Azure Blob and Table storage [on hold]

up vote
down vote


I wrote this code, but is not very practical. I'm still new in this area of coding. Basically, I'm storing an image into a blob container, and I'm saving the URL in a table. I'm doing the same thing for a text file. I would like to use dependency injection for azure connection part to make my code more practical.

Here's my Logo Controller:


public class ManageLogoController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile image, float version)
if (image.Length >= 1048576)
return BadRequest("Uploaded image may not exceed 1Mb, please upload a smaller image.");

var allowedExtensions = new {
".png", ".jpg", "jpeg" };
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
if (allowedExtensions.Contains(fileExt))
await LogoStorage.UploadFileToBlobStorage(version, image.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = image.Length,
name = image.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

TnC Controller


public class ManageTermCondController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile doc, float version)

var allowedExtension = ".txt";
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(doc.FileName);
if (allowedExtension.Contains(fileExt))
await TncStorage.UploadDocToBlobStorage(version, doc.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = doc.Length,
name = doc.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

return BadRequest("Only .txt files are allowed!");

public string Geti(float version)
var x = TncStorage.GetURL(version);
if (x == null)
return "There's no such record";
else return TncStorage.GetURL(version);


I made a new class library named .Service for the following part:

 public class VersionURL : TableEntity
public VersionURL(string type, string version)
PartitionKey = type;
RowKey = version;
public VersionURL() { }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string ETag { get; set; }


The first class:

public static async Task UploadFileToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("logodata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("Logo", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Merge(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);
catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

The second class:

  public class TncStorage

public static async Task UploadDocToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("tncdata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("TnC", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)

var dec = version + .1;
content.RowKey = "v" + dec;
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);

catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

public static string GetURL(float version)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
var v = "v" + version;
var tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>();
tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
var entities = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(tableQuery, null);
var results = entities.Result;
var s = "";
foreach (var file in results.Where(x => x.RowKey == v))
//if (file.RowKey == v)
return s = file.URL;

// return null;

return null;

How can I simplify the first and the second class?

share|improve this question

New contributor

T x is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as off-topic by t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill 14 mins ago

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Code not implemented or not working as intended: Code Review is a community where programmers peer-review your working code to address issues such as security, maintainability, performance, and scalability. We require that the code be working correctly, to the best of the author's knowledge, before proceeding with a review." – t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 5

    The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
    – t3chb0t
    10 hours ago

up vote
down vote


I wrote this code, but is not very practical. I'm still new in this area of coding. Basically, I'm storing an image into a blob container, and I'm saving the URL in a table. I'm doing the same thing for a text file. I would like to use dependency injection for azure connection part to make my code more practical.

Here's my Logo Controller:


public class ManageLogoController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile image, float version)
if (image.Length >= 1048576)
return BadRequest("Uploaded image may not exceed 1Mb, please upload a smaller image.");

var allowedExtensions = new {
".png", ".jpg", "jpeg" };
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
if (allowedExtensions.Contains(fileExt))
await LogoStorage.UploadFileToBlobStorage(version, image.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = image.Length,
name = image.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

TnC Controller


public class ManageTermCondController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile doc, float version)

var allowedExtension = ".txt";
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(doc.FileName);
if (allowedExtension.Contains(fileExt))
await TncStorage.UploadDocToBlobStorage(version, doc.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = doc.Length,
name = doc.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

return BadRequest("Only .txt files are allowed!");

public string Geti(float version)
var x = TncStorage.GetURL(version);
if (x == null)
return "There's no such record";
else return TncStorage.GetURL(version);


I made a new class library named .Service for the following part:

 public class VersionURL : TableEntity
public VersionURL(string type, string version)
PartitionKey = type;
RowKey = version;
public VersionURL() { }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string ETag { get; set; }


The first class:

public static async Task UploadFileToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("logodata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("Logo", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Merge(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);
catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

The second class:

  public class TncStorage

public static async Task UploadDocToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("tncdata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("TnC", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)

var dec = version + .1;
content.RowKey = "v" + dec;
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);

catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

public static string GetURL(float version)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
var v = "v" + version;
var tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>();
tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
var entities = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(tableQuery, null);
var results = entities.Result;
var s = "";
foreach (var file in results.Where(x => x.RowKey == v))
//if (file.RowKey == v)
return s = file.URL;

// return null;

return null;

How can I simplify the first and the second class?

share|improve this question

New contributor

T x is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as off-topic by t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill 14 mins ago

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Code not implemented or not working as intended: Code Review is a community where programmers peer-review your working code to address issues such as security, maintainability, performance, and scalability. We require that the code be working correctly, to the best of the author's knowledge, before proceeding with a review." – t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 5

    The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
    – t3chb0t
    10 hours ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



I wrote this code, but is not very practical. I'm still new in this area of coding. Basically, I'm storing an image into a blob container, and I'm saving the URL in a table. I'm doing the same thing for a text file. I would like to use dependency injection for azure connection part to make my code more practical.

Here's my Logo Controller:


public class ManageLogoController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile image, float version)
if (image.Length >= 1048576)
return BadRequest("Uploaded image may not exceed 1Mb, please upload a smaller image.");

var allowedExtensions = new {
".png", ".jpg", "jpeg" };
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
if (allowedExtensions.Contains(fileExt))
await LogoStorage.UploadFileToBlobStorage(version, image.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = image.Length,
name = image.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

TnC Controller


public class ManageTermCondController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile doc, float version)

var allowedExtension = ".txt";
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(doc.FileName);
if (allowedExtension.Contains(fileExt))
await TncStorage.UploadDocToBlobStorage(version, doc.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = doc.Length,
name = doc.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

return BadRequest("Only .txt files are allowed!");

public string Geti(float version)
var x = TncStorage.GetURL(version);
if (x == null)
return "There's no such record";
else return TncStorage.GetURL(version);


I made a new class library named .Service for the following part:

 public class VersionURL : TableEntity
public VersionURL(string type, string version)
PartitionKey = type;
RowKey = version;
public VersionURL() { }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string ETag { get; set; }


The first class:

public static async Task UploadFileToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("logodata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("Logo", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Merge(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);
catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

The second class:

  public class TncStorage

public static async Task UploadDocToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("tncdata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("TnC", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)

var dec = version + .1;
content.RowKey = "v" + dec;
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);

catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

public static string GetURL(float version)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
var v = "v" + version;
var tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>();
tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
var entities = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(tableQuery, null);
var results = entities.Result;
var s = "";
foreach (var file in results.Where(x => x.RowKey == v))
//if (file.RowKey == v)
return s = file.URL;

// return null;

return null;

How can I simplify the first and the second class?

share|improve this question

New contributor

T x is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I wrote this code, but is not very practical. I'm still new in this area of coding. Basically, I'm storing an image into a blob container, and I'm saving the URL in a table. I'm doing the same thing for a text file. I would like to use dependency injection for azure connection part to make my code more practical.

Here's my Logo Controller:


public class ManageLogoController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile image, float version)
if (image.Length >= 1048576)
return BadRequest("Uploaded image may not exceed 1Mb, please upload a smaller image.");

var allowedExtensions = new {
".png", ".jpg", "jpeg" };
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
if (allowedExtensions.Contains(fileExt))
await LogoStorage.UploadFileToBlobStorage(version, image.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = image.Length,
name = image.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

TnC Controller


public class ManageTermCondController : ControllerBase

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(IFormFile doc, float version)

var allowedExtension = ".txt";
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(doc.FileName);
if (allowedExtension.Contains(fileExt))
await TncStorage.UploadDocToBlobStorage(version, doc.FileName);
return Ok(new
lenght = doc.Length,
name = doc.FileName
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();

return BadRequest("Only .txt files are allowed!");

public string Geti(float version)
var x = TncStorage.GetURL(version);
if (x == null)
return "There's no such record";
else return TncStorage.GetURL(version);


I made a new class library named .Service for the following part:

 public class VersionURL : TableEntity
public VersionURL(string type, string version)
PartitionKey = type;
RowKey = version;
public VersionURL() { }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string ETag { get; set; }


The first class:

public static async Task UploadFileToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("logodata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("Logo", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Merge(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);
catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

The second class:

  public class TncStorage

public static async Task UploadDocToBlobStorage(float version, string filename)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";

if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("tncdata");
await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

var blobUrl = "";
string file = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filename);
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(file);
await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromFileAsync(filename);

catch (Exception ex)

blobUrl = cloudBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
var v = "v" + version;
VersionURL content = new VersionURL("TnC", v);
content.ETag = "*";
content.URL = blobUrl;
var query = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var result = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;

if (result.Count() != 0)
foreach (VersionURL entity in result)
if (entity.RowKey == v)

var dec = version + .1;
content.RowKey = "v" + dec;
TableOperation updateOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(updateOperation);

catch (Exception ex)


TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(content);
await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);
} while (continuationToken != null);
catch (StorageException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

"A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
"Add a environment variable named 'storageconnectionstring' with your storage " +
"connection string as a value.");

public static string GetURL(float version)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = null;
string storageConnectionString = "";
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("CommonURL");
var v = "v" + version;
var tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>();
tableQuery = new TableQuery<VersionURL>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, v));
var entities = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(tableQuery, null);
var results = entities.Result;
var s = "";
foreach (var file in results.Where(x => x.RowKey == v))
//if (file.RowKey == v)
return s = file.URL;

// return null;

return null;

How can I simplify the first and the second class?

c# azure

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edited 49 mins ago




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asked 16 hours ago

T x



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T x is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • "Code not implemented or not working as intended: Code Review is a community where programmers peer-review your working code to address issues such as security, maintainability, performance, and scalability. We require that the code be working correctly, to the best of the author's knowledge, before proceeding with a review." – t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill

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put on hold as off-topic by t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill 14 mins ago

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Code not implemented or not working as intended: Code Review is a community where programmers peer-review your working code to address issues such as security, maintainability, performance, and scalability. We require that the code be working correctly, to the best of the author's knowledge, before proceeding with a review." – t3chb0t, Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ, Gerrit0, vnp, Quill

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    The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
    – t3chb0t
    10 hours ago

  • 5

    The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
    – t3chb0t
    10 hours ago



The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
– t3chb0t
10 hours ago

The request for using dependency-injection is off-topic. We don't implement new features. You also need to better describe your code. The information at the top is very general. Please add more details about what each part is doing and if necessary also write something about how and why.
– t3chb0t
10 hours ago
















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