CentOS 7.4 Samba share access denied

up vote
down vote


I have set up Samba server on CentOS 7.4 and supposedly allowed it in SELinux.
I can successfully access anonymous share on root filesystem but cannot access directories on mounted NTFS partition. In Win10 I get

you do not have permission to access

Here is how I mount NTFS shares in fstab

UUID=3636E6FC36E6BC4D /media/SYSTEM ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=1000,uid=1000    0   0

Here is my smb.conf


workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Centy Samba %v
netbios name = centos
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
log level = 3
log file = /var/log/smblog
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================

path = /samba/anonymous
browsable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no

path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
read only = no
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
browsable = yes

Here is the log:

send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
become_local_master_stage1: go to stage 2: register the WORKGROUP<1d> name.
add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
become_local_master_stage2: registered as master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
broadcast_announce_request: sending announce request for workgroup WORKGROUP to subnet
add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET

Samba name server CENTOS is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet

send_local_master_announcement: type 849a03 for name CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
send_workgroup_announcement: on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
Allowed connection from (
init_oplocks: initializing messages.
Transaction 0 of length 178 (0 toread)
Selected protocol SMB3_11
GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp_resume_ccache' registered
GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
Got user=[pepe] domain=[ISIDA] workstation=[ISIDA] len1=24 len2=244
lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
Initialising global parameters
Processing section "[global]"
Processing section "[Anonymous]"
Processing section "[soft]"
adding IPC service
check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA] with the new password interface
check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA]
check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'pepe' in passdb.
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1
Auth: [SMB2,(null)] user [ISIDA][pepe] at [Sat, 09 Jun 2018 02:58:47.401161 EDT] with [NTLMv2] status [NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER] workstation [ISIDA] remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [ISIDA][pepe]. local host [ipv4:]
log_no_json: JSON auth logs not available unless compiled with jansson
No such user pepe [ISIDA] - using guest account
Allowed connection from (
Connect path is '/media/BACKUP/soft' for service [soft]
Initialising default vfs hooks
Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
isida (ipv4: connect to service soft initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
Allowed connection from (
Connect path is '/samba/anonymous' for service [Anonymous]
Initialising default vfs hooks
Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
isida (ipv4: connect to service Anonymous initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_create.c:293
creating new dirptr 0 for path ., expect_close = 0
smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found . fname=. (.)
smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found .. fname=.. (..)
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[9] status[STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_query_directory.c:155
smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = DIR_NAME, recursive = 0
smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = FILE_NAME|ATTRIBUTES|LAST_WRITE, recursive = 0
api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
isida (ipv4: closed connection to service IPC$
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
Allowed connection from (
Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
Allowed connection from (
Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
Initialising default vfs hooks
Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
isida (ipv4: connect to service IPC$ initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.

Is it some NTFS mount limitation?

UPDATE: Here is the new log after tukan modifications

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    I have set up Samba server on CentOS 7.4 and supposedly allowed it in SELinux.
    I can successfully access anonymous share on root filesystem but cannot access directories on mounted NTFS partition. In Win10 I get

    you do not have permission to access

    Here is how I mount NTFS shares in fstab

    UUID=3636E6FC36E6BC4D /media/SYSTEM ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=1000,uid=1000    0   0

    Here is my smb.conf


    workgroup = WORKGROUP
    server string = Centy Samba %v
    netbios name = centos
    security = user
    map to guest = bad user
    dns proxy = no
    log level = 3
    log file = /var/log/smblog
    #============================ Share Definitions ==============================

    path = /samba/anonymous
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    read only = no

    path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
    read only = no
    guest ok = yes
    writable = yes
    browsable = yes

    Here is the log:

    send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
    send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
    send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
    run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
    become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
    become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
    write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
    add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
    become_local_master_stage1: go to stage 2: register the WORKGROUP<1d> name.
    add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
    add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
    become_local_master_stage2: registered as master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
    broadcast_announce_request: sending announce request for workgroup WORKGROUP to subnet
    add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET

    Samba name server CENTOS is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet

    send_local_master_announcement: type 849a03 for name CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
    send_workgroup_announcement: on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
    process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
    process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
    process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
    write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
    process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
    Allowed connection from (
    init_oplocks: initializing messages.
    Transaction 0 of length 178 (0 toread)
    Selected protocol SMB3_11
    GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
    GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
    GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
    GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
    GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
    GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
    GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
    GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
    GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp_resume_ccache' registered
    GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
    GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
    Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
    Got user=[pepe] domain=[ISIDA] workstation=[ISIDA] len1=24 len2=244
    lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
    Initialising global parameters
    Processing section "[global]"
    Processing section "[Anonymous]"
    Processing section "[soft]"
    adding IPC service
    check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA] with the new password interface
    check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA]
    check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'pepe' in passdb.
    check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1
    Auth: [SMB2,(null)] user [ISIDA][pepe] at [Sat, 09 Jun 2018 02:58:47.401161 EDT] with [NTLMv2] status [NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER] workstation [ISIDA] remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [ISIDA][pepe]. local host [ipv4:]
    log_no_json: JSON auth logs not available unless compiled with jansson
    No such user pepe [ISIDA] - using guest account
    Allowed connection from (
    Connect path is '/media/BACKUP/soft' for service [soft]
    Initialising default vfs hooks
    Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
    isida (ipv4: connect to service soft initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    Allowed connection from (
    Connect path is '/samba/anonymous' for service [Anonymous]
    Initialising default vfs hooks
    Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
    isida (ipv4: connect to service Anonymous initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
    api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
    check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_create.c:293
    creating new dirptr 0 for path ., expect_close = 0
    smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found . fname=. (.)
    smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found .. fname=.. (..)
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[9] status[STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_query_directory.c:155
    smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = DIR_NAME, recursive = 0
    smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = FILE_NAME|ATTRIBUTES|LAST_WRITE, recursive = 0
    api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
    check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREENUMALL
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
    isida (ipv4: closed connection to service IPC$
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
    send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    Allowed connection from (
    Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    Allowed connection from (
    Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
    Initialising default vfs hooks
    Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
    isida (ipv4: connect to service IPC$ initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
    check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
    api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
    smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
    process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.

    Is it some NTFS mount limitation?

    UPDATE: Here is the new log after tukan modifications

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I have set up Samba server on CentOS 7.4 and supposedly allowed it in SELinux.
      I can successfully access anonymous share on root filesystem but cannot access directories on mounted NTFS partition. In Win10 I get

      you do not have permission to access

      Here is how I mount NTFS shares in fstab

      UUID=3636E6FC36E6BC4D /media/SYSTEM ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=1000,uid=1000    0   0

      Here is my smb.conf


      workgroup = WORKGROUP
      server string = Centy Samba %v
      netbios name = centos
      security = user
      map to guest = bad user
      dns proxy = no
      log level = 3
      log file = /var/log/smblog
      #============================ Share Definitions ==============================

      path = /samba/anonymous
      browsable = yes
      writable = yes
      guest ok = yes
      read only = no

      path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
      read only = no
      guest ok = yes
      writable = yes
      browsable = yes

      Here is the log:

      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
      become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
      write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
      become_local_master_stage1: go to stage 2: register the WORKGROUP<1d> name.
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
      become_local_master_stage2: registered as master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      broadcast_announce_request: sending announce request for workgroup WORKGROUP to subnet
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET

      Samba name server CENTOS is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet

      send_local_master_announcement: type 849a03 for name CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      send_workgroup_announcement: on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
      write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      Allowed connection from (
      init_oplocks: initializing messages.
      Transaction 0 of length 178 (0 toread)
      Selected protocol SMB3_11
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
      GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
      GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
      GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
      GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
      GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
      GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp_resume_ccache' registered
      GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
      GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
      Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
      Got user=[pepe] domain=[ISIDA] workstation=[ISIDA] len1=24 len2=244
      lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
      Initialising global parameters
      Processing section "[global]"
      Processing section "[Anonymous]"
      Processing section "[soft]"
      adding IPC service
      check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA] with the new password interface
      check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA]
      check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'pepe' in passdb.
      check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1
      Auth: [SMB2,(null)] user [ISIDA][pepe] at [Sat, 09 Jun 2018 02:58:47.401161 EDT] with [NTLMv2] status [NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER] workstation [ISIDA] remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [ISIDA][pepe]. local host [ipv4:]
      log_no_json: JSON auth logs not available unless compiled with jansson
      No such user pepe [ISIDA] - using guest account
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/media/BACKUP/soft' for service [soft]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service soft initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/samba/anonymous' for service [Anonymous]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service Anonymous initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_create.c:293
      creating new dirptr 0 for path ., expect_close = 0
      smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found . fname=. (.)
      smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found .. fname=.. (..)
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[9] status[STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_query_directory.c:155
      smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = DIR_NAME, recursive = 0
      smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = FILE_NAME|ATTRIBUTES|LAST_WRITE, recursive = 0
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREENUMALL
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      isida (ipv4: closed connection to service IPC$
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service IPC$ initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.

      Is it some NTFS mount limitation?

      UPDATE: Here is the new log after tukan modifications

      share|improve this question

      I have set up Samba server on CentOS 7.4 and supposedly allowed it in SELinux.
      I can successfully access anonymous share on root filesystem but cannot access directories on mounted NTFS partition. In Win10 I get

      you do not have permission to access

      Here is how I mount NTFS shares in fstab

      UUID=3636E6FC36E6BC4D /media/SYSTEM ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=1000,uid=1000    0   0

      Here is my smb.conf


      workgroup = WORKGROUP
      server string = Centy Samba %v
      netbios name = centos
      security = user
      map to guest = bad user
      dns proxy = no
      log level = 3
      log file = /var/log/smblog
      #============================ Share Definitions ==============================

      path = /samba/anonymous
      browsable = yes
      writable = yes
      guest ok = yes
      read only = no

      path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
      read only = no
      guest ok = yes
      writable = yes
      browsable = yes

      Here is the log:

      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
      become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
      write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
      become_local_master_stage1: go to stage 2: register the WORKGROUP<1d> name.
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __MSBROWSE__<01> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
      become_local_master_stage2: registered as master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
      broadcast_announce_request: sending announce request for workgroup WORKGROUP to subnet
      add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1d> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET

      Samba name server CENTOS is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet

      send_local_master_announcement: type 849a03 for name CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      send_workgroup_announcement: on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name MEZCAL<20>
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
      write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/lib/samba/browse.dat
      process_name_query_request: Name query from on subnet for name WORKGROUP<1b>
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      Allowed connection from (
      init_oplocks: initializing messages.
      Transaction 0 of length 178 (0 toread)
      Selected protocol SMB3_11
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
      GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
      GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
      GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
      GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
      GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
      GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
      GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp_resume_ccache' registered
      GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
      GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
      Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
      Got user=[pepe] domain=[ISIDA] workstation=[ISIDA] len1=24 len2=244
      lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
      Initialising global parameters
      Processing section "[global]"
      Processing section "[Anonymous]"
      Processing section "[soft]"
      adding IPC service
      check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA] with the new password interface
      check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [ISIDA][pepe]@[ISIDA]
      check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'pepe' in passdb.
      check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1
      Auth: [SMB2,(null)] user [ISIDA][pepe] at [Sat, 09 Jun 2018 02:58:47.401161 EDT] with [NTLMv2] status [NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER] workstation [ISIDA] remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [ISIDA][pepe]. local host [ipv4:]
      log_no_json: JSON auth logs not available unless compiled with jansson
      No such user pepe [ISIDA] - using guest account
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/media/BACKUP/soft' for service [soft]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service soft initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/samba/anonymous' for service [Anonymous]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service Anonymous initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_create.c:293
      creating new dirptr 0 for path ., expect_close = 0
      smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found . fname=. (.)
      smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found .. fname=.. (..)
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[9] status[STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_query_directory.c:155
      smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = DIR_NAME, recursive = 0
      smbd_smb2_notify_send: notify change called on ., filter = FILE_NAME|ATTRIBUTES|LAST_WRITE, recursive = 0
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREENUMALL
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_CANCELLED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_notify.c:123
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      isida (ipv4: closed connection to service IPC$
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host CENTOS on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      Allowed connection from (
      Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
      Initialising default vfs hooks
      Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
      isida (ipv4: connect to service IPC$ initially as user nobody (uid=99, gid=99) (pid 1876)
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      api_pipe_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      check_bind_req for srvsvc context_id=0
      check_bind_req: srvsvc -> srvsvc rpc service
      api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SRVSVC_NETSHAREGETINFO
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_ioctl.c:309
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      chdir (/media/BACKUP/soft) failed, reason: Permission denied
      smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:2472
      process_node_status_request: status request for name *<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.

      Is it some NTFS mount limitation?

      UPDATE: Here is the new log after tukan modifications

      centos linux-kernel samba ntfs shared-folders

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jul 3 at 20:01

      asked Jun 9 at 7:20




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote


          You're using an unknown account:

          check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

          so your access to soft is as guest. You've allowed guest access in Samba but the permissions in the filesystem don't appear to be set up to honour that.

          By default the guest user is nobody so you need to set your filesystem permissions to allow it access. Or change how you're trying to access the share.

          Following through information added via comments it seems that we need a more detailed solution. At the moment you mount the NTFS filesystem with an explicit owner - essentially treating its ownerships like a vFAT filesystem. But that owner doesn't match the account you have defined through Samba to access the filesystem, so Samba accounts cannot access the filesystem. Either these must match or you need to use the NTFS filesystem permissions and remove the forced mount ownership.

          Let's take the route that requires fewer changes to your system. It's a home-user approach rather than a many-user ("enterprisey") approach.

          1. Leave the NTFS mount unchanged, so that you continue to force owner=1000, group=1000.

          2. Tell Samba that authenticated users must be treated as owner=1000, group=1000 when accessing the corresponding share, by including the force user directive:

            security = user
            map to guest = bad user # Use "guest" account for unknown users
            ; guest account = nobody # Implicit default unless you override it

            path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
            read only = no
            writable = yes
            browsable = yes
            guest ok = yes # Allow unknown users to access this share
            force user = 1000 # Samba authenticates, but filesystem access is as uid=1000

          Note that a valid user with an invalid password will be refused access, but an invalid user (with any password) will be allowed access. This is what you have defined here with your map to guest = bad user and guest ok = yes. I would strongly recommend you change one of these to read either map to guest = never or guest ok = no.

          In your /etc/fstab I would suggest you consider removing the uid, gid, and umask settings for the NTFS filesystem, as you can then remove the force user and force group settings in Samba. But you may have good reason for these values so I haven't changed them in my answer.

          share|improve this answer

          • Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 5:43

          • That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 6:35

          • but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 6:52

          • Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 7:01

          • No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 5 at 10:08

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer










          up vote
          down vote


          You're using an unknown account:

          check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

          so your access to soft is as guest. You've allowed guest access in Samba but the permissions in the filesystem don't appear to be set up to honour that.

          By default the guest user is nobody so you need to set your filesystem permissions to allow it access. Or change how you're trying to access the share.

          Following through information added via comments it seems that we need a more detailed solution. At the moment you mount the NTFS filesystem with an explicit owner - essentially treating its ownerships like a vFAT filesystem. But that owner doesn't match the account you have defined through Samba to access the filesystem, so Samba accounts cannot access the filesystem. Either these must match or you need to use the NTFS filesystem permissions and remove the forced mount ownership.

          Let's take the route that requires fewer changes to your system. It's a home-user approach rather than a many-user ("enterprisey") approach.

          1. Leave the NTFS mount unchanged, so that you continue to force owner=1000, group=1000.

          2. Tell Samba that authenticated users must be treated as owner=1000, group=1000 when accessing the corresponding share, by including the force user directive:

            security = user
            map to guest = bad user # Use "guest" account for unknown users
            ; guest account = nobody # Implicit default unless you override it

            path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
            read only = no
            writable = yes
            browsable = yes
            guest ok = yes # Allow unknown users to access this share
            force user = 1000 # Samba authenticates, but filesystem access is as uid=1000

          Note that a valid user with an invalid password will be refused access, but an invalid user (with any password) will be allowed access. This is what you have defined here with your map to guest = bad user and guest ok = yes. I would strongly recommend you change one of these to read either map to guest = never or guest ok = no.

          In your /etc/fstab I would suggest you consider removing the uid, gid, and umask settings for the NTFS filesystem, as you can then remove the force user and force group settings in Samba. But you may have good reason for these values so I haven't changed them in my answer.

          share|improve this answer

          • Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 5:43

          • That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 6:35

          • but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 6:52

          • Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 7:01

          • No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 5 at 10:08

          up vote
          down vote


          You're using an unknown account:

          check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

          so your access to soft is as guest. You've allowed guest access in Samba but the permissions in the filesystem don't appear to be set up to honour that.

          By default the guest user is nobody so you need to set your filesystem permissions to allow it access. Or change how you're trying to access the share.

          Following through information added via comments it seems that we need a more detailed solution. At the moment you mount the NTFS filesystem with an explicit owner - essentially treating its ownerships like a vFAT filesystem. But that owner doesn't match the account you have defined through Samba to access the filesystem, so Samba accounts cannot access the filesystem. Either these must match or you need to use the NTFS filesystem permissions and remove the forced mount ownership.

          Let's take the route that requires fewer changes to your system. It's a home-user approach rather than a many-user ("enterprisey") approach.

          1. Leave the NTFS mount unchanged, so that you continue to force owner=1000, group=1000.

          2. Tell Samba that authenticated users must be treated as owner=1000, group=1000 when accessing the corresponding share, by including the force user directive:

            security = user
            map to guest = bad user # Use "guest" account for unknown users
            ; guest account = nobody # Implicit default unless you override it

            path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
            read only = no
            writable = yes
            browsable = yes
            guest ok = yes # Allow unknown users to access this share
            force user = 1000 # Samba authenticates, but filesystem access is as uid=1000

          Note that a valid user with an invalid password will be refused access, but an invalid user (with any password) will be allowed access. This is what you have defined here with your map to guest = bad user and guest ok = yes. I would strongly recommend you change one of these to read either map to guest = never or guest ok = no.

          In your /etc/fstab I would suggest you consider removing the uid, gid, and umask settings for the NTFS filesystem, as you can then remove the force user and force group settings in Samba. But you may have good reason for these values so I haven't changed them in my answer.

          share|improve this answer

          • Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 5:43

          • That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 6:35

          • but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 6:52

          • Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 7:01

          • No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 5 at 10:08

          up vote
          down vote


          up vote
          down vote



          You're using an unknown account:

          check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

          so your access to soft is as guest. You've allowed guest access in Samba but the permissions in the filesystem don't appear to be set up to honour that.

          By default the guest user is nobody so you need to set your filesystem permissions to allow it access. Or change how you're trying to access the share.

          Following through information added via comments it seems that we need a more detailed solution. At the moment you mount the NTFS filesystem with an explicit owner - essentially treating its ownerships like a vFAT filesystem. But that owner doesn't match the account you have defined through Samba to access the filesystem, so Samba accounts cannot access the filesystem. Either these must match or you need to use the NTFS filesystem permissions and remove the forced mount ownership.

          Let's take the route that requires fewer changes to your system. It's a home-user approach rather than a many-user ("enterprisey") approach.

          1. Leave the NTFS mount unchanged, so that you continue to force owner=1000, group=1000.

          2. Tell Samba that authenticated users must be treated as owner=1000, group=1000 when accessing the corresponding share, by including the force user directive:

            security = user
            map to guest = bad user # Use "guest" account for unknown users
            ; guest account = nobody # Implicit default unless you override it

            path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
            read only = no
            writable = yes
            browsable = yes
            guest ok = yes # Allow unknown users to access this share
            force user = 1000 # Samba authenticates, but filesystem access is as uid=1000

          Note that a valid user with an invalid password will be refused access, but an invalid user (with any password) will be allowed access. This is what you have defined here with your map to guest = bad user and guest ok = yes. I would strongly recommend you change one of these to read either map to guest = never or guest ok = no.

          In your /etc/fstab I would suggest you consider removing the uid, gid, and umask settings for the NTFS filesystem, as you can then remove the force user and force group settings in Samba. But you may have good reason for these values so I haven't changed them in my answer.

          share|improve this answer

          You're using an unknown account:

          check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pepe] -> [pepe] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

          so your access to soft is as guest. You've allowed guest access in Samba but the permissions in the filesystem don't appear to be set up to honour that.

          By default the guest user is nobody so you need to set your filesystem permissions to allow it access. Or change how you're trying to access the share.

          Following through information added via comments it seems that we need a more detailed solution. At the moment you mount the NTFS filesystem with an explicit owner - essentially treating its ownerships like a vFAT filesystem. But that owner doesn't match the account you have defined through Samba to access the filesystem, so Samba accounts cannot access the filesystem. Either these must match or you need to use the NTFS filesystem permissions and remove the forced mount ownership.

          Let's take the route that requires fewer changes to your system. It's a home-user approach rather than a many-user ("enterprisey") approach.

          1. Leave the NTFS mount unchanged, so that you continue to force owner=1000, group=1000.

          2. Tell Samba that authenticated users must be treated as owner=1000, group=1000 when accessing the corresponding share, by including the force user directive:

            security = user
            map to guest = bad user # Use "guest" account for unknown users
            ; guest account = nobody # Implicit default unless you override it

            path = /media/SYSTEM/soft
            read only = no
            writable = yes
            browsable = yes
            guest ok = yes # Allow unknown users to access this share
            force user = 1000 # Samba authenticates, but filesystem access is as uid=1000

          Note that a valid user with an invalid password will be refused access, but an invalid user (with any password) will be allowed access. This is what you have defined here with your map to guest = bad user and guest ok = yes. I would strongly recommend you change one of these to read either map to guest = never or guest ok = no.

          In your /etc/fstab I would suggest you consider removing the uid, gid, and umask settings for the NTFS filesystem, as you can then remove the force user and force group settings in Samba. But you may have good reason for these values so I haven't changed them in my answer.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Jul 5 at 11:13

          answered Jul 3 at 20:19




          • Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 5:43

          • That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 6:35

          • but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 6:52

          • Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 7:01

          • No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 5 at 10:08

          • Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 5:43

          • That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 6:35

          • but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 4 at 6:52

          • Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
            – roaima
            Jul 4 at 7:01

          • No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
            – Suncatcher
            Jul 5 at 10:08

          Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 4 at 5:43

          Marvelous! Mounting the share as nobody solved the problem. But is there any way to access the share not as guest? When I mount the share as regular user (gid=1000,uid=1000) and accessing it even with explicit credentials via Map network drive in Windows, it fails. I see this weird message
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 4 at 5:43

          That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
          – roaima
          Jul 4 at 6:35

          That error message is Windows telling you it can't handle two connections to the same sever, each with different credentials. (Windows limitation.)
          – roaima
          Jul 4 at 6:35

          but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 4 at 6:52

          but when the first connection establishment takes place? I use only Map drive functionality in Widows for mounting. Where is the duality?
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 4 at 6:52

          Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
          – roaima
          Jul 4 at 7:01

          Look in Windows' Control Panel > Credential Manager. Delete the entry from there. You may also need to reboot.
          – roaima
          Jul 4 at 7:01

          No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 5 at 10:08

          No, even deleting everything in Credential Manager doesn't help, I got simple access denied without this double mapping message. It's something different. Maybe it's necessary to specify some auth protocol preference in fstab? NTLM?
          – Suncatcher
          Jul 5 at 10:08

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