Building a system of ODEs, efficiently updating parameters and evaluating vecors of ODEs

up vote
down vote


I am building quite large systems of ODEs programmatically. I intend to find the steady states of ODEs under different parameter values. A boiled down example of my code is shown below. Comments with # are there to explain what code does. Comments with """ """ are there to point you to the problems in the code.

The first problem I run in to are that the evaluations of __call__ in the R1 - R3 and ODE classes are fairly slow (I looked at it with cProfile). I am generally wondering why that is, and how to make it faster. In the ODE class and the system function below I run through a loop which I expect is an inefficient way of doing things. I just want to send the same state variable to all functions in some vector. For this matter I already have a related StackOverflow question.

The second problem is that I think that the current solution to update parameter values using the F and Parameter classes is terrible. Refactoring code becomes tedious since you need to change the parameter name in a Parameter object and subsequently in the @property of the F object. It also seems to be working slow. What are your suggestions to make updating parameters? How do I make it kind of feel like call by reference from the R1-R3 classes?

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class F: # All R1 - Rn have this as a common parent class. It just serves to dish out parameters from a Parameter object
Together with the Parameters class this is the one that I would like to change!
It seems arduous to have a class just to be able to handle parameter changes efficiently.
It also is hard to maintain, since I will need to change the @property every
time I change the name of some parameter like k.

When profiling my code it also emerged that calling @property k in this class is actually quite slow.
I was wondering why that is and what to do about it.
def __init__(self, param):
self.param = param
def k(self):
return self.param.k

class Parameters:
This class only exists to store parameters.
The idea is to emulate call by reference value lookup from classes R1 - R3
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k

class R1(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
def __init__(self, param, i):
F.__init__(self, param)
self.i = i
def __call__(self, state):
return self.k * state[self.i]

class R2(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
def __init__(self, param, i, j):
F.__init__(self, param)
self.i = i
self.j = j
def __call__(self, state):
return self.k * state[self.i] * state[self.j]

class R3(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
def __init__(self, param):
F.__init__(self, param)
def __call__(self, state):
return self.k # HERE we are for instance looking up the most current value of parameter in Parameters object

class ODE: # its object holds the full ODE function
def __init__(self):
self.r =
self.s =
def __add__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE += other (e.g. R1)
return self
def __sub__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE -= other (e.g. R1)
return self
def finalize(self):
self.r = np.array(self.r)
self.s = np.array(self.s)
self.change = np.zeros(self.s.shape[0])
def __call__(self, state): # when called the full ODE is evalueated, for example ODE = R1 - R3 + R2
In the question on StackOverflow above, I already inquired whether this is the fastest way to evaluate the ODE.
I would like to find a way to do: self.change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions), so that
the same input is applied to all functions without the for loop.

When profiling my code the __call__ functions are by far the major bottleneck time-wise. If this
could be made more efficient somehow that would be beautiful
for i, rr in enumerate(self.r):
self.change[i] = self.s[i] * rr(state = state)
return self.change.sum()

state0 = np.array([ # initial state of the system
1.0, #A
2.0, #B
0.0 #C

S = np.array([ # nice representation of the 3 states and how the variables interact
# k1 k2 k3 k4
[ 1,-1,-1, 0], # A
[ 0, 1,-1, 0], # B
[ 0, 0, 1,-1] # C

init_parameters = np.array([ # IMPORTANT: these are the parameters I would like to vary
1.0, # k1
0.4, # k2
0.5, # k3
1.0, # k4

new_parameters = np.array([ # as an example these will be the new parameters
1.0, # k1
0.4, # k2
1.5, # k3
1.0, # k4

p = np.array([Parameters(k=i) for i in init_parameters]) # generate parameter objects
ode = np.array([ODE() for i in state0]) # generate 3 ODE objects for all state elements A, B & C

# Here we fill the ODE objects with the elements that govern change in state
# In my original code this is done automatically, and there are 10s to 100s of ODEs depending on the system
# Also, here we create 3 R2 objects with the exact same parameters, whereas
# in the real code these would have different values for i and j
ode[0] += R3(p[0]) # k1
ode[0] -= R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
ode[0] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

ode[1] += R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
ode[1] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

ode[2] += R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3
ode[2] -= R1(p[3], i=2) # k4

for o in ode: # just to make np.array out of lists in the ODE objects

change = np.zeros(3) # vector to temporarily store state changes

def system(t, state): # this is the system that we are going to solve
Same thing, I would like to somehow: change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions)
for i, o in enumerate(ode):
change[i] = o(state)
return change

def solve(ax): # solves the system of ODEs and plots it directly to a matplotlib axis
sol = integrate.solve_ivp(fun = system, t_span = (0, 12), y0 = state0, method = 'LSODA')
res = pd.DataFrame(sol.y.T, columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'])
res.index = sol.t
res.plot(ax = ax)

f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize = (15, 6))

solve(ax1) # solve and plot for init_parameters

for pp, new_k in zip(p, new_parameters): # change parameters to new parameters
pp.k = new_k

solve(ax2) # solve and plot for new_parameters

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    up vote
    down vote


    I am building quite large systems of ODEs programmatically. I intend to find the steady states of ODEs under different parameter values. A boiled down example of my code is shown below. Comments with # are there to explain what code does. Comments with """ """ are there to point you to the problems in the code.

    The first problem I run in to are that the evaluations of __call__ in the R1 - R3 and ODE classes are fairly slow (I looked at it with cProfile). I am generally wondering why that is, and how to make it faster. In the ODE class and the system function below I run through a loop which I expect is an inefficient way of doing things. I just want to send the same state variable to all functions in some vector. For this matter I already have a related StackOverflow question.

    The second problem is that I think that the current solution to update parameter values using the F and Parameter classes is terrible. Refactoring code becomes tedious since you need to change the parameter name in a Parameter object and subsequently in the @property of the F object. It also seems to be working slow. What are your suggestions to make updating parameters? How do I make it kind of feel like call by reference from the R1-R3 classes?

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import integrate
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    class F: # All R1 - Rn have this as a common parent class. It just serves to dish out parameters from a Parameter object
    Together with the Parameters class this is the one that I would like to change!
    It seems arduous to have a class just to be able to handle parameter changes efficiently.
    It also is hard to maintain, since I will need to change the @property every
    time I change the name of some parameter like k.

    When profiling my code it also emerged that calling @property k in this class is actually quite slow.
    I was wondering why that is and what to do about it.
    def __init__(self, param):
    self.param = param
    def k(self):
    return self.param.k

    class Parameters:
    This class only exists to store parameters.
    The idea is to emulate call by reference value lookup from classes R1 - R3
    def __init__(self, k):
    self.k = k

    class R1(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
    def __init__(self, param, i):
    F.__init__(self, param)
    self.i = i
    def __call__(self, state):
    return self.k * state[self.i]

    class R2(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
    def __init__(self, param, i, j):
    F.__init__(self, param)
    self.i = i
    self.j = j
    def __call__(self, state):
    return self.k * state[self.i] * state[self.j]

    class R3(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
    def __init__(self, param):
    F.__init__(self, param)
    def __call__(self, state):
    return self.k # HERE we are for instance looking up the most current value of parameter in Parameters object

    class ODE: # its object holds the full ODE function
    def __init__(self):
    self.r =
    self.s =
    def __add__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE += other (e.g. R1)
    return self
    def __sub__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE -= other (e.g. R1)
    return self
    def finalize(self):
    self.r = np.array(self.r)
    self.s = np.array(self.s)
    self.change = np.zeros(self.s.shape[0])
    def __call__(self, state): # when called the full ODE is evalueated, for example ODE = R1 - R3 + R2
    In the question on StackOverflow above, I already inquired whether this is the fastest way to evaluate the ODE.
    I would like to find a way to do: self.change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions), so that
    the same input is applied to all functions without the for loop.

    When profiling my code the __call__ functions are by far the major bottleneck time-wise. If this
    could be made more efficient somehow that would be beautiful
    for i, rr in enumerate(self.r):
    self.change[i] = self.s[i] * rr(state = state)
    return self.change.sum()

    state0 = np.array([ # initial state of the system
    1.0, #A
    2.0, #B
    0.0 #C

    S = np.array([ # nice representation of the 3 states and how the variables interact
    # k1 k2 k3 k4
    [ 1,-1,-1, 0], # A
    [ 0, 1,-1, 0], # B
    [ 0, 0, 1,-1] # C

    init_parameters = np.array([ # IMPORTANT: these are the parameters I would like to vary
    1.0, # k1
    0.4, # k2
    0.5, # k3
    1.0, # k4

    new_parameters = np.array([ # as an example these will be the new parameters
    1.0, # k1
    0.4, # k2
    1.5, # k3
    1.0, # k4

    p = np.array([Parameters(k=i) for i in init_parameters]) # generate parameter objects
    ode = np.array([ODE() for i in state0]) # generate 3 ODE objects for all state elements A, B & C

    # Here we fill the ODE objects with the elements that govern change in state
    # In my original code this is done automatically, and there are 10s to 100s of ODEs depending on the system
    # Also, here we create 3 R2 objects with the exact same parameters, whereas
    # in the real code these would have different values for i and j
    ode[0] += R3(p[0]) # k1
    ode[0] -= R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
    ode[0] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

    ode[1] += R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
    ode[1] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

    ode[2] += R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3
    ode[2] -= R1(p[3], i=2) # k4

    for o in ode: # just to make np.array out of lists in the ODE objects

    change = np.zeros(3) # vector to temporarily store state changes

    def system(t, state): # this is the system that we are going to solve
    Same thing, I would like to somehow: change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions)
    for i, o in enumerate(ode):
    change[i] = o(state)
    return change

    def solve(ax): # solves the system of ODEs and plots it directly to a matplotlib axis
    sol = integrate.solve_ivp(fun = system, t_span = (0, 12), y0 = state0, method = 'LSODA')
    res = pd.DataFrame(sol.y.T, columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'])
    res.index = sol.t
    res.plot(ax = ax)

    f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize = (15, 6))

    solve(ax1) # solve and plot for init_parameters

    for pp, new_k in zip(p, new_parameters): # change parameters to new parameters
    pp.k = new_k

    solve(ax2) # solve and plot for new_parameters

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I am building quite large systems of ODEs programmatically. I intend to find the steady states of ODEs under different parameter values. A boiled down example of my code is shown below. Comments with # are there to explain what code does. Comments with """ """ are there to point you to the problems in the code.

      The first problem I run in to are that the evaluations of __call__ in the R1 - R3 and ODE classes are fairly slow (I looked at it with cProfile). I am generally wondering why that is, and how to make it faster. In the ODE class and the system function below I run through a loop which I expect is an inefficient way of doing things. I just want to send the same state variable to all functions in some vector. For this matter I already have a related StackOverflow question.

      The second problem is that I think that the current solution to update parameter values using the F and Parameter classes is terrible. Refactoring code becomes tedious since you need to change the parameter name in a Parameter object and subsequently in the @property of the F object. It also seems to be working slow. What are your suggestions to make updating parameters? How do I make it kind of feel like call by reference from the R1-R3 classes?

      import numpy as np
      from scipy import integrate
      import pandas as pd
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

      class F: # All R1 - Rn have this as a common parent class. It just serves to dish out parameters from a Parameter object
      Together with the Parameters class this is the one that I would like to change!
      It seems arduous to have a class just to be able to handle parameter changes efficiently.
      It also is hard to maintain, since I will need to change the @property every
      time I change the name of some parameter like k.

      When profiling my code it also emerged that calling @property k in this class is actually quite slow.
      I was wondering why that is and what to do about it.
      def __init__(self, param):
      self.param = param
      def k(self):
      return self.param.k

      class Parameters:
      This class only exists to store parameters.
      The idea is to emulate call by reference value lookup from classes R1 - R3
      def __init__(self, k):
      self.k = k

      class R1(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param, i):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      self.i = i
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k * state[self.i]

      class R2(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param, i, j):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      self.i = i
      self.j = j
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k * state[self.i] * state[self.j]

      class R3(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k # HERE we are for instance looking up the most current value of parameter in Parameters object

      class ODE: # its object holds the full ODE function
      def __init__(self):
      self.r =
      self.s =
      def __add__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE += other (e.g. R1)
      return self
      def __sub__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE -= other (e.g. R1)
      return self
      def finalize(self):
      self.r = np.array(self.r)
      self.s = np.array(self.s)
      self.change = np.zeros(self.s.shape[0])
      def __call__(self, state): # when called the full ODE is evalueated, for example ODE = R1 - R3 + R2
      In the question on StackOverflow above, I already inquired whether this is the fastest way to evaluate the ODE.
      I would like to find a way to do: self.change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions), so that
      the same input is applied to all functions without the for loop.

      When profiling my code the __call__ functions are by far the major bottleneck time-wise. If this
      could be made more efficient somehow that would be beautiful
      for i, rr in enumerate(self.r):
      self.change[i] = self.s[i] * rr(state = state)
      return self.change.sum()

      state0 = np.array([ # initial state of the system
      1.0, #A
      2.0, #B
      0.0 #C

      S = np.array([ # nice representation of the 3 states and how the variables interact
      # k1 k2 k3 k4
      [ 1,-1,-1, 0], # A
      [ 0, 1,-1, 0], # B
      [ 0, 0, 1,-1] # C

      init_parameters = np.array([ # IMPORTANT: these are the parameters I would like to vary
      1.0, # k1
      0.4, # k2
      0.5, # k3
      1.0, # k4

      new_parameters = np.array([ # as an example these will be the new parameters
      1.0, # k1
      0.4, # k2
      1.5, # k3
      1.0, # k4

      p = np.array([Parameters(k=i) for i in init_parameters]) # generate parameter objects
      ode = np.array([ODE() for i in state0]) # generate 3 ODE objects for all state elements A, B & C

      # Here we fill the ODE objects with the elements that govern change in state
      # In my original code this is done automatically, and there are 10s to 100s of ODEs depending on the system
      # Also, here we create 3 R2 objects with the exact same parameters, whereas
      # in the real code these would have different values for i and j
      ode[0] += R3(p[0]) # k1
      ode[0] -= R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
      ode[0] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

      ode[1] += R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
      ode[1] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

      ode[2] += R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3
      ode[2] -= R1(p[3], i=2) # k4

      for o in ode: # just to make np.array out of lists in the ODE objects

      change = np.zeros(3) # vector to temporarily store state changes

      def system(t, state): # this is the system that we are going to solve
      Same thing, I would like to somehow: change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions)
      for i, o in enumerate(ode):
      change[i] = o(state)
      return change

      def solve(ax): # solves the system of ODEs and plots it directly to a matplotlib axis
      sol = integrate.solve_ivp(fun = system, t_span = (0, 12), y0 = state0, method = 'LSODA')
      res = pd.DataFrame(sol.y.T, columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'])
      res.index = sol.t
      res.plot(ax = ax)

      f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize = (15, 6))

      solve(ax1) # solve and plot for init_parameters

      for pp, new_k in zip(p, new_parameters): # change parameters to new parameters
      pp.k = new_k

      solve(ax2) # solve and plot for new_parameters

      share|improve this question

      I am building quite large systems of ODEs programmatically. I intend to find the steady states of ODEs under different parameter values. A boiled down example of my code is shown below. Comments with # are there to explain what code does. Comments with """ """ are there to point you to the problems in the code.

      The first problem I run in to are that the evaluations of __call__ in the R1 - R3 and ODE classes are fairly slow (I looked at it with cProfile). I am generally wondering why that is, and how to make it faster. In the ODE class and the system function below I run through a loop which I expect is an inefficient way of doing things. I just want to send the same state variable to all functions in some vector. For this matter I already have a related StackOverflow question.

      The second problem is that I think that the current solution to update parameter values using the F and Parameter classes is terrible. Refactoring code becomes tedious since you need to change the parameter name in a Parameter object and subsequently in the @property of the F object. It also seems to be working slow. What are your suggestions to make updating parameters? How do I make it kind of feel like call by reference from the R1-R3 classes?

      import numpy as np
      from scipy import integrate
      import pandas as pd
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

      class F: # All R1 - Rn have this as a common parent class. It just serves to dish out parameters from a Parameter object
      Together with the Parameters class this is the one that I would like to change!
      It seems arduous to have a class just to be able to handle parameter changes efficiently.
      It also is hard to maintain, since I will need to change the @property every
      time I change the name of some parameter like k.

      When profiling my code it also emerged that calling @property k in this class is actually quite slow.
      I was wondering why that is and what to do about it.
      def __init__(self, param):
      self.param = param
      def k(self):
      return self.param.k

      class Parameters:
      This class only exists to store parameters.
      The idea is to emulate call by reference value lookup from classes R1 - R3
      def __init__(self, k):
      self.k = k

      class R1(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param, i):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      self.i = i
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k * state[self.i]

      class R2(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param, i, j):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      self.i = i
      self.j = j
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k * state[self.i] * state[self.j]

      class R3(F): # its object represents an equation needed to build an ODE function for some state variable
      def __init__(self, param):
      F.__init__(self, param)
      def __call__(self, state):
      return self.k # HERE we are for instance looking up the most current value of parameter in Parameters object

      class ODE: # its object holds the full ODE function
      def __init__(self):
      self.r =
      self.s =
      def __add__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE += other (e.g. R1)
      return self
      def __sub__(self, other): # has behavior such that ODE -= other (e.g. R1)
      return self
      def finalize(self):
      self.r = np.array(self.r)
      self.s = np.array(self.s)
      self.change = np.zeros(self.s.shape[0])
      def __call__(self, state): # when called the full ODE is evalueated, for example ODE = R1 - R3 + R2
      In the question on StackOverflow above, I already inquired whether this is the fastest way to evaluate the ODE.
      I would like to find a way to do: self.change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions), so that
      the same input is applied to all functions without the for loop.

      When profiling my code the __call__ functions are by far the major bottleneck time-wise. If this
      could be made more efficient somehow that would be beautiful
      for i, rr in enumerate(self.r):
      self.change[i] = self.s[i] * rr(state = state)
      return self.change.sum()

      state0 = np.array([ # initial state of the system
      1.0, #A
      2.0, #B
      0.0 #C

      S = np.array([ # nice representation of the 3 states and how the variables interact
      # k1 k2 k3 k4
      [ 1,-1,-1, 0], # A
      [ 0, 1,-1, 0], # B
      [ 0, 0, 1,-1] # C

      init_parameters = np.array([ # IMPORTANT: these are the parameters I would like to vary
      1.0, # k1
      0.4, # k2
      0.5, # k3
      1.0, # k4

      new_parameters = np.array([ # as an example these will be the new parameters
      1.0, # k1
      0.4, # k2
      1.5, # k3
      1.0, # k4

      p = np.array([Parameters(k=i) for i in init_parameters]) # generate parameter objects
      ode = np.array([ODE() for i in state0]) # generate 3 ODE objects for all state elements A, B & C

      # Here we fill the ODE objects with the elements that govern change in state
      # In my original code this is done automatically, and there are 10s to 100s of ODEs depending on the system
      # Also, here we create 3 R2 objects with the exact same parameters, whereas
      # in the real code these would have different values for i and j
      ode[0] += R3(p[0]) # k1
      ode[0] -= R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
      ode[0] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

      ode[1] += R1(p[1], i=0) # k2
      ode[1] -= R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3

      ode[2] += R2(p[2], i=0, j=1) # k3
      ode[2] -= R1(p[3], i=2) # k4

      for o in ode: # just to make np.array out of lists in the ODE objects

      change = np.zeros(3) # vector to temporarily store state changes

      def system(t, state): # this is the system that we are going to solve
      Same thing, I would like to somehow: change = map(input_to_apply, list_of_functions)
      for i, o in enumerate(ode):
      change[i] = o(state)
      return change

      def solve(ax): # solves the system of ODEs and plots it directly to a matplotlib axis
      sol = integrate.solve_ivp(fun = system, t_span = (0, 12), y0 = state0, method = 'LSODA')
      res = pd.DataFrame(sol.y.T, columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'])
      res.index = sol.t
      res.plot(ax = ax)

      f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize = (15, 6))

      solve(ax1) # solve and plot for init_parameters

      for pp, new_k in zip(p, new_parameters): # change parameters to new parameters
      pp.k = new_k

      solve(ax2) # solve and plot for new_parameters

      python performance python-3.x numerical-methods scipy

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