simple

            There is no need for channels and goroutines in this code, it just make the code harder to read. Try to keep the code clean and simple. If you face performance issues, profile the code and optimize the hotspot.

            The computeRsum method could be simplified a bit to return an int32 directly:

            func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

            a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

            for _, v := range block {
            if v < 0 {
            v = v & 0xFF
            a += int(v)
            b += l * int(v)
            return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

            Use const block for constant

            this block

            var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
            var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
            var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

            should be rewritten like this:

            const (
            version = "0.6.2"
            blockSizeSmall = 2048
            blockSizeLarge = 4096

            const are immutable, and that's what we want here. Also note that CamelCase is preferred for naming constant in go

            final version

            package zsync

            import (

            type Options struct {
            BlockSize int
            Filename string
            Url string

            const (
            version = "0.6.2"
            blockSizeSmall = 2048
            blockSizeLarge = 4096

            func ZsyncMake(options *Options) {

            err := writeToFile(options)
            if err != nil {

            func writeToFile(options *Options) error {
            file, err := os.Open(options.Filename)
            if err != nil {
            return err

            fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
            if err != nil {
            return err

            fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)
            if err != nil {
            return err
            fileLength := len(fileByte)

            if options.Url == "" {
            options.Url = options.Filename

            if options.BlockSize == 0 {
            if fileLength < 100*1<<20 {
            options.BlockSize = blockSizeSmall
            } else {
            options.BlockSize = blockSizeLarge

            sequenceMatches := 1
            if fileLength > options.BlockSize {
            sequenceMatches = 2
            weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)
            strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)

            checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
            if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

            zsyncFile, err := os.Create(file.Name() + ".zsync")
            if err != nil {
            return err
            defer zsyncFile.Close()

            buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
            buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

            buf.WriteString("Filename: ")

            buf.WriteString("MTime: ")

            buf.WriteString("Blocksize: ")

            buf.WriteString("Length: ")

            buf.WriteString("Hash-Lengths: ")

            buf.WriteString("URL: ")

            buf.WriteString("SHA-1: ")


            return buf.Flush()

            func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

            reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)

            checksumBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
            block := make(byte, blockSize)
            unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)

            for {
            read, err := reader.Read(block)
            if err != nil {
            if err == io.EOF {
            return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to read block: %v", err)

            if read < blockSize {

            blockSlice := block[read:blockSize]
            for i := range blockSlice {
            blockSlice[i] = byte(0)

            rsum := computeRsum(block)
            binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, rsum)


            strongBytes := md5.Sum(block)

            fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

            return checksumBytes.Bytes(), fileChecksum[:], nil

            func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

            a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

            for _, v := range block {
            if v < 0 {
            v = v & 0xFF
            a += int(v)
            b += l * int(v)
            return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

            func strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
            // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
            d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20

            // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
            lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

            // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
            lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

            // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
            return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

            func weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
            // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
            // Weak Checksum section of
            d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

            // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
            rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
            lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

            // enforce max and min values
            if lrdc > 4 {
            return 4
            if lrdc < 2 {
            return 2
            return lrdc


            New code is slightly faster:

            goos: linux
            goarch: amd64
            BenchmarkWriteOld-4 10000 200830 ns/op 40815 B/op 43 allocs/op
            BenchmarkWriteNew-4 10000 164985 ns/op 29272 B/op 27 allocs/op

            share|improve this answer


              Always return errors

              Don't use log.Fatal() everywhere ! Instead, return the error with some context:

              checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
              if err != nil {
              return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

              Write to the bufio.Writer directly

              You are right, creating the header by appending strings is not the best way. We could instead write
              the header content directly to the bufio.writer:

              buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
              buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

              buf.WriteString("Filename: ")


              Read the file once

              Reading a file is expensive, it should be done only once. It is possible to read the content of a file
              in a slice of bytes with the io/ioutil package

              fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)

              you can then compute it's SHA1 checksum in one line:

              fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

              and then create a *Reader from it:

              reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)
              for {
              read, err := reader.Read(block)

              This also allow us to get the file length as an int like this:

              fileLength := len(fileByte)

              Method parameters

              Some params are unused or redundant, for example path and options.Filename, they should be removed.
              You can group params with same type for more readability:

              func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize int, weakLen int, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

              can be written like this:

              func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

              Go also allows named return for more clarity. It's usefull when a method returns two values of the same type like here. Method
              signature could be:

              func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (checksum byte, fileChecksum byte, err error) {

              Keep things simple

              There is no need for channels and goroutines in this code, it just make the code harder to read. Try to keep the code clean and simple. If you face performance issues, profile the code and optimize the hotspot.

              The computeRsum method could be simplified a bit to return an int32 directly:

              func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

              a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

              for _, v := range block {
              if v < 0 {
              v = v & 0xFF
              a += int(v)
              b += l * int(v)
              return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

              Use const block for constant

              this block

              var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
              var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
              var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

              should be rewritten like this:

              const (
              version = "0.6.2"
              blockSizeSmall = 2048
              blockSizeLarge = 4096

              const are immutable, and that's what we want here. Also note that CamelCase is preferred for naming constant in go

              final version

              package zsync

              import (

              type Options struct {
              BlockSize int
              Filename string
              Url string

              const (
              version = "0.6.2"
              blockSizeSmall = 2048
              blockSizeLarge = 4096

              func ZsyncMake(options *Options) {

              err := writeToFile(options)
              if err != nil {

              func writeToFile(options *Options) error {
              file, err := os.Open(options.Filename)
              if err != nil {
              return err

              fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
              if err != nil {
              return err

              fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)
              if err != nil {
              return err
              fileLength := len(fileByte)

              if options.Url == "" {
              options.Url = options.Filename

              if options.BlockSize == 0 {
              if fileLength < 100*1<<20 {
              options.BlockSize = blockSizeSmall
              } else {
              options.BlockSize = blockSizeLarge

              sequenceMatches := 1
              if fileLength > options.BlockSize {
              sequenceMatches = 2
              weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)
              strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)

              checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
              if err != nil {
              return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

              zsyncFile, err := os.Create(file.Name() + ".zsync")
              if err != nil {
              return err
              defer zsyncFile.Close()

              buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
              buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

              buf.WriteString("Filename: ")

              buf.WriteString("MTime: ")

              buf.WriteString("Blocksize: ")

              buf.WriteString("Length: ")

              buf.WriteString("Hash-Lengths: ")

              buf.WriteString("URL: ")

              buf.WriteString("SHA-1: ")


              return buf.Flush()

              func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

              reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)

              checksumBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
              block := make(byte, blockSize)
              unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)

              for {
              read, err := reader.Read(block)
              if err != nil {
              if err == io.EOF {
              return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to read block: %v", err)

              if read < blockSize {

              blockSlice := block[read:blockSize]
              for i := range blockSlice {
              blockSlice[i] = byte(0)

              rsum := computeRsum(block)
              binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, rsum)


              strongBytes := md5.Sum(block)

              fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

              return checksumBytes.Bytes(), fileChecksum[:], nil

              func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

              a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

              for _, v := range block {
              if v < 0 {
              v = v & 0xFF
              a += int(v)
              b += l * int(v)
              return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

              func strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
              // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
              d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20

              // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
              lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

              // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
              lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

              // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
              return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

              func weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
              // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
              // Weak Checksum section of
              d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

              // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
              rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
              lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

              // enforce max and min values
              if lrdc > 4 {
              return 4
              if lrdc < 2 {
              return 2
              return lrdc


              New code is slightly faster:

              goos: linux
              goarch: amd64
              BenchmarkWriteOld-4 10000 200830 ns/op 40815 B/op 43 allocs/op
              BenchmarkWriteNew-4 10000 164985 ns/op 29272 B/op 27 allocs/op

              share|improve this answer




                Always return errors

                Don't use log.Fatal() everywhere ! Instead, return the error with some context:

                checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
                if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

                Write to the bufio.Writer directly

                You are right, creating the header by appending strings is not the best way. We could instead write
                the header content directly to the bufio.writer:

                buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
                buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

                buf.WriteString("Filename: ")


                Read the file once

                Reading a file is expensive, it should be done only once. It is possible to read the content of a file
                in a slice of bytes with the io/ioutil package

                fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)

                you can then compute it's SHA1 checksum in one line:

                fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

                and then create a *Reader from it:

                reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)
                for {
                read, err := reader.Read(block)

                This also allow us to get the file length as an int like this:

                fileLength := len(fileByte)

                Method parameters

                Some params are unused or redundant, for example path and options.Filename, they should be removed.
                You can group params with same type for more readability:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize int, weakLen int, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                can be written like this:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                Go also allows named return for more clarity. It's usefull when a method returns two values of the same type like here. Method
                signature could be:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (checksum byte, fileChecksum byte, err error) {

                Keep things simple

                There is no need for channels and goroutines in this code, it just make the code harder to read. Try to keep the code clean and simple. If you face performance issues, profile the code and optimize the hotspot.

                The computeRsum method could be simplified a bit to return an int32 directly:

                func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

                a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

                for _, v := range block {
                if v < 0 {
                v = v & 0xFF
                a += int(v)
                b += l * int(v)
                return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

                Use const block for constant

                this block

                var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
                var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
                var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

                should be rewritten like this:

                const (
                version = "0.6.2"
                blockSizeSmall = 2048
                blockSizeLarge = 4096

                const are immutable, and that's what we want here. Also note that CamelCase is preferred for naming constant in go

                final version

                package zsync

                import (

                type Options struct {
                BlockSize int
                Filename string
                Url string

                const (
                version = "0.6.2"
                blockSizeSmall = 2048
                blockSizeLarge = 4096

                func ZsyncMake(options *Options) {

                err := writeToFile(options)
                if err != nil {

                func writeToFile(options *Options) error {
                file, err := os.Open(options.Filename)
                if err != nil {
                return err

                fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
                if err != nil {
                return err

                fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)
                if err != nil {
                return err
                fileLength := len(fileByte)

                if options.Url == "" {
                options.Url = options.Filename

                if options.BlockSize == 0 {
                if fileLength < 100*1<<20 {
                options.BlockSize = blockSizeSmall
                } else {
                options.BlockSize = blockSizeLarge

                sequenceMatches := 1
                if fileLength > options.BlockSize {
                sequenceMatches = 2
                weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)
                strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)

                checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
                if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

                zsyncFile, err := os.Create(file.Name() + ".zsync")
                if err != nil {
                return err
                defer zsyncFile.Close()

                buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
                buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

                buf.WriteString("Filename: ")

                buf.WriteString("MTime: ")

                buf.WriteString("Blocksize: ")

                buf.WriteString("Length: ")

                buf.WriteString("Hash-Lengths: ")

                buf.WriteString("URL: ")

                buf.WriteString("SHA-1: ")


                return buf.Flush()

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)

                checksumBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
                block := make(byte, blockSize)
                unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)

                for {
                read, err := reader.Read(block)
                if err != nil {
                if err == io.EOF {
                return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to read block: %v", err)

                if read < blockSize {

                blockSlice := block[read:blockSize]
                for i := range blockSlice {
                blockSlice[i] = byte(0)

                rsum := computeRsum(block)
                binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, rsum)


                strongBytes := md5.Sum(block)

                fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

                return checksumBytes.Bytes(), fileChecksum[:], nil

                func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

                a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

                for _, v := range block {
                if v < 0 {
                v = v & 0xFF
                a += int(v)
                b += l * int(v)
                return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

                func strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
                // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
                d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20

                // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
                lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

                // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
                lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

                // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
                return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

                func weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
                // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
                // Weak Checksum section of
                d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

                // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
                rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
                lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

                // enforce max and min values
                if lrdc > 4 {
                return 4
                if lrdc < 2 {
                return 2
                return lrdc


                New code is slightly faster:

                goos: linux
                goarch: amd64
                BenchmarkWriteOld-4 10000 200830 ns/op 40815 B/op 43 allocs/op
                BenchmarkWriteNew-4 10000 164985 ns/op 29272 B/op 27 allocs/op

                share|improve this answer

                Always return errors

                Don't use log.Fatal() everywhere ! Instead, return the error with some context:

                checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
                if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

                Write to the bufio.Writer directly

                You are right, creating the header by appending strings is not the best way. We could instead write
                the header content directly to the bufio.writer:

                buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
                buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

                buf.WriteString("Filename: ")


                Read the file once

                Reading a file is expensive, it should be done only once. It is possible to read the content of a file
                in a slice of bytes with the io/ioutil package

                fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)

                you can then compute it's SHA1 checksum in one line:

                fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

                and then create a *Reader from it:

                reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)
                for {
                read, err := reader.Read(block)

                This also allow us to get the file length as an int like this:

                fileLength := len(fileByte)

                Method parameters

                Some params are unused or redundant, for example path and options.Filename, they should be removed.
                You can group params with same type for more readability:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize int, weakLen int, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                can be written like this:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                Go also allows named return for more clarity. It's usefull when a method returns two values of the same type like here. Method
                signature could be:

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (checksum byte, fileChecksum byte, err error) {

                Keep things simple

                There is no need for channels and goroutines in this code, it just make the code harder to read. Try to keep the code clean and simple. If you face performance issues, profile the code and optimize the hotspot.

                The computeRsum method could be simplified a bit to return an int32 directly:

                func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

                a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

                for _, v := range block {
                if v < 0 {
                v = v & 0xFF
                a += int(v)
                b += l * int(v)
                return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

                Use const block for constant

                this block

                var ZSYNC_VERSION = "0.6.2"
                var BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL = 2048
                var BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE = 4096

                should be rewritten like this:

                const (
                version = "0.6.2"
                blockSizeSmall = 2048
                blockSizeLarge = 4096

                const are immutable, and that's what we want here. Also note that CamelCase is preferred for naming constant in go

                final version

                package zsync

                import (

                type Options struct {
                BlockSize int
                Filename string
                Url string

                const (
                version = "0.6.2"
                blockSizeSmall = 2048
                blockSizeLarge = 4096

                func ZsyncMake(options *Options) {

                err := writeToFile(options)
                if err != nil {

                func writeToFile(options *Options) error {
                file, err := os.Open(options.Filename)
                if err != nil {
                return err

                fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
                if err != nil {
                return err

                fileByte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(options.Filename)
                if err != nil {
                return err
                fileLength := len(fileByte)

                if options.Url == "" {
                options.Url = options.Filename

                if options.BlockSize == 0 {
                if fileLength < 100*1<<20 {
                options.BlockSize = blockSizeSmall
                } else {
                options.BlockSize = blockSizeLarge

                sequenceMatches := 1
                if fileLength > options.BlockSize {
                sequenceMatches = 2
                weakChecksumLength := weakChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)
                strongChecksumLength := strongChecksumLength(fileLength, options.BlockSize, sequenceMatches)

                checksum, fileChecksum, err := computeChecksum(fileByte, options.BlockSize, weakChecksumLength, strongChecksumLength)
                if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("fail to compute checksum: %v", err)

                zsyncFile, err := os.Create(file.Name() + ".zsync")
                if err != nil {
                return err
                defer zsyncFile.Close()

                buf := bufio.NewWriter(zsyncFile)
                buf.WriteString("zsync: ")

                buf.WriteString("Filename: ")

                buf.WriteString("MTime: ")

                buf.WriteString("Blocksize: ")

                buf.WriteString("Length: ")

                buf.WriteString("Hash-Lengths: ")

                buf.WriteString("URL: ")

                buf.WriteString("SHA-1: ")


                return buf.Flush()

                func computeChecksum(fileByte byte, blockSize, weakLen, strongLen int) (byte, byte, error) {

                reader := bytes.NewReader(fileByte)

                checksumBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
                block := make(byte, blockSize)
                unsignedWeakByte := make(byte, 4)

                for {
                read, err := reader.Read(block)
                if err != nil {
                if err == io.EOF {
                return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to read block: %v", err)

                if read < blockSize {

                blockSlice := block[read:blockSize]
                for i := range blockSlice {
                blockSlice[i] = byte(0)

                rsum := computeRsum(block)
                binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(unsignedWeakByte, rsum)


                strongBytes := md5.Sum(block)

                fileChecksum := sha1.Sum(fileByte)

                return checksumBytes.Bytes(), fileChecksum[:], nil

                func computeRsum(block byte) uint32 {

                a, b, l := 0, 0, len(block)

                for _, v := range block {
                if v < 0 {
                v = v & 0xFF
                a += int(v)
                b += l * int(v)
                return uint32(a<<16) | uint32(b&0xffff)

                func strongChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
                // estimated number of bytes to allocate for strong checksum
                d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize)))/math.Log(2) + 20

                // reduced number of bits by sequence matches
                lFirst := float64(math.Ceil(d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8))

                // second checksum - not reduced by sequence matches
                lSecond := float64((math.Log(float64(1+fileLength/blocksize))/math.Log(2) + 20 + 7.9) / 8)

                // return max of two: return no more than 16 bytes (MD4 max)
                return int(math.Min(float64(16), math.Max(lFirst, lSecond)))

                func weakChecksumLength(fileLength, blocksize, sequenceMatches int) int {
                // estimated number of bytes to allocate for the rolling checksum per formula in
                // Weak Checksum section of
                d := (math.Log(float64(fileLength))+math.Log(float64(blocksize)))/math.Log(2) - 8.6

                // reduced number of bits by sequence matches per
                rdc := d / float64(sequenceMatches) / 8
                lrdc := int(math.Ceil(rdc))

                // enforce max and min values
                if lrdc > 4 {
                return 4
                if lrdc < 2 {
                return 2
                return lrdc


                New code is slightly faster:

                goos: linux
                goarch: amd64
                BenchmarkWriteOld-4 10000 200830 ns/op 40815 B/op 43 allocs/op
                BenchmarkWriteNew-4 10000 164985 ns/op 29272 B/op 27 allocs/op

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered 1 hour ago




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