Storing values in an N x N grid
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I am trying to write a program to store/display a grid of size N x N with cells containing either a 1 or a 0 in preparation for further computation:
module Board where
import Data.List as List
data CellState = One | Zero deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Cell = Cell {cellPos :: (Int, Int), cellState :: CellState} deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Board = [Cell]
instance Show CellState where
show One = "1"
show Zero = "0"
instance Show Cell where
show (Cell c x) = show (c,x)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
genCellState :: Int -> CellState
genCellState 0 = Zero
genCellState 1 = One
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> Board
newBoard i [x] = [Cell (round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i), round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)) (genCellState x)]
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
newBoard i (x : xs) = [Cell (positions!!(i - 1 - length xs)) (genCellState x)] ++ newBoard i xs
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
What improvements can I make to this, both in terms of good practises and performance? I don't like Board being a list of Cells. I posted this on Stack Overflow by accident (have since deleted it) and someone recommended changing type Board = [Cell]
to newtype Board = Board { getBoard :: Array (Int,Int) CellState }
but I'm not too familiar with arrays in Haskell so not sure how this would work exactly. From what I have read they apply a function to the elements in the range [Int..Int]
and return a list of tuples with the input and output.
array haskell
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I am trying to write a program to store/display a grid of size N x N with cells containing either a 1 or a 0 in preparation for further computation:
module Board where
import Data.List as List
data CellState = One | Zero deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Cell = Cell {cellPos :: (Int, Int), cellState :: CellState} deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Board = [Cell]
instance Show CellState where
show One = "1"
show Zero = "0"
instance Show Cell where
show (Cell c x) = show (c,x)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
genCellState :: Int -> CellState
genCellState 0 = Zero
genCellState 1 = One
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> Board
newBoard i [x] = [Cell (round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i), round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)) (genCellState x)]
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
newBoard i (x : xs) = [Cell (positions!!(i - 1 - length xs)) (genCellState x)] ++ newBoard i xs
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
What improvements can I make to this, both in terms of good practises and performance? I don't like Board being a list of Cells. I posted this on Stack Overflow by accident (have since deleted it) and someone recommended changing type Board = [Cell]
to newtype Board = Board { getBoard :: Array (Int,Int) CellState }
but I'm not too familiar with arrays in Haskell so not sure how this would work exactly. From what I have read they apply a function to the elements in the range [Int..Int]
and return a list of tuples with the input and output.
array haskell
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I am trying to write a program to store/display a grid of size N x N with cells containing either a 1 or a 0 in preparation for further computation:
module Board where
import Data.List as List
data CellState = One | Zero deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Cell = Cell {cellPos :: (Int, Int), cellState :: CellState} deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Board = [Cell]
instance Show CellState where
show One = "1"
show Zero = "0"
instance Show Cell where
show (Cell c x) = show (c,x)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
genCellState :: Int -> CellState
genCellState 0 = Zero
genCellState 1 = One
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> Board
newBoard i [x] = [Cell (round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i), round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)) (genCellState x)]
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
newBoard i (x : xs) = [Cell (positions!!(i - 1 - length xs)) (genCellState x)] ++ newBoard i xs
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
What improvements can I make to this, both in terms of good practises and performance? I don't like Board being a list of Cells. I posted this on Stack Overflow by accident (have since deleted it) and someone recommended changing type Board = [Cell]
to newtype Board = Board { getBoard :: Array (Int,Int) CellState }
but I'm not too familiar with arrays in Haskell so not sure how this would work exactly. From what I have read they apply a function to the elements in the range [Int..Int]
and return a list of tuples with the input and output.
array haskell
I am trying to write a program to store/display a grid of size N x N with cells containing either a 1 or a 0 in preparation for further computation:
module Board where
import Data.List as List
data CellState = One | Zero deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Cell = Cell {cellPos :: (Int, Int), cellState :: CellState} deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Board = [Cell]
instance Show CellState where
show One = "1"
show Zero = "0"
instance Show Cell where
show (Cell c x) = show (c,x)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
genCellState :: Int -> CellState
genCellState 0 = Zero
genCellState 1 = One
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> Board
newBoard i [x] = [Cell (round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i), round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)) (genCellState x)]
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
newBoard i (x : xs) = [Cell (positions!!(i - 1 - length xs)) (genCellState x)] ++ newBoard i xs
where positions = genPositions $ round $ sqrt(fromIntegral i)
What improvements can I make to this, both in terms of good practises and performance? I don't like Board being a list of Cells. I posted this on Stack Overflow by accident (have since deleted it) and someone recommended changing type Board = [Cell]
to newtype Board = Board { getBoard :: Array (Int,Int) CellState }
but I'm not too familiar with arrays in Haskell so not sure how this would work exactly. From what I have read they apply a function to the elements in the range [Int..Int]
and return a list of tuples with the input and output.
array haskell
array haskell
edited Nov 22 '17 at 1:00

asked Nov 22 '17 at 0:54
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1 Answer
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By defining r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral, newBoard fits on the screen. positions doesn't appear to be used in newboard's first case. Half the code disappears if we interpret Cell as ((Int, Int), Int). newBoard's first case can be pushed one recursion call deeper, mapping to instead of [x] to the current right hand side. [_] ++ _ ~> _ : _. positions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard i =
newBoard i (x : xs) = (genPositions (r i)!!(i - 1 - length xs), x) : newBoard i xs
Successive elements of the list returned by genPositions and xs are zipped together; zip
captures this pattern. i is now not needed in its non-rooted form and I recommend changing the interface to take N as an argument instead. Non-square arguments can currently crash !! anyway. genPositions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard n = zip $ liftA2 (,) [0..n-1] [0..n-1]
For type Board = Array (Int, Int) Int
, Data.Array allows newBoard n = listArray ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
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1 Answer
1 Answer
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By defining r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral, newBoard fits on the screen. positions doesn't appear to be used in newboard's first case. Half the code disappears if we interpret Cell as ((Int, Int), Int). newBoard's first case can be pushed one recursion call deeper, mapping to instead of [x] to the current right hand side. [_] ++ _ ~> _ : _. positions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard i =
newBoard i (x : xs) = (genPositions (r i)!!(i - 1 - length xs), x) : newBoard i xs
Successive elements of the list returned by genPositions and xs are zipped together; zip
captures this pattern. i is now not needed in its non-rooted form and I recommend changing the interface to take N as an argument instead. Non-square arguments can currently crash !! anyway. genPositions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard n = zip $ liftA2 (,) [0..n-1] [0..n-1]
For type Board = Array (Int, Int) Int
, Data.Array allows newBoard n = listArray ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
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By defining r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral, newBoard fits on the screen. positions doesn't appear to be used in newboard's first case. Half the code disappears if we interpret Cell as ((Int, Int), Int). newBoard's first case can be pushed one recursion call deeper, mapping to instead of [x] to the current right hand side. [_] ++ _ ~> _ : _. positions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard i =
newBoard i (x : xs) = (genPositions (r i)!!(i - 1 - length xs), x) : newBoard i xs
Successive elements of the list returned by genPositions and xs are zipped together; zip
captures this pattern. i is now not needed in its non-rooted form and I recommend changing the interface to take N as an argument instead. Non-square arguments can currently crash !! anyway. genPositions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard n = zip $ liftA2 (,) [0..n-1] [0..n-1]
For type Board = Array (Int, Int) Int
, Data.Array allows newBoard n = listArray ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
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up vote
down vote
By defining r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral, newBoard fits on the screen. positions doesn't appear to be used in newboard's first case. Half the code disappears if we interpret Cell as ((Int, Int), Int). newBoard's first case can be pushed one recursion call deeper, mapping to instead of [x] to the current right hand side. [_] ++ _ ~> _ : _. positions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard i =
newBoard i (x : xs) = (genPositions (r i)!!(i - 1 - length xs), x) : newBoard i xs
Successive elements of the list returned by genPositions and xs are zipped together; zip
captures this pattern. i is now not needed in its non-rooted form and I recommend changing the interface to take N as an argument instead. Non-square arguments can currently crash !! anyway. genPositions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard n = zip $ liftA2 (,) [0..n-1] [0..n-1]
For type Board = Array (Int, Int) Int
, Data.Array allows newBoard n = listArray ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
By defining r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral, newBoard fits on the screen. positions doesn't appear to be used in newboard's first case. Half the code disappears if we interpret Cell as ((Int, Int), Int). newBoard's first case can be pushed one recursion call deeper, mapping to instead of [x] to the current right hand side. [_] ++ _ ~> _ : _. positions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
genPositions :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genPositions x = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..(x-1)], b <- [0..(x-1)] ]
r = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard i =
newBoard i (x : xs) = (genPositions (r i)!!(i - 1 - length xs), x) : newBoard i xs
Successive elements of the list returned by genPositions and xs are zipped together; zip
captures this pattern. i is now not needed in its non-rooted form and I recommend changing the interface to take N as an argument instead. Non-square arguments can currently crash !! anyway. genPositions is only used once, therefore I inline it.
type Cell = ((Int, Int), Int) -- (position, state)
newBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> [Cell]
newBoard n = zip $ liftA2 (,) [0..n-1] [0..n-1]
For type Board = Array (Int, Int) Int
, Data.Array allows newBoard n = listArray ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
answered Nov 22 '17 at 23:49
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