Bernstein polynomial type for quadratic clipping
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I would like to implement a Bernstein polynomial class in Julia for learning purposes. The goal in the end is to implement the quadratic clipping algorithm from this paper. I am completely new to Julia coming from Python + Numpy + Numba, so I want to make sure that I program in the canonical Julia way when using Julia.
The naming of variables follows the aforementioned paper.
using Polynomials
type Bernstein
Bernstein(n, i) = Bernstein(n, i, 0., 1.)
Base.string(B::Bernstein) = "Bernstein $(get_p(B))", B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
Base.display(io::IO, B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
function get_p(n, i, α=0, β=1)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly([α for _ in 1:i])
* poly([β for _ in 1:(n - i)])
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
get_p(B::Bernstein) = get_p(B.n, B.i, B.α, B.β)
function ∫(p::Poly, α=NaN, β=NaN)
integrated = polyint(p)
if isequal(α, NaN) || isequal(β, NaN)
return integrated
return integrated(β) - integrated(α)
function inner_product(p::Poly, q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
∫(p * q, α, β)
function inner_product(B::Bernstein, Q::Bernstein)
@assert B.α >= Q.α "Invalid interval"
@assert B.β >= Q.β "Invalid interval"
m, i, n, j, α, β = B.n, B.i, Q.n, Q.i, B.α, B.β
(β - α)binomial(m, i)binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1)binomial(m + n, i + j))
# QUESTION: Is it possible to automatically account for commutativity?
(inner_product(p::Poly, B::Bernstein)
= inner_product(B::Bernstein, p::Poly)
= inner_product(B.p, p::Poly))
function Base.LinAlg.norm(q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
√inner_product(q, q) / (β - α)
function Base.LinAlg.norm(B::Bernstein)
√inner_product(B, B) / (B.β - B.α)
B = Bernstein(3, 2)
Q = Bernstein(4, 3)
inner_product(B, Q)
beginner julia
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I would like to implement a Bernstein polynomial class in Julia for learning purposes. The goal in the end is to implement the quadratic clipping algorithm from this paper. I am completely new to Julia coming from Python + Numpy + Numba, so I want to make sure that I program in the canonical Julia way when using Julia.
The naming of variables follows the aforementioned paper.
using Polynomials
type Bernstein
Bernstein(n, i) = Bernstein(n, i, 0., 1.)
Base.string(B::Bernstein) = "Bernstein $(get_p(B))", B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
Base.display(io::IO, B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
function get_p(n, i, α=0, β=1)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly([α for _ in 1:i])
* poly([β for _ in 1:(n - i)])
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
get_p(B::Bernstein) = get_p(B.n, B.i, B.α, B.β)
function ∫(p::Poly, α=NaN, β=NaN)
integrated = polyint(p)
if isequal(α, NaN) || isequal(β, NaN)
return integrated
return integrated(β) - integrated(α)
function inner_product(p::Poly, q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
∫(p * q, α, β)
function inner_product(B::Bernstein, Q::Bernstein)
@assert B.α >= Q.α "Invalid interval"
@assert B.β >= Q.β "Invalid interval"
m, i, n, j, α, β = B.n, B.i, Q.n, Q.i, B.α, B.β
(β - α)binomial(m, i)binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1)binomial(m + n, i + j))
# QUESTION: Is it possible to automatically account for commutativity?
(inner_product(p::Poly, B::Bernstein)
= inner_product(B::Bernstein, p::Poly)
= inner_product(B.p, p::Poly))
function Base.LinAlg.norm(q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
√inner_product(q, q) / (β - α)
function Base.LinAlg.norm(B::Bernstein)
√inner_product(B, B) / (B.β - B.α)
B = Bernstein(3, 2)
Q = Bernstein(4, 3)
inner_product(B, Q)
beginner julia
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up vote
down vote
I would like to implement a Bernstein polynomial class in Julia for learning purposes. The goal in the end is to implement the quadratic clipping algorithm from this paper. I am completely new to Julia coming from Python + Numpy + Numba, so I want to make sure that I program in the canonical Julia way when using Julia.
The naming of variables follows the aforementioned paper.
using Polynomials
type Bernstein
Bernstein(n, i) = Bernstein(n, i, 0., 1.)
Base.string(B::Bernstein) = "Bernstein $(get_p(B))", B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
Base.display(io::IO, B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
function get_p(n, i, α=0, β=1)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly([α for _ in 1:i])
* poly([β for _ in 1:(n - i)])
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
get_p(B::Bernstein) = get_p(B.n, B.i, B.α, B.β)
function ∫(p::Poly, α=NaN, β=NaN)
integrated = polyint(p)
if isequal(α, NaN) || isequal(β, NaN)
return integrated
return integrated(β) - integrated(α)
function inner_product(p::Poly, q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
∫(p * q, α, β)
function inner_product(B::Bernstein, Q::Bernstein)
@assert B.α >= Q.α "Invalid interval"
@assert B.β >= Q.β "Invalid interval"
m, i, n, j, α, β = B.n, B.i, Q.n, Q.i, B.α, B.β
(β - α)binomial(m, i)binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1)binomial(m + n, i + j))
# QUESTION: Is it possible to automatically account for commutativity?
(inner_product(p::Poly, B::Bernstein)
= inner_product(B::Bernstein, p::Poly)
= inner_product(B.p, p::Poly))
function Base.LinAlg.norm(q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
√inner_product(q, q) / (β - α)
function Base.LinAlg.norm(B::Bernstein)
√inner_product(B, B) / (B.β - B.α)
B = Bernstein(3, 2)
Q = Bernstein(4, 3)
inner_product(B, Q)
beginner julia
I would like to implement a Bernstein polynomial class in Julia for learning purposes. The goal in the end is to implement the quadratic clipping algorithm from this paper. I am completely new to Julia coming from Python + Numpy + Numba, so I want to make sure that I program in the canonical Julia way when using Julia.
The naming of variables follows the aforementioned paper.
using Polynomials
type Bernstein
Bernstein(n, i) = Bernstein(n, i, 0., 1.)
Base.string(B::Bernstein) = "Bernstein $(get_p(B))", B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
Base.display(io::IO, B::Bernstein) = print(io, string(B))
function get_p(n, i, α=0, β=1)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly([α for _ in 1:i])
* poly([β for _ in 1:(n - i)])
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
get_p(B::Bernstein) = get_p(B.n, B.i, B.α, B.β)
function ∫(p::Poly, α=NaN, β=NaN)
integrated = polyint(p)
if isequal(α, NaN) || isequal(β, NaN)
return integrated
return integrated(β) - integrated(α)
function inner_product(p::Poly, q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
∫(p * q, α, β)
function inner_product(B::Bernstein, Q::Bernstein)
@assert B.α >= Q.α "Invalid interval"
@assert B.β >= Q.β "Invalid interval"
m, i, n, j, α, β = B.n, B.i, Q.n, Q.i, B.α, B.β
(β - α)binomial(m, i)binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1)binomial(m + n, i + j))
# QUESTION: Is it possible to automatically account for commutativity?
(inner_product(p::Poly, B::Bernstein)
= inner_product(B::Bernstein, p::Poly)
= inner_product(B.p, p::Poly))
function Base.LinAlg.norm(q::Poly, α=0., β=1.)
@assert β >= α "Invalid interval"
√inner_product(q, q) / (β - α)
function Base.LinAlg.norm(B::Bernstein)
√inner_product(B, B) / (B.β - B.α)
B = Bernstein(3, 2)
Q = Bernstein(4, 3)
inner_product(B, Q)
beginner julia
beginner julia
asked Dec 14 '17 at 10:09
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1 Answer
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The below code uses Julia 1.0. Full code as a Pkg3 project is available here.
There's enough code for it to get its own module. This also makes testing easier.
module Bernstein
using Polynomials
import Base: convert, promote_rule, show
import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
import Polynomials: poly
Since we're in a module, we must define the exported things. Since most of the things is just
overloaded methods, only the type remains.
export BernsteinPoly
You do this check so often, we can factor it out. Alternative: using a separate type
for intervals.
macro checkinterval(α, β)
:(@assert $(esc(α)) <= $(esc(β)) "Invalid interval")
Parametrization by a constrained type is better than fields of an abstract type. But in the case of n
and i
, concrete Int
s make more sense, since they represent natural numbers
always (this makes conversions below easier).
And I'm calling it BernsteinPoly
, since it is a variant of Poly
struct BernsteinPoly{T<:Number}
BernsteinPoly(n, i) = BernsteinPoly(n, i, 0.0, 1.0)
Just implementing show
using print
is the recommended way for custom pretty-printing. Here, we can reuse Polynomials.printpoly
for nicer and more consistent formatting:
function show(io::IO, b::BernsteinPoly)
print(io, "BernsteinPoly(")
Polynomials.printpoly(io, poly(b))
print(io, ")")
was essentially the conversion from BernsteinPoly
to Poly
. We can replace this
by the implementation of proper convert
methods. The default parameters are unnecessary,
since already occuring defaulted in the BernsteinPoly
function convert(::Type{Poly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number}
n, i, α, β = b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β)
@checkinterval α β
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly(fill(α, i)) # `fill` instead of list comprehension
* poly(fill(β, n - i))
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
This allows you to just say convert(Poly, b)
, automatically reusing the inner type of b
convert(::Type{Poly}, b::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number} =
convert(Poly{T}, b)
While we're at it: conversion between different BernsteinPoly
convert(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly(b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β))
If we're handling different representations, we sometimes need to determine the "most general"
form, which is called promotion:
promote_rule(a::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::Type{Poly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
Poly{promote_type(S, T)}
promote_rule(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, ::Type{BernsteinPoly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly{promote_type(S, T)}
Also add a method to the poly
smart constuctor, which is now trivial:
poly(b::BernsteinPoly) = convert(Poly, b)
Linear Algebra
Now to the linear algebra part. We could add methods to dot
and norm
from LinearAlgebra
function dot(p::Poly{T}, q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
polyint(p * q, α, β)
And the norm induced by that inner product:
function norm(q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
√dot(q, q, α, β) / (β - α)
But such "overloads from outside" are frowned upon. As of writing this, there's a norm
in Polynomials
, but not dot
. There's an issue about that; basically, dot
is not
unique, hence we need to specify the intervals each time here.
For Bernstein polynomials, on the other hand, the inner product is defined uniquely, if I
understood correctly.
function dot(b::BernsteinPoly{T}, q::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval b.α q.α
@checkinterval b.β q.β
m, i, n, j, α, β = b.n, b.i, q.n, q.i, b.α, b.β
(β - α) * binomial(m, i) * binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1) * binomial(m + n, i + j))
And the induced norm, as before.
function norm(b::BernsteinPoly)
√dot(b, b) / (b.β - b.α)
As the last remaining question, how to do cross-type inner products. If dot
is defined for
as written above, we can use dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
. But it's difficult to get
that working as a method. I tried
dot(p::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}}, q::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}},
α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number} =
dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
but that doesn't work. It's probably not recommended to do that anyway. Use promote
explicitely where necessary.
Example output
julia> B = BernsteinPoly(3, 2)
BernsteinPoly(3.0*x^2 - 3.0*x^3)
julia> Q = BernsteinPoly(4, 3)
BernsteinPoly(4.0*x^3 - 4.0*x^4)
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(B, Q)
julia> norm(B)
end # module
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1 Answer
1 Answer
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The below code uses Julia 1.0. Full code as a Pkg3 project is available here.
There's enough code for it to get its own module. This also makes testing easier.
module Bernstein
using Polynomials
import Base: convert, promote_rule, show
import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
import Polynomials: poly
Since we're in a module, we must define the exported things. Since most of the things is just
overloaded methods, only the type remains.
export BernsteinPoly
You do this check so often, we can factor it out. Alternative: using a separate type
for intervals.
macro checkinterval(α, β)
:(@assert $(esc(α)) <= $(esc(β)) "Invalid interval")
Parametrization by a constrained type is better than fields of an abstract type. But in the case of n
and i
, concrete Int
s make more sense, since they represent natural numbers
always (this makes conversions below easier).
And I'm calling it BernsteinPoly
, since it is a variant of Poly
struct BernsteinPoly{T<:Number}
BernsteinPoly(n, i) = BernsteinPoly(n, i, 0.0, 1.0)
Just implementing show
using print
is the recommended way for custom pretty-printing. Here, we can reuse Polynomials.printpoly
for nicer and more consistent formatting:
function show(io::IO, b::BernsteinPoly)
print(io, "BernsteinPoly(")
Polynomials.printpoly(io, poly(b))
print(io, ")")
was essentially the conversion from BernsteinPoly
to Poly
. We can replace this
by the implementation of proper convert
methods. The default parameters are unnecessary,
since already occuring defaulted in the BernsteinPoly
function convert(::Type{Poly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number}
n, i, α, β = b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β)
@checkinterval α β
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly(fill(α, i)) # `fill` instead of list comprehension
* poly(fill(β, n - i))
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
This allows you to just say convert(Poly, b)
, automatically reusing the inner type of b
convert(::Type{Poly}, b::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number} =
convert(Poly{T}, b)
While we're at it: conversion between different BernsteinPoly
convert(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly(b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β))
If we're handling different representations, we sometimes need to determine the "most general"
form, which is called promotion:
promote_rule(a::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::Type{Poly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
Poly{promote_type(S, T)}
promote_rule(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, ::Type{BernsteinPoly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly{promote_type(S, T)}
Also add a method to the poly
smart constuctor, which is now trivial:
poly(b::BernsteinPoly) = convert(Poly, b)
Linear Algebra
Now to the linear algebra part. We could add methods to dot
and norm
from LinearAlgebra
function dot(p::Poly{T}, q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
polyint(p * q, α, β)
And the norm induced by that inner product:
function norm(q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
√dot(q, q, α, β) / (β - α)
But such "overloads from outside" are frowned upon. As of writing this, there's a norm
in Polynomials
, but not dot
. There's an issue about that; basically, dot
is not
unique, hence we need to specify the intervals each time here.
For Bernstein polynomials, on the other hand, the inner product is defined uniquely, if I
understood correctly.
function dot(b::BernsteinPoly{T}, q::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval b.α q.α
@checkinterval b.β q.β
m, i, n, j, α, β = b.n, b.i, q.n, q.i, b.α, b.β
(β - α) * binomial(m, i) * binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1) * binomial(m + n, i + j))
And the induced norm, as before.
function norm(b::BernsteinPoly)
√dot(b, b) / (b.β - b.α)
As the last remaining question, how to do cross-type inner products. If dot
is defined for
as written above, we can use dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
. But it's difficult to get
that working as a method. I tried
dot(p::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}}, q::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}},
α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number} =
dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
but that doesn't work. It's probably not recommended to do that anyway. Use promote
explicitely where necessary.
Example output
julia> B = BernsteinPoly(3, 2)
BernsteinPoly(3.0*x^2 - 3.0*x^3)
julia> Q = BernsteinPoly(4, 3)
BernsteinPoly(4.0*x^3 - 4.0*x^4)
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(B, Q)
julia> norm(B)
end # module
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up vote
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The below code uses Julia 1.0. Full code as a Pkg3 project is available here.
There's enough code for it to get its own module. This also makes testing easier.
module Bernstein
using Polynomials
import Base: convert, promote_rule, show
import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
import Polynomials: poly
Since we're in a module, we must define the exported things. Since most of the things is just
overloaded methods, only the type remains.
export BernsteinPoly
You do this check so often, we can factor it out. Alternative: using a separate type
for intervals.
macro checkinterval(α, β)
:(@assert $(esc(α)) <= $(esc(β)) "Invalid interval")
Parametrization by a constrained type is better than fields of an abstract type. But in the case of n
and i
, concrete Int
s make more sense, since they represent natural numbers
always (this makes conversions below easier).
And I'm calling it BernsteinPoly
, since it is a variant of Poly
struct BernsteinPoly{T<:Number}
BernsteinPoly(n, i) = BernsteinPoly(n, i, 0.0, 1.0)
Just implementing show
using print
is the recommended way for custom pretty-printing. Here, we can reuse Polynomials.printpoly
for nicer and more consistent formatting:
function show(io::IO, b::BernsteinPoly)
print(io, "BernsteinPoly(")
Polynomials.printpoly(io, poly(b))
print(io, ")")
was essentially the conversion from BernsteinPoly
to Poly
. We can replace this
by the implementation of proper convert
methods. The default parameters are unnecessary,
since already occuring defaulted in the BernsteinPoly
function convert(::Type{Poly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number}
n, i, α, β = b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β)
@checkinterval α β
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly(fill(α, i)) # `fill` instead of list comprehension
* poly(fill(β, n - i))
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
This allows you to just say convert(Poly, b)
, automatically reusing the inner type of b
convert(::Type{Poly}, b::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number} =
convert(Poly{T}, b)
While we're at it: conversion between different BernsteinPoly
convert(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly(b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β))
If we're handling different representations, we sometimes need to determine the "most general"
form, which is called promotion:
promote_rule(a::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::Type{Poly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
Poly{promote_type(S, T)}
promote_rule(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, ::Type{BernsteinPoly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly{promote_type(S, T)}
Also add a method to the poly
smart constuctor, which is now trivial:
poly(b::BernsteinPoly) = convert(Poly, b)
Linear Algebra
Now to the linear algebra part. We could add methods to dot
and norm
from LinearAlgebra
function dot(p::Poly{T}, q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
polyint(p * q, α, β)
And the norm induced by that inner product:
function norm(q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
√dot(q, q, α, β) / (β - α)
But such "overloads from outside" are frowned upon. As of writing this, there's a norm
in Polynomials
, but not dot
. There's an issue about that; basically, dot
is not
unique, hence we need to specify the intervals each time here.
For Bernstein polynomials, on the other hand, the inner product is defined uniquely, if I
understood correctly.
function dot(b::BernsteinPoly{T}, q::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval b.α q.α
@checkinterval b.β q.β
m, i, n, j, α, β = b.n, b.i, q.n, q.i, b.α, b.β
(β - α) * binomial(m, i) * binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1) * binomial(m + n, i + j))
And the induced norm, as before.
function norm(b::BernsteinPoly)
√dot(b, b) / (b.β - b.α)
As the last remaining question, how to do cross-type inner products. If dot
is defined for
as written above, we can use dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
. But it's difficult to get
that working as a method. I tried
dot(p::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}}, q::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}},
α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number} =
dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
but that doesn't work. It's probably not recommended to do that anyway. Use promote
explicitely where necessary.
Example output
julia> B = BernsteinPoly(3, 2)
BernsteinPoly(3.0*x^2 - 3.0*x^3)
julia> Q = BernsteinPoly(4, 3)
BernsteinPoly(4.0*x^3 - 4.0*x^4)
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(B, Q)
julia> norm(B)
end # module
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up vote
down vote
The below code uses Julia 1.0. Full code as a Pkg3 project is available here.
There's enough code for it to get its own module. This also makes testing easier.
module Bernstein
using Polynomials
import Base: convert, promote_rule, show
import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
import Polynomials: poly
Since we're in a module, we must define the exported things. Since most of the things is just
overloaded methods, only the type remains.
export BernsteinPoly
You do this check so often, we can factor it out. Alternative: using a separate type
for intervals.
macro checkinterval(α, β)
:(@assert $(esc(α)) <= $(esc(β)) "Invalid interval")
Parametrization by a constrained type is better than fields of an abstract type. But in the case of n
and i
, concrete Int
s make more sense, since they represent natural numbers
always (this makes conversions below easier).
And I'm calling it BernsteinPoly
, since it is a variant of Poly
struct BernsteinPoly{T<:Number}
BernsteinPoly(n, i) = BernsteinPoly(n, i, 0.0, 1.0)
Just implementing show
using print
is the recommended way for custom pretty-printing. Here, we can reuse Polynomials.printpoly
for nicer and more consistent formatting:
function show(io::IO, b::BernsteinPoly)
print(io, "BernsteinPoly(")
Polynomials.printpoly(io, poly(b))
print(io, ")")
was essentially the conversion from BernsteinPoly
to Poly
. We can replace this
by the implementation of proper convert
methods. The default parameters are unnecessary,
since already occuring defaulted in the BernsteinPoly
function convert(::Type{Poly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number}
n, i, α, β = b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β)
@checkinterval α β
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly(fill(α, i)) # `fill` instead of list comprehension
* poly(fill(β, n - i))
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
This allows you to just say convert(Poly, b)
, automatically reusing the inner type of b
convert(::Type{Poly}, b::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number} =
convert(Poly{T}, b)
While we're at it: conversion between different BernsteinPoly
convert(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly(b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β))
If we're handling different representations, we sometimes need to determine the "most general"
form, which is called promotion:
promote_rule(a::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::Type{Poly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
Poly{promote_type(S, T)}
promote_rule(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, ::Type{BernsteinPoly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly{promote_type(S, T)}
Also add a method to the poly
smart constuctor, which is now trivial:
poly(b::BernsteinPoly) = convert(Poly, b)
Linear Algebra
Now to the linear algebra part. We could add methods to dot
and norm
from LinearAlgebra
function dot(p::Poly{T}, q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
polyint(p * q, α, β)
And the norm induced by that inner product:
function norm(q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
√dot(q, q, α, β) / (β - α)
But such "overloads from outside" are frowned upon. As of writing this, there's a norm
in Polynomials
, but not dot
. There's an issue about that; basically, dot
is not
unique, hence we need to specify the intervals each time here.
For Bernstein polynomials, on the other hand, the inner product is defined uniquely, if I
understood correctly.
function dot(b::BernsteinPoly{T}, q::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval b.α q.α
@checkinterval b.β q.β
m, i, n, j, α, β = b.n, b.i, q.n, q.i, b.α, b.β
(β - α) * binomial(m, i) * binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1) * binomial(m + n, i + j))
And the induced norm, as before.
function norm(b::BernsteinPoly)
√dot(b, b) / (b.β - b.α)
As the last remaining question, how to do cross-type inner products. If dot
is defined for
as written above, we can use dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
. But it's difficult to get
that working as a method. I tried
dot(p::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}}, q::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}},
α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number} =
dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
but that doesn't work. It's probably not recommended to do that anyway. Use promote
explicitely where necessary.
Example output
julia> B = BernsteinPoly(3, 2)
BernsteinPoly(3.0*x^2 - 3.0*x^3)
julia> Q = BernsteinPoly(4, 3)
BernsteinPoly(4.0*x^3 - 4.0*x^4)
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(B, Q)
julia> norm(B)
end # module
The below code uses Julia 1.0. Full code as a Pkg3 project is available here.
There's enough code for it to get its own module. This also makes testing easier.
module Bernstein
using Polynomials
import Base: convert, promote_rule, show
import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
import Polynomials: poly
Since we're in a module, we must define the exported things. Since most of the things is just
overloaded methods, only the type remains.
export BernsteinPoly
You do this check so often, we can factor it out. Alternative: using a separate type
for intervals.
macro checkinterval(α, β)
:(@assert $(esc(α)) <= $(esc(β)) "Invalid interval")
Parametrization by a constrained type is better than fields of an abstract type. But in the case of n
and i
, concrete Int
s make more sense, since they represent natural numbers
always (this makes conversions below easier).
And I'm calling it BernsteinPoly
, since it is a variant of Poly
struct BernsteinPoly{T<:Number}
BernsteinPoly(n, i) = BernsteinPoly(n, i, 0.0, 1.0)
Just implementing show
using print
is the recommended way for custom pretty-printing. Here, we can reuse Polynomials.printpoly
for nicer and more consistent formatting:
function show(io::IO, b::BernsteinPoly)
print(io, "BernsteinPoly(")
Polynomials.printpoly(io, poly(b))
print(io, ")")
was essentially the conversion from BernsteinPoly
to Poly
. We can replace this
by the implementation of proper convert
methods. The default parameters are unnecessary,
since already occuring defaulted in the BernsteinPoly
function convert(::Type{Poly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number}
n, i, α, β = b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β)
@checkinterval α β
return (binomial(n, i)
* poly(fill(α, i)) # `fill` instead of list comprehension
* poly(fill(β, n - i))
* (-1)^(n - i)
/ (β - α)^n)
This allows you to just say convert(Poly, b)
, automatically reusing the inner type of b
convert(::Type{Poly}, b::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number} =
convert(Poly{T}, b)
While we're at it: conversion between different BernsteinPoly
convert(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::BernsteinPoly) where {S<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly(b.n, b.i, convert(S, b.α), convert(S, b.β))
If we're handling different representations, we sometimes need to determine the "most general"
form, which is called promotion:
promote_rule(a::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, b::Type{Poly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
Poly{promote_type(S, T)}
promote_rule(::Type{BernsteinPoly{S}}, ::Type{BernsteinPoly{T}}) where {S<:Number, T<:Number} =
BernsteinPoly{promote_type(S, T)}
Also add a method to the poly
smart constuctor, which is now trivial:
poly(b::BernsteinPoly) = convert(Poly, b)
Linear Algebra
Now to the linear algebra part. We could add methods to dot
and norm
from LinearAlgebra
function dot(p::Poly{T}, q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
polyint(p * q, α, β)
And the norm induced by that inner product:
function norm(q::Poly{T}, α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval α β
√dot(q, q, α, β) / (β - α)
But such "overloads from outside" are frowned upon. As of writing this, there's a norm
in Polynomials
, but not dot
. There's an issue about that; basically, dot
is not
unique, hence we need to specify the intervals each time here.
For Bernstein polynomials, on the other hand, the inner product is defined uniquely, if I
understood correctly.
function dot(b::BernsteinPoly{T}, q::BernsteinPoly{T}) where {T<:Number}
@checkinterval b.α q.α
@checkinterval b.β q.β
m, i, n, j, α, β = b.n, b.i, q.n, q.i, b.α, b.β
(β - α) * binomial(m, i) * binomial(n, j) / ((m + n + 1) * binomial(m + n, i + j))
And the induced norm, as before.
function norm(b::BernsteinPoly)
√dot(b, b) / (b.β - b.α)
As the last remaining question, how to do cross-type inner products. If dot
is defined for
as written above, we can use dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
. But it's difficult to get
that working as a method. I tried
dot(p::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}}, q::Union{Poly{T}, BernsteinPoly{T}},
α = zero(T), β = one(T)) where {T<:Number} =
dot(promote(p, q)..., α, β)
but that doesn't work. It's probably not recommended to do that anyway. Use promote
explicitely where necessary.
Example output
julia> B = BernsteinPoly(3, 2)
BernsteinPoly(3.0*x^2 - 3.0*x^3)
julia> Q = BernsteinPoly(4, 3)
BernsteinPoly(4.0*x^3 - 4.0*x^4)
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(B, Q)
julia> norm(B)
end # module
answered 5 hours ago
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